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Halo Effect Edition: How cute/pretty/sexy/handsome do your characters have to be for you to consider playing them?

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I only play pretty things

i think i'm broken.

>full on weeb edition

Sexy enough that if we decide to do ERP after the session is over we can do it. So moderately sexy

Not at all.

I'm play a bunk-ass ugly motherfucker if I want.

I'll play him, and he'll beat the shit out of people with his bare hands, then laugh like an asshole, because that's what he is.

I intentionally make most of my characters relatively unattractive so as to make them relateably awkward if they end up getting into a relationship.

>Halo Effect Edition: How cute/pretty/sexy/handsome do your characters have to be for you to consider playing them?
Not at all. The last two characters I played were desperately ugly.

Alternatively, I'll play an old-ass man, as beardy as I can.

I wanna be the Gandalf-type wizard. The Merlin.

Don't tell me this isn't heckin' adorable.

Religious reasons.

Really if I had things my way I'd just rather play a Paladin that didn't have to be LG (not that I have anything against LG) instead of an antipaladin. But what're ya gonna do, right?

>Religious reasons.

I have to know!

>I'm the user from the last thread that was asking about making undead out of enemy NPCs, do you guys think it'd be possible to make a skeleton or zombie out of the male dryad you fight in Vengeance?
Reposting this question since I don't think I got an answer last time.

I think Grey Paladins only have to be Good?

Grey Paladins can be anything one step removed from LG, and can also hilariously be LG as well, which defeats the point.

And day after day we continue to distance ourselves from the loving embrace of God.

What do you want this non-LG Paladin to do?

We could probably put together something similar.

Solid food was banned, he served a toothless leech god. Alcohol was seen as sinful. The mayo was convenient because he had a jug that made it.

How the fuck did we go from that to this?

>full plate on limbs
>head and torse exposed
Too Veeky Forums for the battlefield.

Could be cultural thing - half-French / half-Inuit

Shockingly designers have different aesthetics they aim for when games have different themes to them.

When giant pizza cutters became a thing.

That sounds like a Dead Rising weapon.

It was not God himself that embraced you, merely a priest preaching in God's name,
And it wasn't loving embrace, it was molestation.

Sure, but you also lose out on divine grace. It seems like it's weaker for simply not being as "good", which I feel doesn't make much sense from the "martial enforcer of a god" perspective I have with them. But hey, I guess if that's what I'm feeling I should just roll a cleric or Warpriest...


I tend to play less attractive characters-they just seem more fun to roleplay, for some reason.

By the by, is everyone excited for the weekend? Any big plans, game-related or otherwise?

just running my game and then crying myself to sleep

I don't think I've ever played an ugly character.
It's the anime influence.


Tell me about your RotJR character and give me one (1) reason they're lewd!

Really what I want is an Oradin that isn't restricted to being LG. The problem is that the antipaladin in general doesn't make for a great replacement. Insinuator helps at least with allignment, but at the cost of a bunch of abilities it'd seem.

I'm with you, I tend to be at my best playing ugly characters, or ones who are at best handsome in a rugged sort of way, though I'm also a sucker for Beauty and the Beast stories so I'm biased.

My weekend is mild, going to a state park this Sunday and having a game Saturday!

Well she's a wuffgirl brawler/bloodrager of amazonian size and she often complains about it being too hot >its 70 degrees, and wears skimpy clothing as a result.

She's also A bit of a naive dummy that gets attached to people because outside of her homeland people reasonably balk from a werewolf girl

Also she is a baker. And a dancer.

Onryo is Ameiko's muscular Oni-Spawn Maximum Overmonk sister; who loves food, fights, and is an absolute wuss when it comes to romance.

I haven't played Vengeance, but yes to both since they are corporeal and have skeletons.

>“Zombie” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (other than an undead), referred to hereafter as the base creature.

>“Skeleton” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (other than an undead) that has a skeletal system (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

At least he's wearing armor.

Waiting for tomorrow's session where my PC will probably use his Greater Teleport to get away from the PVP about to unravel because he doesn't care about it at all. Maybe go sleep in a tavern for the rest of the session or something.

