Great campaign setting or greatest campaign setting?
Great campaign setting or greatest campaign setting?
By the Lords of Light, it would be a campaign setting undreamed of.
Yeah, Greyhawk can be pretty cool like that.
[incoherent Mok roaring in distance]
That's not Fire and Ice
This can only be the work of NEKROOOOOOOON!
Didn't someone homebrew a MotU/Saturday morning cartoon system?
Nah man, Thundarr is the regular campaign.
Fire and Ice is the one-shot game you make when they Ookla player can't show up for the session, so Thundarr and Ariel's players make new characters for a Young Earth game, but then Ooklabro shows up halfway through so he takes over the GMPC.
There's Cartoon Action Hour, but I've never played it and can't say how good it is.
*the Ookla player
Undeniably the Greatest.
I think there's an RPG called Under A Broken Moon or something that models Thundarr?
>I think there's an RPG called Under A Broken Moon or something that models Thundarr?
Correct. It's a fanmod for Over the Edge.
Got a link? I get something completely different when I google it.
Some parts of Thundarr look like the Apocalypse happened yesterday.
I just googled "Thundarr RPG"
A lot of people have criticized the setting because the apocalypse happened 2000 years ago but a lot of things didn't really decay. The reason for this is that it looks fuckin' rad.
I'm rather fond of this variant.
I assumed it was just all the magic that came with the comet. I mean if a wizard lives a thousand years or more, then obviously magic preserves things.
Was this the show where a comment passed between the earth and the moon. Cracking the moon in two and resulting in magic and monster.
Sure, a wizard did it, that works too.
>Was this the show where a comment passed between the earth and the moon. Cracking the moon in two and resulting in magic and monster.
>a comment
Or rather, a magic comet did it. Wizards were the result, not the cause.
>Was this the show where a comment passed between the earth and the moon. Cracking the moon in two and resulting in magic and monster.
It was a scathing comment.
>"Playback on other websites has been disable by the video owner."
Maybe this one will work better...
>Was this the show where a comment passed between the earth and the moon.
>It was a scathing comment.
I think a campaign set on Discworld would be great. The insanity and inane ridiculousness of the setting would be great fun.
God damn it. Meant comet.
We know what you meant.
What you posted was better.
I like how the super science spawns a monster out of thin air.
I've always loved this kind of post apocalypse based fantasy settings. The 80's seem to have originated most of it and we only seem to get throwbacks like numenera only once in a while.
I do wonder why they aren't more popular, considering how flexible they can be in terms of what can happen and what you can do.
If you haven't read it, this website (Veeky Forums probably thinks is spam) is hilarious: dearooklathemok dot blog (spot) dot com
Have some Kirby art
So, I was fully playing everything in the 80's and we did Gamma World and After the Bomb (TMNT) and that's about it. If there was something else out there that was Fantasy/Post Apocalypse it was likely so obscure as to never even hit a store shelf.
Try using a little sorcery! Or is it super-science?
We had DnD adventures, fantasy videogames like ultima, cartoons like he-man and such with people finding ray guns and shieet. Generally speaking, a lot of fantasy back then had technology and old world themes and it wasn't rare for the heroes to get a rad airship or whatnot.
Bet you guys never saw the Korean out-takes where Princess Ariel is topless.
Good setting, not the Greatest
That's true, the weird little Disney dwarves kind of keep it from competing for the top spot.
>That tagline
Fuck that's smooth.
>I like how the super science spawns a monster out of thin air.
That's why it's super, not just regular-science.
>That's true, the weird little Disney dwarves kind of keep it from competing for the top spot.
Are you talking about Blackstar
Now I want to play The Legend of Brave ThunderStar.
Stop it, there's only so much mashing-up a man can handle!
Thundarr had Skaven before there were Skaven.
Someone once told me that Siembieda built Rifts on top of Thundarr + Gundam.
Oh yeah. The other *star show of the 80s.
No, I mean I was thinking of Blackstar, when the other guy had posted Bravestarr.
I need a link.
>Demon Dogs! Thanks!
Was the sun-sword and Ookla a copy of Star Wars's light sabers and wookies, or vice-versa?
And did they sue each other?
The sun sword is D&D's sun sword.
Post-apocalyptic sword and sorcery gives me a boner. It was only just now scrolling through this thread that I realized it's the only reason I ever tolerated Adventure Time.
Well that and Marceline. I wanna fuck the daddy issues right out of her.
Thundarr's sun sword cuts through all materials like a light saber, and turns on and off. D&D sun blades don't do that.
How about this other gem?
I miss when adventure time was about fucked up post apoc fantasy adventures and not lesbians.
Gamma World is a badass setting. I wish it had gotten more love.
Only Alex Toth and Jack Kirby would know for sure, since they came up with everything.
He's still dead lol
>Gerber commented to Pasko that he had not yet decided upon a name for the Wookiee-like character the network insisted be added to the series, over Gerber's objections. As the two walked past the gate to the UCLA campus, Pasko quipped, "Why not call him Oo-clah?"
Wonders never cease.
I'm pretty sure I read something about execs forcing/urging them to put in a notChewie.
Cartoon Network is going through it's CIS pro-rights phase, and just like everyone else who grew out of it, CN will avoid returning to that as much as it should.
To be honest most of my homebrews end up as a mish mash of 80's Action Cartoons, Generic Fantasy Tropes, and a smattering of Comic Book superheroics
So yeah Thundarr ranks pretty high on my list of cool shit I would love to roleplay
Nigger have you even seen season 7
It's been nothing but crazy adventure shit again
Is Finn still a pathetic sack of shit?
I stopped at the Marceline mini series.
