Vulcan showed up in 40k.
Vulcan showed up in 40k
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Obious fanwork. Also, where does it say anything about Vulcan?
Nope, it was sent out in the BL newsletter.
This happened in 32K, you idiot.
The Beast Waagh is 32k, not 40k, and Vulkan is not the only primarch still alive and acting at that time.
>Old man yells at cloud
You're right, I jumped the gun.
I'm sorry guys.
Which other primarchs were out and about at that time?
All the loyalists that survived the heresy? So Kahn, Russ, Vulkan, Dorn. Corax left his tower one year after the troubles stopped due to his accelerated gene-seed experiment being a massive failure, El-Johnson was ktfo during the destruction of Caliban, Gilligan was poisoned by Fulgrim at some point and Manus and Sanguinius were killed horrifically by their best friends during the heresy.
Also sauce for ya lazy ass:
Under 'Fate of the Primarchs'
Loyalist? None unless Russ and Corax were off doing something
Well, Dorn is absent during Waaagh Beast, and the IF are the protagonists, so he must've died previously. Khan disappeared not long after the heresy. Russ left Fenris 211.M31, according to his Lexican article. Everyone else was already dead or a daemon.
So no, Vulkan was the last one about, by about a millennium.
Call me lazy, grumble grumble.
Anybody got a download link to the last two books? I am excited for the Beheading.
Dorn is said to have died during a Black Crusade. Assuming this is one of Abaddon's, if he died prior to the War of the Beast then he must have died during the first Black Crusade, as the second doesn't occur until a few centuries later. Since Cassus Mirhen was named Chapter Master in the War of the Beast (and succeeded by Koorland), it's reasonable to assume this is in fact accurate.
However, Vulkan claims that Dorn is alive during the War of the Beast, leaving the possibility that Dorn's disappearance was engineered.
Khan is said to have been missing for nine thousand years, implying that he may have been around as late as mid-M32.
Russ seems to have left very quickly after the Heresy, in common with Corax.
Guilliman was poisoned in a battle with Fulgrim and the Emperor's Children. While you might expect Fulgrim to command a large warband, the old Index Astartes fluff states that as with the other traitor legions the Emperor's Children fractured relatively swiftly without the influence of their Primarch. Later fluff regarding Abaddon and the Black Legion states that the Emperor's Children raided for dragon dildos against the other traitor legions within the eye, resulting in the Legion War (as part of which the Battle of Skalathrax, where the World Eaters ceased to function as a legion, occurred) and culminating in the Battle of Harmony, when the Emperor's Children were broken as a legion by the resurgent Black Legion under Abaddon. This final conflict is said to have happened in late M31; in conjunction with the old Index Astartes fluff, that would tend to indicate that after that time Fulgrim confined himself to the Eye of Terror, meaning Guilliman was also out of action before M32. However, as we all know Guilliman was Alpharius and had already killed Omegon, it's anybody's guess as to when or if the real Guilliman died.
Guilliman is coming back in the 40k end times entombed in a Dreadnought.
So that's exciting.
>Assuming this is one of Abaddon's
It's not. ADB initially wanted to write Dorn's death but was told it doesn't occur in one of Abaddon's Black Crusades.
t-they know
That would actually be badass. Hope he is cooler than Carab Culln the Leviathan Dreadnought.
Regardless, he must have 'died' prior to the Second Black Crusade and likely prior to the War of the Beast, unless Vulkan was talking shit.
But it had Dorn fighting Black Legiom marines
can't not love shit like this
Good point. They weren't Black Legion until after the Legion War.
Who were the other Chapter?
what kind of fucking dreadnought do you entomb a PRIMARCH in?
they'd have to ring up the centaurio ordinatus and ask for a custom job or something
well.. there's always Leviathans, if you're not worried about your arms and legs any more
failing that something the size of a smaller Knight with the power of a Reaver; not impossible, but so resource-heavy it could never be a line unit
>Who were the other legion*?
the irony
>if you're not worried about your arms and legs any more
Calgar doesn't have those anyways. He's practically a cyborg already.
I see what you did there.
Did he get shot by Arbites?
>last reported a few weeks ago
>in a setting where communication and travel between systems can take months.
They manage to trigger my autism far too regularly. Was hiring semi-competent PR people too much of a hassle?
>what are astropaths
>>in a setting where communication and travel between systems can take months.
the average route from one side of the galaxy to the other takes only 3 months
Assuming that the Warp has taken kindly to their navigator. Otherwise, you're just as likely to either end up back at your starting point weeks before you even left as you are to never be heard from again.
What part of "average" don't you understand?
Oh man, you must HATE The Regimental Standard. It's nothing but tongue-in-cheek 4th wall breaks. It's awesome, and way too fun for you to like.