Volo's Guide to Monsters is in the Mega. Be sure to buy it and support the hobby even if you download it!
Question of the thread, have you ever successfully used, or seen a player use a character who is clearly a rip off of an anime/vidya character without it being immediately called out or a genuine trainwreck. Pic related for a Spear wielding Triton Vegeance Paladin.
Secondary question, what is the next character you are most itching to play?
I haven't seen any blatant rip-off characters in-game yet, but I've had a few people put forward applications that are described as 'the blind monk from Marco Polo'.
I just want to play a barbarian, nothing special, I like barbarians.
Jonathan Collins
Are there any first-party rules for settlement construction and management yet? I've been out of the loop for a while and want to run a Kingmaker-esque hexcrawler game.
Grayson Bailey
I really wanted to play a goblin rogue but I'm not sure I should do it. There seems to be a lot of overlap between their abilities.
Some Forgotten Realms lore questions for other characters I want to play;
Are there any wizarding schools in the world? I'm not thinking about something like Hogwarts but more something like Unseen University.
Is it possible to be a cleric for a dead god and still have powers and stuff?
Nicholas Powell
>Does this passive perception just make it so that they have a constant radar that makes them always pick up on things? yes >Aren't "scanning" checks like that specifically for class skills, like that paladin "divine sense" and stuff? yes, you need to find the object first before you can check it with arcana >There were other examples too; they would "roll to persuade," but I thought you had to basically attempt to persuade, then roll if it works. to be honest senpai I'm not smart or charismatic enough to come up with some long winded convincing speech to warm the heart every time I want the barmaid to suck my dick so a lot of the times it comes out as "suck my fucking dick" then persuasion roll it's fine to just roll persuasion without thinking up what you actually say as long as it's not some heated plot moment where you're trying to convince the BBEG to come over to the good side
Jack Morales
Personally I want to play a Dwarf Battlerager, mostly becuse one autistic player at our table is such a grognard who has to be the center of attention who demanded that he gets to play a half-orc Luchador because he is clearly the only person who has seen Los-Tiborion. So we help him build a 5e Grappler and show him how to be effective and he immediately gets outright tantrumy when the DM won't let him jump 40ft into the air to suplex flying enemies, and the odd time when the GM does allow his idiocy, he gloats like he is the biggest badass for the rest of the session because the GM let him jump out of a window onto an enemy. Meanwhile in combat he gets bored of grappling since he lacked the cognitive capacity to understand how grapples and shoves worked effectively so just made unarmed attacks at everything for 1d4 damage, asked the GM if he could "Dual wield fists" can get an extra punch as a bonus action instead of grappling, then got bored and started using his greataxe and eventually asked the GM if he could swap his feat for great weapon master because grappling sucks. He then claims the Holy Great-Sunsword we got as our end-of-quest loot from our Paladin because "The Paladin gets smites so he doesnt need more damage so the free damage on the greatsword will be better for me." which our nice-guy paladin let him have, he then constantly gloats about how much damage he does with his sword and all the dice he rolls are amazing.
So out of sheer spite, I want to in our next campaign play a real grappler and be an effective control element for our team. Does this make me a That-guy? I mean I want to play the class because it looks fun but at least 40% of the reason is because "Hey, look how effective grappling can be when you're not a manchild."
Xavier Mitchell
Ugh that point about the passive perception shit sucks
He's been getting at me for not mentioning shit in rooms like barrels that had gunpowder in them because "my passive perception would have smelled those." I hate that he's right apparently.
I'm not asking for speeches either, just something other than >I roll persuasion >What do you want to persuade her about? >Well...
Dylan Sanders
I mean, I don't think that'd make you That Guy, but for all I know I could be That Guy, so don't take my word.
How would you put together an effective grappler?
Michael Thompson
Just don't get in his face about it (too much). That Guy sounds like an immature dick though.
Brody Morgan
>Are there any wizarding schools in the world? I'm not thinking about something like Hogwarts but more something like Unseen University.
