I want to make a campaign based on the Trump presidential campaign. Anyone know a ruleset that would fit it?
I want to make a campaign based on the Trump presidential campaign. Anyone know a ruleset that would fit it?
Maid RPG,
Better pick a system with quick character generation rules. You've only got a couple of days before he goes back to being irrelevant.
Yeah, he is not looking good at all, votewise
Either one.
Let's see if I can get this in before the shitstorm rolls in:
>I want to run it in a unisystem whose use would piss off the kind of people who play the system
>I want to focus on the political struggle between two parties and the games people play
Modified Kingdoms(wiki.rpg.net
>I want to run a black ops focused version, highlighting the seedier sides of the election race
Shadowrun 4e(5e doesn't exist), any black ops focused rpg
Mind you, with enough work you can run a political campaign in any system, as long as there's enough rules for representing resources and/or mental aspects.
Burning Wheel
I wonder what a duel of wits with only the bluff and obfuscate actions being used looks like?
You already fucked up your own board. Leave ours alone.
Don't pick a system, the truest trump experience comes in making it up as you go
Or a game system where the players need to ignite themselves and the crackling of their flesh is the way to determine success
This, forget the rules. The rules are for losers. Use my rules. They're good rules. They are the best rules you can find, let my tell you. I play by my rules and I'm always winning, all the time. I know rules too, I'm always making them up. It's what I do. Well I do a lot of things. Making good rules is one of those things, and they're great rules, the best.
Please keep /pol/ in /pol/.
World of Darkness.
Car Lesbians.
Bluff and Obfuscate? I remember the debates being mostly Incite
No matter who wins or loses, this election will be a reference point of change in american politics for decades to come.
As for Op, if you want to go full weirdness and insanity, include meme magic and the nutty blood ritual stuff Clinton campaign Head is involved in. Full on Secret societies vying for control via the use of proxies, memes and fukken magic.
So just buy a copy of that Illuminati card game?
Big league.
actually that's a good point maybe more like:
with Trump frequently going for dismissal but never quite managing it
Illuminati isn't a tabletop rpg, and I dunno how it's mechanics would translate to one.
>Illuminati isn't a tabletop rpg
Not the version they gave you, anyway.
Hilary is actually a Vampire, with an incredibly powerful Stand
Trump has the Stand Arrow, and just shot you to help him take down Clinton.
>inb4 jojo shitposter
Seems like any future posts in this thread will be after a Jojo shitposter.
Can't help that Trump and Jojo go well together.
His bombastic personality fits straight in to Jojo.
Heard it in his voice. Well done.
Trump would be the best DM.
Unknown Armies.
He'd probably be... okay. He has a big personality and a determined mindset about what he wants, so it'd probably be very railroady.
Yeah, but those railroads would be the best though. He wouldn't settle for some crappy railroads.
But user, the recent revelations of what Hillary's cronies are actually up to fits straight to Berserk
This election is the greatest anime of the season desu.
Came here to say Fiasco. Or Unknown Armies if you believe in meme magic.
That or Delta Green. I was never prepared for all the conspiracies to turn out to be real and even worse.
>only war
What has been revealed?
Did the FBI investigation leak something?
Child diddling and trafficking, Spirit Cooking, 7th floor shadow government and that's just the tip of this wild ride.
Oh fug
You can fight for freedom against a criminal in any game
And all this is happening because a lot of alphabet spooks have had enough of Killary and are working in the shadows to jail her and impede the actions of the current administration if they try to cover their asses. Nobody in the intelligence crowd likes the witch, nobody wants to die for her. All the Assange leaks are given to him by the alphabets. It's a silent shadow war with spooks versus spooks.
2016 presidential elections is truly the best anime of the season, with a new episode every day.
It has been an interesting show to follow from the sidelines, here in northern Europe, for sure.
Hopefully you murricans will elect Trump. The leftist butthurt across the globe, even here in my homeland, would be utterly glorious.
Not a 'murrican, another north-eastern yuropoor. All I know is that Killary wants to turn our country into a war zone to make her cunt wet and Trump telling he won't be picking up the NATO bill has made our politicians sweat a bit and start coughing up money for vital equipment for our military first time in some twenty years. That alone is a win in my book.
