Okay pricks. Nobody on this board wants to talk about who's voting for who, so i think it's time we had a little bit of fun today.

Today we do our best to construct Duel Decks: Trump Vs Clinton. We are going to try and make this as thematic as possible, and pull our shit for brains together to create a somewhat balanced Duel Deck experience to commemorate such a ridiculous day.


1. Each deck gets its own unique walker represented by their candidate. (Trump example above nonwithstanding, saved it from elsewhere.)

2. No more than 2 copies of any non-basic land card in the deck.

3. There will be three new cards in each deck, one of which is a planeswalker, and the only card that can be at mythic rarity. Every other card available in the deck will be a reprint.

4. New art for reprinted cards always welcome.

5. Keep the decks thematic and balanced against eachother (I know you'd want to represent both with Armageddon but what's that for gameplay?)


>Colour identities for both decks
>Ideas for reprints in both decks
>Thoughts on planeswalker abilities.

GOD MODE CHALLENGE: Both decks are built, balanced and ready to play by the time one candidate wins the election.

Trump makes sense as Jeskai, inb4 GB for Gitrog Frog

Hillary Clinton should be Black with another color

Trump Deck Reprints

Hillary Deck Reprints:


I'd kinda wanna make Clinton GB just to be the opposite of Trump, but Green doesn't really feel Clintonish unless you include environmental issues.

In that case i'd lean towards making her Sultai, blue for control. Thoughts?

Also toyed around with this idea. Shit name but maybe could work as one of the new cards?

Hillary should be Gitrog, honestly. She looks like a frog.

Trumps deck should be as timmy as possible. Like a jeskai tokens thats slow but goes big.
Clintons could be a sultai grindy deck that wins by inevitability

Trump is mardu. He absolutely has some amount of black, and Although I am not going to say he is dumb, I am going to say he is not blue

Black is the color of ambition and selfishness, both candidates are in B. Trump deck is BR chaos, Hillary deck is WB drain.

But Jeskai colours for MURICA. It feels so right.

2 Colour decks where both share a colour seems kinda eh to me... 3 colour feels more right here. i'm leaning with

Trump is definately Mardu. Very much "we protect our own".

Clinton is a traditional Orzhov politician.

he's been playing 4D chess since before you tapped your first Island m8

Trump for Jeskai and Clinton for Sultai for sure. It works:


Blue: Control, he's got his name on fucking everything, and owns businesses. He controls a lot of shit. It's doable.
White: Law and Order, he's openly saying he wants to support law enforcement. That's something.
Red: Chaos. Too easy.


Blue - Control, Strong leader figure, knows what she's doing.
Green - Environmental issues often fought for by the left
Black - Corruption. Again, too easy.

Please, no /pol/ in Veeky Forums.

>Trump makes sense as Jeskai
and he shall have the greatest wall of all.


Also one of his cards needs to have "Walls you control have protection from nonwhite sources".

And his walker should have something to do with tapping opponents lands to pay for spells you cast.

-2: You may tap lands your opponents control to pay for the next spell you cast this turn.

Jeskai Defender tribal for Trump
Perimeter Captain, Wall of Denial, Wall of Omens, Hanweir Watchkeep, Vent Sentinel, Fog Bank, Stalwart Shield-Bearers.
Spells include Lightning Bolt, Path to Exile, Comeuppance, and Riot Control
Maybe Form of the Dragon and Circle of Protection: Black

This hands down!

Trump deck:
Jeskai Defenders
21 cards
2 Perimeter Captain
2 Wall of Denial
2 Wall of Omens
1 Hanweir Watchkeep
2 Vent Sentinel
2 Fog Bank
2 Stalwart Shield Bearers
1 Preacher

1 Warmongers Chariot (lol)

2 Lightning Bolt
1 Path to Exile
1 Comeuppance
2 Riot Control

Thinking 36/24 Nonland/land split in each deck. Probably give them the life lands from Khans block?

Also Trump - 1RWU
+1 - Put an 0/3 Wall onto the battlefield
-2 - You may tap lands your opponents control to pay for the next spell you cast this turn.
-7 - You get an emblem with "Creatures you control get +2/+2 and lose defender

How in the Hell is Black, the color of selfishness, not Trump? The man puts his name on everything and says whatever he has to in order to gain support. Then there is the fact that a huge part of his campaign centers on playing into the fears of the voter base about one thing or another. Fear is a very Black feeling.