I'm not very good at lore but i think candlekeep is like that.
Jose Bell
I've been wanting to play a BB swashbuckler since the hit and run aspect of it seems really fun but I'm not really sure about the character itself. I was thinking about some type of Inquisitor, which then lead to me to think about multiclassing with paladin.
Any of you guys successfully multiclassed rogue and paladin?
Jack Richardson
I feel like there are a couple of schools of thought about this, but I fall firmly in the 'you must clearly state your intent before rolling' camp.
Evan Thompson
Generally to "Scan the area" for magic, you need Detect Magic spell avaliable. If you have the object in your hand then perhaps if it was obviously magical you might allow an Arcana check to identify some properties, but ideally you'd need both detect magic and an arcana check to go "Oh, these runes on this sword mean it is a key to some kind of magical lock, I thought the abjuration aura was quite unusual for a blade."
Passive perception isn't quite an "Aura of I'm constantly scoring 14 on my perception, show me all the things baby." it's more "My perception DC is 14 or anyone trying to sneak past me without me actively being on watch.".
Also keep in mind, Perception is the skill for finding creatures, noises, people and such, if it's a check of noticing the key on the floor underneath the rocking chair, or the hidden compartment in the back of a treasure chest, or the pressure plate to trigger a dart trap, that is an investigation skill, which does have a passive investigation so I imagine that is the "Constant radar of I have passive 18 show me everything obvious below 18 as soon as I walk in." which is a little lame considering a character with observant would easily have a passive investigation of 22+ and automatically spot any trap.
Although passive rolls might only apply to obvious things, finding a secret door, hidden trap or even an object inside a container might require you to at least say "I start checking the walls/closets/floors carefully" before you let them autospot anything below their passive.
Hunter Jenkins
>have you ever successfully used, or seen a player use a character who is clearly a rip off of an anime/vidya character without it being immediately called out or a genuine trainwreck. Every time I see it done it's cringey on top of being a trainwreck. Everyone stops viewing your character as your character and starts viewing them as the thing you ripped off. >Willhelm, Halfling Thief, set out to make money for his family when the shire's economy went downhill >Peace, Tiefling Bard, an honest soul who wishes to spread joy through music as her mentor once did for her >Grak, Half-orc Ranger, on a quest to find his missing father >Shaggy, Human Monk, investigating mysteries, acts as the parties driver using his Mystery Wagon, has a pet dog named Scooby
Noah Walker
Arcana checks are not "sense magic". That's what the spell Detect Magic is for. Rolling Arcana is especifically for recalling lore about magic items, other planes of existence, magical creatures, spells, etc. But it's merely for recalling lore. There's a few other uses, like controlling a Sphere of Annihilation, but that's not important in this matter. Basically the players have to discover if something is magical either by interacting with it in ways that would show its magical nature, casting detect magic/identify, or spending a short rest focused on the item (which gives them the benefits of identifying something). Arcana is for AFTER they discover something magical, to recall what it may be. For magical items I recommend DC 15 for Uncommon, 20 for Rare, etc, going up in increments of 5 for each tier of rarity.
Passive perception is a thing that everyone has. Basically it says how much a character is aware of his surroundings without having to actively search for anything. Basically what you do is: if there's anything sneaking up on the party, they have to roll Stealth checks and beat (or tie) the passive Perception of the PCs. Same things for PCs sneaking up on unsuspecting creatures. If it's an ambush, everyone whose passive Perception was beat by the ambushers is surprised at the beginning of combat.
Speaking of which, yes, you need something to block line of sight of whatever you're trying to hide from, be it cover, darkness, tall grass, whatever.
Grayson Adams
He is, we play with him because we've all been "friends" for years and years but he is an immature dick who genuinely gets physically angry when the enemy dragon we were fighting kept flying out of his reach and avoiding his melee attacks. Ending his rage because he preferred dashing to keep in contact rather than attacking with a javelin.
