RIP Sweet Prince Edition
Discuss the lore and viability of Warcraft as a tabletop setting.
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RIP Sweet Prince Edition
Discuss the lore and viability of Warcraft as a tabletop setting.
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Worgen were a mistake.
They should have remained the extradimensional horrors they were up until Cataclysm's "lol druids" retcon.
Content bump.
>tfw no actual chicago-style gadgetzan where you help one of the gangs conquer the city
>could even have a pvp element that allows players, even those of the same faction (alliance/horde), fight each other if they're working for different gangs
What were the Worgen originally?
Interdimensional werewolves that would hunt their target no matter where they wrnt. Basically think Hounds of Tindalos.
Rejoyce freinds, our Long War is entering into final stage, it's time to finish Warhammer in their own niche.
Any interesting news from BlizzCon yet?
Tomb of Sargeras will be coming in the next major patch (although that is like a while off, considering their new design philosophy is to do more small patches between the major ones). Kil'jaeden will be the final boss. Same patch will add flying in Broken Isles, with all classes getting their own flying mount. Brawler's Guild will get rewamped and brought back. More artefact powers will be added.
reusing heroes from WC3 continues.
Well, at least they didn't resurrect someone again just so that they could kill him one raid later.
Never knew that it would become so prophetic eh?
Daily reminder than Cenarius did NOTHING wrong and the green skins all deserved to be slaughtered by Nature's forces.
Worden were a group of people from Lorderon during the orc attack who shunt themselves into a city to only be forced out by the worgen infection.
So why did the first attack on the Broken Shore fail so badly?
Cenarius has had one opportunity to do wrong, and he did it. He got'd while having a snooze.
It really pisses me off when RPGs do little handouts that skew the parchment/tablet/whatever but the text isn't aligned with it.
Regarding 7.2, I'm so glad that Shamans finally get an Elemental mount of some sort. I've been wanting to fly around on a thundercloud for ages.
dindu genocide when?
because sylvanas is shifty and shitty.
And now she has NO FUTURE
what do DKs get?
And did you niggas actually pay 40 blizzardbux?
Because the Horde pulled a Loghain Mac Tir.
And the only people who are sane enough to want to hold the horde to account are treated as zelots and the "real villans" for not being abe to fogive the long list of dirty deeds the horde got to answer for.
>what do DKs get?
Some sort of Fel frostwyrm. Felwyrm?
fuck me.
thats gonna look so with the fel iron plate set.
What was the Horde supposed to do though? The Alliance wasn't making any headway even with their help and two of their leaders were down. Should they have stayed and been slaughtered so the Legion could use their souls to spawn more troops?
>what do DKs get?
Basiclly another zombie dragon, atleast it looks real plagued and sickly so that's something. Kinda cool actully.
Only complaint is, it's just another fucking drake model. I really wish they would have been a tad more creative.
Atleast we didn't get the mage one, that one was just creative bankruptcy.
Shouldn't be a surprised that we're going to fight Kil'Jaeden.
He's been there from the start.
what did the mage get?
All of them look pretty great, in my opinion. Warrior the best, even with the tiny T-Rex arms.
As a Rogue main myself though, I'm torn on the Raven. It's fitting I guess, but it's not too interesting.
Based Varian is now in heaven soloing Ragnaros.
>milker on stage
>"p-please play our game"
>The Alliance wasn't making any headway
Bullshit. They had just called in their gunship that proceeded to mow down a bunch of demons, even knocking the big names like Jaraxxus on their ass, or worse. I mean, yeah, they were still gonna get caught in the trap and things probably would have ended worse for it, but that doesn't excuse the Horde for retreating right when the final push was just starting.
Yeah they look pretty good.
I might have a few problems at first with smooth everything is, namely on the paladin mount, but I'll get used to it.
>be eleshamanfag
>pretty hated in dungeons and raids right now
>at least we get a boss ass air elemental to ride on while we have trails of elements falling behind us
>it will be the coolest shit
i'm ok with this.
hordefag here, can simply tell you sylvanas is a whore, every single person except filthy stiffies agree, remove undead nuke them with the goblin gun and take out ironforge while were at it.
also nuke furries since their right next to them.
Are humans the only playable race in WoW that haven't been reduced to a single shitty stereotype?
Depends, does bland count as a stereotype.
40 wipes and counting
>Varian having his own isekai adventure
Anime when?
I... hmm...
That's an interesting question, is "lacking in defining qualities" a defining quality?
Hopefully not normal.
>people actually raid
>they don't do LFR to see the story and then unsub.
I couldn't suffer the embarrassment of using LFR.
Tell me a story, user. Tell me the story of how the House of Wrynn came to be. How did the line make a name for itself before the life and death of King Llane?
probably by jewing the hard working people of stormwind.
Not much to tell as far as I know. They were a noble family from Strom who left that country and headed south to found Stormwind.