Hahaha! THat is awesome. Where did you get this from?
No, he just acted like a giant pussy in the Stakes miniseries because different writers. He's still cool in the rest of the season, and any emotional shit he goes through is either resolved in a SINGLE EPISODE (unlike season 6), or he doesn't mope and get all edgy about it in subsequent episodes.
No more overt philosophical feces or 2edgy4me brooding or shipping wars garbage; season 7 managed to pleasantly surprise this jaded, cynical user. The show will never be as good as it once was but it could be much, much worse.
It was all downhill when they did the retarded Flame Princess break up storyline. That was the only ship I tolerated because it was Finn stepping out on his own as an older hero.
That and breaking the fucking demon blood sword. His newer swords just aren't as cool.
I thought they explicitely denied the lesbian relationship people kept infering?
is this just the SJW boogyman or did they change their stance?
The writers are all for it, if I recall.
they used to be in a relationship apperently, wht they denied is that what is happening in present day Ooo between them is romantic. I misremembered.
Season 7 sees a reasonably heartwarming reconciliation between FP and Finn. Still blatant damage control from the writers IMO but at least they went on an actual adventure together without any weird tension between them.
They did acknowledge it but there's never any mention of it in the series, or at least it's not shoehorned in for the sake of ~~diversity~~. PB and Marceline act only as old friends, especially in the newest season.
The whole "they used to date" thing was fanon. It only changed when they hired a fan, if I recall.
Shame about them doing nothing with Finn meeting his dad.
One of the artists posted some f-f shipping pics on her blog, and marketing accidentally used one of the nonapproved drawings (of Marcy and Peebs) for a teaser image. The conservaprudes got wind of it right about the same time that tumblr did.
On one hand, Finn meeting his human dad and getting very little out of it could be saying that sometimes you just don't get the answers you want in life. That's the harsh reality sometimes; plenty of folks had family that just up and vanishes, offering no real explanation why they left. By the end of the season, Finn accepts that he and his father have their differences and that he will never change, and that's the closest he's gonna get.
On the other hand, fuck everything I just said because I agree; they should have done way more with him. This is a story goddamnit, not a lecture on how shitty life is. You didn't need to give answers about his mom or the history of humans or whatever, but more interactions would have been nice. And now we apparently will never see Martin again because he fucked off to a higher reality. What the hell AT writers
As if.
I had this same thing with Homestuck and the way it writes characters and plots.
Sure, people don't have arcs. Sure, people don't always get resolution. Sure, plots don't always resolve. That's realistic.
But fuck realism, I want arcs, I want conclusions, I want fucking development. Don't just subvert things and not have a replacement.
>finn as blond hero boy going through teen angst and learning the world isn't all adventure devastates all the blond boys who wish they were heroes on adventures
>news at 11
I wasn't criticizing Finn's maturation, exactly. I just think Season 6 and a lot of Season 5 was way too heavy-handed and needlessly cruel on Finn. Season 7, I think, found that balance again. He still learns life lessons without heavy dosages of angst and depressing phases and tries to give people the benefit of the doubt despite their appearance or apparent evil-ness.
My dad told me about that too.
This is what I was hoping Numenera and Anomalous Subsurface Environment would be like/
Well Numenera CAN be like that if the GM runs it gonzo style, but it just isn't presented in this way. It's much more bland and too-serious for its own good. At least in the core book, which is the only one I own and read. Maybe it got better in the supplements.
>Maybe it got better in the supplements
It didn't.
>I had this same thing with Homestuck and the way it writes characters and plots.
I think 90% of that was just Hussie copping out of actually trying to find way to wrap up all the plot threads he introduced.
A6 was a mistake.
Oh, definitely. Sometimes it seems he only wrote well by accident.
Remember all Karkat's important foreshadowing that amounted to nothing?
Now that looks really barbaric and alien. Nice.
It's from wikipedia.
Once I read Numenera, I realised that treating it as an actual Adventure Time is better pretending to do The Book of the New Sun: TTRPG. And both are mentioned in the influences.
>than pretending*
It doesn't do either well. It's not weird and dark enough for New Sun, and not zany and fun enough for AT.
Wow, that's... kind of trying too hard. It's like 40k Thundarr.
Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor
Is this better
Fuck that other guy, it did get better with supplements.
The Ninth World Guidebook actually presents a "weird" setting, not "Forgotten Realms but with sci-fi spraypaint". There's also books on outer space, underwater, and an upcoming book based on alternate dimension.
I still hate how none of the prior worlds are detailed for ~~mystery~~; I want SOME kind of consistency with the world's history and the people that lived in it, even if it's a billion years of history. But the setting does get better treatment over time.
As for its system....meh. Typical Monte stuff.
Thundarr was always a concept I liked but I just could not sit through the show as a child. Why is Hanna Barbera so goddamn shit?
To clarify I mean other dimensions entirely, not just alternate ones.
Yeah, that's cooler. Thundarr isn't grimdark edgy McEdgeFace. He's a pretty simple barbarian with a heart of gold trying to do the right thing in a nasty post-apoc world.
Really low animation budgets that got the "lowest bidder" treatment from shit basement studios in japan and south korea during the 70s and 80s.
>pirates of dark water
Another underappreciated setting.
Speaking of rare, I've played a rpg called Mutant Epoch, which is kind of like Gamma world but with more of a focus on mutants and postapoc ruins. It has it's flaws but I highly recommend it for anyone who wants a Thundarr like campaign.
How do you justify stuff not decaying for an extended period of time? I have the same issue in my own setting since I want to add a shitload of underground modern cities ruins, but the apocalypse happened a couple of millions of years ago