Tell me Veeky Forums, are you still interested in swordfighting gifs?
Or failing that, in an arms and armour thread?
Tell me Veeky Forums, are you still interested in swordfighting gifs?
Or failing that, in an arms and armour thread?
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Cheeky cunt. That right there is why the rapier became everyone's favorite sidearm.
> are you still interested in swordfighting gifs?
Never doubt it
alright then I will dump what I have, although it isn't that much
It's kind of more complicated than that but I agree that stabbing people in the ace is among the top 5 reasons why people want a stabby sword
Fighter on the left was totally caught by surprise and froze up. Could have easily parried it by pulling his pommel a little bit. The fighter on the right took his forehand off of the hilt and is out of position to grapple, and would be in serious trouble if that attack didn't work.
This looks like a demonstration and not an actual fight, but the guy on the right could just turn his quillons a little, maybe raise his sword a bit.
true on both account but it's important to realize that in every kind of fighting your opponent won't be perfect, and not necessearily make the best decisions. Nor will you.
So mistakes like that is what happens in real life
I'm contributing!
Damn, fencers are quick.
this one is only for the giggles and shit
Of course. I've used a sword. It's not a matter of how much you know, but how much of it you remember when you're in the thick of a fight.
Raw speed only contributes so much. It's also a matter of knowing how to move efficiently.
I usually say that it depends on three main factor if you are successful or not (apart of the skill of your opponent)
1. Do you realize what is your opponent doing to you in time or not
2. Do you know what to do against it or not
3. Can you actually physically do that in time or not
>using modern crafted armor
kek, that would've fucked him up
>It's also a matter of knowing how to move efficiently.
It seems like a good portion of these gifs ends with someone turning a parry into a sudden attack. Effective movement indeed.
Meg mernek eskudni hogy jartam mar abban a tornateremben.
that's the gist of it. Also always doing attacks that in the meantime protect yourself from the opponents attack. That is, if you don't want to end in a double kill
Az összes tornaterem ugyan úgy néz ki
Got any sword-and-board?
sadly, no, not really. Only pictures and videos but no gifs for those
well... with the exception of a few larp gifs for ants if that's okay with you
That's ok, I mostly just want to gett better insight in what s&w fighting actually looks like. Would you say the LARP footage is decently accurate to "real" fighting?
In most LARPs you can 1. afford to get hit more often 2. the weapons are lighter and can be swung around more easily & 3. a tap counts the same as a hard hit
those three things do make LARP combat quite a bit different
fuck no.
Even BotN looks more like a real fight than the larp ones. And in BotN they take fencing literally hugging the fence all the time.
If you want to see realism look up on youtube Dimicator
Man, The Duelist was THE shit
Would really help if most of these were slowed down by 50%
>T-that wouldn't happen back then
It would be worse. For the sword, of course, since it would be made of worse quality of steel.
But hey, if you are using 3.X as your only reference point, then well memed
Open some download in the background, here, ftfy
Jesus fuck, it's hungarian larpfag... weren't you suppose to die or something?
Or get perma-banned for using Hungarian?
don't make fun of the dragon twister
Is he stabbing with Katanas?
nah, too many people would be happy if I die.
And I only get banned from shit tier larps and facebook hugbox groups.
And nobody can distinguish gibberish from hungarian
internet is too fast, hardly affects it
I'm not sure if that's qualify as stabbing.
then you must either start DoS-ing Veeky Forums or download the gifs and do some magic on them.
Whichever is easier
gif magic-is fairly simple. Other user, is there any particular gif you would like to see slowed down? I could do a few quickly before bed.
Is it just me or does all lightsaber combat resemble zweihanders?
which is weird because lightsaber combat in the original trilogy was based off kendo
it's just you.
You probably thinking of the montante drills put it has very little do do with it apart from the fact that lightsaber fights work in very wide motions too.
Hungarian, you may be an asshole, but you're my favorite asshole.
Yup. The riposte, in proper fencing terms. The use of mechanical leverage and angles to redirect and return.
>And in BotN they take fencing literally hugging the fence all the time.
Yeah, HMB and ACL rules work to negate that bullshit.
"Traditional" lightsaber is Kendo/Iado based, but the modern stuff, especially recently with Kylo Ren, is based off Euro longsword and Wushu
Just fucking die already. Or simply stop marking your posts
>alright then I will dump what I have, although it isn't that much
Many thanks. I'm happy to see all of this after getting home.