Aligning it properly would have taken too much effort. Also, it was written by a gnoll.
>says the kraut refugee spawn.
IIRC, even back then they were related to Elune somehow.
I remember running around in Duskwood a long tim ago and something something Scythe of Elune, something something worgen, something something dark riders, something something never really elaborated on further.
the priestess of elune was losing to demons and decided to ask elune for help against the demons. They ended up creating the druids of the claw and something went wrong leading to furries.
>tfw your headcannon is the alliance rolling into wod, and now the broken isles with mana bombs and gnomeish made nukes.
gnomes have access to radioactive material and are advanced enough to begin splitting the atom. "My, you're a tall one!"dropped on org when?
Back then the implication was that the Scythe of Elune had fuck all to do with Elune.
>"My, you're a tall one!"
>Not Fat Dwarf and Little Gnome.
Don't be ridiculous, gnomes aren't allowed to do important things.
So, who else watched the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan trailer and immediately wanted to play a game based on it?
yeah. Goblin towns would be an incredible place to run a campaign in.
Given it wouldn't be a test but an act of active aggression, an absolutely killing blow that would tear the heart out of the horde and reduce it to a trio of sparely populated, isolated pockets of resistance- plus a nation of abominations now lacking the backbone of the orcish war machine, I like to imagine they'd name it something more personal.
there is nothing more personal than dwarf and gnome bro ops.
their races have that older and younger sibling vibe.
Why does Hearthstone have a better writing staff than Warcraft proper?
because they can fluff out stuff without having to make everything EPIC
>Shadowrun: World of Warcraft Edition
I'd play the living hell out of it
>gnomeish decker when
Because it is up and coming project while WoW is dying cow that they're now waiting slowly to bleed to death.
They don't have Red vs. Blue stupids.
Purge the unclean brother, the Tauren, Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, and High Elves are the true Horde races, the Undercity is filth to be purged (the Huojin Pandas are cool too I guess)
Deers are for roasting.
Fandral did nothing wrong.
>falling for Ragnaros' memes
Does anybody have some Highborne art, preferably female? I couldn't find any proper art.
So looking at Suramar and how it was,even 10000 years ago, is it safe to say that Tyrande and Malfurion basically cast the Night Elves into a gigantic dark age and made them live waaaay below ancient living standards due to their irrational hatred and fear of Arcane magic?
I mean,first off the whole ''legion came to Azeroth for magic'' has long since been dispelled as false.
And the ''oh no Arcane magic MIGHT lead to corruption'' is completely invalidated by the Emerald Nightmare fiasco.
So they've just been very much terrible leaders for 10k years..
More like Necromunda
Is there a lore reason people can't fly or is that just one of those 'because fuck you' things?
>main outlaw rogue
>Get a fucking raven and not a parrot
Fuck me.
Well considering I'm heavily looking at getting back into hearthstone and thinking about putting down 50 shekels for the pack and skin is testament enough.
The latter. Or, more precisely, I think they cut some corners to put the expac out in time, and some of the excised corners were textures, models, and maybe even unexisting collision physics reachable only through flying. The same thing happened with WoD, in their rush to end the 14 bloody months of 5.4: some parts of the Talador/Tanaan Jungle transition area were launched unfinished, without textures or badly modeled, because the devs hadn't the time and resources to finish Tanaan (which was supposed to be a level 100-only zone at launch) and the other zones (never delivered, or spoken of again) in time for the launch.
If there was a lore reason, it'd be pretty easy to implement:
>"Oh, the skies are chock-full of threats right now, if you try to fly you'll get murdered by by demonic bats/BRH falcons/harpies/lightning/arcane weapons, keep yer feet on the ground!"
>"Suramar's resurgence caused a huge storm of unstable mana/arcane energy because leylines/Nightwell/Eye of Aman'thul; you can try to fly, but I can't guarantee that you'll be safe"
>"Gul'dan's sitting on top of the Tomb of Sargeras with a slingshot, and will sling fel-infused boogers at whoever tries to get in the way of his view of DHs failing at everything"
>"Khadgar doesn't want mounts pooping on Dalaran's roofs, the cleaning bills were immense. So he declared the whole of the Broken Isles a no-fly zone, and anyone that tries to get airborne without the aid of a Flight Master gets to count how many Apexis Crystals he has stashed away in his vault, one by one"
Hah. Fair enough
Do you think people would have liked pandas more if they'd played less of the fluffy peace and harmony and more of the sinister panda triads? I mean we had the Black Market pandas and their mistress in WoW, now apparently we have a crime family in Gadgetzan, in the hearthstone version of the setting.
Might as well take a poll while we're at it. Who are you with, Veeky Forums? The Grimy Goons, the Kabal or the Jade Lotus?
In the event you were to play a WoWRPG tabletop game with friends set during the Vanilla-ish era, would you rather play Vanilla lore itself, or altered timeline, or Vanilla lore, but new stories?
