Who would make a better BBEG, "Brutish Chief Trump" or "Grey Emanation Hillary"? Why do you think so?
Also, how would you stylize Trump and Hillary in medieval worlds?
Who would make a better BBEG, "Brutish Chief Trump" or "Grey Emanation Hillary"? Why do you think so?
Also, how would you stylize Trump and Hillary in medieval worlds?
Speaking of this, when is 'murcan starting to vote?
Also, how would you stylize Trump and Hillary in medieval worlds?
>Upstart Merchant Prince
>Old Aristocracy
It's really nothing new.
Please keep politics in /pol/.
I mean, Trump isn't really an upstart.
Already started, we'll hear the results tomorrow.
>Implying this is about politics
It's about characters, cunt.
Wow, way to fool me. I'm totally convinced it's not about politics.
Now, take your not-politics over to /pol/ then.
0 political statements have been made in the entire thread. We are discussing ways to incorporate real-life characters in Veeky Forums settings. You are the one who is making it political.
Trump would be the flamboyant, slightly-deranged wealthy Duke who's trying to rile up the peasants to start a revolution so he can become absolute Emperor of Errything.
Clinton would be the High Priestess of the Church of the Correct, allying with the bluebloods and guilds to defend their interests against the pitchfork-wielding masses.
But really, the important question is: who are the dragons backing?
Clinton is the cold and dishonest duchess that everyone suspects is an evil vampire.
Trump is essentially the fanatasy Ben "Hunt the halflings" Garrison.
>Brutish Chief Trump
>Grey Emanation Hillary
go back to shilling on /pol/
Just like they are in real life.
Lizard people.
Go /x/. Both puppets to the REAL BBEG.
>modest loan of a million dollars from his father
>his father was also a grand wizard of the KKK
That's a really good joke.
That being said, it depends on the kind of campaign you want. I figure with Hillary as the BBEG, the campaign would involve a lot more intrigue and you wouldn't be sure who your real enemy was until the very end of it, during the climactic final confrontation when the villain's plans all come together. Shades of grey, moral ambiguity, not sure of anyone's true intentions, that sort of thing.
If Trump was the BBEG, it would be a straight up hack-and-slash campaign with a clear and obvious enemy. Battles would involve a significant number of weaker minion-type enemies for players to feel powerful as they tear through them. It would be like having a demon or a warlord as the villain -- dumb, brutish, with lots of stupid minions that just want to kill you. No clever schemes here.
Don't fuck this like we fucked our referendum.
Also fuck off /pol/.
Those clever lizards. Is there anyone they don't own?
He is, which says more about the state of US politics than anything else. Trump's campaign is unprecedented in how successful he has been despite the establishment doing everything possible to bring him down.
Hillary, by far. Unless you're running a four-color Supers campaign and need a cartoonish supervillain.
>you wouldn't be sure who your real enemy was until the very end of it
nah, you'd know perfectly well who they were, but third parties would keep fucking with you in a way that you'd think the GM was metagaming to keep you on the rails
Pretty much this.
If I rolled my eyes any harder at this comment they would have escaped their sockets
I'd actually imagine something completely opposite:
Trump convinces everyone he is "Just a brutish warlord" who genocides those that do no wish to bend a knee to his state, but who is actually quite smart and full of intrigue.
Meanwhile, Hillary is not!Cersei who is terrible at the intrigue she tries, and basically just a puppet to all others at court.
>doing everything possible
Execpt all the free publicity, the popularity of non-liberal news media, traditional endorsements, traditional fundraising, and the lemon party that was the GOP primaries.
You say that but one is being accused of countless conspiracies where absolutely none stick, and the other cannot access his own twitter account because his handlers changed the password.
This. Trump has all the impulse control and temperament of an orc warlord.
You aren't wrong, but is a fun way of subverting player expectations.
Lots of candidates had free publicity, and still failed.
Non-liberal media is only "popular" in a few American states. Everywhere else is dominated by leftist media in thousand different forms.
Trump got almost no traditional endorsements.
A larger share of Trump's fundraising donations are from small donors than any candidate in recent history.
Boring Bush was expected to win the Republican primaries and then everybody would have been whining about how American politics had become an aristocracy. Phew, lucky us, eh?
Hillary's voting record is a conspiracy now?
Trump could be a sort of leader of the rebellion, who wants to gain enough popular support to overthrow the ruling class, and it's not exactly clear whether he's a true idealist who wants to improve things, or is going to misuse the power he gets once he wins. His very presence is tearing up the land as people choose sides. The only reason he's still alive is because the ruling class worries about him becoming a martyr to the people.
Hillary, however, is a case of plots and political intrigue. She is definitely part of the ruling class, and she's up to no good. She has ties to foreign warlords and takes bribes from them. She wouldn't even be the BBEG, as there is someone else pulling the strings behind her. A puppetmaster from another country, a wealthy merchant with an agenda. Going against them would require you to win, because if you lose you are either banished for being traitors, or worse, murdered.
Results will chime in in about 3.5 hours.
It isn't Trump's fault that every Republican nominee was a spineless talking head that would have rolled over to Clinton just like Bernie did. And that his party abandoned and denounced him only to realize that their constituents supported him more than all of them combined.
That "free publicity" was the media openly mocking his chances at presidency at the start, and then broadcasting "OMG he said something bad about women 20 years ago" 24/7 when that didn't work. The highest positions at the MSM companies have ties to Clinton in the wikileaks emails, and online, CTR is an army of paid shills trying to push their agenda.
All of this, plus the fact that Clinton is a former Secretary of State with the support of the standing President and wife of a former President and is going blow-for-blow against that idiot from the Apprentice.
>how would you stylize Trump and Hillary in medieval worlds?
Heir of a merchantile dynasty bringing it to the ground, more concerned about looking powerful than actually being. Riles up the uneducated peasantry with impossible promises, must be stopped before he takes power and the kingdom gets overrun by everyone who hates them.
Noblewoman, notoriously unlikable and power hungry. Aligns herself with other similarly if not more corrupt noble houses and unethical merchants. Acts tough and accuses people a lot, but when she's under fire, she acts the part of a damsel in distress. If she isn't stopped, everyone in the cities will be pressured to get radicalised towards her and the country's wealth will start dissapearing mysteriously.
At least, that's my take as a dirty foreigner.
can we do a mulligan and get two new BBEG candidates
>Implying that I (OP) posted that or controlled that in any way
Can't blame me for that, cunt. Now scurry off and be an annoying autist somewhere else.
Ye, can we just get this thread deleted please?
Keep /pol/ in /pol/
Have your (you), obnoxious samefag
>/qst/ and wast/ are of topic, but /pol/ is on topic
Fuck you.
What's this?
Anyway, just let it be.
It's literally Election Day.
It'll be over soon.
Kek, did you vote remain like a good goyim over there Nigel? I'm not even British but Brexit was an unapologetic victory for Nationalism. What's to hate?
Nope, only two of those are one person.
That's right, more than one person thinks /pol/ should not be on Veeky Forums.
>Playing games and whatever wast/ is is off topic
>Discussing how currently relevant real life characters could be applied in a tabletop based game is on topic
Sounds about right.