>Character is somehow connected to wolves
What is it with edgelord autists and wolves?
Character is somehow connected to wolves
Other urls found in this thread:
>his civilization is not based on wolves and fraticide
Get-a-load-of-this-plebian mosaic.
They're familiar, yet dangerous. They're a predator people know, because like dogs, they're just about everywhere.
And much like edgelords fancy themselves to be, they're often feared and hated by peasants, villified for taking cattles though nowadays that's mostly dogs and the spawn of interbreeding between dogs and wild canines like wolves and coyotes.
On top of all that there's the Alpha/Betas/Omega thing so they can feel superior to others by viewing themselves as an Alpha, or a badass loner by comparing themselves to a lone wolf. While utterly ignoring that Alpha, etc. don't exist in wild wolf packs because they're literally just familial units, Alpha/Omega behavior only occurs in unrelated adults. And, of course, ignoring that "lone wolves" are unsuccessful wolves who can't attract a mate and tend to live meager existences until they eventually die.
tl;dr, familiarity and a fundamental misunderstanding of how the creature they identify with actually behaves
>that "lone wolves" are unsuccessful wolves who can't attract a mate and tend to live meager existences until they eventually die.
It's probably cause they can look cute like a dog and can be really dangerous.
But I'd bet the main thing is they jerk off super hard about the idea of being a "lone wolf."
They probably think lone wolves are wandering badasses that just don't belong in a group, making them stronger then the rest because they have to provide / protect themselves.
>a completely misunderstood symbol of coolness
In short, wolves are the fedora of the animal world. Meant as the hat.
>My character will go into a frenzy if you hurt a wolf
Some guy unironically brought this to the table and everyone was okay with it, I hate edgelords so god damn much
Well, in stats terms (Pathfinder), they're not a bad option.
Useful for tracking, useful for fighting, and with the 7th level upgrade, you can ride them.
They can ride *you* by level 1, though.
Not unless you wolf their wolf first!
>>My character will go into a frenzy if you hurt a wolf
Sounds familiar
Is there any animal more overrated than wolf?
>What is it with edgelord autists and wolves?
I dunno, man, 'cause they're aesthetic as fuck?
If I was a real life Ranger, my first choice of familiar would be a raven, then a wolf, then a cat or a rat.
Loins. 500+ years of noble heraldry for a big dumb scavenger cat
>I dunno, man, 'cause they're aesthetic as fuck?
Problem is that most of the wolves pictured are American instead of better looking Eurasian variety.
>And, of course, ignoring that "lone wolves" are unsuccessful wolves who can't attract a mate and tend to live meager existences until they eventually die.
This makes me think. A rather weak, socially Autistic even by wolf standards, awakened Lone Wolf, saved from a fate of dying alone and unloved, by a somewhat Mad wizard who needed a guinea pig.
Now he must use this second chance to fix the failures of his previous life, and find learn to understand the concepts of family, friendship and teamwork, lest he get left behind again.
It would be like you're playing the edge Lord himself.
Thanks for making me self conscious about my sniper, who I thought of as a loner, and has the codename "Timber" after Timber wolves.
>making a loner sniper
>when most of them operate in pairs
Its a game, unless someone else wanted to make a spotter I kind of have to be a loner and nobody else made a spotter or another sniper. Might as well greentext about adventurers not being a real thing.
Hawks or Eagles
Make it a house sigil.
I hope someone makes a Ke$ha joke.
Or a "going down" joke.
Or a lumberjack joke.
Wolves are pretty impressive. Now if you had said lone wolves, you'd make a much better case
Come to think of it; Is there an animal as underrated as the rat?
I feel as though people tend to glance over how fuckawesome bears can be.
Otherwise, mountain lions and lizards.
Lions are fookin savage if you're a pissant living on the wrong side of the Pyrenees.
You could say a wolf on your heraldry is quite the "stark" contrast compared to all them dragons and lions.
>Might as well greentext about adventurers not being a real thing.
I see you're familiar with how this board operates.
If I had a house sigil, I would put a peacock on it, and my motto would be "Most Impressive".
Every predator is savage. Fucking hyenas will rip out your guts and start eating while you go into shock. You don't see them on house crests though
Oh come on
Hyenas are fuck-ugly and got stupid laughs, lions got their public image down all square and proper with those majestic manes.