Dwarf Battlerager seems to be great start, Grapple-Shove gives a great deal of lockdown on foes and with extra attack you can do both of these in one round then hit them with your armoured spikes. For rounds where you don't want to shove or grapple, or only need to do one of them, a versatile battleaxe swings for decent damage. And once they are prone, you can swing with free advantage with the battle axe one handed twice and spikes once. Since you're making free attacks and getting advantage of prone you don't need to "Reckless attack" every single turn so your AC is actually a relevant number and you'll only really throw out the odd reckless attack for the battlerager temp HP.
Isaiah Ramirez
Honestly I wouldn't have any problem with someone playing a straight up clone of Hundred Eyes.
David Ortiz
Have you considered sneaking some bleach into his coffee? Sounds like he could use it.
Cameron Young
I haven't tried it, but DEX Paladins are fine, at least. You're probably going to have to start with Paladin because the multiclass requirements for Rogue are less harsh.
I would expect taking a few levels in rogue with many levels of paladin would be best, for spell slots and great auras and stuff. You can get a lot out of a few levels of rogue if you aren't going for more and more sneak attack damage- cunning action and fancy footwork will be useful, and 2d6 SA is nice.
Another option is possibly going straight DEX Pally, and taking the mobile feat at level 4.(Vengeance Wood Elf Paladin for maximum chasing them down, to refer back to the OP subject, she could be Maeiv Shadowsong from Warcraft3)
Nathan Gutierrez
Another good grappler build I've seen was a Battlerager with Tavern Brawler, wielding a shield and a bare hand. Shoving Prone, Punching people for 1d4+Str damage, Grabbing them as a bonus action without having to rage for your extra attack. Or just fighting normally grabbing and using Armoured spikes, After people are grappled, Punch Punch Stab. With the feat you have a little more versitality in your options and lets you use a shield for a further +2 armour.
Grayson Ramirez
So 2 things here
1st is explain to your players that you ask for rolls, they ask to do stuff. I roll persuasion is a no Can I try and persuade the guard to let me pass is a yes.
2nd is to remember the difference between perception, investigation and character knowledge.
So passive perception is stuff that their character would notice. Perception is stuff that they have to look for, although I would ask for perception if they are on actively looking such as being on guard duty when camping. Investigation is looking for clues and making deductions. And character knowledge is stuff that their character would or might know
In your black powder barrel example
Enter room, brief description of room, unless they are hidden mention barrels. If the players have high enough passive perception then mention that the room smells of charcoal (I think that's what old gunpowder smelt like, if I'm wrong substitute smell). If they don't have high enough passive perception and they were looking for the barrels, roll perception. Otherwise there is no need for perception anymore. If they don't act on the smell, then leave it, if they do then get them to roll investigation to find the smell and if they find it to deduce what it is. Now depending on the character and setting, they may have encountered or heard of a powder like that before so depending on that eithr tell them what it is from the deduction or make a a History check (or just use the investigation check from earlier).
If you don't follow what I mean, I've probably written in badly but that's how I'd handle the situation.
Aiden Hughes
Thanks, that's really helpful.
Maybe I'll show him them posts and blast them with the wise words of my secret internet club.
But yeah, that's what I was thinking. I do wish they would just play their characters more instead of always trying to "solve" encounters.
Jason Brown
If your GM is permissive, you can go Varient half-elf with Woodelf Heritage, giving you the +5ft movement speed on the +1 Any, +1 Any, +2 Charisma statline that is great for Paladins.
Ryan Howard
I get your point, it's just that those barrels weren't exactly a serious focus in the room, so I didn't have any numbers or anything planned for them. Amongst many other things, I mentioned the barrels and crates lining the room (in a warehouse), figuring that if someone decided to check out the barrels, they'd find a fun thing to throw at the bad guys. This player was upset that I didn't immediately tell them about the gunpowder in the barrels because of their passive perception.
I was mad; it's like I'm supposed to fill in sensory information for him.
