Want to get back into Mtg, checked out this budget Electrostatic Pummeler deck.
>go to magicmadhouse
>£5 each
>Aether hubs £6 each
Are there any actual budget decks in standard atm?
Want to get back into Mtg, checked out this budget Electrostatic Pummeler deck.
>go to magicmadhouse
>£5 each
>Aether hubs £6 each
Are there any actual budget decks in standard atm?
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They're $2.50 on tcgplayer? Still glad I bought them when they were 50c though.
It was budget when the set dropped, also don't buy singles off madhouse...
Go magiccardmarket, you just picked a risiculously overpriced store.
>card €0.05
>shipping €20
The deck is still budget. Outside of those eight cards there's not more than £30 or so for the rest of the deck.
If you want a tier 1 deck you have to be willing to pay tier 1 prices. Getting a deck for under 100 is plenty budget.
buy from your own country, make a list and use the shopping wizard
if a retard like me can do it, you can
Done! Got the whole deck for about £40. Ready to go 1-3 at FNM!
I'm waiting for cards for the exact same deck, godspeed user
Depending on the build, decks built around Pummeler do pretty good, actually. Even if your FNM is super tryhard I think it would be super possible for you to x-2 or x-1 it.
Got the whole deck for 40€, 2€ for each pummeler/hub/game trail. Buy them somewhere else.
Deck's super fun by the way.
Most Standard decks are around $200 or less, if that's not "budget" for you then I suggest getting a job
I've got 2 jobs user! Electrician and Recording Engineer on the side!
But I've also got a wife, a kid on the way, a mortgage, gas and electric, TV, Internet and about 10 other consistent outgoings!
If that seems a lot to you, maybe you should move out of your Mums house
It's still a good budget deck. Unless you're one of the fags that demand 10$ tier 1 deck.
I was thinking about getting back into magic too, can you post this budget deck you found? I was also wondering if one of these 'deckbuilder kits' was worth the money. Seems like you get a fair amount of stuff for it and I have literally nothing so I could use the lands and such.
They're OK for the land and whatever but don't expect to be making a badass deck out of it. You'll still need to buy some singles.
I was about to post this and ask if it was what you meant.
Sure, I didn't think I'd be the best player at FNM with a deckbuilder kit deck. As I understand it they give you the roots for 2 random decks, which kind of sucks. Some of those decks entice me and some do not. I'd hate to get the roots for a deck I couldn't stand.
Most of the deckbuilder cards are kinda useless, but they're a good start for filling gaps in decks you want to brew.
I'm not OP, but the lists for pummeler are pretty consistent
just watched a few videos of it in play, seems like the guy was constantly biting his nails on whether he'd get the lands or pumps he needed. He was winning pretty consistently so I suppose it worked well enough.