Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

She's a Big Girl Edition

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Kineticists of Porphyra IV: End of an Era playtest:
Broken Shackles Playtest:

Other urls found in this thread:

forgot to link to the old thread:

Yes she is.

How was your game this week, /pfg/?

My game was cancelled this week due to GM and his wife leaving to see Dr. Strange. Can't even be mad about that! In the mean time, I still get to experiment with spell and plot ideas while I got the downtime between session. And pic related, it's been a bit since I scribbled up anything Lilly/Ori-related. Any ideas in mind? It may be a little bit to get anything out there until I at least get some line work on commissions finished, however.

For you!

I think i have a problem guys, i like my character too much. knowing my lukc i'll never play her.

Post pics that can be passed off as something vaguely or closely Pathfinder.

Okay /pfg/, question time

This is important.

Is your character cute?

I've got one that's charming, one that's grizzled, and one that's scary/sexyifyou'reintothat. No cute.

But of course!

Fucking absolutely

You can be still be cute with a Charisma penalty right?


Why does pathfinder society not allow pfsrd? Is it just to Jew people into buying their shit?

Not even close. Living on the streets hunting monsters in the sewers and alleys as well as decades of alcoholism have taken their toll.


I've got a ditzy kitsune shotgunner and a murderous little girl tiefling who thinks she's cute cute but is actually is terrible.

The kitsune's cuter but the tiefling would gut me if she heard me say it.

So I am creating the wiki for my setting for players to browse.

Right now I am doing the section of Cabals, Covens, Fraternities, Covenant, Circles, and other groups of magic users. Right now the form is thus:

>Approximate Membership:
>Demographic of Members:
>Classes of Members:
>Organization CR (knowledge required to determine):
>Current Leader:
>Notable Members:
>Legal Status:
>Sponsor Organization:
>Political Leanings:

Am I missing anything? The city is a big one, approximately the size of London in the 1870s (3.5 million).

I have plans for 6 different organizations currently. How many should I cook up?

Covens are actually very important in settings as Hags play a major role (as do Rakshasa, the world is greatly influences by a native outside type of every extreme, hags occupy CE).

So does Pathfinder have cute Ogres in it? Or is it all Hills Have Eyes stuff?

Is she breaking that poor dude's neck?

I know that feeling all too well.

Not only are you a faggot, you forgot the fucking playtests.

Gear of Power playtest -

Creation Sphere Handbook playtest -

She's cute AF.
Sadly I don't have the cash or skills to get proper art of her and when I tried the Drawthread I got a kind of meh delivery (but they put visible effort into it) so I won't be trying that for any requests for some time out of respect to the other anons wanting art.

Sadness fills me.

All my characters are cute. I think that's become my reputation among my playgroups now.

No. I have in fact never played a cute character. I play a lot of old men. My last being a 92 year old inquisitor VMC oracle.

Okay user, I just got home from my first pathfinder session, and holy fuck I need your help.

Besides me and the DM, none of them have ever played before, and I've only played 4th edition aka best edition (sorry it's a fact, I don't make the rules)

The DM said we could only use the core rulebook because everything else is imba, so I went with the old classic and made a dwarf fighter, giant beard, two axes, bad scotch accent, the whole nine yards.

I didn't get to DO anything, because the faggot wizard spammed fucking color pattern or whatever in every fucking fight and they ended fucking instantly, and the monk (the fucking MONK??) picked all the locks so I had no doors to bust open.

We're meeting again in a week, we're level 2 now, help me become actually good.

>the faggot wizard spammed fucking color pattern or whatever in every fucking fight and they ended fucking instantly

Did the GM send you against only Will -1 or -2 goblins or something?

Did these mooks all happen to be in a single 15 foot cone?

We're first level characters in a dungeon five foot corridors and 10-15 foot rooms, what ELSE is he going to do?

>The DM said we could only use the core rulebook because everything else is imba

Your DM has no idea what they're talking about.
No amount of help can save you.

Accidental trap, easily flustered tiefling doing his best to Lawfully Good rebel against his family - I mean, his party members think he is. He disagrees. He is manly as HELL shut up.
Divine assassin cursed by another god, probably not.
And a squire who I tend to imagine is adorable but we'll see in play.

