Could your character defeat Sportacus?
Could your character defeat Sportacus?
Well, my char has an elephant gun. If the first shot hits, yes.
My character might be incapable of such, but my party stands a good chance, we're number one after all.
Defeating him doesn't seem to be hard. The pink-haired bitch from meddling is what'll fuck you up.
Could your party defeat the dream team?
No, he eats sport candy buddy.
that's fucking hardcore as fuck.
>tfw you lived to see Lazytown become a meme again
My Slaaneshi marine is too hedonistic and enjoys being lazy. I'll give Sportacus the benefit of the doubt.
This is officially one of the dumbest posts I've even on Veeky Forums...
No, this is.
Of course not. They Are Number One.
You have been here for less than a minute.
if I have to
>This is officially one of the dumbest posts I've even on Veeky Forums...
babay;s first thread eh?
Probably not, he's a big guy and running around with gear, plate and sword-and-board is going to get you and keep you in shape.
But he likely lacks a more all rounded physique of one who uses a gym with guidance from those with a knowledge of anatomy, as well as a lack of knowledge of most sports that he will be challenged to.
Maybe with some prep time, a little training montage he could do it but I can see him losing more often than not.
Or did you mean in combat and not sports? Still a loss overall. Killing such a champion of healthy living for no Good reason would cause him to fall, surely.
Mein Neger
> Number One is Four.
> Four are Number One.
> Chaos Undivided.
Totally. You just use Celerity to keep up and just Mind spike him until he stops running, but then again why would she?
My Shardmind is more likely to bake him Oatmeal Raisin cookies than hurt someone like Sporticus. She'd get him a nice cup of tea, And then try to to fuck his brains out as her loins destabilze and start to get goopy and sappy, since shes made of amber.
That's not how it works, you little shit.
Hell no, my illusionist might as well be asthmatic compared to Sportacus. Plus why would he cheat against such a cool dude?
In what? A fight? Or a decathlon?
>Robbie Rotten
>Not Thief
I am not good at MS paint.
A decathlon... TO THE DEATH!
>have to do it until one of you dies
>healthy snacks are provided in eternal quantities
nah, my character would get along with sportacus to well to fight him though so its k
I mean how can you not love the guy
thats what im saying
He's also legit super nice in real life too, and he does his own stunts.
What a guy
I just hate how they call apples 'sports candy.' Kids aren't dumb - sure you want them to be healthy, but they know apples aren't candy.
y-yeah... what a guy...!
I appreciate how the main demographic that watched Lazy Town when it aired have finally aged to the point where they can shitpost about it on Veeky Forums.
I mean, I can relate to these fresh batch of memelords. It's still dumb memes, but there memes I can understand.
How long have you managed to last?
>In his 20s, he made a bet with a friend, Fjölnir Þorgeirsson, that each could master a sport of the other's choosing he knew nothing about in three years. Magnús chose snooker for Fjölnir and Fjölnir chose aerobics for Magnús. Just as Magnús became a champion in aerobics, Fjölnir became Icelandic champion in snooker.
He is Legit.
This chump needs some sport candy.
>playing 3.caster as Rogue base, Chameleon prestige (berate me more, I get off on your tears)
>skills literally coming from every direction
Yeah, probably could.
This post gave him cancer.
I appreciate that too but sometimes I worry about what will happen when a majority of the memes are about shows I don't know about. We still got plenty of spongebob memes rolling in but for how long?
I'm pissed that the apple does not get in the slightest way bruised by the end of it.
Well, my char has an elephant gun. So, if they're all standing in a line and the first shot hits, yes.
Not unless it's a shield-fighting contest or she's allowed to use her ONE SPELL PER DAY.
>implying that robbie isn't just playing my team.
come the fuck on
Yes, and he's evil enough to do it as long as the paladin isn't looking.
I'm pretty sure Sportacus is just a higher level monk so no, not likely
Yes, he is a pirate!
HA! As if I would ever care to find out. No, I would join sports jesus and together we'd spread fitness across the land.
>Character is a rogue with a disguise kit training and the Gourmand feat
>Create sugary confection disguised as apple
>Disguise self as helpless old woman
>reward this helpful young man with some "sport candy"
good bait, you really made it reek of newfag
Sportacus and Mr Rogers team up to be your campaign's BBEG. How fucked are your PC's?
Not fucked at all, they wold end up joining Sportacus and Mr. Rogers.