I might have to save some of these for next time someone says it's unrealistic to be so fast with a weapon.
You seem mad.
I like you too user. In a non faggot, Veeky Forums way.
Come and make me die
God damn that's some cool half-swording. And since For Honor is actually gonna do Murderstrokes, there might be some hope for half-swordig videya.
So not only hungarian cunt came in, but also the other fucker.
There are three things I don't like on Veeky Forums:
MtG waifu threads
Hungarian LARPfag
Go fucking figure
All I ever see these two posters do is post cool stuff in arms and armor threads, exactly what inspires such hate?
The stunt guys for the Prequels claimed they based the choreography on Kendo too but honestly there's very little in common. A few of Obi Wan's stances look like they were lifted from it, then tweaked to make them look a bit silly.
for that youtube videos will be better.
People will say that the gif is fastened/slowed/shit/the stars aren't right/the stars are right/you are a faggot/you are a white cis scum/whatever
and even with the videos they won't believe it half the time saying it's staged/not real swords/too much protection/not enough protection/experts/not experts/Simpsons did it first/whatever
that's a VERY specific list. Is there a story behind it?
>non faggot
>Veeky Forums
choose only one
Well, I can't speak for Hungarian, but I hate MTG.
Some people just hate fun.
The original trilogy used a kendoka as the fight director, modified by Lucas adding his interpretation of the samurai films he was ripping off.
also here is three good video that you can show people
This one is coreaographed but the techniques are proper and can be seen clearly. They could done it a little faster but still enjoyable and educational
And here is a training video where they are drilling a few specific techniques, full speed
Also honorable mention on techniques but not on speed
obviously I meant it in a gay but not faggot way
The Fight Arranger for EP 4 was Bob Anderson, an Olympic Fencer, not a kendoka.
>Well, I can't speak for Hungarian, but I hate MTG.
I'm neutral on the subject but generally I'm not really enthusiastic on CCGs
No clue, honestly
No shit? Interesting... I mean, the Obiwan/Vader fight is near textbook first position, Chudan No Kame. Pic related.
It's the twirly motions they always make them and the fact that lightsabers almost never seem to stop moving in the new stuff.
Very nice. I like these a lot. Bookmarked all three for later use.
While it's true that he was a fencer, that doesn't mean he didn't study multiple styles. Episode IV lightsaber combat is indeed more kendo. Conversely, episode V is much more of a HEMA longsword style. Episode VI is just flailing around angrily.
I notice most of these are very short. Are swordfights by nature never more than a few seconds long or is it just the short ones that gets made into gifs?
Most Olympic-level bouts don't last very long, which is why they're scored and there's multiple rounds.
I'd love it if Star Wars fights were this speed. Blocking ranged weapons while being slow as fuck is daft.
the gifs are short but the actual fight is usually short too.
That is if we are talking about two agressive fencers where either of them is skilled or maybe both.
The thing is though is that in real fight with sharp swords (if you don't have any protection) people tend to slow down and do way more "preparation" like in the OP gif. I mean nobody wants to get stabbed for real.
>but the modern stuff, especially recently with Kylo Ren, is based off Euro longsword and Wushu
Not it really is not. The Prequels had a heavy Wushu influence but all Lightsaber stuff is just nonsense stage combat. It's fantastic to watch but it has nothing to do with Longsword style you just say that because Rens lightsaber has a crossguard he never uses other than to singe with.
Also people don't just drop dead when stabbed unless you sever the brainstem with a practically unheard of decapitating strike.
The guy in OP's gif could have still killed the enemy duelist if he wasn't some pompous fop but a trained soldier. Even when your heart is impaled you can still actually fight long enough to kill the other guy if he doesn't immediately disengage.
One of my internet friends is a surgeon at an emergency room, you wouldn't believe the amount of shit that can happen to the human body and the human just keeps on truckin'.
Real fights in general are very brief and unpleasant. Sword or no.
Im talking competitive lightsaber IRL, not the movies. Should have clarified.
It depends. Generally speaking yes they are only a few seconds before someone gets hit.
HEMA sparring is made a little less realistic because of the gear (a necessity obviously). With a mask and jacket and gloves the brain just doesn't make one fight defensively the way fighting without protection does.
True enough it's impossible to spar hard at full speed without kit so gearless slows down because of that carefullness but the natural defensive movements make what would be a 1 second exchange a 20 second probing match of trading blows.
