I was thinking of running a very weeb game and I found this
Has anyone played it?
Is it good?
I was thinking of running a very weeb game and I found this
Has anyone played it?
Is it good?
As someone who's played it extensively... the short answer is that the ideas are good but the rules get in the way more than they help. Be prepared to basically bend the rules or freeform alot.
Biggest criticisms (keep in mind I'm judging the second most recent version because the actual most recent one is still incomplete):
-Overcharge builds up wayyyy too fast. To the point where you won't want to use alot of your coolest abilities due to the overcharge cost.
-Mutations. See above. Fuck mutations. Fuck having your character potentially ruined forever because you got too much ovcercharge. Some of the stuff on the mutation table will seriously change the entire "element" of your power and ruin your character concepts.
-Poor/no separation of combat and non-combat stats. Basically you have to min-max your character's personality traits to have good combat stats because.
-Class balance sucks. Basically Priestess (support) is best at absolutely everything. Knights (tanks) are useless. And Sorceressses (offense) are overcharge generators. Powers follow the same trend, with some being INCREDIBLY useful, but being weighed against powers that are absolutely useless (every movement ability in the game).
All of these are manageable with GM fiat, and the system works fine outside of this... but that doesn't really excuse these big issues unless you're super into the idea of playing a magical girl game and don't want to learn GURPS or some other system.
I'd add onto this:
Magical Burst is designed for a very, VERY specific sort of game. I wouldn't use it for 99% of Magical Girl games, let alone generally weeb games.
It's like AdEva in that way. It's designed to play one specific sort of game (And that game might not actually line up with how the genre goes)
The creator seems to have given up on it sadly, as the latest version has been incomplete for over 2 years now. Reading the creators blog, I'm not sure if it's just because he moved on to more slice-of-life styled games that I don;t really care about, or if he couldn't figure out good ways to resolve the problems mentioned, as they were pretty essential parts of the mechanics.
It's a damn shame, I was looking forward to a new version enough that I almost considered becoming a patron of the guy, but he just seems to have forgotten about the project completely. There haven't been posts or updates about it in forever.
Nah, I don't want to learn gurps, but other system, if you happen to know of it, would be nice
Any suggestion for a magical girl game?
You could always write a letter to him
How crunchy would you want if you want a magical girl game?
Also: What sort of magical girl? You looking at more Nanoha or Pretty Cure or more Card Captors or even Madoka?
Sorry, it's a bit of a wide genre.
Warrior girls like pretty cure or nanoha, leaning more on the crunchy side and with a good amount of options for fighting but with narrative combat ( without needing a grid)
One of the things we dread the most is when your turn in combat arrives and all you can do is just "basic attack" if you aren't a caster
Is it much to ask?
Legends of the Wulin.
Has a fun system for blending social interaction and combat together if you want a a lot of options for warriors.
It's designed for high flying wuxia but it works well for very character driven combat with lots of minions and duels.
Can it be ruled with moe girls as the protagonists or does the setting/lore shun upon it?
Not that it matters, we don't care much for it
I heard some guy used Legends of the Wulin to run a full Nanoha campaign and it worked pretty well. Don't have the details saved, but should be able to find it if you go digging.
Sound great enough, I'll give it a read
>author says he found inspiration in Strike!
>Game dies
Who would have guessed
Heroine Crisis, technically an ERP system, it is pretty rules light and easy to pick up while still offering a decent amount of character styles. You can either refluff the sexual corruption with despair corruption for a Madoka-style game or leave it out completely with little effort for pretty much anything else.
I-I guess I can give it a read...
>Magical burts
Hmm...you dorks got me curious. I've been working on a double cross conversion for RWBY in my free time, but now I'm wondering whether that work would be like 80% portable into a magical girl universe...
It's fucking amazing. I mean, the rules are unbalanced and often awkward or inadequate. But the core concept is great and the game does well enough at getting you into the right roleplaying mindset, as long as you're intending to go along with it.
>Overcharge builds up wayyyy too fast.
That's kind of the point of overcharge. That said, you can fine-tune it by giving a free point of OC shed per scene or per session.
>Fuck mutations. Fuck having your character potentially ruined forever
It's not supposed to be a wish fulfillment game, you know? I mean, characters are randomly rolled unless you're a total faggot and rolling with what the dice five you is part of the fun.
