If purple is a sneaky color why not paint gargants and other vehicles purple then stealth attack Terra?
If purple is a sneaky color why not paint gargants and other vehicles purple then stealth attack Terra?
Dats a blue ork tho.
because the purple one got away
Why not just paint da whole zoggin' rok purple, boss?
cuz da last time we did dat, we lost the whole zoggin thing
It'd take too long to get there, ya git.
>out in space a dozen or more purple roks are floating derelict on a collision course with Terra, destined to obliterate the whole thing in a few thousand years
>the only inhabitants are a few squigs and, in one case, a single ork who has no idea where he is or what's going on
Cos if wez paintin' dem purple, den how wez gonna drive wots we can't see ya git?
well yeah, the purple ork is so stealthy ya can't even see him!
10/10 quality post
this is some of the best stuff ive seen the whole day
There are 17 purple orks in that picture.
>its another orkposting episode on Veeky Forums
Godspeed, magnificent bastards
He's sneaking up on the tau
'Ow you know dey ain't alreddy dun dat?
Cunnin so brutal even der umies dohnt reamalise dey bin crump'd.
Dis - ask yurself wot an orky victry looks like:
Fighting erry where.
Now look at thuh hole place:
Fighting erry where.
Orkz dun won, duh umies lost, and ow do thuh umies lose?
Dey lose terra.
So Orkz musta alredy taken terra. SQED.
Oh, they do - only nobody talks about it.
>"Another day on the front lines."
>"Yup yup, another day in the old IG. Hey, are those orks charging?"
>"Looks like it, but they don't have any armor, not even a trukk!"
>"Well, it'll be easier than last week at least."
>"Wait... what's that rumbling?"
With an orkish cry of 'too subtle,' a previously unseen mega-gargant opens fire. Shortly, half the regiment is gone but our two 'heroes' survive to comment:
>"...Nobody has to know we missed seeing a regiment of ork armor."
>"Do orks have regiments?"
>"Not really the time!"
A more important question is that if purple is the sneakiest color, why doesn't everyone trying to sneak up on an ork take a purple paint bath?
It's is and has been going on for thousands of years, it's just that everything is ALL purple so nobody notices anything wrong
Because most orks don't consider it very orky to hide, aside from them sneaky gits.
Besides, if they painted all their stuff purple they'd lose it. That's why they only paint boyz purple, because they kept losing loot.
Easy answer.
Only Orks are skilled enough to know the power and magic of paint-jobs.
> Take an ork.
> Blindfold him.
> put him in a purple room.
> Take the blindfold off.
What does he see?
Whatever's on the other side of the walls - it's like how Rok "windows" are really just splodges of purple paint on the inside of the rok.
Frankly I doubt whether it is common knowledge among the Orkz that the humiez are a united Empire and where their central government is located.
To them, the humiez are just sorta "there" to stomp.
So I doubt they'd make such an undertaking as described in OP, alrhough it wold make sense when attaxking any planet they're currently fancying for a war.
Oi ya gitz if purple be da stelfy color, 'ow come der not be any purple stompas? Ahv neva seen no purple stompa in me life.
Datz guz zey or purple you git
Ahv neva fot 'bout it like dat
Because most Orks don't like stealth - it's only ork Commandos, and perhaps Blood Axes, that are willing to use camouflage, and part of the point with Blood Axes is that they're not really camouflaging themselves at all.
No self-respecting Waaagh! is going to skip out on all the fights between them and Terra, because the fights are the point. At best, Terra would provide a better fight - they don't really care about the planet itself, its resources or its importance to the Imperium. That's why they tend to attack planets like Armageddon - places with a lot of soldiers and war machines, for a fun fight.
Would a planet of absolute pacifists be ignored by the Orks due to being boring and not-shooty enough?
Orks don't stop at fighting non-combatants. They slaughter everything indiscriminately. A planet of pacifists is just fodder for their mines, working as slaves. Or target practice. Or a snack if they can stand the taste of 'umie over proper squig. Or pets if they find one hilariously servile. Or target practice.
Although, I will say, they are drawn to fights. Not exclusively, not 100% must go, but they are drawn to them.
They hear about a big scrap happening, and they want to get in on it, so different Orks converge on the action because that's where the most action is happening. Of course, they can easily become distracted, sidetracked, or start fighting amongst themselves long before they actually get there.
It's how what Ryza is currently under attack from, multiple WAAAGH!s that are converging on a planet that's just chock full of weapons for a big, proper scrap. I think Armageddon went down the same way, but I could be wrong.
Now I want a story about a kommando named Squigbane Da Suttle.
That's a bit of a catch 22. The Ork would have to see the purple painted fighters to believe that they were being sneaky.
But then, would the Orks just trick themselves into not seeing their opponents because "I couldn't 'ave seen 'em - dey'z wuz purple!". Or, would the Waaagh field kick in before all that and prohibit the Ork from seeing the purple-painted warriors in the first place? Maybe it'd work like a powerful blank, with the Ork just subconsciously not wanting to look in the enemy's direction.
I can see a Magos Biologis really scratching their head over that one.
A purple room, ya git
There's Space Marines out there with purple-colored armor. They can be seen just fine.
The WAAGH! field isn't accessible to non-Orks, or so it seems. And while the field can smooth along the otherwise shitty Ork teknology, you've still got to make it nominally work right in the first place, especially with the more exotic and energetic Ork teknologies which are more hard to figure out because they're never of uniform construction or even fundamental operation.