Yet another step in the right direction. It warms my heart to see that GW cares again. All they need now is to fix the rules, and they'll take back their old place in my heart.
New official Warhammer website
Other urls found in this thread:
They just want a hugbox that they can moderate. They hope to draw people away from other sites where things happen that they don't control.
Or maybe they want to get back into their community's heart?
Obviously it'll be easier for them to handle leaks, announcements, different pages and stuff, but a website that isn't just a shop has been demanded for quite some time now.
>Complain that GW doesnt engage the community
>Complain that GW engages the community
Damned if you do, damned if you dont.
This. I'll believe it when I see it. They're run by their lawyers, and you mean to tell me they won't use this to shut down criticism?
Pricing and distribution have to change. Sculpture and writing need to go from OK back to incredible. Game design needs to take center stage. The whole business needs to be reexamined.
GW took more than a decade to fall this far, and will take about that long to come back, if they can come back at all.
Not anymore. They secured their IP with the names change and the "no art without real models in it". There's no need to be extra touchy with it now.
>Pricing and distribution
You know damn well that'll never ever change because they wouldn't sell as much as the price reduction would need to be justified and not incur a loss.
>Writing and Sculpting
Yeah, the writing has gone to shit. Sculpts? I'd say it's subjective, apart from certain models that are universally disliked, like the Varanguard that are wat too busy or the Stormcasts that almost always look the same and not that good until you change the helmet.
On the other hand, you get stuff like the recent DW and GS cults release, plastic HH, so I'd say it's mostly positive. Nostalgia glasses often makes you forget how wonky some old metal models actually were.
>Game design
Definitely. Hopefully they slowly get around that at the same time they do the much awaited overhaul for 8th edition. God knows those rules need to be cleaned up.
>Or maybe they want to get back into their community's heart?
>Get back into their community 's heart
Yeah sure, the only reason why they would "care" about community is because FFG beating them on casual market.
>plastic HH, so I'd say it's mostly positive.
Those new Stormcast?
Can't fool me that easily Gee Dubya
>no art without real models in it
This is exactly the kind of thing that needs to change though. It's cancerous to the setting by making it small and narrow instead of expansive and inspiring the imagination.
>GW cares again
>"no art without real models in it".
And this is bullshit. Real art was what made the books, if I just want to see a picture of what I'm buying then I'll keep looking on ebay. You know, where I spend my money that GW doesn't want from me.
This is good really, lest hope that they listen to people
>They just want a hugbox that they can moderate
That didn't work out so well last time.
I got softbanned from that old cesspool so many times.
Good joke.
>Community game has community forums.
This is not news. It should be expected.
>GW cares again
Let's not jump to conclusions so fast there. They have a lot to atone for. Also I'm sure this is strictly related to what they think will make more money not make people like them more.
>Let's not jump to conclusions so fast there. They have a lot to atone for.
No they don't. I swear, warhammer babies are the whiniest bunch of bitches if I've ever heard them. Seriously theyre almost as bad about the jews whining about the haulocaust or blacks about slavery.
>have a lot to atone for
I have trouble believing someone is seriously this retarded in real life. Has Poe's law bitten me in the ass?
What if I mentioned Squats on there?
Use the words "beardy" or "cheesy"? Banned.
Mentioning another company's IP? Banned.
>A term GW came up with
I could see it
It definitely occurred from time to time ca. 12 years ago. At least, the moderation team actively discouraged you from using the word.
>being this easy to please
dont be a mark, son
ITT: buttmad salty self-entitled assholes
Why do people use entitlement as an insult? There's nothing inherently wrong with being entitled. The most successful, intelligent people were all self-entitled and made their entitlement come true. Entitlement is the foundation of capitalism.
self entitlement is when you believe you deserve things just because you are. Like how kids of rich people believe they are entitled to more than their peers. Its about being self-absorbed and immature
An entrepreneur wouldn't start a business if he didn't feel he was entitled to the proceeds, right? The only difference is that he's smart enough to know his self-entitlement isn't going to come true unless he does something about it.
Ever heard a rich person genuinely say he didn't deserve his money?
>self entitlement is when you believe you deserve things just because you are
So sorta like...human rights? Or constitutional rights?
Mostly, yes.
I entered the community long after Kirby's rise to power and the subsequent cutting and downsizing he brought with it.
It seems like the people who remember the times before and how GW made an effort to enrich and support the community. They held good tournaments, unit boxes were cheaper (and you used fewer units), and had fun stuff in White Dwarf, including rules on scratch-building stuff, making up your own unit profiles, and proposing some odd rules for the weirdos out there in fluff like Exodites and Cursed Founding chapters. Stuff like Chapter Approved.
