What colour has the cutest girls?

What colour has the cutest girls?
I mean the players

What color is he?

Well I'm a total dog and I play red&white, sometimes splash it with black. Take that for what you will


I'd guess black.

Doggos are cute though.

They all play burn or aggro cause they learned the basic mechanics from their bf and are joining them for "fun"

If Warhammer has taught me anything, the answer to this question is black.

Fa/tg/irls have this really strange fixation on the swarming bugmonsters.

I have never seen a girl play monowhite because "they're the good guys" and therefore boring.
Blue grill players tend to be also playing G, either Ezuri or Edric in EDH because they're literally evil
Black grill players tend to be goth stereotypes or fojoshit landwhales, intersect with VtM players and Drow/Thiefling players. The most likely to actually like Veeky Forums for Veeky Forums's sake.
Red grills tend to be the ones who learned to play the cheap deck because their boyfriend wanted them to hang around but ended up playing Legacy Burn years after dropping the limpdick because they genuinelly like counting to 20 and the salt if generates.
Green grill players tend to be elf players or be playing FNM with their limited shitbrew and paying more attention to staking their boyfriend than winning the game.

>Not playing for fun
What else is there, user?

"white" girls are sluts
"blue" girls are lesbians
"black" girls are gold diggers
"red" girls are randumb or have daddy issues
"green" girls are size queens

I bet you aren't even ugly, just have an abysmal self esteem

Do you mean what color's philosophy goes into the cutest girl? Or do you mean what color the cutest girl would play?
>All five colors are bad
I guess you just have the one option then. Not a bad choice, all things considered.

Because their terrain pieces look like exotic dildos.

As usual I end up playing red, white, and blue.

I'd date Emrakul.

...I like red aggro decks.

I always play face hunter in Hearthstone.

oh my god, what have I become?

Skin color? What does that have to do with Veeky Forums?

If this post prevents even one actual reply, it was worth my time. Please people, just don't reply.

Fuck yeah, America.

Narset's my girl.

Red is the shonen protag colour, mate. It's clearly the best

>I mean the players
Fuck outta here

Boros and Izzet best girls.

My big sister and her highschool friends used to play at our house with their shoes off, this is my subjective ranking from most qt to least qt based entirely on anecdotal evidence. Not gonna count my sister because she is is my sister and therefore unattractive by default:

Stunning, friendly and approachable, queen bee vibes, nice tits
Pretty cute, loud and in your face, partygirl in the making, nice ass
Cute, insecure, overdid it with the make up, bitch vibes, decent all around
Average but could mask it well, talked a lot, great sense of humor, fun all around
Average, the definition of plain jane, not very talkative, nothing remarkable about her



Just a thought, what are colourless girls like?

>Boros is typical violent tsundere
>Selesnya is delicious ara-ara cake
>Golgari is very down-to-earth personality but probably smells
>Gruul is cute and fluffy and simple-minded, but probably needs lots of activity and doesn't know her own strength
>Rakdos doesn't care about anything but herself and probably has a ton of obnoxious piercings
>Dimir is too quiet and needs to open up
>Izzet is so cute and manic but she'd probably end up accidentally electrocuting you
>Azorius is no-fun-allowed and all-around boring
>Orzhov is just a manipulative bitch
>Simic is cute but may either mutate herself or you or both into some horrible crime against nature.

Don't know, they each married a color early on and never strayed from it, I would sometimes hear them discuss how one artifact was meant to be that color or this color. Ravnica gave them a lot of trouble

The closest thing to colorless was my sister and she was by far the worst player

>Gruul is not angry and savage enough. Needs more war paint and less intact clothing (just mere rips will do)
>Rakdos needs spikes and/or blades on almost ANY clothing they have, even if they're just those nubs
>Izzet do not show much skin because more skin means less surface area to cover with fabulous Izzet fashion

Emmy a cute

>Not gonna count my sister because she is is my sister and therefore unattractive by default

He said sister not mother, Freud.


Why not both?

If you have an older sister you learn about the gross side of girls real fast. You love her to death but she'll always be a sexless dirty tampon cannon

>Boros only puts out when she is horny regardless of whether you want to or not
>Selesnya always actively tries to gets preggers
>Golgari just lies there like a dead fish
>Gruul will break your dick
Rakdos will break your everything
>Dimir never takes the robes off, might just be a dude but makes you cum like a firehose
>Izzet always wants to do weird shit
>Azorius will give you a bored gloved handjob to make you shut up
>Orzhov makes you pay big time
>Simic has like eight dicks

>Azorius will give you a bored gloved handjob to make you shut up
Is this before or after you fill out a form in triplicate?


>being ridden by Boros whilst getting angelwing hugs

clearly bestguild

Well I'm not hideous but I'm not attractive either. Too skinny, too short, no curves, big pointy bird nose, giant granny glasses and an inability to raise my voice.


>They'll never talk about the Orzhov angel prostitutes because the game flavor is now writen by tumblr.

And what happened to them?

>ghostly fug

As a completely plain/average gril I play mono-w, sometimes W/G or W/R with a massive fixation on angels. I play well(if I do say so myself), attend GPs and PPTQs but I'm pretty autistic.

There's only a few girls that play locally and: We have two LGS' in our city and the girlfriends of both the owners are obese and play R/G but are quite friendly and nice. The only other one I know of plays R/G energy in standard, she's prettier than me and decently friendly but all three of them are between shit and mediocre at the game.

It seems to carry over into events that I attend too, most of the girls that play are overweight and play aggro but are also fairly poor players(Fall for obvious baits, make stupid mistakes, have to have things explained). I've never met another girl who plays slower decks like I do, maybe because aggro tends to be cheaper or something or because they have more social skills so spend less time playing and spending money on a card game.

Thank you miss Emms.

Ravnica is the one place where you can pay to fuck an angel, and afterwards most likely be indebted forever because of ghost jew interest rates.

worth it

My GF is pretty average. She'd be a 6 if she wasn't so fat. But meh she sucks dick on command, loves getting fucked bareback and plays MTG with me.

She plays a mix of Black or Green decks. She's only playing mono's at the moment though whilst she grasps the core mechanics.

She likes green beat-down potential and enjoys ramp ups from crappy 1/1 for G to big fatties that are largely unplayable outside of the casual pre-fucking we play. She's currently getting into theme decks like Zombies and Vampires but really wants to make a Red Burn against my casual blue thats based around hermetic study.

White and black.

Not really, Ravnica humans seem to live a long time then you have the entire afterlife while Orzhov owns your spirit too.

With ghost Jews, you REALLY lose.

Nothing is more social than your opponent not being able to play.

They spend all their time talking to you instead!

Especially about how much they hate your deck, oh man I love Lantern Control.

nah worth it

I like bald chicks