Without the edition in the pastebin, edition.
>General's Handbook pdf is up
(why even spoiler?)
>OP image album
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Without the edition in the pastebin, edition.
>General's Handbook pdf is up
(why even spoiler?)
>OP image album
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Anyone know where I can find a more feminine head for a Necrosphinx?
so, do we have PV yet?
are the downloadables invalid yet?
I wanted to bring this here because I am super excited about it. This is my Warden King in Steamsuit, which counts-as dwarf lord on shieldbearers. This is the centerpiece for my duardin that I'm bringing to the LVO along with my Forgesworn Eternals
And here's of the hammer alone, which I am pretty proud of.
holy shit, thats kick ass dude! In turn, here's my converted Vampire Lord.
How do I bring max guns?
what guns?
>why you never skip leg day/10
But it still looks good user.
He looks like a mega man villain, but in a good way. Love that hammer
Can you tell me what parts are in this thing? I need it for, uh, reasons. ..
Well I had to represent the 4" move some way.
The main body is the gyrocopter kit. The legs are from the orks meganobs with some plasticard to cover the ork pants. The hands are from the cult mechanicus kastelan robots (I had to repose the fingers to point and grip the hammer). And a ton of other bits from my bits collection, which there are so many I can't name them all. Anything in white though is just plasticard.
whats the base model for that?
Should i get the slaves to darkness or khorne bloodhound starter set?
>khorne bloodhound starter set
Rumours say there will be a huge Khorne start collecting near Christmas.
You may want to wait and see, because the actual Start Collecting is not that good for them.
If you want the Bloodbound, there were bigger deals, like the "Warhammer Age of Sigmar Expansion: Khorne Bloodbound" and the half of the starter set.
>slaves to darkness or khorne bloodhound
I much rather prefer Slave of Darkness, because you can easily play different armies with the same pieces by taking different heroes and marks.
They have good heroes, but one day you can take the Bloodsecrator, or the Harbringer of Decay, or the mounted Lord of Slaanesh, etc. and they work.
A new cool hero came out for Chaos? You can probably take it and it will synchronize with your army.
I very much enjoy this kind of flexibility.
>Well I had to represent the 4" move some way.
WIP - a book for my warshrine.
praise be to president Kroak
And it's daemon's head.
mfw getting these next week.
the new models belong in the trash
I think you should put him on a bigger base, that one looks a bit unsteady.
Plus it means you could decorate it a bit more to make him stand out even more.
I agree. I was considering going for the 50mm for a while, now I definitely will. Also I will do the base later. I paint the model while it's on the base, pop it off the base, do the base and paint it, then pin the model back on. So that's not done yet.
hello Veeky Forums, i have 2 20% Discount codes for warhammer: total war, do you want them ?
Is this game dead again?
What price were they before coming off the webstore?
I'm thinking about getting them just for the easy shekels. But then I'm not so much a poorfag that I need to 'invest' in miniatures....
no new releases in a while I guess
it was ever dead?
Game is alive.
Nothing new, so not much to speak about.
We don't even have Eldar and Tau to complain about nor the frustration of CSM and Dark Eldar that 40k general have, so... yeah, it's quiet.
A good kind of quiet.
Good day AoS general.
My FLGS is having an army building league to 1500 pts. From unassembled/unpainted to finished in 3 months.I'm trying to stay with models I own to save money after my wedding last month and it sits something like this;
Beastlord 80pts
Chaos Sorcerer Lord 140pts
Wargor BSB 80pts
Skyre Engineer 100pts
20 Gors w 2hw 80pts X 3
10 Clanrats 60pts
20 Bestigors 140 X 2
20 Ungor Raiders 80 X 2
Warplightning Cannon 180pts
2 Ratling Guns 80pts X 2
Any thoughts?
Mega cool
Okay, let's try this again ya gits.
+1000 PTS+
Goblin Warboss on Great Wolf w/ Git Slicer and shield - (60pts)
Grot Shaman on Great Wolf - (80pts)
10 x Grot Wolf Riders w/ spears and shields - (200 pts)
10 x Grot Wolf Riders w/ spears and shields - (200pts)
5 x Grot Wolf Riders w/ bows - (100pts)
5 x Grot Wolf Riders w/ bows - (100pts)
Grot Rock Lobber - (100pts)
2 x Grot Wolf Chariots - (80pts)
6 x Nasty Skulkers - (80pts)
Going to play a 1000p game at my local Games-Workshop store tomorrow. What do you think of my list?