So yeah, I'm pretty excited.

The bell bottoms are the least objectionable part of that design.

She's also a Cook, and a (Poor) dancer.

This image always pisses m off because I liked the game and the sword doesn't even show up outside of promotional materials.

Probably going to be a Scout URogue 4/Vivisectionist 16 and taking Sap Adept/Master, Combat Stamina, and Kirin Style/Strike. Items would be the usual stat boosters and a +5 AoMF. Swift action to identify the target, then charge as a full round to get 20d6+25+Dex+Int. That's only an average of ~100 though, assuming a +5 Dex/Int. Would be higher depending on however many boosts the Alchemist side can give out.

>and their tiny SA progression is barely anything when Treacherous Toxin (either of them) exists.
But that feat has this line to prevent it from being useful: "This can't cause the save DC to exceed 15 + 1/2 your character level."

How are you getting the DC to 50?


>Master of the Forest of Blades
Psychic Armory Soulknife combined with Crimson Count Harbinger

He is lewd because of his many swords

She's an Aberrant Aegis/Hekatonkheires Symbiat who was raised by crazy cultists to be a vessel for an eldritch deity, but ended up with a comparitively low-powered aberrant brain buddy instead. She escaped the cult, and is currently trying to live the best life she can and help people along the way at least until the inevitable happens and the Old Ones carelessly unmake the world.

She's lewd because she's happy to try almost anything once even though she's very vanilla herself and hasn't even realized her tentacles can be used for lewdness.

She also has thick thighs and a very nice ass.

1) Things are assumed to be done in the most beneficial manner possible. So if you have a DC 10 poison and a dozen things that boost it to a higher DC (Such as Powerful Poisoning), you can add them in whatever manner you wish. I think I even read someplace that PP and TP even stack, since the DC boost gets added after being calculated (so each has a max value it can increase the DC by, but they don't affect each other).

2) The Guild Poisoner's Treacherous Toxin ability doesn't have that line.

and now i need good wuffgirl art

or i can just use Nozomi because thats basically her personality in my mind. but she needs to be blonde to be properly Ulfen

Which abilities do you want to keep?

Why are their tails docked?

Man I really hate anime and weeaboos, oh I know! Lets go to a site specifically marketed towards anime fans and weeaboos!

Goddammit, what is with all these anime fans and weeaboos?

Human Sphere Caster/Sniper Slayer
Pseudo Academic , Local Tutor, and author of several short stories penned under a fake name.

Fell into a depression after his mother died in a church fire and began wandering Varisia taking on oddjobs. He's just come back for the Swallowtale festival and to visit his mothers resting place and probably take a bit of a rest after his first "real" adventure(as I needed to find a way to justify why he has several thousand GP worth of shit). He's still trying to figure out what exactly he wants out of life.
>give me one (1) reason they're lewd!
I can't because he's not. Dirty jokes is probably all your going to get out of me.I guess he's awkward around people

>Urogue can still into archetypes like nothing
>Umonk can't
This is so thanks obama is actually infuriating

I've got some art that could work, I'll need to get back to my computer though!

Lay on Hands, paladin Auras and Mercies really. The antipaladin equivalents don't seem as useful. I mean even if I could heal myself with negative energy, the antipaladin's Touch of Corruption couldn't be used as a swift, not to mention couldn't be used to heal others. As for the auras/cruelties I'd rather buff myself and my party then HOPE for enemies to fail saves

I got just the thing!

I'll be an Avowed/Some CHA initiator in a dual application.

She inherited her pact and was sold off as a young slave because her powers were creepy, and the other PC recognized her potential and bought her before freeing her.
Even though they're equals now, she still looks up to them with a mix of gratitude, admiration and love, and has sworn to be their right hand in everything, to an almost yandere extent.

For some personal reason or another, the other PC gently refuses romantic advances and tries to keep things platonic.

>Hating Miqo'te
>Hating Miqittens

>No vital strike

Ulfen also have red hair!