>Some of the stuff on the mutation table will seriously change the entire "element" of your power
Standard house rule for this is that you can switch the first and second digit of your roll if you like.
>and ruin your character concepts.
That lack of control is part of the body horror aspect of it, you know? Magical Burst isn't designed to have a character that's totally static and ends the same as she starts but with bigger numbers.
>Priestess (support) is best at absolutely everything
Hexing is pretty nice for wearing down a big enemy. Knights are shit though.
Magical Burst is WAY better at what it does than a GURPS approximation.
Not like it's the first time he's left it a few years between releases. Not that I like it either, but it's not necessarily dead.
Actually... I suspect that Ewen has pushed Magical Burst to the very edge of his dame development capabilities. It might behoove us to take it off his hands and make our own version, sort of how Song of Swords is Veeky Forums's Riddle of Steel.
We already made ReWrite but it could use an update
ReWrite was for 3rd draft and was both needlessly rules-heavy and scarcely more balanced than 4th draft is.
Some of the best random tables you can ever get for building megucas. 10/10 would generate again.
The mechanics, while interesting, are anything but magical. The most common complaint among players was "combat doesn't make me feel like a magical girl."
I would suggest using the random tables and following the suggestion of Next time I try to run a megucas campaign, I'll probably a gutted version of Legends of Wulin (as I did for a Jojo-related one-shot); however, I may need some mechanics to help things be extra magical.
Anyone have suggestions on how to make Wulin more meguca-compatible?
How do we make knights NOT shit?
>"combat doesn't make me feel like a magical girl."
How would it do that anyway?
You would first have to somehow make the gameplay more lethal. With current mechanics, death isn't a concern, so powers that prevent it are pointless. The downside of fighting is that you get OC and thereby mutations and shit.
I'm brainstorming some ideas. Feedback welcome:
• Movement and Position generally only matter in the sense of "are you near the enemy or not" so we'll make that the basis for the mechanics. Sometimes it matters if you're near another magical girl or NPC, so we'll say that if you're both near the youma you're near each other too, and if you're both far from it, you're near each other (or can get close to each other without any narrative impediment, which is close enough for our purposes) but if one is near and the other far, then you're not near each other. Some youma may have abilities which prevent let them keep magical girls apart, and youma and magical girls might have access to a couple abilities that interact with this, but mostly it's not important. However, for people who like positioning, ans especially for GMs who use it to make nightmares distinctive, we'll have a slightly more complex optional system. This is a bit like Ewen's track, but rather than a line of positions that's always the same, the GM decides how they're arranged and which are adjacent to which. In this situation, the default nightmare or fight is two adjacent positions, which functions mechanically identical to the simpler version of the rules.
• The biggest problem with the stats and skills is that they don't make sense as related to... Anything, really. They're great avenues of overcharge and mutation, but that's about it; although there's ideas there, they're functionally pretty interchangeable. So I think they should be conceptualized as follows:
○ Heart is about interacting positively with other people. It's your social stat and you roll it to do anything social as well as anything support-related. In combat, a heart finisher is the sort that can convert people to be your friends afterward. There might not be a mechanical effect to that bit. Heart fires (ranged) lasers and
○ Fury is your physical stat. Anything to beat people up but also general athletics. This feels like the weakest concept here, further suggestions are especially welcome on this. It would do melee damage, and do more damage than the other options. Justice-related stuff might fit here, since there's usually someone who wants punching and justice on their character in a magical burst game.
○ Magic is the utility stat. It interacts with shinto spirits/gods in order to interact with the natural or non-living world. Functions more or less like sorcery in ReWrite. In combat, it deals damage that's potentially the greatest total, but spread out either spatially (area of effect) or temporally (damage over time).
Each of these stats would be something that ningen can also use, but a mundane individual only gets 1d6+rank whereas a mahou shoujo gets 2d6+rank. Powerful gods or other singularly important DM characters can have 3d6+rank and there could be some late-game powerup that boosts magical girls to that level too, probably for a cost.
• Scrap mundane skills as numeric things, they're boring. Maybe replace them with something like aspects or feats. We could call these "clubs" which represent a character's mundane interests.
