>> 50111235
4e general - 4eg
Posting this because the previous OP forgot to include both the previous link and a title.
Kobold edition.
> 50111235
Other urls found in this thread:
And now you forgot the pastebin and the op
Also, furshit OP pic, nice.
Forgot to mention
/How do i magic item shield?/
Help appreciated!
Should be shitty --dms-- ops edition.
Also, no thread for a day.
kobold/tiefling wizard. I'm playing with a houseruled gestalt-ish thing where i picked two races.
And you fucked up the link, jackass.
How do i stat out rifles without them being too deadly? Eberron.
Just use crossbow stats for firearms.
Possibly make them 'magic' items (like the laser pistol).
Do note that eberron doesn't have rifles tho.
yeah, its homebrew.
Make them unable to benefit from enchants-handwave as a deity thing. Eberron really makes use of enchanted weapons, and thus will refuce their power level.
>Just use crossbow stats for firearms.
That's what I do, too.
Not very realistic, but whatever, i just need the aesthetic.
Eberron deities probably don't even exist. Fluffing them as "special" crossbows that have the "is actually gun" enchant works, just find a fitting enchant.
If you want realistic, why are you playing 4e?
I'm thinkjng mpre along the lines of everyone uses guns.
Realismfags should just go play gurps.
The same way you
/magic item sword/
>Players taking break from heroic campaign with one-off paragon tier romp in the astral sea
>want a separate party of NPCs, also searching for macguffin, fight a few times before finished
>pally, psion, ranger - need fourth
Doesn't need to be viable, as they're meant to lose. I just need ideas for interesting NPC enemies/zany builds you never try because they're dumb
Hunter half-elf dilettante with grappling spirits
If it's at least level 16, brilliant thought Psion/Divine MC Morninglord can be fun even if normally hilariously bad.
At least it's easy to play.
Some sort of Hybrid Vampire.
I have a player who has decided to roll with a Bladesinger.
Looking it over, I realized it's faveala tier Essentials trash, but I don't want them to feel outshone. Any advice? They are a new player, so optimizing isn't in their lexicon.
Bladesingers have awesome fluff for anyone who has read Evermeet, by elaine cunningham.
Bladesingers don't actually suck as much as people think, the problem is that the book just fucking lies to you. By telling you that 1. Bladesingers need intelligence (they don't, str/dex makes way better bladesingers than int/dex) and 2. That Bladeisngers are controllers (they're worse at control than any other arcane class, they're strikers)
Just pump that strength and dex as a half-orc with a bastard sword as your weapon of choice (spend your level 1 feat on proficiency so you can use it with blade magic) and charge around the battlefield like a crazy person
Alternatively, if they just want to play an arcane dude with a sword. Swordmage is so much better, point them towards swordmage
My personal thoughts: the class wants you to be DEX/INT. THIS IS A TRAP! Select one, and treat the other as a tertiary stat. DEX based bladesingers will have limited power selection, INT based bladesingers will have more control and less bonus damage, but the benefits of going both is generally considered not worth tanking your defenses for.
If the player really wants both, give him a feature that lets INT work for Will-defense. Considering you gain no other benefit from INT (your DEX should be higher), aside from maybe skill points, this is fair.
Otherwise, the class offers precious little in the choice department, so there's not much to screw up there.
Which pre-existing non-D&D setting work well with the 4e ruleset?
Depends on how willing you are to refluff. But the modern versions of He-Man and Thundercats stand out to me as very 4e compatible.
So if not Dex/Int, then what would be the secondary?
I talked to the player, and they want to deal damage, and I don't trust them enough to not cock up a nonstandard character ideal, so I told them to go 16/16 dex/int, with your recommended houserule.
Thank you kindly.
Party consists of
Human Guardian Fighter
Half-elf Quick Battlemind
Eladrin Pursuit Avenger
Human Bladesinger Wizard
Half-elf Valorous Bard
DMPC Dragonborn Guardian Fighter (aka The Ringer, aka Deadman Walking, an old DMPC that is slated to die in this adventure, giving his life for the party, the other half of this group will hate me for this, they really liked the guy)
Starting at level 1, 6 hour high lethality (somewhat) dungeoncrawl, the rp comes first.