I also question him being White. He might have said that he supports law enforcement, but in 2012 he basically called for an insurrection (when it became clear that Obama was going to beat Romney, he tweeted "this is wrong. We should march to DC and put a stop to this"), then during the election itself he obliquely suggested that if Hillary won and put a liberal judge on the Supreme Court, she should be assassinated; and later implied that if Russia were to hack the Democratic National Convention, they would be rewarded, i.e., he invited a foreign nation to interfere in an American election.

The man is not White excepting inasmuch as White tends to be the color of demagogues. Frankly he fits very comfortably into Black and Red: his entire campaign has been about emotion, fearmongering, bullying, and highly aggressive political tactics.

trump is impulsive and is pressing for USA's emotions.
he should be red.( which also rappresent industry)

he is for law and order. he should be white.

he wants to make america grow again and he is defending his home citizen. he should be green.

Killary is using her connections and control over the system to rig it. that's totally black and blue.
she is using emotions of women and minorities to get to power, therefore red.

I'd vote to cut the colors down to red and white. Add a small reanimator sub theme to give him a chance to recur either himself or vent sentinels.
I also think Hillary should avoid traditional combat as well, encourage an alt win condition. I like the idea of UB control, maybe with a big mill attack or Blue Sun's Zenith to either take down the trump deck or dig for her own answers? I'd want a self mill theme going, we can add flashback to give her more graveyard utility.


This. Putting everyone's need to memes aside, which I know is hard for a lot of you he's literally the blackest part of business and the reddest part of red.
Splashing white because law&order is okay when it's on his side.
He should try and be grindy with big explosive bombs. He's the guy running cards like Blind Obedience to slow down the enemy so he can go "AHA, Inferno Titan"

Hillary should be blue/Black, maybe green, because her campaign has basically been entirely about information. She's good at finding information that Trump would rather stay buried and using it against him, which in this case is the equivalent of mill+reanimate.

Hilary needs black and brown tokens, also faeries and women? tokens.
that card that makes citizen token . I see her esper.

trump needs gold tokens. Donald gets wal of denial for sure but also mnemonic wall. he should be able to spam his spells over and over again, no hard counters just like mana leak, mana drain, Donald need a goblin rigger.

For god's sake no, keep the decks focused on one win con or everything's going to be crazy and all over the damn place. Either we keep to the idea of the red zone not being a win condition or we don't. I personally think Trump walls and a slight reanimator theme versus Hillary mill with a self mill subtheme is perfectly reasonable, plays well with the joke that they avoid direct fighting because they're politicians, and still highlights election themes.

I think tokens are in order because of the citizenry etc. they may both need a single copy of omniscience. or maybe just the winner. Maybe a recurring nightmare on Trump's deck to bring back her emails that is, and a fact or fiction for Hillary.

OP here, all in favour of cutting blue from Trump? Leaves us with the following options:


So tokens for Hillary and defenders for Trump. Can we get a strong enough token theme in Sultai colours. Change base suit?

>The man puts his name on everything and says whatever he has to in order to gain support.

The problem is that Hillary is already like that and it's funny to have Trump as Jeskai

Or fuck the haters and keep the Jeskai meme.

I once again vote RWB for Trump

Trump is more the better choice for tokens, seeing as how he's going to import a LOT of expendable mexican labor to build his wall if he's going to get it done. It's pretty much how he, and most rich people, build everything.
>Hire immigrant workers on work VISAs
>Pay them less than everyone else.
>When they should leave, they don't and become illegal
>Hire them under the table.
So Trump should have tokens he "hired" until the job is done. Goblins make a good stand-in for immigrants.

RWU is spot on for Trump. I would recommend Hillary is GBW.

The information warfare cuts both ways with the leaks though, so I think there would have to be some kind of vulnerability associated with that ability.

I'm off from Blue for trump, I get it murrica. but he is too short sighted and improvisational RWB he needs the recursion themes

we also need a Kemba that trump can grab and create kitty tokens for hillary...

Trump doesn't plan anywhere near enough for Blue. Blue is slow and methodical.
Hillary set up that whole "fact checker" system and planned her arguments for debates.

Trump went to "/r/TheDonald" for a "I CAN DO THIS!!!!" type of pow-wow. One of those happened in canon. It wasn't the Jeskai, or even the Abzan who did that. It was the mardu.

this is supposed to be a duel deck, the mana fixing is going to be shit if we keep it Jeskai. with the limitation on 2 cards max, making it RW keeps the mana reasonable and doesn't handicap him mana wise against a 2 color deck and we could have both decks stuck doing nothing a worrying number of openers if they're both 3 colors.

