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CYOA General
Rip Photoshop trial
Stop play bad video games Angel and come back to CYOA Gen.
Nice job.
Update soon. Are you prepared?
The real Odin would know that the worst crimes in Norse culture are Murder, Oath-breaking, and Rape.
user, you forget! Rape was only a crime in Norse culture if it was committed against a Norsewoman. Foreigners and slaves are free game.
These constant portents of oncoming updates seem to be a falsehood. Verily, they have been foretold for many a thread, but, yea, do we see them? I say unto you, nay. For they shall not come. Put your foolish faith where you will, but for me and mine, we shall trust in no such thing til we have seen it with our own eyes.
Highlander said Sunday like two threads ago.
Honestly, people have been talking about updates for a week straight. I mean, I'm glad ya'll are excited, but it just seems a bit much to me.
CYOA does not seem to make any exception for Norse women. All must be raped in this Odin's mind.
You don't understand what Traveller means to some people.
As much as Highlander makes only the one CYOA, I think some people make builds for only Traveller.
Any one know what the Old-Sons Covenant's trait Indefatigable Purpose does?
Seems a bit crazy to me. It might be because I don't even feel that connected to my own stuff I make and the builds I create. But I guess you've gotta base your life off something.
I wouldn't go that far, but yeah.
What's the dividing line between in natural physique and super human body in terms of size? "normal" human outliers can get up 6'9-7'2, which I think is space marine size.
Space marines are like 8 to 10 feet tall
Needs more rape
It's less about exact size and more about the actual strength. Natural physique makes you the best a natural human (or whatever your race is) can be, Super Human makes you more capable than should naturally be possible. So they could look the exact same, but behave differently. That said, I'd say max size for a human with natural physique would be around 7'6", maybe 8 feet.
Gregore Clegane is 8'2 but not augmented. Would a character like that be super human or natural physique?
Highlander your imput would be appreciated
"Normal" humans who reach that size are less physically stable. What I mean is most are unhealthy and all are more prone to injury at that size. You could be say Shaq on natural physique but you would be very likely to say suffer high impact injuries that might mess you up for a long time for example. The super human body can weather all the negatives of its size in a way a real person cannot.
*This is just some anons interpretation of the difference.
>someone posts your CYOA
yay I did a passable job
This makes sense anons. Good feedback
What was the post linked to there?
oh also Be The Fighting Game Villan coming soon
If you did a bad job, you'd be toast!
i wasn't bready for that pun
What's the best drawing/editing software to make CYOAs with?
personally, I use GIMP, but that might just be cause it's free. still does everything I want to do with my CYOAs, though.
> Entropy 5.
> Time 5.
> Summoning 5.
> Longevity 5.
> Teleportation 5.
> Transmuting 5.
> Domain 5.
> Healing 5.
> Charm 4.
> Compulsion 1
> Outlive universe.
photoshop is free too my friend
I would say superhuman. Goliath might be another example for such a case. I would say simply mentioning that it is a natural occurrence of superhuman is the way to go (such characters do usually have some sort of mythic aspect anyway).
Not to mention that technically the most famous superhumans the space marines are based on a "naturally" occurring human, the Emperor.
Argh me harty, ye know what ye must do.
Getting pulled into another dimension was certainly a traumatic experience. Maybe not as traumatic as getting getting puked on by the giant fairy savior you just summoned, but hey. Those mages lived.
Hostile Environment
Size 1
Sleep 6
Magic 6
Similarity 4
Technology 3
Starting Land 3
Practically Human: Fairy
Bonuses - Communication, Understanding, Harness Energy, Limitless Power, Magical Ability
Abilities - Dangersense, Adoration.
So this new world has kind of a steampunk fantasy thing going on, with elves in dirigables, orcs in waistcoats, etc. It'd be a really cool place to live if it wasn't also full of giant monsters.
A while back the peoples of this world started summoning giant beings of power from other dimensions to protect them from that awful shit. Which let them form cities and countries instead of eking out an existence as hunter-gatherers at the bottom of the food chain. Buuuuutt it also caused an arms race to erupt between these countries to see who could summon the biggest and baddest guardian and dominate their neighbors.
The country that summoned me used to be much bigger, but had been reduced to a client kingdom after their last guardian got stomped into paste. When they pulled me through,I came out looking like a giant glowy elf with phenomenal magic powers and sweet butterfly wings, which was awesome, til I found out the people I was expected to fight were almost all large enough to crush me with a gesture. Seriously, one of them is bigger than the moon. She literally just floats in orbit and reaches down to obliterate any guardian who gets too close to her city.
On top of that, the people I'm protecting are weirdly into me. Like, stalkerishly into me. Turns out before I showed up all their neighbors made them pay exorbitant "protection" fees and now I'm here the entire country can afford dinner again. So they follow me everywhere to show how super grateful they are.
Oh well. Beats working at Walmart.
I've got the most modern form of Photoshop because I'm a student, and damn if it doesn't work great.