Have an enemy fire an arrow down the corridor.

Not have such shit dungeon design.

So I added these:
>Organization Alignment:
>Organization Type:

Any other thoughts?

Okay great but I'm not the DM, so while that's probably great advice, it doesn't help ME

Though at least it's better than Okay great my situation sucks, now how do I make the best of it?

Well you picked one of the weakest classes in the game unfortunately. For Fighters you can basically either stack AC, focus on direct melee damage with a two-handed weapon, or go for Combat Manuevers like Trip.

Also I'm not sure why the Monk is opening locks. Disable Device is cross class for him and he won't get any of the special abilities like trap finding that will make it possible for him to do more than open basic locks.


Not enough furries.

You think I was being facetious?
It's more true than you realise.
Especially when you've come from 4e, the most balanced but least dnd-like edition of dnd that detractors say only achieved its balance by making all classes act the same.

Your DM isn't just wrong in thinking that non-core is imbalanced: the core rulebook has the BIGGEST imbalances in the game. It contains both the strongest and weakest classes in the whole game, and extra material (mostly) keeps closer to the middle.
You just experienced it yourself in the first session but I expect it's not enough to convince the GM otherwise.

As for how to salvage your fighter using core-only: you'll always be behind the wizard if they're played properly, you're shit out of luck. If you want to maximise damage just go into twohanding a weapon and power attacking all day, but good luck contributing to anything else that isn't direct damage in combat.
And again, you think I'm being mocking, but you really underestimate how badly PF core is designed compared to 4e.

Only the cutest types [Spoiler] I think [/spoiler]

Living Armour that's really shy and can't speak to people, is clumsy from his own strength but very gentle with living things like his pet rabbit. He's very very protective of the things that matter to him, even if he can't express it properly.

A snake that was abandoned by his clan after he accidentally used some explosives to close to his leader's house and now has to deal with the fact he lacks any skills aside from building explosives but needs to make his way on his own in the world.

A dwarf wizard grill with horrible scarring that she's pretty self conscious about. She tries her best though and has a good head on her shoulders.

A teifling psion that never really had a childhood due to fits of illness that left him shaking and lost sometimes for days. Was enrolled in the military after he was helped when his noble family sold off just about everything to pay for some curative magic.

A shaman from the desert that is afraid of body contact. Any sort. Grew up in an area where illness was a large concern. She channels the spirits of fire and wind to aid her allies.

TFW games refuse to play regularly thou

Yeah, it's true that Core Pathfinder is the most unbalanced version of the game. Continuing the martial/caster imbalance of 3.5. Later books at least give enough options to let martial characters have a couple toys, even if casters still are miles ahead of them.

No, but she is smug

>Can't even spoiler correctly
Buy me a comfy coffin and bury me alive anons.


>Extra Attack (Combat)

>Requirements: BAB +1

>You can make an additional attack at your highest base attack bonus whenever you make a full attack. This additional attack stacks with the bonus attacks from haste and other similar effects.

>You can use an unarmed strike or any equipped weapon to make this extra attack. Each attack you make this round receives a penalty to hit based on the type, size, and number of weapons you use to make your attacks, based on the table below:

>Single Weapon: -2
>Two Or More Weapons: +0

>Two-handed Weapon: -6
>One-Handed Weapon: -2
>Light Weapon: +0

>Special: This feat replaces Two-Weapon Fighting, Rapidshot, and any other similiar ability. Monks and any archetypes that would normally gain Flurry of Blows receive Extra Attack instead.

>Improved Extra Attack (Combat)

>Requirements: BAB +11

>You can make an additional attack at your highest base attack bonus whenever you make a full attack, with the same modifiers as Extra Attack. This stacks with the first attack from this ability and additional attacks from haste and similar effects.

>Special: This feat replaces Improved and Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Manyshot, and any other similiar ability. Monks and any archetypes that would normally gain Flurry of Blows receive Improved Extra Attack at level 10 as a bonus feat.


What're you, trying to turn this into 5e

Just use control+s user, it adds spoiler tags for you.

Thanks user! I'll repay you with cute character art and friendship


18 charisma. Unusual mannerisms that come off as 'hahaha... wat?' to other party members.