No way we can get a tokens theme in Sultai, there's only a few token generation cards in green and its an unbalanced matchup if Trump is going to be walls. If Trump isn't going to interact with creature combat, Hillary shouldn't either except for maybe a few creatures like shadowmage infiltrator to draw cards. I support cutting them down to 2 colors, with RW or RB for trump and UB for Hillary, using the themes suggested by myself here to explain the election (Trump ground down his opponents by constantly launching light barrages and never acknowledging his opponents actions, Hillary used tech to gain access to her own voters and dug up nasty secrets of her opponent) while still keeping things simple. If this is supposed to be a proper duel deck we need to keep the colors simple, otherwise the story gets lost in overly complicated mechanics and decisions. Mill will also help by adding a much more noticeable clock to the game, because otherwise the game is just going to durdle around until Trump gets his big wall pay off whether its a vent sentinel or his planeswalker ultimate.

That can be where the reanimator theme is with Trump. Hillary tries to mill him out and comes short, he could have a dread return to get a vent sentinel on the battlefield and start clocking hillary quick.

I think blue works despite everyone perceiving him as a dolt. I don't say this because I think he's particularly smart, rather that he is always scheming. And he probably has a dirt on everyone. Control of information is what I'm advocating here. He hasn't suffered nearly a catastrophic breach as Hillary.

Huh, now that I think about it, the email breach is like someone leveled a Mind Twist at Hillary.

>-2 - You may tap lands your opponents control to pay for the next spell you cast this turn.
Needs some sort of "you may draw from your opponent's mana pool" clause stapled on, or they just tap all their lands in response.

Black can scheme. Blue thinks things through further when it schemes.
He doesn't think far enough ahead for blues scheming style.

I feel like that's just Red shinning brighter than the rest.

>implying Hillary wouldn't use an army of black Serf tokens

There's a reason Red and Blue are enemy colors. It's such a red action, that it actually takes away blue points, because blue would at least try and prepare. Trump's first debate was trying to cowboy shoot from the hip with a gun he didn't load.
And he didn't do his homework the next few times either.

Prison industry complex is firmly on the Republican side of the ballot user

That's why he isn't just blue. Red and white are tainting his actions as well. I would also argue that color identity can serve a flavor roll just as much as a mechanical one. Blue being part of trumps pie is definitely unintuitive, but in the context of RW, it works.

Shut up, this is fun

OP Here
Like this look so far for the Trump list. 15 slots left for nonland cards and we still need the planeswalker verified and the 2 other new cards. Sticking with the idea of a Wall Lord that gives your walls protection from nonwhite.

Could break the rule to include a playset of respective Tri lands in each deck? Could live with him going Mardu instead of Jeskai (Althought love the idea of him staying Jeskai), but will go with Majority rule on this one.

What do you think lads, Jeskai for the memes of Mardu for the themes?

-2: You may tap lands your opponents control and use mana from your opponents mana pools to cast your next spell this turn.

That should also clear up the idea of it being a repeatable Mana short, only using what you need. This ability being so flavourful is another reason i wanted to keep Trump in Jeskai

Of course, and he acts anti-blue. Literally the opposite of what blue does. Most of what we know about him, good or bad, is black.
>Being a rich, greedy businessman
>Admits that he does what he wants because he has the power and the fame to do so and no one can stop him
>Admits that he doesn't pay taxes
>Those allegations that he goes into bankruptcy just so he doesn't have to pay the craftsman that work for him.
>"I could Doom Blade a somebody and not lose any voters."
He loses either Blue or White, but he's practically primary Black.

I think the decks should be limited on memes and more focused on themes. I'm all up for mardu with the 3 tri lands, but I will note that I'm still a bit nervous about costs. I might also suggest moving the 0/3 into a 0/2 just to keep things reasonable, or just making it a 1/1 if we're going to avoid making combat unless trump's ulted a thing.

You might want to add on to that limitation that you can only tap lands equal to the spell's cmc, but that starts getting really wordy.

Regarding unique cards, I think that we should make each one like the ones in the new PW deck that tutor up the respective Politicianwalker

Losing white loses the defender theme. If we lose a colour it's blue. If we gain a colour back, it's black.

>When you cast your next spell this turn, you may tap X lands your opponents control and spend X mana in your opponents mana pools, where X is that spell's converted mana cost.

Kinda chunky but the shortest i could make it while keeping it clear.