Risgat "Swamplord": Lord of Plauges 100p
Gorax Spirithorn: Great Bray Shaman 100p
10 Gors 80p
10 Gors 80p
2x Chaos spawns 120p
3 Nurglings 80p
3 Bullgors 180p
10 Bestigors 140p
10 Ungor raiders 80p
= 960p
Before you say anything this is basicly all I got. I started out with beastmen before AoS and I do not own a lot of other stuff, but I want to focus on Nurgle in the future.
Looks pretty solid to me
What motivates you guys in making your armies? Is it the cool stories you make for them, the battle with your friends on weekends, or is it maybe that you want to show the guys at the store your newly painted dudes? Tell us Anons, what drives you forward in this hobby!
To me it's coming up with a cool theme, and that theme has to do with converting pretty much the entire army in some way. When i visualize that idea, I plan out the purchases, steps, and such. Then I leave it for a couple months. If the passion for it remains, then I start pulling the trigger on it.
My first army for AOS was Seraphon. I started collecting them because they look cool and I just wanted some cool miniatures to paint.
I started playing the game and really enjoyed the way the army plays.
I recently started my 2nd army, the Tomb Kings. I picked them because I like their aesthetic but primarily because their rules are amazing.
I like building a consistent army with a basic backstory to tie everyone together. Sometimes I'll try to amuse myself by thinking of what shenanigans must've happened to make them come together.
What this means in practice is that I have 2 armies with different themes coming from the same starting point - a ragtag warband.
One of these are dwarfs that can't go home and just accept into them any dwarf - Disposessed, Fyreslayer, Ironweld, doesn't matter - who don't have anywhere to go. These are the serious guys - they're sad about their dispossession and just pick fights with bad guys, which inevitably leads to them realising they can't win and running away.
My other one is a group of skeletons led by a boneheaded Wight King and his put-upon Necromancer who's the entire reason the army exists in the first place. This one's the silly army. They do stupid things, like trying to intervene in a battle between some lizardmen and beastmen and getting beat down for their trouble.
isnt getting tomb king models hard becasue they are all super overpriced because they are no longer made by gw
It's a huge pain in the ass but I have managed to get everything I need except Settra
any idea whats next for age of sigmar release wise. i heard dwarfs are next. whats after that onward through 2017
Tzeentch stuff and maybe some goblins, followed by Slaanesh and Aelves, according to the rumour mill.
The results of the Season of War will also figure into it.
tzeentch this year? or start of next?
No-one has any idea. That's the thing about rumours. Start of next is most likely though, what with the slow trickle of stuff AoS is getting being similar to what 40k got during the summer.
dang, iv been holding off buying aos stuff until tzeentch model came out. lord of change for life
I don't have too many places nearby that are deep in the warhammer scene, mostly the area's single GW store where every Saturday I've been there people have gotten together for huge battles of AoS. I never played old fantasy and didn't read the lore until after the end times, and while what I know of that impresses me a bit more, being still new to war gaming in general I am on the fence. How viable are armies made from the old Empire, High Elf and wood elf factions? Would square bases and ranks/formations have any use beyond aesthetics?
How do you remove the drm protection the novels have? I am using the Ice cream ebook reader and cant read anything because of the protection.
Is there also a Stormcast eternal painter?
start stocking up on tzaangors and kairic acolytes as much as you can from the WHQ box set. It is very likely those kits will not change when tzeentch gets their battletome
because when that happens, you can expect the ebay prices for them to go up when GW releases the official kits for like $50 for 5 models or something retarded. Then when the update comes, you will already have a decent sized force outside of a few new hero releases.
I posted this earlier and have a few toss ups I've been thinking of for it.
I haven't played much AoS yet and would love to hear how the Hell-Pit Abomination or Doomwheel would been for Matched play Objectives or fit into a Beastman infantry heavy list.
i kinda have started doing that but i hate having all my models in the same pose for some reason, got 8x acolytes, 6x tzaangors and ogroid. im actually building them as we speak
Hellpit is very underwhelming. I think it should cost 240 or 260, not worth 300 points imo
again, the kits will likely not change at all when they get their own release in their own boxes, because the sprues already come with a healthy mix of options that seem common on modern warscrolls. so I wouldnt hold out hoping for tzaangor or kairik kits with different poses
well desu i think the sprues will change but the overall look wont, take bloodreavers for example. completely different from box set than the separate version.
also box games version usually have most of the model on one sprue but the bloodreaver box by it self is legs, arms, head etc
looking at the rules again, I would have to agree on that. The Doomwheel seems nice as a objective seeker/distraction carnifax.