• Overcharge seems like it should be reconceptualized too, but I'm not sure how.
• We need good youma design rules to make life easier on DMs.
Any other thoughts?
You are better off with FATE or GURPS, though it depends on what kind of magical girl game you are looking for.
Google translate should cover the short and simply written rules. The tables are even less of a problem.
I can agree that Overcharge needs a rehaul, but what to replace it with? We could just tone down the mutations or something.
Well, I think it needs a conceptual overhaul rather than a mechanical overhaul. Mechanically I think it's an easy fix: Shed one point per scene. Instead of bursting either at will or when you pass a certain threshold, do it when you and the GM agree that it's narratively appropriate, or when you roll snake eyes on a role using the appropriate stat. The specific effects table could be tweaked but I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with it once the "shed one per scene" is in play, since that'll greatly reduce the rate at which you reach high OC anyway. Add a mechanic so that you have a non-zero ability to change what mutations you get, and I think it's good.
The real problem is, what the fuck is overcharge anyway? Magical radioactivity? It only makes sense if magic is evoked by getting eldritch power shoved into you by some fae being (something like YuYuYu) but even there it feels like an imperfect fit.
Ewen's Fallout in 5th draft seems like it's designed better in this regard, but it's a less elegant system in general and the actual mechanics of it are just a really poor emulation of some Apocalypse Engine precepts. I do like that it builds up minor effects before culminating in an extreme effect, and that the system is versatile enough to incorporate positive effects. But the "Oh, we hit six points" threshold is utter nonsense and I think that the overall framework of earlier drafts is better than the one in 5th.
It's interesting the sense that using your magical abilities gives you overcharge, so by concept a magical girl would always be at danger of mutation. It's kind of like a sword having a chance of horribly exploding every time you use it.
Why does it always look so Tumblr? I will stick to manga, thanks though.
Alright, this was me earlier, decided to work on a proof of concept style alpha-y-thingamajig.
Definitely needs more work in a few areas, but I'm gonna be gone for awhile so I figure I may as well drop this here for now.
Yeah, mechanically I like it. It's the fluff that I think needs help.
Anyway, I've thrown together a document. This contains most of the stuff I was talking about before, but is currently neither complete nor nearly so. No promises on ETA for any further work, although I can say that I won't do a huge amount of further work before Wednesday at the earliest. Y'all can feel free to do stuff with it too, of course.
On one hand, I really like clubs, because they basically cover any skills a typical anime character has anyways. On the other hand, they can sometimes be very niche and arguable for usefulness?
What does a magical girl in the Light Music club really do for skills? Would you just rule that she's better at finer hand motions and making sweets? Or is it really just creative writing and instruments? Is the student council better at convincing people and paperwork, or do they have bonuses to...I dunno, whatever else the student council does?
Also something like Edge/Bennies/Fate Points/Void Points style meta-currency would solve the murations issue. Spend one to add or subtract up to X on the mutation chart. Spend one to give yourself a skill for a minute. Spend one to do...something else. Get like a flat amount a session, or a number equal to your lowest stat, or something.
Not sure what you'd call it. Mage Points? Love? Friendship? Insanity? Focus? Luck?
>Someone else using double cross
Anyways, nice work so far
Going on a really, unquestionably Madoka-like way, overcharge could be something like this.
"Magic" is actually the power of emotions. Or, more exactly: when a tsukaima forms a contract with a magical girl, he basically gives her the keys to her "emotion engine" that lets her work miracles against the laws of nature (or whatever passes for laws of nature for us humans, anyway).
>was thinking about an even clearer pulleys and weights metaphor, but is probably too obvious
But see, thermodynamics really is inexacapable. Whilst the conversion from potential emotional energy to actual magical energy doesn't produce waste heat like "our" physical processes, it does produce "waste magic" [should think of a specific term], ESPECIALLY when the miracle is heavier. And those are overcharge points: like a car is hotter if it works at 150 mph, so is a magical girl, so to speak, if she goes wih more successes.
The excess energy could easily be worse than what the "machine" could effortlessy dissipate, and this is the fallout. While centered on the magicl girl, it actually is the power of magic that goes into the world, against natural laws. Or perhaps even emotional laws, depending on the fallout.
