Is there any setting that's as much of a inconsistent mess as 40K, or is 40K unique in that regard?
Genuinely curious here.
Is there any setting that's as much of a inconsistent mess as 40K, or is 40K unique in that regard?
Genuinely curious here.
Wait until you ask your mother where did your dad go.
Closet thing I can think off is the Elder Scrolls universe.
Marvel and DC universes. For example - what's Wonder Woman's personality?
>what's Wonder Woman's personality?
That she hasn't one?
Star Wars
>all those expanded stuff
>every franchise adds, deletes or restructures shit
And Fallout
Wrath of Lich King
> Varian is a crazed warhawk, Jaina is a pansy pacifist
> Varian is a crazed warhawk, Jaina is a pancy pacifist
Mists of Pandaria and onwards:
> Varian is a wise seasoned leader, Jaina is a reckless, ruthless, warmongering, psychopathic bitch.
But that's nothing compared to Garrosh, though, this guy couldn't stick to consistent personality within a single expansion.
lets not even get into what happened to the lore between WC2 > WC3
A woman's.
ie, unfathomable, even to herself.
Honestly, I don't care. Warcraft 3 is the high point of the franchise, and whatever retcons and changes happened in order to make it's story possible don't matter.
fuck you i hate the shaman orcs.
> Warcraft 3 is the high point of the franchise
Shit is still shit even if its above other shit.
Warcraft is one of the worst franchises, and I'm glad to watch it die.
12 replies in and nobody has said "DnD" yet.
And I hate you people coming back to wreck the lore.
>shaman orcs
>a good thing
Le noble savage man xd.
Lord of the Clans necromancer shamans were pretty neat but then again.
>unreleased game
I think pic related may actually be worse. It's one of the worst "we want to have a huge and expansive world but it's actually just a clusterfuck" disasters that I've ever seen.
>implying D&D is a setting
bitch please
TES is a convoluted mess, but its far from inconsistent, in fact, in many cases it tends to be rather consistent
Although the whole setting has a built in reset/retcon button so it can get away with things
Fallout is terribly inconsistent, from Fallout 2 onwards, with the Bethesda editions making everything worse, not to mention Fallout BoS
But in all in all, my money would be on Star Wars to be the nost inconsistent
Everything with more than one lead writer is going to be as inconsistent.
This DESU. Then again the story got changed like 10 times and the head writer quit halfway through.
Hell, the last DLC convinces me the story is STILL being changed constantly. I love how "Splicers" were never even mentioned previous to this DLC making them a super huge important thing.
Yes I shilled for the DLC.
Yes I feel like a total retard for it.
Docter who?
Star Trek?
I think you'd have better luck naming a setting that's as old and as large that *isn't* a fucking mess
Humanity can't even get history straight and we're fucking living in it.
Star Wars
>your father was killed by Darth Vader and only Jedi can wield lightsabres
>darth Vader is your father and everyone can wield lightsabres
>muh midichlorians ruining muh space fantasy
Rifts, Rifts, a thousand times Rifts.
>muh space epic with multiple interpretations
>muh definitive action for why everyone did everything
Palpatine isn't evil ObiWan he's merely making the republic strong enough to withstand the Ahsjenkdyksulsso'sndhsisj horde
Ssi-Ruu? Yuuhzan Vong?
Inconsistent a mess? Yeah. The bible.
Vader not being Luke's father being the original plan I'll give you, but when was only a Force User supposed to be the only one able to wield a lightsaber?
Cthulhu mythos, kind of by design. Hundreds of authors, with very little contact with one another, all writing stories over a period of 100 years. The only remotely consistent part is Lovecraft's own writing, and even then parts of it are retconned.
user's wrong, it was that Jedi are the only one that can wield a lightsaber in combat and not cut their own limbs, because the blade rotated on itself at great speed all the time, making it hard for normies, or some bullshit. Plus the whole "you don't just get a little cut or a bruise, you pass through" if you fuck up and hit yourself, which doesn't happen with Jedis, with that precognition thing.
A lot of older mythologies, given that they were put together in an even more haphazard fashion, make 40k look like the very model of consistency.
I'd probably hold up the Bible and the surrounding documents as the single worst offender, but there's some crazy shit in Egyptian and Chinese mythology as well.
The basic idea is that since a lightsaber has no weight along the blade for obvious reasons, that it would be easy for a normal person to accidentally hit themselves with it during or after a swing due to not being aware of the blade's length by the heft of it like you would a normal sword. A Jedi on the other hand has the Force to help them 'feel' their weapons and have a better understanding of their bodies and how they work, but also are trained to use a lightsaber their entire lives.
TLDR - it's incredibly easy for a normie to fuck up and cut a limb off because they're swinging a weightless laser death blade and it's probably a better idea that the people who know what they're doing use them.
I kinda get it, at least in the context of a lightsaber duel between two normies, but if you're holding the hilt properly how do you fuck up so hard that you cut off one of your own limbs?
Maybe if you're showing off and twirling it around like Obi-Wan and Anakin were in their duel?
the more i grow up, the more i realize that inconsistency is a great perk for a setting
Why don't you just add a lightsaber bayonet to a blaster rifle?
To be fair they didn't have the internet.
There's no excuse for half of the inconsistencies that pop up in modern works outside of carelessness or a total lack of effort.
Until you realize it spawns autists on the internet yelling at everyone for having badwrongfun for not reading every single novel, and taking every single deviating detail as new fact.
Of course, this could be solved by just not browsing web forums, but the closest I came to breaking my 4chins addiction was a several month long break due to depression.
Lightsabers are supposed to be hard to make.
not really, Obi-wan didn't wanted to tell Luke the truth from the beginning.
Also, there is no reason, why only Jedis/Siths can wield a Lightsaber.
also, originally, Lightsabers were supposed to be carried by every Stormtropper and Rebel. Only later Mr Lucas thought that this weapon should be only used by a few chosen ones.
>inconsistent mess
It's not a bug, it's a feature
I don't see why not.
That doesn't count though, that never made it in anything canon.
Is it really inconsistent though?
I'd imagine a weightless blade would make swinging it around a bit too easy, especially if the handle was heavy. You could lose a sense of where the blade is whenever it's not in your field of view.
Lucky for you. Depression always makes me spend more time here. It's a vicious cycle.