I plan to have them ping level 2 at the halfway point, and level 3 at it's conclusion.
Dungeon is a feywild eladrin city of towers that has slipped into the Prime plane, they are hired hands, shit goes south. They must survive an onslaught of creatures rising from the earth AND the city's automaton defenders, arming themselves with the very magic relics their employer sought to plunder, escaping from the city somehow before sunrise when the city slides again to yet another unknown realm.
What do y'all think thus far?
As though I actually care, you guys shit on actual games without fail
looks good to me, although your party does lack an actual controller. Especially since the Bard is the only leader
Are there dragons known to work alongside dark elves (or eladrin)? I have a smugDM habit of introducing a dragon of some sort on a party's first real adventure, if only to remind them why the game is called Dungeons AND Dragons.
>no, it likely won't turn into a battle, but I want them to sweat like a mofo
My prior experience has shown me that a staid controller is not as much needed as a good defender or leader. I wagered that with both a sticky defender and a punishing defender along with the tight corridors they will be in (most paths are 2-5 squares in width between towers, however, foes will have crawl or limited flight/teleport), they be able to hold their own.
Do realize the point is for them to actively move, staying a step ahead of all forces, rather than standing to fight, which will rapidly lead to overwhelming odds. I will have mook soldiers there to display enemy capacity and numbers without murdering the party to quickly.
The problem is less a lack of a controller as a role, but rather the party's overall lack of AoE or multi-targeting capabilities, which tends to be hal;f of a controller's job (the other half being actual control)
Minions would provide a serious problem for this party
>Minions would provide a serious problem for this party
That's part of the point, and also why I decided to go with "hordes of dudes" rather than "lumbering behemoths".
None of them are new players, but most are new to 4e, and some have heard the internet bantz about it, coming across with some egregious ideas that I want to dispel.
First among those is delusions of might. I want them to realize quickly that tho they are heroes and mighty beings destined for great things (probably), they are entirely mortal, and 20 dudes running on your shit is a recipe for a bad day unless you approach your situation wisely and with your boys in tow.
>Fucking up the subject field.
>Fucking up the last thread link.
>Leaving out the pastebin full of resources.
If you're going to bitch about someone else fucking up, it helps not to fuck up yourself.
Ops are fags, it is known.
Are there any good excel doc types of character sheets?
I used one for 3.pf, wondering if someone put one together.
>So if not Dex/Int, then what would be the secondary?
STR/Dex, as the dude said above. Sadly, humies don't have that much in the way of getting other attack substitutes. However, he can pick up Beguiling Strands/Winged Horde as a bonus at will; well worth it.
Just use the offline builder.
>Just use the offline builder.
Not an option with my device (don't ask, it fucking is, and it's a headache), so I'm seeking other options.
It is known that user shitposts. -anonthraki
Human at will bonus allows them to choose from other wizard at wills?
It says nothing of the sort in the class description, only saying pointedly that at wills are taken from the bladespell list.
Bladesingers are wizards, human can take the extra at-will from the entire wizard list. This is true for the other essentials classes as well, which can lead to some silly stuff.
>Bladesingers are wizards, human can take the extra at-will from the entire wizard list
OOOH, alright, I'll let her know that.
>lead to some silly stuff
Sorta what I'm worried about. My experience with Essentials material has ranged from "they are useless" to "how the fuck did you achieve that?", and as DM, I'd don't like to be surprised by mechanical shit I don't know, only by my players being crafty fucks with what they have,
Building my first pc, and it's not showing, I think on the character builder.
If you have an 8 in a ability score, do you take a penalty to skills?
I mean would you be at a -1 to that skill, if it wasn't trained?
Using the funin link.
Is there a way to sort out enemy creatures by level, or no dice?
Yes, you apply the ability modifier even if it's negative.
I used to run a campaign set in MtG's Dominaria, circa Weatherlight saga. The interesting thing is that it started in 3.5, then went on hiatus, then I rebooted it for 4e with great success. I have a ton of homebrew content for that game.
Well, you could have only "monster" selected, then write "level+1+" to get all the level 1 monsters.