The ditching blue is for the best. The only reason it "fits" is because "Muh memes" and "It's funny"

So what should President Tomaru do?

That actually reads pretty well, and it helps a new player understand what's going on a bit better since spending x mana makes it clearer this is meant to be used for the spell you're choosing. I can just feel shitters misunderstanding what's going on there, especially if this is going to be used to reference stuff they aren't aware happened.

If we are using that ability though, we'll probably want to make sure 2 of the colors in Hillary's deck matches trump. So Mardu versus Esper for instance would let Trump cast both his black and white spells.

Fuck off /pol/

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

This is why we can't have nice things.

Everything you listed there screams White to me.

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

This thread might have gone better if /pol/ hadn't been spamming for weeks, I agree.

We mean the color pie user, not people.

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Except for the last one and not just for the cleaver use of doom blade.

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

So do I but you knew that.

>Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

What's with the reddit tryhard fags talking when nobody cares?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Nah, this is a most definitively Veeky Forums behavior.
It's how all the things that got kicked out were made to leave recently.

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Actually I thought you were joking. Here let me put my serious hat back on.
Now, colorpie-wise:
>Rich and greedy
Being rich by itself isn't black, but getting your wealth through greed and finding ways to step on the little people is pretty much black. White at times can be more for the people, even if the name of the game is capitalism. White makes labor unions and increases the minimum wage because "ALL should prosper" is a white mindset.
>Admits he does what he wants because of wealth and power
This is literally the goal of black in MTG, whether Liliana, or Tezzeret, or even Ob Nixilis and Bolas." I have the power and the cards so I can do what I want" is a black sentiment. White is still more of a "For the good of the people" type of color.
The color of law, order, and following the rules would never approve of someone breaking the rules, that includes paying taxes.
>Not paying craftsman.
See what was said about "Stepping on the little people" right above for black. This is the blackest thing he could do legally to get out of paying.

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

damn people stop bickering about who is what stick to campaign facts.
Hilarie=well prepared, long time in power, legitimate politician, email scandal Hurt her, secretive, she's perceived as corrupt (regardless of your opinion)

trump = "only I can save yall" mentality, not prepared but improvisational, repeats things alot, isolationist policies, tons of money.

trump= lots or resources, support of the overwhelming white etc

Hilary= immigrant and minority support, establishment.

nobody cares who you voted for, make magic great again because together we can

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

So we're all pretty much agreed on Mardu walls then? RIP Wall of Denial...

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

All these peeps insisting that an evil person must intrinsically have black as part of their pie.

Trump is RWU. Deal with it. White is more evil than black could ever be. Red allows him to admit his wrong doings, even with a mote of pride and defines his seemingly aimless business ventures. Blue is what allowed him to get this far while being a complete idiot on the surface. You don't get where he is without having some smarts and the fact that everyone thinks he has none only reinforces blue as the last piece. Subterfuge game strong bitches.

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

but those aren't campaign facts.

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

>Insisting that we're doing it because white or black are evil
Good job not reading the thread.
Black is about greed and "power for myself"
And no one's calling him an idiot, they're saying he doesn't plan and likes to wing it, which is 100% red and -5% blue.

Get a better understanding of the color pie. Christ you're terrible at it.

...Fucking hell guys if we can't even decide on which Colour combo one deck will be how the fuck are we gonna build two whole decks in the nexxt 14 hours or so?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

There are plenty of walls to use. This one is more Trump anyway.

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

It's starting to feel a bit arbitrary whether he's labeled as black or white. I still feel like every one of those qualities is squarely white. You make a good case for the first point though. I think many in this thread are being far to narrow in their interpretation of the color pie.

>So we're all pretty much agreed on Mardu walls then? RIP Wall of Denial...

Nah I like Jeskai for Trump and then we can do Dimir or Sultai for Hillary.

Sultai is good because then you get Delve (aka removing emails) with Treasure Cruise (clinton foundation) and murderous cut (assassinations)

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?

>Nah I like Jeskai
That's nice dear, but there's nothing blue about him. He doesn't read books and even his friends admit he has a nonexistent attention span.

You have an odd view of the "We must save the little people" color. White, if allowed to do what it wants, would have raised Trump's taxes because rich, made sure he paid them, and then used them to fix up infrastructure. Then raised minimum wage.
There's a reason White has the most anthem effects. It's the color that things the wealth and greatness should be spread wide, not tall.

Whats with the /pol/ furfags spamming their fetishes on Veeky Forums?