The Giver
Size lvl 2 (4)
Sleep lvl 5 (20)
Magic lvl 6 (30) (duh)
Similarity lvl 4 (14)
Tech lvl 0 (0)
Starting Land lvl 0 (0)
Total : 68
Having a big empire from the start is going to feel tiresome. It will be like a 4X game but with a God with magic instead of the Console cheats. I'll demand a virgin sacrifice (QT Virgins, not that neckbeard crap) every once in a while. I could probably research a spell to turn into just the right size to rape, I'm sure.
Fuck communication or individual rights, I'll build the entire civilization around ME so that the whole language will be similar to mine and my own Divine Rule supersedes any civil convention. Hell, the Magic lvl 6 pays for itself with the 30 MP bonus.
Shrink (10MP) : ah, here is the rape spell
Symbiosis(14MP) : gonna need bigger guns if we are to capture other civs for snackrifices
Interdimensional Bedchamber(6MP) : Only thing I can buy with the leftovers. I'd rather have a cozy cabin or any of the other hundred comfy apartment CYOAs though.
I'll Grab my stuff(8) : PC full of PDFs and music and games. Cellphone which could be divinely enhanced to speak directly into worshiper minds, I suppose I could go grab a bottle of Amaretto and make that my new ambrosia.
Robot Form (8) : With extra tentacle dicks.
2 leftover points so I'll take a big city. Hostile Enviroment sounds like a hoot, I'll take that and dump the extra points into Magic. Worthwhile enemies are what Legends are all about
>Then why don't you take Others too
Didn't say they had to be MY own enemies. I could probably give not-Herakles a plasma sword and duelist glove to destroy and capture the +7 Mantilich.
Overrun Planet; Ultimate Lifeform
Low-Tech Understanding
Martial Training
Xenomorph Body*
Nudist License
Yuta Brace (Upgraded)
Natural Weapons (Upgraded Claws)
Natural Weapons (Upgraded Tail)
Natural Weapons (Upgraded Fangs/Jaw)
Basic Survival Kit
Basic Bag
ID Card
Flux Generator
Burning Charm
Internal Sustenance Model
Operia Module: Aura Shroud
>Little Things...
I don't need no Governa's dalla! x3
Recovering cannibal
My Best Friend (Alien Queen)
The Lonesome Road
The Time Guard Unit
Sho Viot
>Home District
Pipeline 102 - Soaring Depths and Great Views
Terra-D2368 - In Which the Future is blank
*Xenomorph bodies are naturally resistant to most trauma, can survive in almost any area, have a very strong acid blood, and multiple natural weapons. Unfortunately, almost all of them display animal-level intleligence and for some reason Queens cannot handle the rigors of time/dimensional travel. No one has yet managed to deciper their clicks and hisses into a recognizable language either, though they do seem to understand others when they talk.
Dave is...well ,he's a curious one. Born an average 'drone' on an overrun world, a freak genetic mutation gifted him with greater than normal intelligence for his kind. This genetic mutation also prevents him from morphing into a Queen abscence the presence of another, and also made him eligible to become a traveler. He still isn't that smart, however, and most complicated subjects escape his grasp (testing indicates an IQ of 70 or so, with notable defencies in subjects like math). The Yautja frequently hunt his kind, and the fact that one became a Traveler seems to indicate to them that he may be a step above the rest so they actively seek him out to hunt. Because of these factors, Dave largely keeps to himself and his appearance means he can only be utilized on worlds that are too far gone for anyone to care.
His natural body is well-suited towards assassination, and he is frequently approached by higher ups in the government of Ae to deal with planets other travelers would avoid. His companions are all either monstrous like himself or things that aren't easily repulsed. He has a taste for human flesh thanks to his upbringing, but thanks to some clever work by Biological/Mechanical, he has an internal sustenance module that can resist his bodies potent acid blood and allows him to avoid the desire to eat. He's also managed to convince them to fuse a flux generator on his back, attached to the various spikes sticking out of it.
Attempt at making a Xenomorph using the available stuff. He starts with no bonus traits besides his body because of all the innate advantages of being a Xenomorph.
Half giants and demi gods and the like would also be good examples of a "naturally" occurring superhuman body
If dubs, dubs ring. Otherwise Le Meme Ring, it's like mass sugeestion but even subtler. I could drive out rival business by saying that they are teh gay, or make it harder for slavs to get jobs by imprinting the idea they are drunken retards no matter where they go.
I want to violate Italics.
> Tome.
> Shadow Magic.
> Balance.
> Light Magic.
> Space.
> Black Hole.
> Golemancy.
> Fire Magic.
> Wind Magic.
Fuck y'all, Imma make black hole golems.
Highlander a best, she's the only one with tits.
Outlive Universe -90
Grant Immortality -80
Muscle Wizard -70
Longevity 5 -61
Healing 5 -52
Transmuting 5 -43
Teleportation 5 -34
Time 5 -25
Domain 5 -16
Fire 3 -13
Water 3 -10
Earth 3 -7
Air 3 -4
Compulsion 2 -1
Abjuration 1 -0
>Rape was only a crime in Norse culture if it was committed against a Norsewoman.
Still probably the most progressive ruling in Europe at the time.
Also, the most metal one.