They had to see all that stuff taken away bit by bit. The short stories and fun rules from White Dwarf cut and cut until it was nothing more than a glorified GW catalog. Forums disappeared, official events disappeared. Stores cut employees and became one-man shops... Finally GW just cut tournament support and even pulled out of attending Warhammer World. Now it seems to be coming back, but amidst the fans' abandonment, they just have cynicism left, they feel betrayed. At least, that's just what I read into it.
>unit boxes were cheaper (and you used fewer units),
Yeah like Old metal daemonnets.
Depends how old you're talking. They used to be crab people and blisters only.
I think that's what makes "self-entitlement" different. You admit yourself that the businessman is different in that he does something...self entitlement is just that, you and yourself get stuff.
So, it did work out so well (for them).
>Yeah sure, the only reason why they would "care" about community is because FFG beating them on casual market.
GW's been doing a lot more interaction with its customers ever since the new CEO.
Stop being such a butthurt faggot.
>GW's been doing a lot more interaction with its customers ever since the new CEO.
Such as..?
Also, new CEO is jealous and greedy paranoia who literally selling Warhammer license like DLC.
Shut up, Slav.
Go troll /whfb/.
Will this replace Veeky Forums?
Excuse me?
The only problem I dee with those Custodes are the short legs. Stop being a contrarian my man.
It might be cancerous but it avoids them having to deal with lawsuits because 3rs parties make models based on said art. Might be a dick move but if you put yourself in their position, you'd do the same.
>Such as?
See, that's the problem here. Cynic twats coming here, whining that WH is ruined, that GW is EVHUL, when they haven't touched the license in years, so they don't even know what happened, yet they think that theit opinion that was valid 5 years ago is still valid nowadays.
Probably not. With moderation, shitposters will stay there.
Maybe we can have an actual discussion about the hobby without someone throwing meme's or bait in it.
Custodes actually have extremely long legs. Longer than Terminator or Space Marine legs. They look short because the shoulder pads are obscenely long, their pose bends the legs, they have long hats, and the weapon obscures most of the leg.
no? from the sounds of it it's going to be more of an expanded blog, along the lines of black gobbo
in any case even if it's a super-forum, I can't call carnac a dumb faggot in real-time.
It is good to have a official forum & site - yet the question is: does it allow REAL discussion - like Warhammer Fantasy, unsupported Specialist Games, listbuilding, campaigns, skenery, really awesome conversions with 3rdparty parts (or even talk about 3rdparties), critizism about the rules / background.
If not it will not be successful because these can be done well in other sites.
I will welcome somewhere where we can discuss the lore without easily triggered pansies like you whining about your precious headcanon.
They'll probably apply the same rules that they use on their fb page, aka you can criticise but don't post any link towards a shop that is not GW or post a non GW model. You can't really blame them for that though, it's just common sense. You wouldn't want your platform to be used to advertise your competitor's products.
>post actual fluff
>n-no it's headcanon
One (you), but no more.
>they wouldn't sell as much as the price reduction would need to be justified and not incur a loss.
Yes they fucking would
Lets look at how games workshop prices work.
Oh no people are not buying enough models so lets raise prices to compensate
Shit people are buying even less models now because of the new price we cant fall behind on profits so raise prices a bit more.
Rinse and repeat for almost a fucking decade.
They would have 3 months of terrible profits before starting to get amounts of money they have not seen in years.
They would need to fix the game as well but almost half the problems there are deliberate efforts to force people to buy new stuff so thats an easy fix as well.
Also stop shuting down there website bit by bit i hope they restore all there old archived content with this new initiative.
>no matter what part of the warhammer hobby you're interested in
Oh, cool. I was into the part that was that Warhammer Conquest Living Card Game where we had a nice community going and I had "armies" from every major faction in Warhammer without spending thousands.
Oh wait thats dead now that you pulled the license from FFG? Ok.
You would think they would have worked out by now people will buy from them more if they are well liked.
>post actual fluff
Screw you, I am the guy posting fluff. Remember when I posted fluff that says that the Tau fleet outmaneuvered the Imperial navy in multiple occasions? What did you do? You called it wank and not canon.
Or the time when I posted fluff on how Chaos is the "Greatest Threat" from ALL the rulebooks since 3th Ed up until now. You ranted and raved like a spoiled child.
If this community is what I hope it, then ACTUAL fluff can be discussed and crybabies like will be kicked to the curb.
>they think that theit opinion that was valid 5 years ago is still valid nowadays.
You dont need to play the game to look at the prices.
The licensed expired and FFG didn't reach out to renew it.
Also FFG made itself a competitor that threats GW.
So who is blame here? Who is the bad guy?
it is*
Fuck off carnac.
Never. Embrace the future.
Also assuming you are the same person, you said that was your last (you). You lied! Take your filthy (you)s and go away, you degenerate.
Too little too late, GW.