>vital strike
choose one


Gorum's DFT lets you vital strike on a charge with a greatsword. Then one of those things to let you do bludgeoning damage with it, and hey, it works.

holy-moly that might just be too musclegirl

Drapes, carpet?
This is important.

Ain't no such thang.

Who's the lucky other character in this dual app?

I think you missed the point of the exercise here.

>That last spoiler

I can't begin to say how good it is to see another person that appreciates thick thighs and a great ass.

Ahh but Wuff Girl is lean amazon! The kind a combo fiend comes from, not a brick house

However Pick related seems wolfy to me.




>not using the animation

There's a player willing to do it but they're undecided on what they want right now.
We'll have to see, I guess.

I've gotchu senpai.


I just tried going through d20pfsrd, but everything that would let you duplicate Lay on Hands requires you to be LG.

Maybe you could try Channel Energy feats and spells instead of LoH and Mercies.

As for the Auras, look for communal versions of spells.

dees more like it

That is way too lewd.

So where's a would-be adventurer supposed to get an assortment of magic weapons with impractical shapes and effects in ye olde PF?

Wizard's dumpster

BudK catalogs.


He's an [Artisan | Warder (ZweiSent) into Landsknecht] that moved to Sandpoint to escape the hustle and bustle of Magnimar, finding comfort in the lazy coastal days and calm cobblestoned streets of the town! He's an expert swordsman and deadly with both the sword cane and Aldori Dueling Sword (for reasons he won't initially explain) but his true passion lay in creating masterful works of art, whether it's on a canvas or with a block of marble! Truly, if you ever want something made for your room or your garden, he's your man.

>and give me one (1) reason they're lewd!

He is more than willing to paint breathtaking portraits of characters in various states of undress, down to erotic nudity! This has given him some respect at the Pixie's Kitten, where he's drawn a portrait of each working girl and working man.

Oracles of any alignment can poach Lay on Hands with the Merciful Curse.

Pact Wizards can poach Oracle Curses at effect Oracle level = 1/2 Wizard level, so you can get the Merciful Curse that way too.

I've got one more that might work, assuming you want red hair!


you want some fuckin cute kitties, have more.

I feel like there's just a stable of Otherworldly and Cursed children Sprung from Lonjiku Kaijitsu' loins

We got an oni, there was a janshi type Damphyr. What else is out there?

I don't know! I would like to make a tower shield focused warder but the amount of feats required to get it rolling is just obscene. Thought about gestalting it with psychic warrior or fighter but I am not sure. Maybe I'll just change it to hidden blade rogue. Would occultist be a good match for it?

What am I even watching

>Oracles of any alignment can poach Lay on Hands with the Merciful Curse.
*If 3PP's allowed.

Not him, but I'd really like to go with more of FF5 style dark knights.

Emotionally dead, Lawful neutral-bordering-evil, "dark" powers that call upon physical and mental anguish, and the willingness to work with things that are conventionally deemed forbidden.

Maybe this is some black seraph like sword-skills, maybe it is the touch of corruption and anti-pal spells.

Personally I like the idea of black-thorn knight type fluff, where you're a sworn "ally of hell" who is sent out on missions against chaos. Hell won't necessarily try to change your alignment from neutral to evil, or prevent you from committing good - they'll just let you be you, because the thing about being lawful themselves means they have plenty of allies, the thing about being lawful evil is that quite a few of those allies won't ask any questions.

>tfw I wish there was a Cleric archetype based on having two touch spells held at once, one positive and one negative energy
>gives up a domain for monk unarmed progression
>gives up channel for flurry w/ either positive or negative energy added on
>gives up medium/light armor for wisdom to AC

It gets lewder.

If you need more feats, it sounds like you want Fighter.

I know

Not really. An Insinuator's self-heal can still be redirected to other people with lifelink.

I'm starting a game for my friends on Sunday, and I've never DM'd before. I've also started creating a game world of our own with my players' input. Problem is, I only got a general idea of what they want to see. Can I have help fleshing out my setting?

Please ask me questions about daily life in my setting, or even about parts of the setting itself.

Imagine you were in a room of 30 people all with their own setting and each had only 3 sentences to make theirs stand out.

What would you say?