Trump will change everything. I am very much looking forward to 2017, the year of the Fire Cock.
You know... the more I think about it, "John 2016" could make for a really interesting game.
I'd vote for John before either of these candidates.
but he regularly settles for crappy railroads
This desu.
trump would be an awful DM, he's too bankrupt to pitch in for the pizza.
You do realize, that Trump has hundreds of business ventures.
Only a dozen or so of them having one bankrupt, it actually pretty good record in terms of businesses, as a majority of business do go bankrupt.
Yes, I realize trump is famed for killing businesses.
Brave New World by Pinnacle.
It fits all too well.
>You do realize, that Trump has hundreds of business ventures.
All the successful ones are in real estate. The couple of other successful ones are managed by his kids.
He's a great landlord (unless you're black, I guess). He's either a meh or crappy everything else.
It doesn't help that he pissed away most of his family fortune, either.
Another one of those trustfund babies that don't actually know how to manage the money.
don't let him cook either.
Or serve food in general.
I'm not sure how your effectively role play as a whiny man baby who bitches on twitter like an alpha male.
Are you actually dumb enough to believe that?
The man has built a massive real estate empire, as well as a successful tv show, and other ventures. That's hardly pissing away the fortune he inherited.
Or are you one of those retards who thinks that Trump would be richer if he had invested all his money on some shares?
well, significantly diminished a real estate empire, you mean.
Racial Holy War, Calvinball style.
>constantly demanding cash for pizza, books and everything else
>make OP self-insert DMPCs
>talkative, even charming, but it soon becomes clear he's just improvising everything on the spot, even while he brags how his setting and games are "the best and most unique"
>tries to write his own system
>contradictions and handwawing everywhere
>play as a freedom crusader against a mentally ill pawn of TPTB
don't forget he'll try to make you pay 150 dollars for a "top quality pizza" that he actually got from a pizza hut dumpster
What I find most puzzling about this election is how blindly people ate up the blatant smear campaign the mainstream media ran against Trump. The guy had been in the public eye for over 30 years, and was never accused of being a racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe or any of the shit that the left tries to tar him with.
But once he started to run against the Democrats (well, the whole establishment really, it was clear that the Republican leaders didn't like him either), he is being called literally Hitler.
Also, all those rape and molestation accusations that cropped up just month before the election was perhaps the most obviously co-ordinates character assassination attempt I have ever witnessed.
t's like people actually have the memory of a goldfish, and legit believe the obviously biased media that works entirely for the establishment.
Well, maybe as a non murrican, my view of your shenanigans is not as clouded by your mass media bs.
Really makes you think.
I know that all the pollacks and their meme magic really swung my vote away from trump.
And it brought to light all the hilariously awful ways his businesses went.
>egomaniacal asshole who perceives every criticism to be a personal slight
>good GM
Bro do you even RPG
Honestly, I can't fathom why any of you murricans would vote for Hilary after all the blatant, borderline treasnous corruption, has been brought to light.
Also, it is hilarious how she keeps accusing Trump of being Putin's puppet, despite her orchestrating the selling of American Uranium to Russia.
Her warhawkish attitude is also something that deeply concerns me. Her demand for a no fly zone over Syria puts USA and Russia on a direct path to armed conflict, which I am quite sure, none of us want. I got no interest in participating in a real nuclear apocalypse larping.
Because I much prefer her war with russia to trump's race war and his ludicrous idea to build an easily bypassable wall around the nation.
Much less fighting going on at my front lawn if we're going against russians than turning on our own people.
>never accused of being a racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe or any of the shit that the left tries to tar him with
People have been applying these terms to Trump since at least 2011, when he used the Obama birth certificate conspiracy to shoot himself into the public eye for a while. The reputation as a ruthless miser is even older than that.
>Well, maybe as a non murrican
>What I find most puzzling about this election is how blindly people ate up the blatant smear campaign the mainstream media ran against Trump. The guy had been in the public eye for over 30 years, and was never accused of being a racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe or any of the shit that the left tries to tar him with.
You clearly weren't alive in the 90s.
A lot of people were mad that Epstein's clients weren't going to be prosecuted thanks to his deal with the feds. That meant only the pimp would get punished, and all the johns who raped children at his island would go free.