I think people would have liked them more if they just picked a side.
Anyway can Hearthstone Lore be counted on for anything? I mean whispers of the old gods is a whole "Didn't happen" and even IN the didn't happen universe they have joke cards that: wouldn't really happen even if the didn't happen lore really did happen.
LAYERS of unreliabliness on top of jokeiness.
>I think people would have liked them more if they just picked a side.
I dunno. As things stand, the player pandas are established as basically being mercenaries or individuals who have joined the horde or alliance for their own reasons, which is something different and interesting, added to by Legion's change so that opposing faction pandas can talk to each other.
And I kind of like that, because for once there's a big, inhabited chunk of azeroth that doesn't revolve around the horde and alliance for once. EK is mostly Alliance and the forsaken/belves, Kalimdor is Horde with the nelves, Northrend isn't really home to any sort of civilization any more, and the broken isles are just islands. Pandaria has actual towns and trade routes and organized militaries and so on, and them being able to go "no, fuck off" to the alliance and horde, at least to an extent, helps make the world feel more... i don't know exactly how to express it, more complete? More verisimilitude or something.
Kinda the same feeling that the neutral goblin towns create, like there's stuff going on in the world beyond just what the "main characters" are up to.
Anyway, no, hearthstone isn't reliable at all for the lore. But, since we're on Veeky Forums and theoretically talking about this stuff for the purposes of rpg campaigns and so on, we're free to think about what we want to include. Besides, there are hints to organized criminal pandas in the main game. The black market, as mentioned, and Taoshi secretly being one of the Shadows of the Uncrowned, for examples.
>I will never have an excuse to incorporate Ragnaros, Lightlord into a campaign
Why even Paladin?
>remove undead
>nuke furries
>take out Ironforge
...get out
the girls in the Kabal are sluttier. So Kabal.
In play? Jade Lotus. I run Rogue.
In flavor? Goons all day. Love me some Mafia families.
So which one has the dick?
>I mean,first off the whole ''legion came to Azeroth for magic'' has long since been dispelled as false.
Not necessarily. Magic can still attract the attention of demons. It's the reason for the creation of the Council of Tirisfal and the Guardian.
>And the ''oh no Arcane magic MIGHT lead to corruption'' is completely invalidated by the Emerald Nightmare fiasco.
How is it invalidated? The Emerald Nightmare happened due to Old God corruption. It could happen to anything and anyone.
WoD was such a shitshow.
>Visit the draenei at the height of their civilisation.
>half the places are burning or on fire.
>Karabor is closed.
The bits we see are so good.
>orc gal
>flapper hairstyle
my dick can't handle this
>age of sigmar
Nothing has ever made me feel as disappointed as WoD did. It could have been the best expansion, but now it's just something everyone pretends doesn't exist. Such a goddamn shame.
Yeah, it's an oxymoron.
>it could have
not really.
What the player did didn't even matter. The entire expansion got a pretty cool draenei character killed and gave us gul'dan to act as a key to summon the legion to azeroth.
Certain specs will get their own version of their class mounts, so maybe Outlaw might get a parrot instead.
Me'dan confirmed not Canon
There's a long list of things Blizzard fucked up with WoD, but the potential for greatness was there. Even something as simple as opening Karabor would have gone a long way.
Thank God
Priest hard control player, so the Kabal.
>How is it invalidated? The Emerald Nightmare happened due to Old God corruption. It could happen to anything and anyone.
Not that user, but I'd assume the point is that connection to the Emerald Dream makes you extremely suspectible to corruption if the dream is corrupted.
Sure, using too much arcane magic may get you addicted to it, which may cause you to look for a stronger form of magic (like fel) to get your fix. But most mages don't become warlocks so it's hardly inevitable, or even very common, and when it does happen it's more likely due to the mage in question being a huge asshole who only cares about gettign more power than due to iherent corruptive nature of the arcane. Even the blood elves only started using fel instead of arcane when their source of magic was destroyed and they needed to find a replacement. Before that they had been using the arcane for 10 000 years with no problems, and at the end of TBC got the Sunwell fixed and could drop the fel magic (although since Silvermoon has never been updated, it still has those fel crystals all over the place).
With the Emerald Nightmare, on the other hand, if you're connected to the Emerald Dream the Nightmare will pretty much insta-corrupt you, and the more connected to the Dream you are, the easier it is for it to do so. Malfurion couldn't even enter the area where you fight Xavius because he'd ber the moment he'd set a foot there. So druidic magic effectively has a huge security risk, where if anybody manages to corrupt the Emerald Dream, all druids are at the risk of getting insta-corrupted.
I see your point, but I don't think the risk is really that bad. I don't remember the exact timeline, but the Emerald Dream was created very long ago by Freya. I think it was even before the empowering of the Aspects? Basically it's been a long time, yet the Nightmare is the only case of corruption to ever happen to the Dream. I'd say it's about as safe as you can get.