Reading the fighter's combat superiority text, it allows you to strike an enemy if they try to move away, and if you hit them, they stop moving.
Does this mean they stop moving before the movement, or after?
If a creature tried to shift, would they complete the shift movement, or remain in their original square?
Interrupts Target’s Action: An opportunity action takes place before the target finishes its action. After the opportunity attack, the creature resumes its action. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points or fewer by the opportunity attack, it can’t finish its action because it’s dead or dying.
Fighter's combat superiority stops movement, meaning the attack happens before the enemy can move, and stops them from moving. They can move again if they want to use their standard action for it tho.
Hey can anyone help me out by saying what's up with the offline character builder situation?
I've got it working all the way up to the point of trying to run the CBLoader.
It has an error decrypting the rules file, whatever that means.
Gundam, actually. I've successfully run D&D 4E reskinned as a kaiju game and again as a mecha game.
Neat! I would love to see it. :)
Can a non-essentials human fighter select Slayer stances?
No, because slayer stances aren't at-will ATTACK powers
This also means that human fighters can't take them either
Means you need to empty the folders it holds the update data in and reinstall iirc. I don't have CBLoader on this machine (running on linux at work) but you can do it by hand if you find the folder. A bit of googling should lead you there.
Where do I get this from? Pic unrelate.
I've had 4e reskinned for a dark steampunk alice-in-wonderland reimaginaing.
You google "4e CBLoader" and go here:
for the files you need. Then follow the steps you googled.
The pastebin actually includes a link to the installation guide, dummy.
Mmm, but I feel doing it from the books is more fun.
The problem with the books is that they haven't been updated. 4e got a lot of errata. Especially the PHB, depending on your printing it may be like 90% out of date.
The builder sidesteps this. It's still not 100% accurate, but it's mostly fine.
Hmm, but i use pdfs and do my book reading on mobile/tablet. I ten to stick to a single book and add feats and powers from others carefully. I like fluff, not optimization.
Use the compendium.
There's an online version at funin.space and an offline version in the pastebin.
>I like fluff, not optimization.
Fluff is pretty light in 4e. Being able to bend it to your will is one of the advantages of the system imo.
>> fluff is pretty light.
I read the novels, especially eberron and forgotten tealms.
Well, fluff tied to the game elements like powers/feats anyway (with the occasional dragonmark thrown in).
How are the Eberron books? I really love the world, but haven't read any of the books yet.
Any book recs? I am reading the brumstone angeks series and the sundering, and have read some TSR classics like Thornhold and Evermeet: Island of elves. Pic completely unrelated.
Stat me.
Who is she?
Looks like a pretty plain human druid.
Literally who?
Level 1 human druid
Level 1 monk.
Leve 1 druid | monk hybrid.
Surprisingly workable.
That's basically the mantra of hybrids. I can't think of an unworkable combination, short of picking classes with main attributes that are different but on the same NAD, and no AC fixing feature between them.
Non-AC Defenses.
For example, a barbarian | battlemind would be STR/CON based; this is bad because both of those stats add into the same defense, Fort, so both his will and reflex will be shit, and his AC also won't be stellar.
Then again, barbarians already have to deal with that if they go with their constitution based path, so I guess it's not that bad.
>> You could say this is as bad as akick to the goNADs.
I'll fuck off back to a reddit pun thread now.
GoNAD's is actually the reason why that particular acronym was chosen.
but con-based barbarians are shit.
Rageblood Barbarians are better off going str/dex, for extra reflex, AC, and feat support
There are some on both NADs that work - Deva Bard|Cleric works spetacularly well, and I'd personally say that an Eladrin Swordmage|Rogue can do its job quite well if whoever's playing it recognizes how heavy you have to be on Minor Action attacks and Interrupts to make it work really well, but it's very good if you can make it work. I'd say that's one of the main issues behind hybrids being finnicky to begin with - the obvious ideas don't work, like an Arcane Archer - to pull stuff off like that, you to know the game's meta before attempting to pull them off.
Homebrew user here, sorry for the wait. Unfortunately I have very little stuff in english, and being homebrew, it's shit anyway. I'll try to fix things a bit and maybe post 'em in a future thread.