No, rape was universally illegal. Praise the Norse all you want for how they treated their own women, they had a lot of rights they didn't get elsewhere in Europe, but this isn't really somewhere they were ahead of other people.
and then the Mongols came
>Rape was universally illegal
Not according to Early Greece.
Please you obviously don't know what you're talking about so just stop.
Since when the fuck was Early Greece involved in early Medieval Europe?
Wonderful evidence.
>Over course of Journey
She's been through WW2, a warlock doesn't scare her.
What's an epic journey without music?
I can guarantee a sizable amount of shankables as our journey continues.
He literally killed a god.
>Ms. Baggins
We may or may not end up committing several crimes, and I want to be sure no one gets arrested.
Snake? Snake? SNAAAAAKE!
Hey I'm the writefag who made >50125303 I'm thinking about doing up some writefaggery for a bigger world and I was wondering if you wanted to be in it?
oops meant
Im working on it I swear
Which two non-ethereal companions would be best for fighting large groups of people? Preferably melee fighters.
How fast can someone with an Overclocked Iron Hide switch from ordinary flesh to iron?
Does it tire them out?
Probably general heavy hitters like Agatha or one of the Hardlights.
I'll take Angel for the sole purpose of beating them up.
>not europe
I haven't seen this one in forever
How does Saint Havel stack up? Or is he ethereal?
Early Greece. Early.
I think his quibble was the medieval bit.
Probably pretty good, but he also probably has some Ethereal stuff going on given his source material.
Also, weak to backstabs.
>come back
I can never tell with you chucklefucks, do you actually hate her or has she engineered some kind of double-reverse stockholm syndrome in you?
This, desu
It's clearly Slaanesh trying to mock Khorne
wew lad
>Be the Fighting Game Villain
I'm looking forward to this but I don't actually know many fighting game villains other than Bison, Akuma and Juri-Han. Admittedly "smart as fuck keikaku man", "beast as fuck huge mclarge punching man" and "the cute girl" sound like popular choices.
Ignore Angel, her white knights and her black knight shitposters.
As far as I am concerned, they've been at this for so long its a fucking daily theatrical act.
I went with Havel for the pure combat ability. I'm a damn sucker for FROM characters. It pretty much completes the companion part of Universal War for me
Well, shit.
Well I guess I'm taking Agatha, but I'm the other slot is a 3-way tie between Mike Compound, Mad Cardog, and Ingaelsji Harlagsveld
The Hardlight vanguard is probably better. Yellow Jade I think? Also maybe one of the Nisetics.
The Temple
Never underestimate the importance of automated logistics in a siege. Outer defences are fairly comprehensive, so I'll focus on magic to prepare my own traps and such within the blockades, maybe even rig them up so the paintings can launch them automatically? All in all a pretty good life when combined with not-Avacyn for company and comradeship, in that order.
Any other CYOAs like this and where you form a symbiotic relationship with a geography-sized entity?
Feels like just the right balance of comfy and awesome.
Here is the new version. Think I just changed some in the replicator option to make it more attractive since 1.02 (there are food designers out there who make super popular limited creations that are limited in number of replications/number of rights sold, you being a Ship's Human of course don't have to deal with things like that). Kinda like high end sneakers I guess. No one I've seen has ever picked it so figured I'd add on to it.
Also added Veeky Forums in the top right since this was getting posted in a bunch of places and figured it'd be nice people knew what kind of home it came from. As far as I can tell besides Veeky Forums and /cyoa/ on (forgot this was filtered)chan there is a reddit and a funnyjunk page for cyoas. Surprised there isn't a twitter account. Kinda wondering if cyoas should be more popularized than they already are though.
Also working on an expansion I guess of interesting places in the setting. Not really a CYOA though since there won't be any choices.... I haven't put a lot of time in it lately though since I've been following the us election very closely.
Anyway thanks again everyone for the great responses from the previous threads.
Hell yeah, can't wait to see the expansion. This is probably my favorite exotic waifu cyoa so far.
So what is with the complete isolation in this setting?
Never got a chance to ask you, why did you change the Battlemage skill trees from two distinct tiers into one per element?
So I'm wondering which CYOA I should focus on making atm, Manifest Destiny, a super soldier Grimdark CYOA or Adventures in the Orient, a more lighthearted CYOA set in a fantasy version of Asia, similar to Titanlands but Asian instead.
as I've posted the WIP for Manifest, here's what I've got so far for Adventures in the Orient.
I'm also wondering if adding in more typical fantasy races (orcs, elves, etc.) would be preferable or if I should keep it strictly Asian mythological creatures based. If I do the latter, there's not many more races I can add in.
>he doesn't already live in complete isolation
What's the difference between human and nuwaren
Just curious, what are combat-spec'd ship weapons like in this setting?
And the dolls-are they robots, clones or something else?
What sort of things live out there that threaten humanity if ships are so powerful?
Eh, I'd personally like to see a related CYOA but out of those my vote goes to Orient
Nuwaren are supposed to be, essentially, lamia. Unfortunately the picture doesn't really capture that very well, and I didn't want to make them overtly snake like in the upper body.
Which one's got the waifus
Seems like you've got some typical races added, and it doesn't seem like you can add much else. I don't see the kappas though.