Luke Wright
There's a little bit in the DMG.
I actually ran Kingmaker in 5e by substituting monsters from the Monster Manual and multiplying the skill checks by 2/3. It lasted through book 3 and then the party proceeded to take their power gamed kingdom and curbstomp the whole region. We ended early with a cool dragon fight during a royal wedding.
Justin Foster
You need ability score to multiclass out too.
Anthony Hernandez
What does /5eg/ think about of Volo's? Good, bad, indifferent?
Kevin Thomas
To summarise. Perception is for finding people and physically spotting obvious things. Investigation is for finding hidden objects and spotting less obvious things. Passive perception sets the DC for hidden enemies to beat with stealth, and may also let the player spot some things when they enter a room, such as a patch of grey slime on the ceiling or the sharp caustic smell in the air, or for hidden enemies, the goblin hiding under the desk. Passive investgiation is used to discover less obvious hidden things, such as a small key on the floor or a noticable trip-wire. However they will still need to state "I'm checking the walls/drawers/floor." before you let them find the DC15 hidden door/keys/pressure plate, even if they have passive investigation 18, but they find it without rolling.
I suggest having passive rolls set at 8+ModProfMisc rather than 10+, simply because I've had players refuse to roll perception checks because "Why would I, my passive is already 17. Chances are I'll just get lower so why bother, I'll stick and find what the 17 gets me." I feel actively looking should always be a better option than just observing while idle.
Spotting magic needs detect magic. Arcana is for finding lore or information on magical items after the item has been discovered or identified. A good example would be finding a magical sword in a chest.
Arcana check, No Detect magic; I can tell that this sword is magical now that I have it in my hands but don't really know what it does unless I rolled exceptionally well. No Arcana check, Detect magic; I could see this sword was magical from across the room, also I can tell that it has evocation magic aura, this could mean anything though. Both Arcane check, Detect magic; I clearly know this sword is magical with an evocation aura, my knowledge of runes scribed on the blade and experience with evocation magic suggest that this sword when active will be wreathed with flame and deliver additional damage each attack.
Elijah Sanchez
>Secondary question, what is the next character you are most itching to play? Sometimes when I'm bored I like to draw up NPCs by making characters and rolling the background stuff. I take what I've got and then try to flesh the generic adventurer out. Sometimes it's dumb, or edgy, but regardless I rather enjoy it, and sometimes I actually kind of like what I've ended up with.
But since I only DM, the answer is "all of them," but most recently a mad scientist guy who eschews magic and is trying to achieve immortality through achieving a perfect understanding of how living things work. He's a fighter who specializes in a glaive because I thought it kind of looked like a giant scalpel and it being his signature weapon would be funny.
Jack Reyes
Stats aren't much of a concern. We roll for stats (I know, I know) and the stat assignment so far for this character is 13,16,14,11,13,15. I dont think there's a better way to arrange them, for a swashbuckler at least.
Hudson Brooks
>it's like I'm supposed to fill in sensory information for him I mean, that kind of IS part of the DM's job.... on the other hand, a player can't expect the DM to know or remember every single detail about every single thing, even though some of them seem to think so. Talk openly with your player about this, DMs are only humans too.
Joseph Bennett
I'm loving it so far. So much juicy lore, the kind of stuff great for stirring the imagination. The new monsters are awesome too, I'm especially looking forward to using an Elder Brain at some point. The character races were actually underwhelming in the sense they kind of disappointed me in many ways (Goliaths getting shafted, OP Yuan-tis, Goblin overlaps with rogue instead of having the obvious synergy they should have, etc).
Michael Sanders
>However they will still need to state "I'm checking the walls/drawers/floor."
Wrong. The PHB says you use Perception for that, not Investigation.
Jonathan Bell
My latest character, a paladin, was literally Luke Skywalker, except she was a tiefling.