I'm kicking myself for finishing a Ghorgon model a few months ago, and don't really need a second one just for this.
man even basic space marine they do tha
the difference between the starter set kits and the new releases was the starter kits had only one option for bits.
The silver tower sprues are like official release kits with multiple weapon options, which is akin to a box set of any other kit.
also note, the silver tower hero sprues didnt change at all when they got their own reboxings.
The kits will likely not change.
desu the silver tower karic and tzaangors do not have multiple weapons, it really is one way. if u were to change it you would need greenstuff. the weapons are attached to arms that only fit a certain torso
also why the fuck is it auto filling "desu" i type my message that it adds that dumb shit when i sent. fucking weebs
Use english s e n p a i
that was a case of rage typing
boneheaded Wight King
I see what you did there.
I do wish Deathrattle had more.
There is a difference between snapfit (of which all heroes and all silver tower and starter models) and posable multi kit. Even if the subject is the same the actual models are light years.
I also want Death to have more variety.
I've since added some zombies to the list, fluffing them as training for the Necromancer (that he doesn't need) and I caught myself wondering why the Zombie Dragon isn't part of the Deadwalkers. I mean, it is a zombie, right? So why isn't it in the zombie faction?
I like the idea of a Skeleton army that is basically a pack of Saturday Morning Cartoon villains.
Whenever you play them you need to do your best skeletor voice and talk for the Wight King, and make up stupid reasons why you are trying to capture the objectives in the first place.
>Myar we need to capture the chaos talismans you see
>Why m'lord
>Beucase, without them I wouldn't be able to destroy Sigmar, myar!
>Every combat phase you play this
>You will turn up the volume every single combat phase.
There are good reasons why I have stopped myself from buying some rattleboned spooks so far.
Anyone got infos on the start collecting megaboxes which are rumored for this Christmas?
That's really impressive!
If anyone had that info why would they post it on Veeky Forums instead of the dozens of rumour websites?
I agree about the bigger base. But it looks rad, love seeing your stuff, hope to see your army at LVO
That's actually really good
I like this a lot, my only reccomendation is to go a bit thinner on the drybrushing on the face, it looks very slightly too thick.
Seems fine, you might have an issue with bigger monsters, but you shouldn't face too many in 1000 pts.
>tfw I found the last Settra at one of my FLG
>tfw my friends are about to be introduced to the real bone zone
>charge 40 skeletons into my friend's clump of Chaos warriors
>120 attacks, 3+ 4+, sixes are extra attacks, pile in and attack twice
>his thirty warriors are completely obliterated
>walk up to my friend
>look dead in his eyes
Tell me about your armies.
Cause I don't follow all of them shitty sites
What rules would you make for a Beastmen herdstone as a terrain piece?
Alright guys, not sure if this is the right place to ask but fuck it. Me and a buddy of mine are interested in getting into warhammer, specifically age of sigmar. But we have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHERE TO START. Whats the difference between warhammer, age of sig, and 40k? What do I need bare minimum to start playing? I saw "starter packs" for different factions, are those worth getting?
It's a Host of Slaanesh, of the Seekers kind.
As so, we are trying to find Slaanesh, with very good results (I have won a narrative campaign and most games until now).
While doing so, we are basically killing and pillaging every village on our way.
Right now an unlikely alliance of Tzeentch followers, chaos barbarian and elves is coming together to stop us (apparently Arcanites don't like when people pillage their sacred temples in search of clues and treasures, and asked the Elves and Barbarian, the main victims of our pillaging frenzy, to come out with a plan together).
Well see how it goes, it will probably be a series of very hard battles.
My Host is guided by Madame Hebess the Opulent, which is one of the few remaining PleasureSeekers from the Old Days, which promote herself as Herald and Leader.
She's ruthless and, as the name suggest, very greedy.
I don't have a good name for the Host yet, maybe you can help me.
Oh ill be there. Plane, event, and hotel tickets are paid for and everything.
>Whats the difference between warhammer, age of sig, and 40k
Age of Sigmar is the sequel (both in story and for real) of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, which was the now defunct game which started it all.
Age of Sigmar is relatively new, and while they are basically the same setting, they are very different games.
Age of Sigmar is a very simple but not as stupid as it may look. It's also a skirmish game (every miniature move and act independently with some restrictions), while WHFB was played on regiments, which act as a coherent unit.
That why you see some miniature on square bases; they are from the old day.
40k is a completely different setting and game, which has some element in common with fantasy (mostly the Chaos. Fantasy and 40k have the same idea of Chaos, the same Gods, etc).