But do the whiny babies that have stopped playing 10 years ago and proudly announce it every single thread deserve to say anything about the game? I don't think so.
Honestly, unless you're AUS or NZ, the prices are still affordable. It's a luxury hobby, so scrap all the students, neets and people on minimum wage or almost.
Ask the rest if they find the hobby's prices problematic, chances are they'll say no. Don't get me wrong, it IS expensive, but in any case, we all know we hoard more than we actually play. The people on Veeky Forums that have more painted models than grey ones are the exception here, not the norm. The reasonable thing to do would be to not buy anything until they're done painting what they have or almost. Yet they don't, they keep buying, not doing anything with it, and then cry ajout the prices. If people controlled themselves, acted logically (i.e not consider the hobby when you have fuckall money) and didn't impulse buy, there'd be a lot less complaints.
Tl;dr: It's expensive, but it wouldn't be problematic if people were reasonable.
FFG made a statement of their site.
The guys must have freaked out when Centurions came out.
And unfortunately, according to almost every GW shop employee/manager, the "hump the customer as soon as they walk in" is the one that works. Countless times I've see employees here or in real sjops deploring that, they don't like it either, but it's what keeps the boat afloat, especially when the shop is fairly new, or without a regular, loyal client base.
Hell, the only GW that doesn't do this that I know is one that has existed for 22 years, the manager has been here for 8, and has been working for GW since 2004. Guy was a regional manager before, stepped down because he didn't like the job and went back into the shop, so he has a bit of a leeway, and a loyal client base.
It is kind of a vicous/virtuous cycle, the hardest is to make it start. If you don't manage to have a loyal client base, you can hardly make benefit. So you can't afford to do events, with prizes, that take time and so money, and so on, so you can't make the customer stay in the shop and like it, and ultimately come back for more, and so on.
On the contrary, if you manage to handle the shop well enough to have a regular base of clients, you can afford to make your shop more likeable, and not just a vending machine. But it is hard to fo so at the beginning.
Doesn't say any of that, you troglodyte.
Can't you take inference? FFG gave up on the licence.
And FFG became a competitor when they made the X-Wing game.
>Making up bullshit
Nope, I don't do that too much.
Oh boy.
Anyone can see that FFG is to blame here.
I stoped playin when I realize that I need 6 DE raiders and bucket of other minis just to make 1k list that semi works within my meta.
Each raider cost 160-180, I got 450 a week. No fuckin way Im gonna pay so much for plastic toys even if im die had fan for 15y.
No, you are entitled to these because your society agreed on these.
SELF entitlement is just that, YOU believing that you derserve something.
For example: I hate pretty much everything about Age of Sigmar, from watered down rules, to the stupid names and mediocre art.
I am entitled to that opinion, since the law in my country warrants me freedom of speech and thought.
Self entitlemend would be me demanding that, because of the time and money I have invested in GW, I should have a say in how they choose to run their business.
Seriously, I have no idea how TT wargaming survives to this day with all the vidya games around.
>Self entitlemend would be me demanding that, because of the time and money I have invested in GW, I should have a say in how they choose to run their business.
So like...shareholders?
its way more fun and narrative, if you arent from brain dead gen with no imagination you will have mor fun that eny vid game can provide.
You can custom your minis, write backstory and cound mighty deeds they preform, also chill out to mozart while painting, and have good bantz with friends and fellow nutjobs at your hobbycenter.
GW can survie without shareholders, they cantw without customers.
We hold them by balls.
No, friend, not like shareholders.
Shareholders are ENTITLED to a say in company policy, because they actually bought shares after GW went public, exchanging their money for a share in GW's earnings and a say in how the company is run.
I merely exchanged my money for goods, so while I might disapprove of GW's policy, they are under no obligation to carter to me.
This guy gets it. Nothing like a good evening with the guys at the shop. Owner closes at 6, yet we leave at 10 or so after a solid game.
For me it has always been the ability to customize your own dudes and craft your own narrative, though with the advancement in tech is getting there (pic related, it's my WIP mod to conquer the world as glorious Marienburg).
>GW can survie without shareholders,
Not unless they have the liquid cash to buy back the majority of their shares they don't
Oh nice. I wonder, how long and how hard it is to do a mod like that?
U know, I rly miss my tabletop times, vidya is cool and all but I like plactic crack more.
I remember the old GW Forum, back when the site actually had hundreds of articles on it instead of just being a shop.
WarSeer is coming back from a second hack too. I don't play anything but Blood Bowl anymore so I never took part in the "Whineseer" side of things; but man I miss the Project Log section of that site for both Fantasy games and 40k.
Depends on what you want.
The palette swap took me literally 10 minutes.
Thext step is adding little areas of red to the uniforms (the vanilla game only utilises two colours per faction).