Josiah Miller
Monsterwise, I like it all, a good mix of here are some quirky monsters, beholder lore and "yo dawg, I herd you like gnolls so here is all you need to actually run them as varied and interesting antagonists.".
I would have loved to have seen some lower-level lairs, especially when they were talking about goblin and kobold camps. Lair actions in the main hall of a kobold encampment while the warren-boss and his remaining warriors fight the party seems like the most kobodly thing I can imagine. Crazy things happening like two kobolds jumping out of a hidden trench and joining the fight, or a large anvil being suspended from a rope suddenly swinging through, or all of the kobolds in the encounter moving 15ft without provoking to suddenly reposition on the party.
Some of the player options are great, some are a bit mediocre, some are just outright questionable.
Aasimar are over designed with three subraces including Darkangel McFallen-edge.
Firbolg, Tabaxi and Tritons are all cool, Lizardfolk have so many trash abilitys and with an affinity to st and dex so no matter what you're wasting potential.
Goliath are still trash why did they get a reprint without at least getting some changes or subraces added? Hell they could have literally given them subraces ontop of what they already have and they would still be balanced.
Kenku have changed from little crow dudes who made great allies due to double flank/aid bonuses and had cool memorable mimic ability to actually literally autistic birds who cannot talk and speak in hammer clinks and parrot phrases. General abilities are fucking shit because Mimicry is more of a drawback than an advantage now and who ever needs to make copies of things in a situation that having a bonus to it would be relevant.
Orcs are garbage, Kobolds are trash but cute, Hobgoblins are iffy but cool. Goblins are okay. Bugbears I love it's a shame they never made a brutal scoundrel rogue archtype, Yaun-ti look very strong.
Jason Scott
It is? I thought Investigation was the go to skill for finding hidden things like switches and levers.
What IS investigation for then?
Gavin Gray
A fun way to use Arcana checks for your spellcasters is to let them roll it on occasion to recognize enemies casting or preparing to cast (maybe 1 round before) a spell that they know, allowing them to prepare for its effect. Even if it doesn't always help you its a cool and fun thing to give to your player.
Anthony Nguyen
This is incorrect, perception is spotting/noticing/hearing/etc. Investigation is figuring out how things work, how traps work, logic puzzles, etc.
Kayden Gutierrez
Story time, Veeky Forums! So, I was running a mini-adventure and... holy shit. The whole thing revolves around the chaotic influence of Limbo on a certain location, and I love it because it allows my imagination to go wild with all the crazy stuff that can happen. So a player dipped his magical rapier in raw chaosstuff, it turned bright pink and I decided that on some appropriate moment it would make him roll on the Wild Magic table, without letting him know the results unless they were apparent.
>Player rolled a 2: now he has to roll on the table every round for a minute. Well fuck. >96: we vulnerable to piercing now, his rapier is doing 24 damage per hit, a monster crits on a bite and deals 54 damage >92: PC reincarnates if he dies within a minute, I misread this as resurrection >he kills the enemy queen >queen's subordinate goes to town on him, with 3 attacks it manages to knock him out on the first and kill him with two auto-crits >I thought it would be cool and dramatic, but then I realize it's reincarnate. Damn, gotta commit to it now
So now the drow is a black dragonborn. I fucking LOVE wild magic.
Justin Clark
What do you guys think of this guy's houserules, I just came across them.
They seem to be fairly well considered, and focused entirely on the game design math.
For the second question, I was reading Curse of Strahd the other day and the background "Haunted One" has some Harrowing Events for you to choose/roll from. My attention instantly go towards this one: "You were cursed with lycanthropy and later cured. You are now haunted by the innocents you slaughtered."
Now I just want to play a character like this, I thinking to create him like a Ranger with shapechanger as favorite enemie.
Michael Diaz
What does gish mean ?
Jordan Richardson
The first one isn't bad, the second is pretty terrible and pointless.
Ethan Morris
Maybe this has been asked already, but is there any official word on how a lizardfolks Natural Armor ability works with Unarmored Defense? I assume you could use one or the other, otherwise it would be ridiculous.