People have known he was on those flight manifests (just like Bill Clinton) since the 90s. That no one says anything is just a perfect highlight on how people only really care about serious shit for all of three months unless an internet meme keeps popping up about it.
Literally all I knew about trump before the election was that he had dumb hair and he took part in the most awful reality TV shows.
And his entire character was "awful miser who fires people".
That's politics for you. It turns ordinary people into holy warriors. I hate politics in all its form but I can still see that Trump is being targeted with false accusations that are only humoured because of the 'gotta believe the complaining witness no matter what! but only if they're women' thing that's come up in the last five years.
If nuclear war breaks out, you won't HAVE a front lawn, but I'm not inclined to go to war with Russia, either- and I'm not even capable of joining the Army.
This whole election business has been nothing but madness.
What has really gotten to me this election is the way people justify the things Hillary does by bringing up things Trump does. We live in a world where the Democrats are now celebrating an avowed warhawk who believes in stripping citizens of their constitutional rights without due process because John Oliver and braindead identity politics tell them it's a progressive milestone.
It's like pic related but she hasn't even been elected yet. "Sure she practices brinkmanship with Russia, but she's got so much experience! So what if she wants to establish a nofly zone over Syria; she'll be our first woman president!"
Trump is a fucking circus clown but at least people will admit that.
I also prefer nuclear war to internal race war.
I live in a nice area that is relatively sheltered from blasts, and a good clean wipe of people in strategic areas would really help the political landscape from then on.
What race war?
In what way is Trump turning against your own people?
I have watched his speeches, and he talks about unifying americans under the same banner, and working together to make america great again.
He has only talked badly about non americans, like illegal immigrants, and muslims coming from terror prone regions, which both, to my ears, are completely sane positions.
Why the hell would you want people coming to your lands ILLEGALLY, or importing tons of potential terrorists? You murricans have the advantage of SEEING what it causes here in Europe. You'd be morons to repeat our mistakes.
Also, if Russia and USA go to war, it is going to be nuclear. Ruskies don't fucking play around with that shit. It is in their combat doctrine to escalate the conflict to nuclear if conventional warfare fails (which it would against murrica).
Don't you dare to doubt the pureness of the mongol blood that flows in my veins.
>trump's race war
Hello CTR.
Seriously though you should come join us in /pol/, especially you OP if you're serious about this. We've basically been playing a mememagic/dubs-checking/political real life DnD campaign for the last 12 months.
Terrorism is the most minor threat we could possibly have, behind even lightning strikes.
And I'm cool with illegal immigration, and think we should start up a new ellis isle type thing to maybe stem it a little.
What I'm not cool with is trying to oust the guys who are already here, all at once, by force. That shit means race war on my doorstep.
Yeah, and the worldwide devastation will really be fantastic for growing crops, right?
the... center for transportation research?
I think he means 'Correcting the record'.
Remember, vote for Hillary because she has a vagina and that's progressive.
>I, a person who does not live in your country, shall proceed to tell you what I perceive as the best political course for the nation-state I do not reside in
Yah nah get fucked.
>What I'm not cool with is trying to oust the guys who are already here, all at once, by force
>a good clean wipe of people in strategic areas would really help the political landscape
After the initial hump, hell yeah.
I mean, look at the facts. Our candidates are TRUMP and HILLARY. Burning it all down is the only real option here. And we're gonna need some BIG FIRE to burn that shit.
Correct The Record, a group of shills Hillary's campaign pays to shitpost across the web.
When you see a pro-Hillary post, reconsider whether or not they are being paid.
Yeah. A race war is really messy. Trying to kick out people from every third house and some shit.
Wheras a nuke is very clean. Hits a nice area. Skips all that unpleasant looting and fighting, get straight to the post war hellscape.
>Her demand for a no fly zone over Syria puts USA and Russia on a direct path to armed conflict
You dumbass motherfuckers act like the US and the Ruskies have never shot down each other's planes before.
Oh, so they're doing that thing trump has been doing for the last two years on all the boards of Veeky Forums.
Not really a good idea to act like shitposting is bad when it's trump's primary electoral mechanism.