The king asks the party to handle a new cult that's formed. Its followers are extremely polite, have a ton of children, and believe in easily disproven nonsense. What does the party do?
The king asks the party to handle a new cult that's formed. Its followers are extremely polite, have a ton of children...
Banish them to the western lands
I ask the king exactly how he wants them dealt with, and what is his endgame.
I need some clarification before taking action.
Why's the king give a shit as long as they're paying taxes?
Gather them together.
Pretend to accept their ways and unite their community.
Then have them gather around and drink this yummy orange juice before the end times come.
Seduce their daughters, who are always inexplicably really hot, and convert them away from the cult. It either dies out or you get an endless supply of disproportionately cute girls. Win/win.
Mormons can drink OJ?
>tfw used to be Mormon
Corrupt their bodies.
>tfw still active mormon
Simple OP
>ton of children
>Seduce their daughters, who are always inexplicably really hot
Sounds pretty sweet, we're signing up!
If the King asks:
>We're...uhhh...doing deep-cover infiltration.
>Reaaally long-term.
You know this to be true.
Ah yes, I did that for 2 years. Good times. And frustrating. But I wouldn't take them back.
HAHAHA oh man, I didn't get that one at first. Priceless.
>seduce their daughters
>not the fucking obvious
/tips Fedora.
Smile and nod, return with iron rods and scripture. Beat their faith out of them.
>rough gay anal sex
>I'd like to watch that.
But why?
I like Mormons.
This. There's too little to go on.
Convert them to an actual religion and smite those who don't convert.
Kill everyone.
You sure about yhat? The only Mormon I've ever known was a gimpy cunt. Nice tits though.
let's see...
the paladin shouted "redeem them with sword and fire" and took off running around about the time the king said "cult"
the fighter is currently trying to catch the paladin up whilst shouting "but they're nice and have children, we can't kill children"
the halfling is asking if we can seize the assets of known cultists, and mentally cataloguing some the richer people/houses we've seen.
lastly the bard is fawning over how glad he is that the king has seen fit to entrust this task to us, and If he'd like to hear a song about it.
inevitably It ends with us leaving what's left of the county under assumed names.
I know it's hard for a mormon to not be salty, but try.
Has the one true weaponsmith been born yet?
Did the king set a member of the cult on fire and throw him off a cliff?
Details are important here op!
Give them pornography and watch as their sex-negative culture collapses in on itself via masturbation and homosexuality.
Withdraw as many loans as I can from their bankers, pawn out a decent amount of my shit, then when I've taken as much I can, initiate a pogrom.
This is a great answer until you see
Best answer. Seriously though, why are mormon girls almost always hot?
>Mormon girls
Until you get past their early 20s, then the genetics kick in. Unless you're into the thickest of THICC, then by all means.
Not to mention they all really, really look the same. And sound. But their names are spelled slightly differently.
Veeky Forums related, though, I realize how odd it is that for all my time playing games in Utah we've never had a cult plot. Odd.
We actually deal with this in the last campaign I was a part of.
There was a super specific cult of Palor that was going around being incredibly polite and helpful to human pcs/npcs, but where horrifically racist to all other races. They belived that Palor had created humanity with the intent to unite the entire world under human rule. We even ran into a huge orphanage that they ran in the main human kingdom that feed, protected, and educated orphaned humans, with the best of them getting into the cult's lower echelon if they did well.
As we discovered that a lot of non-orphaned children where going missing, we discovered their main temple and found out that they were turning these kids into proto-type warforged (children runicly fused to archaic clockwork mechanical knights who would die if removed from their suits improperly) to form an army to provoke race-war with the elf kingdom.
As it turns out, the cult was being run by a Death Knight loyal to a racist human Lich King
Lol--I have a story about this.
When I started college, I worked at a large retail chain store in the electronics department and there was this smokin' hot blonde girl who worked next door in the housewares department. Smokin' hot, but ruin-your-life crazy. I got to know her simply because we both worked the same slow-as-hell shift near the end of the night.
Anyway, one night, she's scoping out this clean-cut, all-American handsome type guy that walked into the store.They end up going out and she finds out he's Mormon, and she gets conflicted: she doesn't like that he's Mormon, but she's so infatuated by this guy that she's willing to play the good-girl to go out with him.
Fast-forward a couple of months, and she's convinced him to leave the church (over the protests of his family, btw) and move in with her. Fast-foward a few more months and she's dumped him and hooked back up with an ex.
Crazy girl left the poor, hapless Mormon boy high and dry, with no place to live and at odds with his family.
>raping and pillaging mormons
>dealing with that .45 hangover
Why does Jab not make stuff consistently anymore :(
I guess family problems.
build a big beautiful wall to protect this new source of taxpayers
Does "Bros before hoes" apply if you're bros with the broest of bros, Jesus Christ? Cause that bitch could very well have just ruined that guys life.
I want this crispy cock and make sweet missionary love with him.
I introduce them to the church of FIST. And then I burn the city down.
>that pic
Because you guys never paid for this.
Or maybe he found real job.
What got you to quit?
>What does the party do?
Organise safe passage for the cult to lands that had recently been conquered from rival kingdoms deep in the west where the king doesn't have to deal with them anymore. They settle into a nice little desert between two warring kingdoms, somehow manage to farm it.