Sometimes has small tantrums she's a wilder.

Doesn't have very good tastebuds so likes strongly flavored foods - particularly cheese. Also hates to chew food.

>The DM said we could only use the core rulebook because everything else is imba

Welp thats a lemon that really needs to fucking shred itself.

>so I went with the old classic and made a dwarf fighter.

I can understand how you'd think this would be an alright idea - because you played 4th edition. But no, The core rulebook is one of the worst things in the fucking game for balance. Fighters are an awful, awful class.

>I didn't get to DO anything, because the faggot wizard spammed fucking color pattern

Welcome to caster edition.

>the monk (the fucking MONK??) picked all the locks so I had no doors to bust open.


>Not have such shit dungeon design.

Seconding this. 5 foot corridors and small rooms are insipidly bad dungeon design.

10-15 foot rooms are smaller than the average bedroom.

It is okay to have big open areas.

Yo, an unrelated user. How do I learn decent dungeon design? I just make random shit up.

Yeah, that shit is like tiny caves. It's not appropriate for a "Grand Dungeon", a "lich's Castle" or anything like that.

I want to play a fucking Mammoth Rider at some point and not have to cheese out the squeezing rules to my companion can contribute.

Basically? Think about layout. Look up the layout of some real castles or something, and then just overlay a grid. After that, think about chokepoints, high ground advantage (The balcony overlooking the lower room for instance)

Also, that's something that basically no GM ever does. Tactics. It's why dragons doing a circle strafe is such a big deal.

Step 1) Look at actual architecture.
Step 2) design things based on what you see.

Optional Step 3) Get so into it that you become an engineer / architect.


Instructions unclear, accidentally turned my penis into the eiffel tower.


Well, miniatures are always very impressive in themselves.

Your dm is retarded. Wizards, Clerics, and Druids are THE strongest classes in the game.

Fuck, not even tiny caves - I read about some guy who's been living in a cave in the Northwest Territories / alaska or the yukon during the winter because it's so fucking comfy.... and he has wifi.

There's also plenty of places in the world where people live relatively happily in caves; like in the Mediterranean where it's actually a lot cooler and cheaper than above-ground dwellings. Some with awesome shit like natural springs.

This is the cutest you get, so hope you like thick and ugly and probably used goods that smell of incest and shit

It's only incest if she gets pregnant a fifth time!

Is that triple-boob, an errant tumor, a fourth boob hidden by fat-

Wait how the fuck would an ogre breastfeed three kids at once unless she's laying on her side or stacking her fucking infants

If you have enough Wisdom, start taking levels in Cleric instead-there's plenty of ways you can just buff up and hit shit very hard, plus utility spells, although you'll have to go with a single 2H weapon.

My game's tonight! Hopefully I get to bash in faces with a shield.

Not really. She's kind of annoying. (7 CHA)

Everyone's advice so far is either "multiclass" or "make your peace with sucking because you fucked up" or "your DM is retarded", so fuck it, I'm just going to bully them into porting to 4e where everything doesn't fucking SUCK A HAVERSACK OF DICKS.

To be fair, that's because you are going core-only. With full 1pp support, noncaster martials become decent-ish, and 3pp nets you good martials.

yeah, core only is your problem

Seriously if you want to be a martial character just play a Cleric with war domain.

How bad of an idea is it to ban all casters, even half and quarter casters unless they have an archetype that gets rid of casting and run a low magic urban campaign? Maybe a little wilderness. The players would really only fight other humanoids, animals and maybe some magical beasts.

Very bad. 3.PF's martial mechanics are ass and unfun.

At that point, you're much better off just using another system entirely. Low magic and Pathfinder don't mix.

Very bad, and you should look to another system for that sort of thing.

Don't play PF to do this.

A more fair way to do PF right is to make everyone casters, and make "fighters" be the ones who use their magic to enhance their bodies, weapons and armor.

That is what I told my players. There is an eye of the god or something like that I picked up that seemed good for that but my players insisted on PF for some reason. They prolly just dont want to learn a new system.

10 charisma, he doesn't like to be seen

Tell them you won't run, then.

