Mtg cards that matter!

Mtg cards that matter!

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U guys got any?

A big fav of mine

Yeah thats sick, i use might use it in my black white ally deck

I remember when people speculated about the viability of this card in eternal formats and the fights that ensued

It's my secret sideboard tech in a UW Tutelage deck I play in modern. The results are outstanding.

Yeah, i don't do much blue but Theros had a thotseize and i use that in like every deck

A Gix, Praetor of Yawgmoth Legendary Creature..

A much more playable sowing salt, what's not to love? I'm thinking about creating a very annoying standard deck that would mainboard 4 of these beauties

Holy shit that's overpowered! Time to make a red deck.

U guys use he at all? She's good in a soldier deck

Kaladesh has really interesting cards. I wanna get a playset of this and try my luck removing potential threats from my opponents deck before

Maybe Grixis is good enough for that

Bruh, any card that lets u check the opponents hand is so unfair.

A Esper Control deck I faced yesterday played her. She can be a total blowout, shame my deck is packed full of fog effects

Jesus, u use fog, and check the other players hand and then ur an asshole unless they counter it

Yup, that's me

That's why I like cards like this headache here

Post list?

So, Satan is it warm down there?

One of my fav picks in cube drafting online

I don't draft but I go to fnm and I wreck every once in a while with a green white deck that focuses on health gain


Of course, mate:

//Artifact (8)
4 Howling Mine
2 Mesmeric Orb
2 Temple Bell

//Creature (4)
4 Hedron Crab

//Enchantment (8)
4 Dictate of Kruphix
4 Sphinx's Tutelage

//Instant (15)
2 Angelsong
4 Dawn Charm
4 Ethereal Haze
4 Holy Day
1 Psychic Spiral

//Sorcery (2)
2 Supreme Verdict

//Land (23)
1 Geier Reach Sanitarium
4 Ghost Quarter
4 Glacial Fortress
5 Island
5 Plains
4 Prairie Stream

SB: 3 Detention Sphere
SB: 4 Invasive Surgery
SB: 4 Negate
SB: 4 Swan Song

I use this on it and felidar sovereign

This guy knows what's up

You might like this to fill your graveyard fast, then

Black cards matter!

Preach it, brother!

It is never warm enough! This is what I play in Legacy when I really want to heat things up

Wow, u guys are all so cheap, or clever i don't know which one makes more sense


Hey cole r u here?

It makes my heart happy seeing skred win the GP

Do you have a argent sphinx?

Nah, i don't i just wanted to start up some conversation

Give it haste and you basically win.

Could work with hanweir garrison or that 1 mana instant that gives haste + draws you a card.

I remember when this card came out. it combos well with "comes into play" abilities.

Yeah, I've seen it a couple of times and they totally killed with it

U guys know any good, cheap white cards?


Is 8 mana really worth it?


Holy shit thats only 3 mana

For up to 19 cards? Bargain is banned in legacy you know

Its still good for a fun match against ur friends

Why not an additional +1/+1 along with that haste? Champion an evoke creature for extra fun.

Supreme Exemplar likes this too.

this one has a lot of potential

Yeah, i guess that extra 1 damage would be nice

yeah and cards like this help drop it early

I use a fast red deck and it has destroyed people in 4 turns before and if i get this i think i can guarantee the win

Y'know, if you hit the top right number (the post number) you respond directly that post, right?

Or are you just trying to deny us our (you)s?

Yeah, i just never use that but i guess ill start now

And here you go

Does anyone use this website besides me?

this card has completely taken over the metagame in pauper. there are like 5 or 6 builds that use it to win

its absolute madness

If u have 4 in hand somehow then u basically have 4 creatures out in one turn

That's not the problem, it's the combos you can get with a single one

I mean, yeah, it's only an extra one damage, but with the plus getting him out for 2 cheaper, and guaranteeing him haste. Worse case scenario you can just champion the Soulstoke.

Back in Lorwyn I ran red elementals with some blue tossed in to evoke Mull Drifter and Soulstoke cheat Supreme Exemplar into play for ~4th turn 11 damage flying. It was pretty fun.

Just gotta wait 9 more days man.

Yeah, that makes sense

banned :^)

Secret tech against mill OR finisher kf you mill yourself, the choice is yours!

Unwilling is pretty smart


great choice!

I hadn't heard the news. that's exciting

what do you think will happen once its gone?

this card has a lot of potential for abuse.
I just won 2 matches on MTGO with a deck that utilizes it with a bunch of mana ramping and cascade ridiculousness. its so fun!

So simple. So strong.

MtGO sounds is a much more friendly place for homebrews than LGS events, isn't it?

I really like brewing and MtGO sounds like a great place to test stuff and have fun

it is great for home brewing. they have "tournament practice" and "just for fun" both of which you can test your decks in. and its not too hard to pick up a game

Is it worth it? 10$ sounds like a fine deal, how does buying cards work there?

Holy shit OP is a faggot. Learn 2 Veeky Forums newfag

Well alrighty then

I hate all of you and your lands too.

Not him, but seriously dude, you don't need a name, you should use numbers when responding to people to make the thread easier to read, and there's no need to use text speak

yeah its worth it

buying cards is pretty simple:
you buy "event tickets" from the MTGO store.
$1US=1 Event Ticket
you then go to bots which trade cards for Event Tickets
you can buy cards for as low as .01 Event Ticket (1 penny)
a lot of cards are cheaper to buy online than they are in paper (a lot of pretty good rares go for pennies)

its really easy to build a deck for cheap and you will encounter a lot of like-minded people running some crazy decks you'd have never thought of

so yeah, it's at least worth checking out

You see a whole lot more diversity in controlling blue decks, that's for sure.
Time to break out Teachings and UW tron again.

We don't pay full price.

heresa non-competetive legacy deck Ive been fucking around with on MTGO involving crystal shard and the elf and some other crazy shit. its pretty fun and explosive and has a lot of synergy.

1 brainstorm
4 lightning bolt
4 explore
4 sylvan caryatid
4 cultivate
2 eternal witness
2 shardless agent
2 crystal shard
4 bloodbraid elf
2 thragtusk
2 upheaval
2 primeval titan
1 ugin the spirit dragon

26 lands

any thoughts?

Hail Yawmoth

Seems pretty sweet, and pretty cheap


A card that really punishes fetchland players

Let me sing you the song of my people.

Is that your favourite Hymn to Tourach art?


That's the highest res I could find with a quick Google search but I like all the art except the wolf (kinda gay) and the ftv art (kinda bland). If I had to pick one, I'd go with this one.


I wanna go to your fnm so badly

Wolf art is best art

play U/R Miracle Tutelage or don't play it at all you fagget

I don't get the appeal. It always reminds me of those hokey wolf-howling-at-moon shirts.

Nice to know you're a giant faggot with shit taste

Say that to my face fucker not online see what happens

Guy, Why aren't you actually replying to the comments?

Also this card does so much


looks fun but how does the upheaval help you? do you just replay a bunch of sylvan caryatid's?

how much does revelation cost?


I love seeing my opponent drop this
>22 lands
>all swamps

How well does your deck perform compared to other modern deck types Your decklist looks interesting and I am looking for a new idea for a modern deck.