Austin Baker
It's a reference to a warrior class of the classic planar monster, the Githyanki.
The Gish are skilled both with a greatsword, and with magic, and can use both at the same time.
the term has been somewhat generalized now to the point that people often say Gish for any swordmage type character.
Dominic Reed
Arcana isn't even used for that, he needs Detect magic.
For vague "Give me info" questions, use their passive score (Skill bonus +10), and if it's lower than the normal DC+5, they don't see it off hand, but give them a clue so they can try to look in the right direction.
Jackson Sullivan
Why don't you like the idea of making all the saves equally worth putting points into?
I'm not sure I like his implementation, but the idea behind it seems sound, no?
Luke Nelson
I am currently doing this, and holy fuck it is fun. Do it. Mine is still cursed though because DM bullshit, so I rolled him as a Shifter from the Eberron UA, and he has to take fantasy drugs to keep the werewolf under control.
Thomas Peterson
Effects just as unarmoured defence, mage armour and even wearing armour at all replace your standard armour-class formula, so don't stack.
Normal Nudity your AC is 10+Dex Mage armour your AC is 13+Dex Monk defence your AC is 10+Dex+Wis Barb defence your AC is 10+Dex+Con DragonSorc your AC is 13+Dex Lizardman your AC is 13+Dex Leather your AC is 11+Dex Breastplate your AC is 14+Dex(Maximum+2) Fullplate your AC is 18.
None of these stack.
Justin Evans
Kobold is shit
Anthony Fisher
Are quicklings literally SANIC - the race?
Noah Howard
Is Deinonychus the new hotness for 2nd level Moon Druids?
Christopher Jones
In what kind of setting would a druid have seen a dinosaur?
John Rivera
Any kind of setting. He saw it in a picture book or museum.
Dylan Miller
They're absolute bastards, for one. I think 5E quicklings are actually downgraded from the old ones, the ones that were AC -3, had invisibility and a gigantic movement rate (96" wasn't it?)
Aiden Thompson
>having to keep track of multiple dis/advantages >rolling even more dice or dealing with floating modifiers >nerfing rogues and bards to hell It's shit. The advantage mechanic serves one purpose, or rather several. Expertise serves I wildly different purpose.
Hudson Russell
William Thomas
So what do I name my goblin rogue, Veeky Forums?
I'm looking for something simple, preferably only one syllable.
Nathan Wright
Undyne Triton Knight-of-the-Order. 5th level Vengeance Paladin HP 44 AC 19 Speed - 30ft, 30ft Swim. STR 16 DEX 10 CON 16 INT 8 WIS 8 CHA 16 Saves: Wis, Cha. Gear: Plate Armour, Excessive amounts of Spears. Skills: Athletics, Intimidation, Pursuasion, History. Instrument (Piano) Abilities & Traits: Amphibious, Control Air and Water, Emissary of the Sea, Guardian of the Depths, Feat (Inspiring Leader +8thp), Divine Sense, Lay on hands (25hp), Fighting Style (Armoured), Spellcasting, Divine Smite, Divine Health, Sacred Oath, Channel Divinity, Extra Attack.
Nathaniel Martin
Aaron Perry
I dunno they have 3 attacks with +7 that deal 8 damage each, AC 16, everybody has disadvantage against them also evasion as fucking CR1? it's absurd
Luis Brown
Why does the PDF come out like this? Anyone experiencing this?
Christopher Barnes
Armor, racial abilities, and class abilities that alter how you calculate your AC don't stack. You pick the highest one out of all the ones you have available to you. The only thing that gets tacked on is a shield, because while everything else is written as giving you your base AC, shields give you a bonus.
Caleb Scott
Given that intelligence is a bit underplayed in 5e, at least in class representation, what kind of Int-based class would you like to see?
In particular, what kind of 'role' would you like to see a new Int-based class fill in 5e?