The Yokai (are they still called that?) could be assumed to somehow work in a "endothermic" (endoemotional) process: they absorb and use waste emotional energy "out there" in our world, because in theirs... there isn't any.
>this would mean that probably normal human emotions CAN work miracles, to a smaller extent, not just magical girls; yokai leech out of that and that's why the destroy people's live, because they're parasites. As in silent hill, dark emotions are faster, stronger, better, the usual stuff. Though imagine a yokai that can make people live in bliss, would be interesting to play.
Why do the tsukaimas do that? That's the question. Maybe they just need a ride to whatever road the "cars" that are magical girls inevitably end up with.
I remember someone who did a Nanoha campaign with LotW.
There's another way you could go with the Tsukaima, using that logic.
Tsukaima are, practically speaking, emotional energy given form. The form? An imaginary friend, a favorite toy, something that acted as a form to collect those emotions. Kids really love those kinds of fluffy things they can hold onto.
You called it a key, but then that's not really completely right. Yes, it helps a human do something you could do already, but its more than that.
See, for a youma, think of a human as a bag of chips. You can't really live off of it, but you won't be hungry for awhile.
A tsukaima is more like a sandwich. Now that, you can survive on. For a good while too, if its the right size.
A Magical Girl like you? Well thats a bit more complex. Its like a sandwich, except it regenerates while its sitting in your stomache. One might not enough to survive on, but then maybe if you eat enough...
See it makes you a bit more of a flare, because eating you is more valuable than eating me.
Now go kill that thing, because it saw us, and it'll be an inconvenience of I have to set up another flare in front of it.
Or if I have to throw some of my energy at you. The last one needed that way too often.
(i like it, but in play it woudl just mean that they would kill the tsukaima right now and then)
Tomboy is western and it's okay.
I'd say
Option 1 - Make the Tsukaima the fuel source, to the PC's engine. That might be a bit trickier to model though, something like that they can't transform at full power without the Tsukaima nearby.
Option 2 - Trying to kill it is a perfectly valid response. Granted it would never dare to tell you the truth, but if somehow you found out on your own it's not like killing it would help you that much. There are plenty of others who can be duped and quite honestly Youma will still be hunting you and every other human. At the end of the day. you aren't any less doomed, just a little less frustrated for a few seconds.
Option 3 - I know story reasons aren't necessarily the best reason for things, but I mean this is YOUR imaginary friend. YOU made him with YOUR emotions. So don't go complaining just because YOU have to take responsibility for it.
>On the other hand, they can sometimes be very niche and arguable for usefulness?
Yeah but who minmaxes that kind of thing anyway? It's mostly for flavor, as long as they're not part of the youma-slaying club, the utility of the skill is going to vary hugely depending on how the game goes and how people roleplay. They're really more there to provide something to make characters interesting outside of being magical girls, which is something I think every Ewen version has lacked.
>What does [any given] club really do for skills?
I was thinking that it would be played fairly fast and loose. Not necessarily to a Risus level, but nowhere near the rigidity of something like D&D. Sort of like usually happens with elements and powers, in my experience. I'll add some more words there to hopefully clarify.
>Edge/Bennies/Fate Points/Void Points style meta-currency
Problem is, there already is one: Overcharge. It fills most of the mechanical niche that such a thing would address. I've actually used them for that purpose in my current draft, though it's a bit of an awkward thing to do. 5th draft has Hope Fallout which is kind of appropriate but it doesn't fit with my more pre-5 fallout system and I don't think it's worth changing such that it does, since all that Hope would do is reverse other fallout, really, and it would conflict a lot with wishes from oblivion seeds. Not that I've ever been in a group that really cared about those much, so maybe they should be made less integral to the game anyway.
I don't hate it, but I want the kind of fundamental facts about the world like that to be determined by the GM where possible. "What is magic anyway?" is the sort of fundamental question that tons of magical girl stuff of varying darkness treats as a reveal of some importance. And so does a lot of other anime, for that matter.
I've sort of implied what you're getting at with the excess energy thing in my current writing though, without getting too into it. Or at least, that was my intent. Hard to objectively judge how well it comes across from my own perspective.
>The Yokai (are they still called that?)
Magical Burst calls them Youma. Yokai might be more evocative.
