I need pictures, pictures of disarmingly cute and unassuming NPCs
The kind that will lure my players into a false sense of security
I need pictures, pictures of disarmingly cute and unassuming NPCs
The kind that will lure my players into a false sense of security
This thread is off to a great start...
You gotta post some yourself first, chief. This isn't /r/.
Remember that murderhobos will kick the baby and ask questions later.
Had I more than my meager collection I wouldn't be here asking for them now would I
She still got a petrifying gaze
You see, this might raise some eyebrows.
The kid's cute, but the faces on the snakes are staring into my soul. They're really damn creepy.
>The kind that will lure my players into a false sense of security
Just what are you planning, sir?
Yupiel did nothing wrong
>lure my players into a false sense of security
The vizir is a baby seal.
A very comfortable and normal scenic village.
Toot toot
If sailor uniforms are ok than use tsukasa
Literally unending amount of art to use
Aw, geez, this is embarassing. Now I know what it feels like to be a clutz.
what is this fae bullshit
She did kinda kill those guys who just wanted to put an end to her monstrous and unnatural existence plaguing the world of mortals.
Oh shit is that Misuzu?
You don't fuck with Misuzu.
>creepy tsukasas
What year is it
Come on, user. It's the current year.
>Lucky Star was almost 10 years ago
For the first time I truly fear the future. It'll be 'classic" soon.
That was self-defense.
>that filename
Don't even fucking joke about that, a man got dragged away from his family a week ago in my area because a loli in a van offered him vinyl copies of comfortably numb and jimmy hendrix. They found him with teeth marks and a broken pelvis. Loli rape is no joke.
Yupiel a cute.
Suzuka a cute.
But aren't you missing someone?
... I don't believe it. Source?
Have you considered making the eldritch abomination something other than "so cute and apparently harmless they can't possibly be relevant in another way"?
Look, the idea boils down to surprising the players with the demon, or BBEG, or whatever the fuck it is - surprising them with it being the last person they'd suspect. Right? Here's the thing - if I see an innocent, cute little girl suddenly tag along for no apparent reason, that's EXACTLY the first thing I'm going to think, because every fucking GM tries that at some point. The point is to pick someone unassuming and common, but you've mistaken what passes for that in real life with what passes for that in an RPG.
Make the eldritch abomination a world-weary barmaid, or the plucky thief rushing to stay one step ahead of the law, or a bitter soldier from the losing side of a past war, or the town drunkard. Can you tell me you'd think twice about running into any of those characters in an RPG?
He drove a prius, and in the loli's mind that meant he was asking for it.
> The kind that will lure my players into a false sense of security
>false sense of security
Just for subjecting your players to this, I will not post any. Fuck you. Cute girls are for cute, not for backstabbing.
>said the user who was stabbed by as cute girl shortly after posting this
I once made a eldricth abomination an tall, slim and jovial black man with a sharp sense of style. He is a traveling salesman with bizarre and useless devices, like a brush for a nose hair or edible shoe polish. Does this counts?
That's pretty standard for Nyarlathotep. His usual human form is a tall, dark-skinned (although more Arab-looking than black) man, usually in fine clothes, and in his first appearance he was a travelling showman of some kind.
Fuck you and fuck everything you stand for.
In a traditional mystery, it's common advice that the murderer needs to be introduced in the first or second act, lest the audience feel cheated that they couldn't have deduced the right answer. However, the murderer must have some other reason to have been there - else the audience will immediately figure out that it's the character with no other apparent reason to be present.
However, this advice is often misunderstood, because it's actually asking for two things. First, the character must have an in-character reason to be present in the story, a justification for showing up. For instance, they could pose as a witness to the crime. Secondly, the character must have a justification for taking the audience's time - even if they're a part of the in-character scene, the audience will also ask why they are being introduced to a character and, if they do not get a satisfactory explanation that makes sense as of their first appearance, the audience will assume there is a hidden reason. For instance, they could appear to be relevant to the protagonists' character arc.
Failing to understand that both of these things are necessary is a common flaw in amateur writers and in GMs and why so many "they were the bad guy all along!" twists seem patently obvious. And it's good advice for secretly-evil characters, too. They need both an in-character and in-story reason to show up, else the players will always suspect the character of having a hidden motive.
Unassuming little girls rarely have legit reasons to mingle with adventurers and even more rarely have a point in an RPG other than to be a front for something.