Nathaniel Johnson
I have it when I scroll but after I stop it overlays the actual text.
Dominic Davis
Gonna buy volo, but my FLGS isn't getting copies until the 15th
Elijah Young
>what kind of Int-based class would you like to see? A psionic class, somekind of a mystic if you like.
Asher Bell
Just jam in some psychics and call it a day not the UA mystic though please
Gavin Barnes
Making an item to buff monks and druids. Essentially +1 with unarmed strikes or natural weapons and some extra damage, but unsure about how to approach this. Extra damage forever would be too strong, right? Even if it was just 1d4. So should I make it a once per day "fuck you" with big damage and a save for half or a once per day 1 minute of 1d6 extra damage per turn / per attack?
Colton Allen
What's wrong with the UA mystic?
Robert Hall
>Expertise serves I wildly different purpose. Allowing Bards and Rogues to break the skill curve and be grapple-fiends, with easier 1HK grapple attacks anytime they can push/drop an enemy to their death?
>Floating modifiers kek. They cap out at +/-2. If you're worried about the added effort of +/-2, your math skills must be really terrible.
As for tracking multiple dis/advantage? I can see the argument for it and against it, mechanically.
Anthony Roberts
>dinosaur druid oh boy I know what character I want to make now
Gavin Harris
OCR text recognition extracts the scanned text, and then saves it as text text, and overlays it on top.
For some reason, you're not getting the overlay
Elijah Martin
I just think it isn't particularly interesting or compelling I haven't tried it but it also seems kinda weak/lame
Matthew Jones
eberron has lots of dinosaurs in the halfing plains
Andrew Butler
I always liked the idea of some sort of class that could umbrella over Alchemist/Artificier/Psion to hit a whole mix between martial and magic that isn't traditional 'gish'
Samuel Cox
>You're probably going to have to start with Paladin >Str 13, Cha 13 plus Dex 13 from rogue as prerequisites >You also will want Con Niiiice
Eli Morgan
>bite scales off str >unarmoured def scales off dex >bonus to con and wis I just want to play an unarmoured lizardfolk that bites
Anthony Morris
play a monk, obviously
Juan Reyes
Cows are the new meta.
Eli Barnes
Does it have something to do with the app I'm using?
Currently using Goodreader on my iPad. It has served me well with other PDFs from the trove. This is actually the first time I'm experiencing this. That said, seems fine on the computer.
Jose Perry
Ethan Mitchell
Great lore for the new monsters and the old ones (esp for Beholders and Mind Flayers)
Great monsters to lunge at your players for your campaigns
Disappointed at Monstrous Adventurers, really.
Owen Adams
I'll grant you they're not supposed to be grapple fiends, but most normal people don't do that anyway, just the ones trying to make cheesy grapple builds. But the purpose of Expertise is making a skill more reliable. Advantage is not reliable.
And it doesn't fucking matter if it caps at +/-2, 5e is supposed to be a streamlined system. You check your bonus, you roll and add. Sometimes you roll 2 dice and keep one. People would begin to cheese multiple ways to gain advantage in order to stack them and that would slow down combat as the DM has to figure out and keep track of whatever is affecting this single roll.
Besides, many things there are poorly thought out. Bards normally gain 3 upgrades to their inspiration dice (d6->d8->d10->d12). This homebrew gives them only 2 upgrades that change the point of the feature from "spend it to gain a bonus when you really need it" to "keep it to gain other bonuses because advantage is easy to gain through other means". And even then, the other bonuses are not worth it. Bards have spells that help with charm or fear and even a whole feature (Countercharm). +10ft of speed at 10th level? Seriously? For Cutting Words, giving a powerful enemy disadvantage on a hit is useless when your AC is mediocre and they have over +9 to hit.
Pass Without Trace becomes a mere shadow of what it is, since then it'll only negate the disadvantage of heavy armor users, who are still likely have close to +0 in stealth. It'd be decent in a stealthy party, but those aren't the norm.
