I tell ya, we had it rough. No, we really did. We had it rough with Old Night and The Age of Strife. It was bad. It was terrible. Psykers overrunning our boarders bringing Terra knows what kind of deamons with them. They're bad news, trust me folks. Then you have those xenos looking to live on worlds that by rights, and I'm serious about this, by rights are ours. So here's what I plan on doing on my first day as Emperor of Mankind: Build a wall around the Eastern Fringe, a big wall, a HUGE wall. Best part, I'll make the Orks play for it. Then I'll sit down with the War bosses and get them to disarm. I know I can do it. I've never met this Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka before, but I know we'll get along great. I get along with everyone, everyone loves me, even the elder.
I tell ya, we had it rough. No, we really did. We had it rough with Old Night and The Age of Strife. It was bad...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sometimes you just gotta grab felinids by the pussy
I feel this is eerily appropriate
How could Trump become a God Emperor when he's going to lose in a few days and fade into irrelevance?
>Implying this isn't his plan so he can move through humanity unseen and influence events
Because he will just take on his next guise. Just like he's done with every other figure he's been throughout history, Jesus, Hitler, etc.
>even the elder.
ESPECIALLY the elderly. Maybe the Eldar too, who knows? Who knows!
I still prefer Rogue Trader Trump.
Oh shit, I forgot I have a whole folder of Ivanka porn. Excuse me, I'll be in my bunk.
Do you, now?
>it's another thinly veiled /pol/ shit thread!
keep your meme politics off the board
Nice try Mercy, we all know you just want PotG
Bruv, I'm in no way defending the OP, but Amerikkkan Elections are on Monday. It's gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets better.
I can't wait til the election is over so this meme can end.
Man, I love it how the first female President is going to be this hot billionaire slut instead of some wrinkly lesbian Moloch cultist.
But yeah, to quote an over used cliche, "it's always darkest before the dawn."
And to quote the tag line for a really shitty sci-fi movie, "whoever wins, we lose."
>yfw her father hates her enough to never dick her because moralfaggotry
Reminder that Tomaru is superior to both the daughter haters & old corpses.
But don't you know that Tomaru is the true Emperor? Truly Death to the False Emperor. The real Emperor is Tomaru.
No, he said he WOULD fuck her...if she wasn't his daughter. But he had to think about it for a few seconds and the struggle in his brain was very obvious.
>if she wasn't his daughter
>if she wasn't his daughter
That's like saying I'm not going to feed my boys for being blood related. If he has balls, he'd let his daughter suck on them like a good daddy. Seriously, it's like a mom who refuses to let her sons suck her titties because of their blood relations.
>But he had to think about it for a few seconds and the struggle in his brain was very obvious.
He still should have fucked her. That's like saying the struggle to not play FATAL was very obvious. It's something that you shouldn't struggle to do.
>Overwatch fag gay something retarded
Who would've seen that one coming.
Yeah... I can see how she struggl-- I mean he struggled.
>cross necklace
I thought she converted to Kikery?
10/10, would crusade for.
That's even worse. That implies that their blood relation was a turn-off. Tomaru is right. Moralfags a shit.
Here's an idea. When you leave your containment board, try to be on-topic.
>tfw it probably won't even end once the election is over
>the influx of newfags to /pol/ thinking this is the status quo will continue to shit everywhere
Calm your shit it's just a joke. If it bothers you that much, don't fuckin click on it. But you clicked on it anyways because of the following reasons:
- To bitch
- To whine
- To bitch
- Because you were interested in the thread
- To bitch
anyone got any variations of this meme? if so post em
Why is that ultramarine wearing white instead of blue?
Veeky Forums politics is Chaotic Contrarian.
If Hillary wins, /pol/ will rule. If Trump wins, Tumblr trades places with them.
Those of us who are not insane have no say in the matter other than the Report button, because politics off /pol/ is a ban.
The Codex Astartes does not approve of this action
>politics off /pol/ is a ban
You know just as well as me that that's among the rules that practically never get invoked. Just like people very rarely get banned for breaking GR3. The mods do not care.
You know why I'm here Dahnald.
The Primarchs, Dahnald.
Hand over the Primarchs.
Dahnald! The Primarchs, Dahnald!
>God Emperor
Top fucking kek.
Go home /pol/ , you're drunk.
Lorgar, excuse me-.. Excuse me, excuse me
We aren't going to be the stupid species any more. We've had it with rogue psykers and theists running things. We are going to make Humanity great again, and that doesn't include worshipping people. Theists are bad people. Bad, bad people, Word Bearers-.. Excuse me
Guilliman. You've heard of Guilliman right? Guilliman. Beautiful guy. Great guy. Ultramar loves me. You've gotta get ya act together Lorgar. We aren't the stupid species anymore. Be more like Guilliman. We're gonna make Humanity great again. Believe me.
Death to the false republican!
If it were a Hillary thread you wouldn't be complaining.
Wednesday, please get here already. I think I can handle President Trump or Clinton way better than I can Election Trump or Clinton.
Is that a double chin?
Yes they would you fucking faggot because
guess what
Making a politics thread and slapping some 40K buzzwords on it DOESN'T MAKE IT Veeky Forums
It's more like a dumb meme/joke thread. Not really political beyond satirising a politician's humorous mannerisms. There are innumerable shitty threads far worse than this, but colonial redditors get upset about Trump.
Kek speaks!
>redditors btfo by kek twice now
Fucking witnessed.
i thought it was funny
Why are /pol/fags spamming trump so much recently?
hey reddit
I've seen no hillary threads to complain about.
oh hey, shitpost frog is back
>le ebin maymay
Man I can't wait until elections are over so you asspained /pol/lacks go back to your containment board.
What's funny is that there isn't a single hillary thread.