Even so if a swordfight to the first hit lasts more than one minute it's very long.
Ofcourse people have been grievously wounded and fought on so they were known to last some time.
Yeah. And I'm sure Obi stands in Godan for a few moments in the prequels.
Honestly I don't think lightsaber combat should look anything like anything based on real sword fighting. Far more use should be made of a Lightsaber's ability to turn off and on at will. It should be impossible to parry.
Humans really can live through and recover from the most devastating things. We're also quite capable of dying from the silliest things. It amazes me that humans can be so durable yet so frail at the same time.
>Far more use should be made of a Lightsaber's ability to turn off and on at will. It should be impossible to parry.
Goddamit I've never realized the potential of this.
Don't forget the lack of mass, resistance or fulcrum, and the 360 cutting edge.
The films kind of negate it by how long it takes to turn on and off.
There's a cool comic where Vader kills a clone Darth Maul by switching his lightsaber on so it spears his robot chest and Maul at the same time.
The real difference between lightsaber fighting and most fencing style is the complete lack of hand protection. It would either look much more retracted like stick fighting or as much as everyone shits on it. Extended and snipy like in ANH.
well, that's an entirely different topic but yes.
The problem is, no two people are the same and some people would collapse from shock, some will go on through adrenaline.
But generally speaking that's why most teachings of fencing prepares you to defend yourself even after doing a successful blow.
And generally speaking cuts are more likely to "end" the fight, making the combatant incapable of continuing it than stabs.
Cuts can severe muscles and tendons making the person incapable of moving parts of his body. Although not very likely to die from that only. Obviously there are blood loss, and a few very serious cuts but still.
Stabs on the other hand leaves most stuff that is needed for moving "fine" but other vital organs might get damaged in a way that it's very hard or impossible to stitch you together.
Possible exception is a VERY precise stab to the hart or to the brain.
And that's why in rapier duels it was common that both participants died. it's hard to do very deep cuts with a rapier and it's the best for stabbing. But that won't stop your opponent. So at the end where the blood loss finally kicks in it's entirely possible that both participants have half a dozen fatal stab wound.
Maybe one of them will die there, and the other one will die a few days later in his bed.
It's really a matter of shock and and the central nervous system, and what powers it.
Shock is the main killer, and you can actually train yourself to the point that you don't feel it. Like those weird monk-types that have taken control over their normally automatic body functions, they can completely control the way their body works and thus make it more efficient, like how the Ice Man can run around butt naked on mount fucking Everest and not get frostbite.
But while you can eliminate your body's susceptibility to shock, or at least reduce it greatly, your central nervous system and the blood needed to make it work can't just be ignored. So you can take serious injury to the limbs without real issue, any arterial bleeding can be swiftly staunched by tying the artery/arm off or just cauterizing it. But the trio system is the brain, heart, and lungs. Anything really grievous done to those and what connects them is gonna fuck you up and probably get you killed. On the bright side, you've got two lungs so there's some degree of redundancy (you still really need two lungs, but you won't suffer a critical existence failure if just one is damaged like you would with your heart or brain).
Although yet somehow at the same time, some parts of the brain aren't even fucking vital. Have you heard of Phineas Gage?
or that you can switch of the OTHER guys lightsaber with the use of the force.
Although that was handwaved by saying that the force users can magic protect themselves from it or something along that line
Yes, stabs are the ideal method of killing people, however with such a thin blade it's definitely not going to put somebody down fast.
The best way to drop a guy with minimal harm is to hamstring them, by severing the muscle itself or slicing the tendon.
I had to google the name, but I immediately recognized him. or his skull, in any case. And he's far from the only example of people surviving grievious brain injury.
Interestingly, in many cases it's said that the people who do survive serious brain injury have their personality changed in some way.
or just whack them in the head REALLY hard. If they don't have a head protection.
Even if you don't kill someone with a good head hit it will most probably seriously hamper their ability to use a weapon.
>On the bright side, you've got two lungs so there's some degree of redundancy (you still really need two lungs, but you won't suffer a critical existence failure if just one is damaged like you would with your heart or brain).
and even if somehow magically all three of your lungs (because technically you have three, the right side is doubled) get pierced you still have a few seconds to fuck up the other guy before the lack of oxygen gives you serious drawbacks
I think it's the old King Arthur movie from the... I want to say 50s? Flynn-type era anyway, but doesn't have him in it.