Are tall, slim, jovial black men with sharp style routine in your setting? If not, he might still be a great character, but he's not a surprise to have something else going on.
>traveling salesmen with bizaree and useless devices
I have sincerely never seen this NOT be a front for something sinister.
I once had a mind flayer as a villian. They used the children as suicide bombs.
Someone might look twice at that
This user is right. If yu are going to use the little girl, make her either an actual little girl going with the adventurers for some reason (Ransom, sister of one of them and both are orphans, etc) or something wacky like in an anime, but them amke them not be a culprit, but a bait. Trey are too obviously out of place to not be suspectd, so labor the history around another character, can be close to her or not, and wave her around a bit to make players think she is obviously the culprit. It only works if players arent paranoid like mine, to make something like that work with mine, they would need layers upon layers of preparation and twists that would make teentch blush and the campaign untasteful.
>Bite makrs
user... you guys cremated the guys body right?... You know what happens when a human being is bitten by a little girl.
I love you too guys.
Obviously dangerous.
I recognize that "completely innocent and very safe" girl.
Totally unassuming.
A reoccurring Eldritch Abomination NPC in my games is a cute but uncanny valley animu grill who acts in a smarmy and in control manner most of the time due to being a horrifying godthing.
The twist is that she also listens in on the players in the OOC call, they caught onto it during her one of her appearances and bullied her into having a nervous breakdown. She's never been the same ever since.
I'd like to think the concept worked.
I like this one.
An ambush, horror style, I guess.
her left hand is on backwards
Your hand is on backwards
>No Hinako
For shame.
Word of warning: DO. NOT. cut her, even accidentally. Like, ever.
>implying you can ever hope to scratch a ninjutsu master like her
How could she do any harm? With a bike flip mid-air?
I had an idea for something like that where it's just some overwhelmingly average and unmemorable dude. Polite, but in a working class kind of way. Looks like just some guy at a tech store. Just has a menial job, like a store clerk, or an apprentice, or runs a market stall.
Cute girls serving no apparent purpose almost always is going to be some sort of horrific marrow vampire or explodes you into a shower of gore when she smiles or somesuch.
But just some average dude who seems to serve no apparent purpose? Your imagination runs wild. He's as likely to be a horrifying ancient with malevolent intent as the local serial sex-murderer or the world's best assassin or the second coming of the setting's messiah equivalent. And the worst part is? There's so many dudes who are just like him. Throw in multiple of these kinds of dudes and they'll just not know who's actually some schmo and who's just using it as a guise.
"I work for Belethor, at the general goods store."
No, more shatter your spine with the bike during her berserker rage.
50% adorable
40% comical relief
10% total fucking nutjob
Not today Yupiel!
Is her Drive (Anything) limited just to ground vehicles?
Because I dread to imagine the things she could do with a helicopter...
Nope, she's decent with Watercraft as well.
This one seems familiar....
most vampire pictures don't make me nervous but that reminds me of playing many a mortal that was totally helpless before some crazy vampire
adorable young looking thing notwithstanding
Ah, the photographer one that had a happy ending of sorts
The real afghan girl is now in hear early 40's and about to spend next 10 years in jail for not having her papers in order...
What is this from?
This one is probably the most accurate, because once you are disarmed and not on guard, she can just kill you with disease's. like, hundreds of them.
Oh, i know this one. I love that game.
socrates a cute
Ahh smug, or some say lolismug.
Do you hear our prayers?
>cute and unassuming NPCS
just use a real eldritch horror, like pic related
You could try using a little monster girl or something. A normal human girl in a dungeon or something is an obvious trap, but a young monstergirl might have reason to be there. If she's clearly not human and shows minor powers, I think most parties would stop there.
While an ordinary girl can be assumed to be anything from a vampire, demon, or eldritch abomination until she shows her true form, you already know what the monsterirl is and assume she's just a little one.
Say you have a tiny demon girl who stays near the party (not following them but happens to be doing things in their sphere of attention) and either tries to be helpful or THE EVILEST and has a tendency to fail because she's just too little to be effective. She claims that when she grows up she'll be the bestest demon ever and they'll all fear/love her. As long as she seems harmless, the party shouldn't take her too seriously until it turns out she's an Archdemon Lord bent on something horrible.
Switch out species as needed.
sauce please?