Do not bully the Perrin.
there's a common misconception that wolves are angsty loners, based on phrase "lone wolf", I believe, and the fact that wolves were mostly seen by humans in winters, when driven by hunger to steal cattle, which made them seem savage
except that wolves are fiercely pack animals, lone wolf is psychically broken animal, and they avoid humans (like most animals do) when they have enough food and you don't threaten the cubs. they are also likely to sacrifice themselves for their mates and young
tl;dr normal wolves are as non-edgy as is possible for wild predator, and edgelords are being idiots following cliches and misconceptions
Perrin is made to suffer.
>My waifu is shit
>Why do i have to fight
>Fucking wolves
>Elias please
>I just want to smith
>Just let me play with my puzzles
>My eyes hurt
>It's cold
>What are these visions
Being Perrin is suffering.
Why would you lie like that?
All the waifus were shit. Perrin had the one highest on the shit heap
Min is top tier. TOP TIER.
Just look at this qt3.14
Boring brown shit
Cute is not a thing you want on your heraldry, you want something cool that makes the blue-blooded bastard on the other side of the river get jealous.
Lions are cool, especially to people that have only heard stories of 'em.
>Perrin Aybara is a huge, muscular man with generous facial hair and a gentle, loving personality
>Perrin Aybara
What did they mean by this?
>keep a wolf in your bag of holding
>BBEG prepares a massive attack
>quickly pull the wolf out of the bag and throw it into harm's way
>BBEG harms the wolf
>edgelord goes into frenzy, hacks BBEG to piece
gnollfags please stop
I like canine looking animals (fuckers are like cats)
You've picked the wrong carnivore.
Jackel a cute CUTE
then again having a hyena familiar with a bit of intelligence that spends too fucking much time laugh could be pretty fun
>Jackal a cute
Well fancy that, here I am posting *the* cute.
Crocodiles. They (sort of) never stop growing, they can kill almost anything, and they can eat whatever they kill, no matter how long it's been. They are very, VERY hard to kill, to the point where older crocodiles are bulletproof to most calibres. There are very few animals I would bet on in a direct fight with an old, powerful crocodile.
Which brings us to the next animal in line.
Where are the edgelord Hippokin
Why aren't bears more common on heraldry? They're fucking impressive and intimidating animals that will fuck you up.
They're not noble creatures.
I wish I knew user. Bears are just badass and every civilization that isn't Sub-Saharan/Australonesian knows of them I believe. But I guess muh Lions/dragons/eagles are better for some reason.
I can't help it, I really just thing of bears as bigger/wilder dogs, which is totally going to get me killed if I'd ever treat a wild bear like that, or even a "tame" (zoo) bear.
In my setting there is a steppe clan that's banner has a wolf heraldry, black wolf profile on a tawny field. Is that edgy?
They do appear. Not as frequently as other animals, but they do appear. Partially it's because the bear used to be considered somewhat demonic, and not something you'd want representing you.
Gustave is a best.
perhaps same reason some tribes had a taboo on hunting bears, or made a ritual of hunting bears, or whatever - because bear is very man-like. it's intelligent, it can walk on two legs, it eats all sorts of stuff, instead of just meat or just grass.
you don't put men on heraldry, and so some tribes didn't put bears on heraldry
What, there are tons of men on heraldry. Mostly knights, or limbs like the Isle of Man has 3 fucking legs as their heraldry.
full-blown knights? or just helmets?
also, saints don't count
Hippos are a bit weird. They're represented in media as one of those friendly herbivore animals when in reality they're huge motherfuckers who can and often will viciously murder anyone who looks at them funny. They're seen as 'cute' rather than 'cool'.
>While utterly ignoring that Alpha, etc. don't exist in wild wolf packs
Wow, what kind of beta cucklord do you have to be to believe that line of liberal trash?
Wolf packs are families, the leader wolf is often the leader wolf because he's the dad.
There's nothing dominating or submissive about it.
>feminist science
>responding to something that low effort
Come on now, at least make the trolls work for their (You)s
I bet you also think the praying mantis eats their men after mating, you hussy!
>oh, they do, and serves them right for being oppressive misogynistic patriarchal rapist assholes
I like giving out (yous) to people in need.
(You) could even say I'm offering them... (you)sed?
The kind who keeps up with the scientific community, user. The idea was first pioneered in the late 1940's, then really set off by a fellow by the name of David Mech, with his book "The Wolf: The Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species."