>I appreciate that too but sometimes I worry about what will happen when a majority of the memes are about shows I don't know about.
I'm 36, nobody on the Internet even knows what Kissyfur is. Suck it up.
You dumb reddit nigga, stephanie and Robbie have been Veeky Forums memes for years. Just happen they released a dank as fuck beat on the last month so the popularity rose again.
Look at this net that I just found
Robbie is a NEET.
He found a net.
Once again, question if I am in fact the BBEG.
When I say GO, get ready to THROW!
You're kidding right? Because even my grandma with her rusty PPS could drop him .
Help, having trouble finding
How can sportacus possibly escape from the small net?
IF he reached CQC range, probably not (...although Blink will do a good job of stopping that happening).
Then again, full push every turn on Magic Missiles is a hell of a drug, particularly with the Eldritch Trick feats he's got.
Thanks, I think. I don't know what to make of this one.
As I am playing a fat wizard with barely any CON, our encounter would quickly fade to black.
Upon returning, my character will have experienced a shift in his ability scores and gained martial levels while wondering what the fuck just happened.
m8, they were a staple over a decade ago.
Take a look at some of the first pedo bear images if you don't believe me.
>Implying Sportacus won't hacky-sack your missiles back at you
Isn't that the Wiggles?
you cant freakin beat sporticus, he would freakin teach nurgle to get off his ass and become the order god of fitness and vitality
In a fight? More then likely, yeah. But why would he? Dude's just trying to help people get Veeky Forums which is something my character approves of whole heartedly given his somewhat darwinistic outlook on life.
We jump ship almost immediately. My character may not completely approve of Mr.Roger's "I like you just the way you are" mentality, but he'll respect him and keep quiet about it. I'm pretty sure even the most That Guy of that guys would hold their tongue in the presence of Mr.Rogers.
I just stole your Pepe. It was too dank for one man.
>Removing Stephanie's part
What if they did her part death metal style?
definitly not, since my last character was a STD ridden prostitute
did i say prostitute ? i meant female charisma build mage
Sportacus: the only hero to ever have a dastardly whiplash mustache.
My character is a Police Officer.
Specifically she's a Detective Inspector.
Surely Sportacus has enough respect for the law to follow her directions.
If it comes to a fight she has her standard police kit and she's pretty much been engineered to peak human fitness and then some.
It is: "if you like to sell pussy"
Knowing how we work? Bloody damn screwed. I mean, we don't do too much evil shit, but we're not the people Mr Rogers wanted us to be.
We have a Barbarian doctor that has a politic of kill on sight when its related to undead.
A Wizard that killed the other only wizard alive in town so he could own the academy technically.
An Alchemist that is well known for making the avatar of the god of Knowledge to cry for being bullied too much.
And a bard that has his photo alongside the word "orgy" in the dictionary and is well know for always aiming to the eyes.
Nobody tell him about [s4s].
You need a Nice Therapy
le millenom girl
is that a pseudopenis
So no, she couldn't.
Have you seen Lazy Town?
Trying to catch Sportacus in a net basically never works
>"I love [fruit]"
>"let me show how much I love [fruit] by throwing it around the room and continually kicking it with my well used sports shoes, horrifically bruising it"
Of anything I've seen of this show, this is by far the dumbest.
You would think they would use poisoned fruit more often, since the moron effectively can't stop himself from eating any "sport candy" he finds lying around.
He'd probably have some BS like "His body is so healthy, he fights off the poison."
Or "he's eaten so much poisoned sport candy he's become immune to it"
It's be ready to throw, not get ready.
Ugh, let's try something else.
It's not even poison, Robbie just puts real candy inside the apple and Sportacus passes out after taking a bite. It's like he has severe diabetes.
>yfw the real reason Sportacus is so healthy is he's a vegan diabetic and refuses to use insulin medication because it was developed by experimenting on horses
>Be so "healthy" your body actually gets weaker to unhealthy shit
Robbie Rotten 4 lyfe, Sportacus can suck my chode (assuming it doesn't kill him).
Robbie Rotten is, ironically, just as active as sportacus, in spite of the fact that he wants the town to become lazy again.
He manages to do this while having an absolutely shit diet, which if anything makes it more impressive. If he were to eat fruit and vegetables he'd probably best Sportacus easily.
Is that actually the hidden message of the show?
The irony of Robbie's activity is intentional. That much is pretty clear.
Lazytown RPG when?
It actually could make for a fun game, in a Maid sort of way