40k is by far the most popular for the setting and the miniatures, but the game is in a bad shape right now, and it's expecting a reboot next year.
>What do I need bare minimum to start playing?
In Age of Sigmar there is no real minimum (there is a starting kit for 2 players with 13 miniatures for example).
You can play with as many miniatures as you like, but in general the starter pack size is where you want to start.
>I saw "starter packs" for different factions, are those worth getting?
Absolutely yes. Those are good deals.
If you like Khorne Bloodbound and Stormcasts, there are other boxes that are even better deal, but that doesn't make the start collecting less of a deal.
>It's also a skirmish game (every miniature move and act independently with some restrictions),
WTF are you talking about? AoS is not a skirmish game. Models still move in units. Also calling it a skirmish game is misleading. It can scale down to just a few units and a hero, but it also is commonly played with big armies.
Awesome! Really appreciate the help, thanks! Do I need to own the rulebook for whichever faction I choose? And are there limits/requirements for how many units I can have?
Does the Warhammer Terrain have any extra rules other than the mysterious terrain rolls and proving -1 to hit from shooting if inside?
The only book you really should own is the General's Handbook. It's cheap ($25 us) and an awesome resource even if you are not interested in matched play. We can't recommend it enough. The other books, like the battletomes are kinda optional, but handy resources for fluff and some other army building options.
Awesome fluff user. I am not good at naming Slaneesh stuff but i'll give it a shot.
Here are some example:
>Host of the frenzied spirits
>Host of Eternal Glory
>Followers of the Madame
>Seekers of the true god
Uhm... let me rephrase that.
In Age of Sigmar, each unit is composed of multiple models that act together and need to stay in coherency but are considered independently for moving, LoS, etc.
In WHFB you have a brick on the field composed of multiple models but which is essentially a single object.
Yes, look in the AoS app under the scenery warscrolls
Ahhh ok. Ill pick that and a starter pack up!
More complex, there's alot of tables to memorize. The games large amount of rules lends itself to more "tactics" (there's more things every player can do and slot of units have army wide special rules, as far as being strategic with it that's on you). The factions are cool although space marines reign supreme. The 40k general will tell you all balance is shit and your favorite army is ass. This is untrue unless you want to be a hyper competitive WAAC player.
Fairly new, plenty of factions (I THINK more than 40k but I'm not sure). The rules are simpler (4pages vs 100+) and each units special rules are defined on its war scroll. Less "tactical" in the sense that guys either punch or shoot and are relegated to 5 basic unit types (monster, leader, infantry, cav, artillery). Most of sigmars tactical depth comes from the combat phase, where finnegaling pile in moves and strategic death play a big factor.
What do you need?
Ruler/tape measure, dice (D6), flat space and a friend. If you want to do 40k templates and terrain (they can be stacks of cds or full on models).
The starter boxes (start collecting I'm assuming ) are great values and give a quick force to most armies. They usually come with your basic troop plus some flashy stuff to sink your teeth into.
The actual starter sets are a great value for two players, giving you both a decent force as well as dice and measuring sticks. I believe the 40k also includes templates and rules.
Be warned, this activity is 80% building and painting. If you just want to play, you won't get nearly as many games as you might think.
>Followers of the Madame
Well, this gave me an idea.
Since the leader is a Madame, the host could be like "Courtesans of ...".
To keep it in that high-class victorian era style Slaanesh have.
Probably give extra distances to charging, if you roll doubles the unit takes d3 mortal wounds
Courtesans of lust. ?
>The 40k general will tell you all balance is shit and your favorite army is ass. This is untrue unless you want to be a hyper competitive WAAC player.
I don't agree much with this. 40k balance is so much shit that if two new players pick armies based on how they look there are good chances that one of them would curbstomp the others every game. Absurdly you need to be extremely good with the game and know every unit to be able to make a balanced game.
I'm going from personal experience but lgs has a bit of everything. I play tau and skittles, slot of guys play SM, a few orks, 2 csm, and almost everyone has 1k points of nids lying about . As long as none of us go full on tryhard (riptide wings, grav spam, eldar everything, etc) even the "low tier" codexes and the like pull out wins. Granted they do less than my tau, but I don't think anyone ever feels slighted after a game.
Maybe I should add, game balance is determined more by your community than the codex?
Awesome, thanks for the advice!
too on the nose
Courtesans of the Lost?
Cavaliers of the Damned?
The Maenad Host, after the followers of Dionysus from Greek Mythology.
>The Maenad Host
This is actually pretty good