Biggest challenge atm are the shields, since CA went from single shield textures to one texture file provinding for several shields.
>So who is blame here? Who is the bad guy?
GW, who refuse to renew license , because "oh my god, how they dare to nake deals with other companies and make their own miniatures"
>WarSeer is coming back from a second hack too. I don't play anything but Blood Bowl anymore so I never took part in the "Whineseer" side of things; but man I miss the Project Log section of that site for both Fantasy games and 40k.
Many of the more opinionated threads were preeeetty bad, but the site was great for news and checking out other people's armies (and feeling inferior afterwards).
Because no other company has prices this unreasonable.
>The only problem I dee with those Custodes are the short legs.
>ignoring ugly heroic scales
I sauppose you loves SoS?
Well yeah, those weird legs also come from the weird scale.
>See, that's the problem here. Cynic twats coming here, whining that WH is ruined, that GW is EVHUL, when they haven't touched the license in years, so they don't even know what happened, yet they think that theit opinion that was valid 5 years ago is still valid nowadays.
So, I will repeat my question, where GW
>been doing a lot more interaction with its customers ever since the new CEO.
They created several fb pages, organised community events, started Gamesday and same sort of events again all over the world, listen to fans' feedback on said pages, publish FAQs, respond to leaks by showing unseen stuff (Kharn, magnus and plastic SoB "joke"), hell, they even streamed a tournament on the Warhammer TV page recently.
It's A LOT more than what was done under Kirby, considering there wasn't even a fb page at the time.
>They created several fb pages
Wow, great achievement.
>listen to fans' feedback on said pages,
Did they fix the rules? Did they changed price policy?
>publish FAQ
And it was almost useless.
>hell, they even streamed a tournament on the Warhammer TV
>It's A LOT more than what was done under Kirby, considering there wasn't even a fb page at the time.
At least Kirby didn't try to kill Warhammer vidya with jewish copyright policy.
>Ask for fans interactions
>Be given plenty of examples of fans interactions
Why are you even here user? Let people enjoy what they want, go play something else if you're not happy then, both parties will be all the better for it.
It's nice that GW is seemingly trying to turn around. If they ever return to WHFB6th Edition levels of Lore, Prices and Rules Quality, they might catch my interest again.
And again what's wrong here? RUles question is actual since 5th ed, if you are claming that GW
>>listen to fans' feedback on said pages,
Then GW should be do something with rules.
>Why are you even here user?
Why not? I really want to discuss with GW fans, how they changed in the last year.
But you do realise that Roundtree took over just recently right? That he couldn't just scrap all the plans that kirby made?
You can't just scrap or fix a decade of fuckups with a wave of the hand. 7th ed was already well on its way when he got there, and planned release had to be released anyway.
But again, you asked for fan interactions, I gave you fan interactions. If they don't fit your ideas fair enough, but you can't deny they're not there.
>Why not? I really want to discuss with GW fans, how they changed in the last year.
You just were told.
>But you do realise that Roundtree took over just recently right?
Yeah and he is already killed Warhammer video games, and Warhammer board games.
>. If they don't fit your ideas fair enough,
Okay sorry, show effective interactions, I mean let's be honest Warhammer have shitton of problems today, such as:
- Poorly designed and sculpted models like - Ruined rules
- Insane prices
- Deviant-tier artwork and bad writing
And I didn't see how GW trying to change direction in any of these aspects.
>killed video games and board games
Say what? 40k vidya are popping left and right, he's brought back old board games like Lost Patrol, put out new ones, like BoC, BoP, Battle in the skies.
>40k vidya are popping left and right
Not that guy, but they are mostly shitty and at best mediocre though. Even those that are decent don't go anywhere, or get fucked to death by retarded DLC policies. And beyond that, it's just an endless torrent of mobile shovelware.
>40k vidya are popping left and righ
Just like in last years of Kirby, but they are all shit or average, for example Streum On cannot add CSM or Orks enemies in Deathwing, because GW sells license for these factions separately from tyranids, EC (yes I knew the game is shit anyway, but still) devs said they aren't sure about new playable races, because GW selling license for them separately.
>he's brought back old board games like Lost Patrol, put out new ones, like BoC, BoP, Battle in the skies.
Yeah and they are all shit as board games, because even current GW cannot into gamedesign, unlike FFG, who made awesome Warhammer board games.
What did the guy do to earn that award? I really want to know this now.
Probably a bro all around, i.e not try to cheat, make sure everyone has a good time, use a fluffy, nicely painted list, etc.
>GW makes a fucking blog and/or forum
>suddenly they're paragons of community interaction
I dun ged it.
If anything you're the one making hyperboles here, nobody said anything like that, just that we were happy they were taking steps the right way.
>steps the right way.
It's hard to call "steps" since it's change literally nothing, more like hints.