I'm liking your ideas in general, but they feel like they belong in a "GM suggestions" section, maybe on a random table of plot elements.
>They're really more there to provide something to make characters interesting outside of being magical girls, which is something I think every Ewen version has lacked.
That's true. There was that social web thing, but I remember (trying) to run it and nobody really wanted to make NPC's up for it, and it ended up turning into some overcomplicated mess that nobody bothered to remember.
>Problem is, there already is one: Overcharge.
Overcharge is a pretty awkward one to deal with though, since it's basically taking extra overcharge to...get rid of overcharge. I guess it sorta makes sense when it's just bouncing it between stats.
>oblivion seeds
I get the impression oblivion seeds have never been anything more than a motivational tool, really. Well that and something to help curb how awful fallout generation was.
It's got a way to go still, but I'm ok with it so far. I think the system works in that it's a more crunchy way to do it than the Ewan Cluney system without needing a mat, but I have a number of powers to go, I feel.
>There was that social web thing
Yep. That was actually another source of bennies, but it was so fucking shit that nobody used it and Ewen scrapped it too.
>nobody really wanted to make NPC's up for it
Making NPCs was the only part of it that actually worked for me ever. It was done and had good results in two of the three games I was in, and one of them had several of those NPCs go on to be major characters later. What sucked about it was everything after the party creation phase, when it's supposed to be a mechanical thing during play.
>some overcomplicated mess that nobody bothered to remember.
This does happen, but as long as you make sure not to add too many characters (and as long as people make sure that most of them aren't one person's NPC only) it's still handy for GMing since you've got some stuff already set up.
>Overcharge is a pretty awkward one to deal with though, since it's basically taking extra overcharge to...get rid of overcharge
Yeah, I agree. Even though I wrote it in my google doc, I'm not totally happy with it. I don't think it's quite as bad as you describe, since you're really reducing the positive impact of the fallout in exchange for reducing the negative impact, but still. My point wasn't that it's a good system, but rather, it makes it awfully hard to go "what this system needs is a point currency!".
>I get the impression oblivion seeds have never been anything more than a motivational tool, really.
I've never played with anyone whose character was super motivated by them. I guess they serve as a "why would someone who otherwise wouldn't take this deal be in our game" thing, which is nice. But I think the importance they're usually given is disproportionate to that. I dunno, one more thing to ponder.
It's not even good at doing PMMM style games, because mutations and overcharge don't really mesh well with the struggle to control your spirit corruption.
As they just kind of give you lolrandom things that mess your character concept instead of a looming sword of damocles. It kills the tension it wants to generate.
Double cross basically does Meguca Magica perfectly as is, almost.
>Making NPCs was the only part of it that actually worked for me ever.
I had one person that got into, and a few that never bothered, Which was fine with me because I'd rather you just mention them in your backstory or assume that you know them because they're in your class and you've seen them around.
>My point wasn't that it's a good system, but rather, it makes it awfully hard to go "what this system needs is a point currency!".
I can definitely understand that, since there are already a few different numbers for PC's to keep track of.
I wonder if the better way to do it might be to make it picking from a range naturally to make it more of a choice. Or possibly even getting rid of the roll entirely and adding set points for different fallout effects/mutations.
>I've never played with anyone whose character was super motivated by them.
Me either, but it was a good "why I snuck out of the house at 1AM to go hunt monsters" kinda thing, if the plost isn't providing it at the time.
It is (since it's a super's game) but desu I'd rather move it away from it's current form of mutations and to a more generalized list of abilities to pick from, though I'm aware of the issues that could cause.
Also because it has some serious balancing issues and some of the abilities are put under weird subsets..
>make it picking from a range naturally to make it more of a choice
Not everyone wants it to be a choice though. Some people like that the game throws something difficult at you from time to time. A challenge that's actually a roleplaying challenge rather than a combat challenge. I don't want to take that away from people who enjoy it, and in fact if I had to respect only that or only the "muh concept" fags, I'd pick respecting that, if nothing else because there's already countless games where you have full control over how your character develops. However, this isn't an either/or situation, there's a way to make it so that you can have your cake and eat it too. I'm certain of that, I just haven't figured out how to do it elegantly yet.