I have to wonder if these threads are made by democrats to make sure nobody ever votes trump. I know it's making me hate him.
reddit the post
If they were reddit, they'd be supporting more trumpposts.
just what a redditor would say
there's not enough hillary hype in the world to accomplish that
even the responsible adults voting hillary are doing it while holding their noses and grumbling about wanting bernie sanders, they're not going to spend their free time coming up with convoluted marketing programs for their favorite tabletop-related imageboard
The mods are actually pretty on top of banning polfags outside of electorial season
So is that!
t. reddit
Hillary hype seems to be real, given how hard they are trying to make trump look awful in threads like these.
Nobody who wants trump to win would try to sink their candidate like this, right?
And that!
t. reddit
And now it's just become some sort of reddit spambot. Eerie.
t. reddit
Looks like it's only got one response in it.
Poor old thing. No fixing this one.
*gives you reddit gold*
It's a shame they got so asspained last thread about everyone on Veeky Forums telling them to fuck off that they decided to just start spamming.
Not much you can do about it once someone is anally ravaged enough to just do the ol' redditspam.
t. reddito samef
>when reddit colonists are so upset by /pol/ they try to shitpost it down
Really makes u thangk.
Well, they'll be gone in a week. It's better than nothing. Kind of fun to watch them get their shit ruined I guess? Not really.
Stop responding to yourself, famalam.
>Back to Pol 5
wew lad
get this tryhard newfag scum out of here
>read thread
>/pol/ gets anally raped again
Another win for democracy
As a denizen of /pol/, I would just like to say that these threads are probably made by a Canadian.
>stat me thread with generic anime loli
>no problems despite being thinly veiled /a/ bullshit
>joke thread with Trump
>waaaaah /pol/
>waaaaah alt-right
>waaaaah how can anyone be anything outside of "moderate"
>muh moderate sensibilities
>ugh /pol/umblr needs to go
>why cant anyone but me see that the middle road is the way to go
yeah, /pol/ what the fuck is up?
Why are your posters being such incredible assholes?
Is this some scam to get more hillary votes?
Fucking assholes. I say we burn Canada down. Not a large fire either, just a small one. They won't put it out because if they put out a fire, the fire wins.
hola reddito
Sup hillary campaigners.
Why do you hate trump so much?
We just hate redditfugees who think every board needs to be /pol/
Of course I would, because this is Veeky Forums not /pol/
You're still not back on /pol/
The election's in a few days and people are hyped about it.
If you don't like the thread, why are you even here?
The nigga lost money on a casino.
He lost money. On a CASINO.
We're talking about an industry that's just a polite mugging of total saps. There is no way to lose money unless you're spineless, weak or stupid.
Do you want a spineless, weak and/or stupid president? Hilary might be Satan herself, I don't give a shit, at least she'd be competent.
checked and kekd
>can't think of anything clever to say
was it a newly founded casino or an established one
because i could see bungling a startup
This world is becoming too Unknown Armies for me
Or maybe it always was
Oh fuck
Hold me, can't you see that it's hurting me
it was established in 1984
it was open for 30 years until it closed in 2014
>The property opened as Harrah's at Trump Plaza on May 14, 1984.[5] The complex contained 614 rooms, seven restaurants, a health club, a 750-seat showroom and a 60,000 sq.ft. casino, all on a narrow 2.6-acre plot of land next to Caesars Atlantic City. Five months after opening, the name was changed to simply Trump Plaza, to avoid confusion with Harrah's Marina.[6] Part of the reason for this is that Harrah's was commonly associated with and attracted low-rolling gamblers, but Trump had built 85 high-roller suites, which were rarely used.[7] The casino performed poorly, with pre-tax profits of just $144,000 in the first half of 1985.[8]
It closed in 1990 after bleeding cash constantly for half a decade.
Conclusion: Trump is a stupid faggot that couldn't make money selling lube at gay bars.
>it closed in 2011
FTFY. So, actually, he lost money on a business you can't fail at, for 30 years.
You mean "he lost money on 2 casinos"
Double your stupid, Double your dumb
With double-mint, double-mint, double-mint Trump
>so you asspained /pol/lacks go back to your containment board.
My sweet, naive child.
Honestly though the moaning about /pol/ pre-empted any actual /pol/-tier discussion here, it was just a halfassed 40k meme which happened to also be political. You faggots are your own worst enemy sometimes when it comes to thread derails, not the least because telling /pol/tards to go back to /pol/ doesn't work, it just triggers their persecution complex. And once their persecution complex is triggered you clearly belong to whatever group they're whining about, so they'll list off their stupid reasons they hate you and why you're oppressing them and what sweet justice you will have on the day of reckoning etc. Then the /pol/ derail happens in earnest.
trump named his casino after a fucking tomb.
wtf I love Trump now!!
They know what's coming. They've gone beyond regular shitposting with this election. They have emotionally invested in it. They have put too much of themselves into the idea that the meme would happen.
Now they're starting to feel reality set in. They can see it coming, but they've trapped themselves. They can't stop. They're locked in.
Ordinarily when they can see defeat coming they scatter or change the narrative so that they don't really lose, but this time, they've just put too much in. When it comes crashing down it will hurt inside.
When Trump loses in shame, /pol/ is going chmpout so hard that they'll never recover. They will be so monumentally, emotionally butthurt that /pol/ will tear itself apart.
Many of the shitposters from there will quit out of shame and anger, or meltdown so badly that they get themselves banned. A tide of salty tears will wash away the garbage, and /pol/ itself will be closed just to stem the flow.
>t-trump will definitely lose
said the increasingly nervous shill for the 12th time
Trump really one of the worst candidate against Clinton, seriously, Pence or Rat could do much better.
That's right. Mind over matter, lil' buddy. You'll get your way if you just keep posting it.