Battlemasters already have Feinting Attack to gain advantage, and it eats a bonus action and adds the dice to damage.
Again, advantage on saves is nearly useless if your save is bad. Take a dragon's cold breath, DC 19 Con. If you have a mere +1 to that, that's only 15% chance to succeed. With advantage, it's still 28%. With an extra +3 from the paladin's aura, your chances become 30%, which is already better than advantage.
William Williams
Carter Taylor
From Volo
A powerful annis hag creates one or more of the following additional regional effects within 1 mile of her lair: • The gravel stones on a safe-looking path, road, or trails occasionally become sharp for 100-foot intervals. Walking on these areas is like walking on caltrops. • Small avalanches of rock intermittently fall, blocking a path or burying intruders. A buried creature is restrained and has to hold its breath until it is dug out. • Strange laughter, sounding like that of children or the hag herself, occasionally pierces the silence. • Small cairns appear along the route of travelers, containing anything from mysterious bones to nothing at all. These cairns might be haunted by skeletons, specters, or hostile fey.
Is this the fucking Blair Witch Project?
Cameron Adams
How can they cast magic with a greatsword?
John Martinez
Volo's... it's fucking garbage. There are good bits here and there, mostly fluff about the races, but then there's so much of the crap that I quit Pathfinder to get away from, like 4/5s of a page to tell me that THIS beholder is skinnier and has longer eyestalks and green scaley skin and therefore is xenophobic towards the ones that have shorter eyestalks or some shit.
Like all I need to know is they they're xenophobic as fuck, even towards beholders with superficial differences, I can take it from there. That bit is actually kinda cool, I hadn't thought that much about beholders before, so some of this fluff is nice reading, about their goals and habits and trophies and such.
Then you hit the races and they're all boring uninspired filler, they didn't even review Goliath for changes. The monster manual has PF-esque shit too, like the CR5 Cactoblepas that can insta-kill (not down, straight up fucking murder) any level 5 character that's not a CON:20 Barbarian, and can probably do it to the barb too if it gets a few hits in first.
Some of the lair info is kinda cool, some of the fluff is great (eg how giants "tame" creatures), some of the fluff is retarded (like the Deva that guide your aasimar are apparently Lawful Stupid as a written rule), but overall it'd be easier to burn the garbage than to sift through and pick out the diamonds.
Noah Hall
And it's still better than any 5e shifter ever
Gabriel Sanchez
Either they're warcasters who can channel through their blades (something standard PCs can do with a feat) or they take one hand off the sword long enough to cast, or their swords are specially crafted in a manner which make them also act as their arcane foci.
Jace Adams
Nathaniel Nguyen
Nah, I want something fitting a thief. It doesn't even have to be his real name as the background I'm writing has him exiled/separated from his tribe at a young age.
Does anyone know any cities in the Forgotten Realms setting that actually have slums? Something a goblin could hide and survive in without having the guards start some sort of manhunt.
Caleb Morales
Good thing you, as a DM, have the say to not include Volo content in your game.
Hell, I don't even include EEPG or SCAG or anything in most of my groups and I like a lot of their content. It's just easier to run with core content only and the 5E core isn't the same trash that 3E made us put up with.
Matthew Evans
I will admit that the insta-kill creatures are kind of bullshit (the Catoplebas isn't the only example). With that said, I'll also say it's the best supplement put out so far.
Robert Taylor
Psionic casting doesn't need any component.
Noah Perry
Yes, probably.
James Sullivan
I think he was talking about greatsword wielding spellcaster PCs, not the actual gith
Mason Perry
Literally in the rules say you can freely take one hand off your 2h weapon, cast, and then freely grab the weapon again
Nicholas Collins
Yes, they do have racial psychic powers, but didn't the original Gish explicitly cast wizard spells?
Lincoln Ramirez
A character concept that is not only competent both in casting and fight but also synergizes well between them, Wizard/Fighter is not really a Gish, EK is because has features that allow for synergy between both classes