>getting rid of the roll entirely and adding set points for different fallout effects/mutations.Getting rid of the roll entirely while preserving a comparable amount of possible outcomes would take a massive amount of work in terms of both design and in terms of stopping the game for calculations when it happens, and would still change your character in a way that you probably didn't plan for.
>it was a good "why I snuck out of the house at 1AM to go hunt monsters" kinda thing
Yeah, I'm definitely not going to scrap it. But I might supplement it with other options as I think of some. It is kind of a staple of the genre though, so maybe I should make their meaning variable rather than swapping them out entirely. It takes some more thought, anyway.
>It is kind of a staple of the genre though
It's a common thematic but it's not unheard of to be dropped in favor of "Kill it because it's a monster and needs to die. Usually in series where the monsters are coming from a specific source instead of random occurances, but still.
>Not everyone wants it to be a choice though.
I don't think there should ever be a "pick from any" option, especiaily since if I remember correct some of the mutations were absurdly easy to hide (I wear a sweater for a little while) while others were actually interesting.
Big thing is that are only a few numbers to deal with that can be (Temporarily ofc) altered if you're looking for a gameplay-effecting method instead of a purely roleplaying one. The three stats, their overcharges, resolve, and I guess the 2d6 that you usually roll for everything.
Offhand throwing things at the wall because It's 1AM and I'm tired, in spite of some being legit awful.
The Three Stats - A temporary reduction to the one undergoing fallout. Not the worst route since it's game effecting but not major, I suppose. The aftershocks from the fallout messing with your abilities kind of deal, so not unjustifiable. Feels like better exists.
The Overload - As is.
Resolve - Injury from a fallout? Seems wrong. Some kind of increased sensitivity/vulnerability to...something? Maybe.
2d6 - If it were a purely digital affair then doing d4s instead of d6s would be an option, but it's a pain for people playing in a physical game. Could also prevent mess with the die results in some way, like preventing 6s from exploding or doing something with 1s.
Then nonnumerically, there's thinks like talents or the transformation sequence itself I suppose. Or just chucking another crisis at them (though only a few of those even make sense for this sort of situation). Or class...things.
Might try to think of things tomorrow more sane if a thread is around and I'm more awake.
>The Three Stats
There would be a nice poetry to this if we were only dealing with temporary transformations. For permanent ones, I don't think it's reasonably possible to balance in such a way that it doesn't gimp the character but it also takes long enough that losing the penalty feels, narratively, like getting used to the change and thereby becoming less human. Plus, using this as a cost you pay seems weird.
>Seems wrong
I agree. It's a number, but it doesn't fit thematically.
I already have dice changing quantity depending on if you're magical or not (which is something I'm actually pretty proud of because I think it'll be really great at underlining the difference between magical and mundane forms) and I want to keep the dice as simple and pure as possible otherwise, to keep things easy for players to remember. Plus, both fallout and exploding have probabilities contingent on dice size, it would mess up balance terribly. Any of these options also seem like a really weird thing to pay. That applies to a lot of the options, really.
So, yeah. Back to using Overcharge, or just giving away a very limited amount of control for free. The house rule I'm used to is that you can switch the places of the two digits. Unfortunately, that removes the possibility of ranking them by severity and saying "move further down the list for each point of OC" which is something I'm considering but not settled on, and it has a major problem with dubs.
Bored at work, so I am doing a paraphrased translation of the rules (not the tables though). Should be done in an hour or whatever, barring interruptions.
Work net sucks and does not let me upload. Have to wait about 6 hours to do it from home.
Take your time.
>Magical burts
Veeky Forums does not like plain txt? Is that why I cannot post it as an attachment?
Anyway, I promised something six hours ago, here it is.
This contains 02 Charamake, 04 Rolls and Battle and 05 Advancement. Not contained are the lists at 2.2-2.6, 5.2, 6, 6.2-6.4 and 8.2-8.4 (use google translate or whatever), 01 World explanation (make your own setting), 03 How to play (seriously?), 07 FAQ (same, though it contains some clarifications), 08 (optional rules for enemy organisations and dark/fallen heroines) and patchnotes/character sheets.
If there is a real demand for details cry loud enough so I might see it and maybe translate those, the classic version, or the homebrewed expansion. Yes, this little ERP homebrew has an expansion homebrewed by someone else.
