>non-humanoid races are always unacceptable for pcs
>half-breed races are always unnacceptable for pcs
>heroes can't have relationships until the game is over
>fantasy races shouldn't speak the same language or have recognizable common ground and should definitely never get in relationships
>guns and technology should never exist in high magic settings

Other urls found in this thread:

>that filename
No user, you are the new poster.

Fuck off virt

>guns and technology should never exist in high magic settings
Only because you're an uneducated tard who doesn't realize that firearms are actually synonymous with plate armor.



I'm going to play a lizardman of demonic ancestry who wields a revolver. His wife is a sorceress who accompanies him on his travels.

They met at the 57th Annual Polyglot Meet-up and donated 50,000 gold pieces to language schools across the continent, and 25,000 gold pieces to various embassies wishing to improve racial relationships.

u mad, kid-diddler?

>all PCs should be human
>heroes can't have relationships until the game is over
tell that to the evil sorceress I raped
>fantasy races shouldn't speak the same language or have recognizable common ground and should definitely never get in relationships
i have common ground with my cat
>guns and technology should never exist in high magic settings
false, extremely high magic campaigns have magitech

If you don't agree that non-humanoid races are haram, you are the heretic.

why the fuck would you invent a gun when you just use a wand to level an entire column of soldiers? Why would you make plate armor when you can enchant your favorite blouse to be just as strong? Why bother with any form of artifice except for the kind that makes magic easier or more efficient to use?

No, but I imagine everyone you are playing with will be.

Because in most settings magic is not available for everyone and to such a degree that they replaced weapons and armor. I mean what are you playing that everyone walks around with enchanted panties?


High magic implies a very wide proliferation of magic to the point where any moderately wealthy person could outfit a town guard with weakly enchanted items.

And enchanting remains a shit excuse for shitty fantasy because there's no reason why you couldn't enchant a better item to be better as well. Adding 1+ enchantments means while that blouse may increase to 1, now that breastplate is 2.

You just described Elder Scrolls, which has magic in literally everything. Why doesn't everyone have enchanted equipment?

Because shit's expensive, yo.

Don't wanna be dependent on wizards for everything, user.

well people couldn't just afford guns or plate armor either.

you could spend literally weeks to months making a piece of armor or you can get a somewhat powerful wizard to wave his arms in front of a tabbard for a few minutes.

In which setting or system is this true?

The OSR d20 system known as Godbound, wherein a starting character with the Ten Thousand Tools and Perpetual Perfection gifts can craft magical weapons and armor literally in instants (no action required) and with no raw materials save for the air around them at the dirt at their feet. Said magical armor can be "regalia armor" for free, which could be body paint, a dress, or a ring as protective as any other magical full plate.

>Everything is 40k. If something is not 40k, insert 40k into it. FOR THE EMPRAH.

I dunno, seems an interesting concept.

Nice try OP, but Half Elves have been a thing for years.

Is it me or has the amount of shitposting on Veeky Forums increased significantly in the past few days?

The election is pissing everyone off, you have to vent that energy somehow.

>technology should never exist in high magic settings
So no wheels, iron weapons, stone buildings, suits of armor, or carriages? Sounds like you're a retard OP.




Reminder for all new posters:
>Your PC is dull as shit if he is a humanoid race
>your PC is simly dull if he's a half-breed
>heroes must have several relationships during the course of every campaign
>all fantasy races speak the same language because magic
>guns and technology are an integral part of every interesting setting.

Sounds like a shit setting

If you get pissed off over elections, then move to a place with dictators-for-life.

Fuck off newfag

>supporting the pidgin spelling of inbred saxons enamoured by the French, messing with their spelling to make them seem superior.


I agree. I dislike Arcem for being too reliant on "fantasy [China/Rome/Italy/Russia]" and the like, though the wider setting backdrop involving the former empires and the Made Gods is fascinating.

The shitposters no longer have quests, the thing they shatpost about for a decade.
So now theyve moved on to shitposting about everything else.

>not playing gun wielding half-fae catboy
Is this your first day on Veeky Forums or something?

Oh look, the no fun police.

>Your PC is dull as shit if he is a humanoid race
t. dull, uninteresting faggot

Nice reddit meme! Upvotes ;')

Hey, I know this face, eldritch stuff and shit

>non-humanoid races are always unacceptable for pcs
Agreed. My 5e campaign doesn't even have Dragonborn in it ~yet~ (got plans for that one, dragons been gone for 500 years? LETS HAVE THEM FUCKING INVADE WITH A DRAGONMAN ARMY)

>half-breed races are always unnacceptable for pcs
Half-Orcs, Half-Elves, and Tieflings (with some RP restrictions, the world HATES them) are okay.