Hey people, are there any canon magical enhancements for multi-form weaponry (like dagger becomes greatsword with a word of command)?
Alternatively, are there any scabbard versions of handy haversacks for weapons too big to be sidearms like polearms and shit?
>inb4 handwave it
I'm too autistic. My dm allows me to do that anyway, but I'd rather have a good explanation.

I mean, how bad could it really be, rogues, barbs, vigilantes and maybe a fighter. Do a little intrigue, some city chases. I wont have to worry about magic. Maybe no one will play a monk?

You could use or

>Magic Items > Rods
No wonder I wasn't finding shit, I was looking into Magic Weapons.
>CL19, 70kGP
Whew. Well at least the concept exists within the canon rules, I can work with that.

So, how do I get to play something with massive shurikens?

>tfw no gentle yet sexually aggressive oni-blooded Tiefling gf

If I fight with a reach weapon while wearing a spiked gauntlet, do I threaten both the 5 and 10 ft ranges? Does that count as dual wielding?

Keep in mind that the rod includes a +4 weapon, which would cost a little over 32k by itself.


Rogue AI in a VRMMO game that loves birds and lizards, and was basically adopted as a little brother/sister by another player after his origin was revealed.

What would you have them fight?

Magic items are needed for most enemies, and someone has to make them.

Also, how will you heal between fights? Waiting will slow down the game.

>What would you have them fight?
Other humanoids. Urban campaign so exp would be gained through creative use of handling encounters and not just murderhoboing. Maybe the occasional magical beast but mostly mundane animals. They wanted "Sandbox with minor directions" and I have a city-fu that is filled with lots going on so it might be for my benefit because I never get to use it.

>Magic items are needed for most enemies, and someone has to make them.
It would start low level and if no one else has magic and they are not fighting dragons and demons they should be okay.

>Also, how will you heal between fights? Waiting will slow down the game.
That worries me. It is why I would allow the paladin with the archetype that removes casting. Maybe I will give them all the heal skill as a bonus. But it is urban so they should not be getting too roughed up at first anyways.

Starknives. Starknives everywhere.

Take Cleric (Or Oracle) with your god as Desna (her favored weapon is a Starknife) and dip into Ninja or Rogue. Take all the Thrown weapon boosting feats as you care to take.

How long will you keep them at low levels?

1) Yes
2) No

>mfw that entire last thread

My hopes of joining were dashed as quickly as the excitement to see that group in action rose!

Is the Dragonheir Scion archetype for Fighters any good?

It didn't even fucking work by RAW unless they changed something.
To be fair people only really gave a shit about 3 of them, so even if the DM does pick all of them there would still be one.

And that's assuming all 3 of them retain interest, get picked, etc. A lot of bullshit can happen in a month.

Why not?

What are some fun animals for my level 8 druid to assume?

>This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 5th level*.
>editors note: Fighters do not get a bonus feat at this level because Paizo is retarded.

Fucking Paizo
I didn't see that because I use Archives of Nethys instead of d20pfsrd
Besides that part though, is it a good archetype?

Komodo dragons. Their bite is nothing to fuck with.

>so even if the DM does pick all of them there would still be one.

It's gestalt PoW running an AP, the DM could quite easily keep the three and smash all the things.

Besides, they've got a solid theme going with their characters, what would the fourth one add to the party? None of the other characters seemed to click particularly well with the trio.

I just want to know the DM's found his characters so I can move on with my life and find another group. A lot can happen in a month but a lot of games can form and start in that time too.

Doesn't look all that hot. You look like a bootleg bloodrager. I'd recommend that if you want Full BAB, Dragon Warrior action.

I was honestly planning on multiclassing into bloodrager anyway

>Besides, they've got a solid theme going with their characters, what would the fourth one add to the party?
I don't know man contrast.

And only two of them are related to Ameiko right? The Dhampir(hell I'm pretty sure I know who's playing the Dhampir character myself) and the Oni-spawn.

The other one's just some random wolf girl iirc.
>multiclassing Bloodrager
>delaying spells, rage powers, and bloodline abilities
For what purpose my dude?

>The Dhampir(hell I'm pretty sure I know who's playing the Dhampir character myself)

That makes two of us, brother.

Whenever you say "barbarian" everybody thinks pic related