Veeky Forums only allows images, traditionally. It's been broadened to include animations (webm) as a successor to animated gif, and to include PDF on Veeky Forums and /po/, but this is still an imageboard, not a file board.
That explains it then. Oh well, a pastebin is fine too I guess.
Well, yeah, I do realize it's kinda shoehorning the thing and the the book doesn't do that.
Still, I dont' know if your really can make overcharge more defined than "shit that happens when you are successful with magic" and remain generic.
Maybe toss out as optional the youma thing?
I'm interested in the homebrew expansion, at least.Thanks for translating so far
Where is it, anyways?
Rules are mostly the same from what I remember, but it did expand some on the enemy organisations thing.
Google translate isn't being helpful at all, but I can see that there's a wikia as well
I think the real problem is that the term doesn't really describe what's happening, or at least feels nonsensical to it without an explanation.
You put more effort into something? The logical thing would be that that sort of action would be draining more than anything, not building up.
So since it defies expectation there aren't really that many explanations that feel good. Its either some sort of supernatural adrenaline or the equivalent of heat.
Its like if a cryptozoology game said bigfoot prints were sighted but you could come up with your own reason. You could do variations of bigfoot but its still the bigfoot.
I've started watching Magical Girl Raising Project. It's pretty good so far but not groundbreaking.
I've updated the terrain and positioning rules, for anyone looking to give feedback specific to that. I'll respond to other posts here when my computer will connect to Veeky Forums,at the moment I'm obliged to phonepost, which isn't conducive to long replies.
It's also more of a Battle Royale with cheese than a traditional magical girl show.
Well, if you hammer a nail REALLY bad, the wood can break down. Something like that.
Personally I'd say the tsukaima explains (if he does explain shit at all) with the waste magic or whatever I come up with for the game.
Yeah, I realize in the book you gotta be more generic, but it doesn't seem that much of a problem, you don't really explain shit (Ewen didn't) and that's it.
I still didn't recover from the death ot the real protagonist.
Oh yeah, right. The Heroine Crisis maker (Usagi-o) had a wiki for his stuff. There are also HC expansions for Demon King's Harem, Randryuf War Chronicles (already linked), Galaxy, Western and Arcadia. And some dungeon crawling expansions named Muse Crisis, Miasma Panic Crisis and Heroine Crisis Arms.
Aside from Heroine Crisis, he also made a Super Robot Wars MG system, Nightmare Heaven (basically an Etrian Odyssey ERP). Not sure about Valkyries Children since I cannot see a ruleset and never saw it on his site. Himekishi (Knight Princess) Quest is relatively new, did not know about it myself yet.
The others are a Fire Emblem TRPG, Uragiri no Ishtar (Ishtar of Betrayal), not-SRS Etrian Odyssey, Taima Yama (Demon Hunter Night Demon?) and a Trading Goods TRPG made by other people.
Rules are usually the first link on their respective wiki sites.
So yeah, japanese homebrew trpg scene has quite some stuff to dig through as well.
Thanks for the info. This is all pretty impressive
Added a section on building nightmares (mechanically) for GMs, did more of the opening entry information, and started a club table. Feedback welcome.
In particular, ideas and feedback are welcome on the club table. That's because I feel that it should be a 1d66 table, but I don't have 1d66 ideas for good clubs or club-equivalent hobbies. Suggestions are entirely welcome.
Definition isn't the issue either. I dunno. I'll leave it as it is for now.
Ideas for club table?
Off hand, School Newspaper, because I need to play an investigative journalist schoolgirl.
Also Student Council, because I guess I mentioned that already as an example earlier.
There's always more sports. Tennis, Volleyball, and the like. Also band, since that usually goes along with it. I could see the appeal of gymnastics here too.
Chess for the nerds.
My school had a trivia one, but that might be atypical.
Pic related, of course. There's already space yachting, so may as well embrace insanity a little.
Model builders, maybe. Other things along that line too, like woodworking.
Since there are already non-club options here like Delinquency and Vagrancy (There's a weeb term for this somewhere, like Go-Home-Early club), you could also have a part time job as an option. I might be biased there, because my first PC for Magical Burst back in edition whatever (3 maybe?) Worked as a waitress after school.