>heroes can't have relationships until the game is over
Family relationships are okay, a husband/wife is okay if they have children. But no sexual stuff in game, why would you want to do that? absolutely slowing the game down for everyone else while you RP a snuff encounter, GTFO

>fantasy races shouldn't speak the same language or have recognizable common ground and should definitely never get in relationships
I even have like 5 different human languages

>guns and technology should never exist in high magic settings
I have low-tech black powder weapons but are treated like magic-items and not basic weapons, gunslingers ruined Pathfinder.

g8 b8 m8 u r8 8/8

>Non-humanoid unacceptable
>Half-breed unacceptable
>No relationships
>No common ground in fantasy races
>No guns

Oh, good, my drow character is still a valid one, then.

fucking kazoos

>firearms are actually synonymous with plate armor.
That's not what synonymous means.

Synonymous is when two words are used to mean the same thing. You might have meant "simultaneous"?

>The enchantments on an item are an after-the-fact buff rather than being an intrinsic part of the item that is added as part of the process of working it out from raw materials.

There are not enough bald men playing baseball to express my contempt.

I don't even care if I get called a newfag, I need to know who the fuck virt is because this shit keeps getting brought up in shitpost threads. Who is virt?

Shitposter, self-proclaimed sociopath and actual cuck.

Oh, well fuck him then.

Said the bad GM who is only GM for 20 miles or can not keep players.

>non-humanoid races are always unacceptable for pcs
depends on the setting
>half-breed races are always unnacceptable for pcs
if Humans and Elves can breed, and their children can breed as well, then Humans and Elves are but subspecies of a larger whole. Thus, half-elves aren't half-breeds at all!
>heroes can't have relationships until the game is over
I disagree. relationships are an important part of someone's character, romantic or otherwise. to cut that off is to cut off a major source of role play.
>fantasy races shouldn't speak the same language or have recognizable common ground and should definitely never get in relationships
sure, every culture probably has its own language, but there will certainly be some Lingua Franca among traders, scholar, and those sorts of fucks.
>guns and technology should never exist in high magic settings
but that's the BEST place for guns and technology. It's like you don't even Space Fantasy.

>GM for 20 miles
hmm, that gives me an Idea:
>GM and players play in a bus following a certain path
>Old-School Dungeon Romp, no backstory
>Every player has a contingent of 5 (maybe 10?) characters, prerolled
>Every time a character dies their new character instantly appears with the previous' characters knowledge
>once a player lost all his characters he is out, the bus stops and the player has to exit
>If the players manage to beat the dungeon the GM loses and has to leave
>all players who survive get prize money

>the bus is driving through a desert


that image is blatantly false
because he isn't "pretending to be retarded"
he IS "retarded"
We have eyewitness testimonies that he's like that in Real Life (tm)

But why do you bump the thread?

He's not wrong. He's an asshole and shitposter, probably nuttier than a squirrel turd, but he's not wrong.

Broken clocks, twice a day, all that.

>Elder Scrolls
If Kirkbride replaced Howard, we'd be playing a space opera instead of a high fantasy.

That requires something to be funny on a level in which most in the audience may appreciate its content in a manner that is of laughter and jest.

>Amerifats in charge of English
>"I could care less"
>Interogative particle "Huh"
>"Not that good of an idea"

Language of England = English. Anything else is a knock-off derivative. Don't like it? Get your own language. Most of you fatasses seem to just grunt and caw at one another anyway.

>>half-breed races are always unnacceptable for pcs

>op should never be a faggot
check mate, remove yourself

>/pol/ plays traditional games

>check remove
apply yourself

I don't speak English. I speak American.

I have no idea what I'm doing as a new fighter

>it's a "newfag thinks Veeky Forums is a haivemind" thread

haha good joke

>guns and technology should never exist in high magic settings

Nobody cared who I was until bumped the thread.

If only.

You forgot:
>OP is always a tremendous faggot.
>Pic related is always true.

>non-humanoid races are always unacceptable for pcs
Well, you heard the blonde souless kid. No playing with prehistoric amphibious lamias dressed with that weird kamehameha royal clothing.

>cannot play shardmind in homebrew
>cannot distract the greedy mobs by shining light on self
>cannot impair the hoard-minded dragon by suddenly becoming FABULOUSLY SHINY and giving other PCs time to prepare an attack
>cannot be anything other than usual human and human classes

You need to branch out.

or you can make a good piece of armor and get that enchanted to make it even better then the enchanted tabbard

>just use a wand to level an entire column of soldiers
because not even most high magic settings can manage that
d&d sure cant theres a level 4 limit on the spells in wands