Only later studies, first in the late 1990's and then later on still we realized that was all bullshit and it isn't how it works at all, that wolves don't have some complex social hierarchy - it's just two wolves mating, forming a pack out of their children, and those eventually dispersing as they come of age to find other dispersed wolves and form their own packs.
Mech even OUTRIGHT ADMITS HE WAS WRONG and that his book is out of date on his very own website: davemech.org
Shit's so wrong even the guy who who wrote it is trying to stop being from repeating it.
>Where are the edgelord Hippokin
Tumblr mostly.
Wolves have been a pretty important part of mythology since basically the beginning.
Really makes you think
Because bears are assholes
Being gigantic assholes never stopped lions from being the defacto royal animal though.
Lions look good doing it.
>Leman Russ on suicide watch
>>Leman Russ on suicide watch
there are no wolves on fenris
That because Lion is a charismatic Chad
Bear is the douche no one likes, that arrives to class drunk, hits his gf, and got expelled for selling fake pot
The real kicker would be that this "awakened lone Wolf" would probably have a deep seeded hatred of regular wolves.
To him, they would be the ones who cast him out and condemned him to a life of isolation and scavenging for meager scraps. To him, they would be the Reason that he is an unwanted pariah, rather than his own faults and failures being the cause of it.
They would be the ones living the fulfilling, successful lives that HE deserved. Just the mix of Bitterness and Envy and the feelings of Betrayal he felt when they scorned him, would coagulate into a caustic, burning, hatred towards regular wolves, that his old animal mind was. Ever capable of.
Holy shit, this really would be like playing the party edgelord. And by that I don't mean the character he would make, I mean the Edgelord IRL!
Then what are the Fenrisian Wolves?
Filthy muties of human origin.
Humans who decided to take their Otherkin fantasies too far during the Age of Strife and use their tech to mutate themselves instead of actually keeping Fenris from becoming a feral hellhole
>taboo on hunting bears
Because they have relatively little meat and are super fucking dangerous?
There is a reason why the most common way to hunt bears tended to be wait until it is hibernating, gather a shitload of dudes with long sturdy spears and hope for the best.
So /r9k/ in animal form, then?
They do have some dope-ass pelt though.
Essentially, Yeah exactly that. But with less bitching and more pent-up aggresivness and emotions manifesting in actual violence, and being horribly malnourished rather than morbidly obese. Also he would have to have more of a chance to change himself for the better, otherwise he would just be a shit character.
PErsonally, I've never likes making wolves into creatures about feral strength or loneliness, that's more of Jaguar or Bear thing.
When I work with wolves, or include them in a character, I like to emphasize their cooperative nature, focus on a tight-knight family or group, and make them more about adaptability and survivability.
Because, honestly, the members of Genus Canis are not the smartest, fastest, strongest, meanest, or toughest froup of animals, but they almost universally are great when it comes to teamwork, cooperation, and long distribution and resource use. Pretty close to humans when it comes to mammals that are neither Primates nor Rodents when you think about it, and is probably one of the reasons why we were able to domesticate them so well.
That being said, Wolf is overrated canine, African Hunting Dog is GOAT
>Reading non canon fan fiction cash grabber literature
>Reading non canon fan fiction cash grabbing literature and using it as a fact
>samefagging this hard
At least change your post style user, this is just embarrassing.
>African Wild/Hunting Dogs have like a 90% kill rate
>wolves are like, below half or something
Truly terrifying little fuckers, they are.
Well that's because often times wolves will spend less time hunting big game and will supplement their diet with rats, shrews, gohpers, fish, and occasionally tubers. They're just not as specialized at hunting as the Wild Dogs
At least they aren't Maned Wolves, who's diet is around 50% vegetable matter, with the rest being grasshoppers, mice, and birds
Maned Wolves are basically just foxes on stilts anyways.
I'm glad I'm building my shitty furry setting correctly.
Brace for canines backstabbing each other in not!rome.
How would we stat him? He doesn't kill for food unless he does get nutrients from human screaming. We need stats befitting a scream eating dinosaur.
Take the Knot!
Well played
>>Reading non canon fan fiction cash grabbing literature and using it as a fact
seen in the codex
I want the spaceyiffs to leave
Is there a thing that is africanized that isn't fucking terrifying
cats (cheetahs are sad junky cat)
Its fucking nuts man
fucking eliphants