Thanks, that boosted the count a lot.
>embrace insanity
I put space yachting in there because I thought it was great in Bodacious Space Pirates. I know tanks are popular so that fits well. There are probably people more weeb than me (I generally only finish a couple shows per season) who can think of a lot of cool ideas from more esoteric shows. In addition to tanks, guns, aircrafts, and ships all have popular anime involving cute girls, but I'm not sure they're diverse enough, thematically, to all get their own listings. Well, maybe they are.
What would this one do mechanically?
>(There's a weeb term for this somewhere, like Go-Home-Early club)
I wanted to make something that would provide appropriate skills to an actual homeless girl.
>part time jobs
Oh yeah, that opens up a lot of possibilities, doesn't it? Gotta throw a meido in there too.
Movie club (actually I don't think I ever saw one in anime, but still). Literature club.
Anime and vidya clubs. I know it's meta, but at least the second could be interesting for a strategist-type character.
Arts and crafts of sorts? Do they even do that in Japan? Whatever, sounds interesting and ready for some magic gone wrong.
As for sports, I'd take hiking as something a little different (yes, I do realize the book was "there is a city, and only a city") and because i adored yama no susume.
OP here
I hope you motherfuckers working on this project don't magically decide to forget about this shit and never do it again, keep a record of the shit you are developing
Ya we'll all get lunch some time.
Made me curious.
Theres some clubs in there. Calligraphy is in there, but I don't see any other builder style ones. Though its hard to imagine they don't exist.
Don't be waiting on me. Even if I don't stop working on it so soon as this thread 404s, it'll be a fairly long while before it's done, or even playtest-ready.
So I bought a game called Magical Fury which is a magical girl RPG but it has no stats or classes. Just random tables.
How do I make a game out of this?
Magical Fury was, if I remember right, Magical Burst, but with the Alpacalypse World Engine on it.
Which means it should play similarly, if you're familiar with it.
5th draft of magical burst combines elements of magical fury with the previous magical burst stuff. That would be a place to look. But Magical Fury is perfectly playable as-is, it's just best for one-shots.
It's not exactly apocalypse world and it's not exactly magical burst. The mechanics and fluff are similar (respectively) but not the same.
>Alpacalypse World
Is this a joke or honest typo?
No matter which it is, that game needs to be made!
That's why it needs to be recorded and more threads be made
>Why does it always look so Tumblr?
Because you have no idea what tumblr-art looks like, so you just assume that everything that is "NOT MUH ANIME" looks like it?
>I will stick to manga, thanks though.
>Japanese magical girls
Enjoy your shitty Madoka ripoffs.
>Madoka ripoffs.
Are you even watching the current season?
Closest thing is MSIK and it's not close at all.
What magical girl stuff is going on right now?
>magical girl
>anything but japan
Holy shit this taste
>implying you are forced to watch only things that come out every season and nothing else
>implying mahou shojo is stagnant
Holy shit this stupidity
Flip Flappers is a weird artsy thing that makes constant references to philosophy, painting, and literature, with worlds that take visual inspiration from other shows and anime.
MSIK, already mentioned, is a battle show in magical girl clothing, where people became magical girls due to a phone game and now need to be massively reduced in number.
Matoi is about secret societies and gods and stuff.
ViVid Strike! is about MMA.
Nante Mouiidesukara is mostly about shitty Japanese humor.
Regalia is about geopolitics and mecha, but the mecha are also super cute lolis with transformation sequences.
Izetta is kind of questionable whether it's magical girl or not, but it's about a tyrolean witch fighting nazis.
Special mention goes to To Be HERO, which is the inverse of magical girl: A family man turns into an ugly man instead of a little girl getting cuter.
Even though it's not really the real thing, western magical girls aren't terrible.
>western magical girls
Logically I know you're talking about western as in modern artists and art style, but my mind immediately jumped to old timey westerns but with the characters replaced with magical girls. Six shooters and supernatural, and all that fun stuff.
That's beyond not terrible. That's awesome.
I dunno, Tomboy is good but it's not exactly a typical magical girl thing.
>dame development
Shouting and posing.
The power of friendship being a game mechanic like in ORE also helps.