Which xeno race has the best fighters?
Which IG regiment has the best guardsmen aside from Cadians?
Which xeno race has the best fighters?
Which IG regiment has the best guardsmen aside from Cadians?
what do you mean by fighter? as in their strongest possible person they can field, or their average trooper?
for best guard, do you mean the actual guardsmen only, or taken as a whole including armor and scions
Also Orkz
Necrons have the best weapons
Best average trooper as well as generally being competent as a race.
Guardsmen themselves.
While Necrons have the best equipment hands down, I'd say the strongest alien fighters are Necrons Lords, Craftworld Autarchs, or Commorite (Dark Eldar) Archons.
The "Best Guardsman" is entirely situational. All the named ones are specialized, bad outside of their fields.
best basic troop is probably the necron warrior, kills people, kills tanks, kills monsters, the warrior has it all. is virtually unkillable, even if damaged enough to be removed as a casualty will simply RTB to repair. they cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be bargained with
Cadians are fucking amazing in all fields let me guess you like some meme sht like ''Cannon Fodder Korps of Krauts'' or ''Memedian Iron Guardąą go fuck yourself.
Necron Warrior
As for IG, Cadians aren't even the best guardsmen. They're the best for adaptability, but they're still worse at siege warfare than the Kriegers, worse at jungle warfare than the Catachans, worse at rapid deployment than the Elysians. There is no single best guardsman, they are entirely dependant on their battlefield.
>good at siege
lmao ''just throw bodies at the walls'' is hardly a good strategy
It is when you've got enough bodies, or enough artillery to remove the wall. Manpower is the cheapest resource in 40k.
>Cadians aren't even the best guardsmen
They've got the greatest reputation and the largest variety of experience. Also kriegers aren't especially good at sieges, they just turn everything into one.
Best fighters by race?
Probably go with Necrons. Their high tech metal bodies make them pretty much superior to most of the galaxy's infantry. If they had the numbers or the Focus of the other races, they'd probably kick their asses much more than they do now.
As for best Gaurdsman...
Gener-an ICth
Pic related.
>Implying Cadians are the best.
They aren't the best, they're the most. Most many
So therefore the best are the least which would mean the Tanith?
Either that or Schaefer's.
Most books about = most heroisms.
Name a unit. There is an Aspect Warrior for killing it.
I bet you also like Tyranids.
As a faction? Yeah, they're all right. They get the job done. Tabletop wise I've never liked them. Design wise they're hit and miss.
The fluff outright says Cadians are high quality troops raised from infancy to be soldiers. What are you even trying to say?
Best basic xeno warrior is necron.
Best IG regiment is Tanith First & Only.
>best equipment hands down
>Cannot into D
>Cannot into t6 infantry
Inferior undead xenos.
Eldar have the best soldiers for Xenos, if what rang in this threat was true and Necron Warriors were the best Xeno basic troops they would never lose, even Space Marines would die horribly during the first few hours of direct engagement. Meanwhile Aspect Warriors can, and sometimes do, stand up to straight-up Astartes on an individual basis (with the help of surprise and stealth, of course.)
while a space marine does have a light edge over necron warriors due to better armor, necron can punish tanks in a way marines could never do, in addition to being way tougher when they max out their RP
Marines aren't basic infantry.
Weapons aren't really a primary deciding factor in how strong an infantry is compared to others. Fire Warriors are going around with the strongest anti-infantry weapon of them all shot for shot and they barely eke out above Guardsmen and Orkz, still losing out to any other major military in the setting one-for-one.
Necron Warriors are insanely tough with a really powerful gun, but they lack any decent level of micro-tactical acumen and aren't the most effective soldiers in terms of skill, a Space Marine wouldn't have much issue with one or two fluffwise. The problem is they're deployed by the hordes, which makes them, as a force (rather than individual) absolutely horrifying.
Not the point, point is the basic infantry of the Eldar can somewhat deal with Astartes, though they still lose out. If every individual Necron Warrior was more dangerous than that, then they'd murder any Space Marines that came at them no issue through sheer numbers of soldiers that are actually threatening. Necrons basically couldn't lose an infantry engagement.
Tell that to the Blood Angels...
>Weapons aren't really a primary deciding factor in how strong an infantry is compared to others
What? That's probably the single most important thing of all. Being slightly tougher doesn't mean shit when your enemy is tearing reality with ever shot. Also, since when where fusion guns anti-infantry? Fire Dragons don't waste their time with Orks and Guardsman. They're too busy evaporating land raiders while Scorps and Hawks mop up the tar pits.
Okay, so let's say we do take into account weapons over micro-tactical acumen and the like. Compare the Gauss Weapon to others in terms of killing power. The Gauss Flayer is, in essence, slightly worse than the Boltgun for killing infantry due to both of their natures of one-shotting light and medium armoured footsloggers, but the Flayer's lower rate of fire. Meanwhile, the Gauss Flayer is better for destroying vehicles due to its method of destruction, though they are by no means capable of killing a tank with a salvo individually (except on TT), molecular disassembly is very good at blowing chunks out of thick armour.
Now consider this weapon in assault range compared to others, due to its relatively short range. Its low rate of fire and general bulk stops it from being a particularly effective assault weapon in terms of most secondary characteristics, though it still packs a hell of a punch. Meanwhile, Necron Warriors themselves aren't the fastest to react, don't make particularly good use of the battlefield nor employ any sort of tactical intelligence, all of these features are highly abusle by anyone with situational awareness. Of course, the Necron Warriors are still extremely durable, but not too much so that a few good shots from an overcharged Lasgun or legion Boltgun won't temporarily put it down.
Really the thing that makes Necron Warriors so dangerous is they're deployed by the swarm and the fact that their spammed weaponry can rip through armoured structures, but individually there's not much that makes them particularly dangerous other than a 'gun that could kill you in one shot' which, for basic infantry, is all you're really going to be encountering anyway.
Meanwhile a Shuriken weapon will kill you just as fast, and is in the hands of a far more tactically intelligent, situation ally aware and blisteringly fast soldier often equipped with grenades or secondary equipment.
It took an entire army of Custodes to take out two of these jolly motherfuckers.
Wow what a racist.
Black Templar say that bolters are ineffective again Necrons. Cain noted the hotshot lasgun were like a cool rain on the Necrons as they marched. Also a Necron warrior has the same strength level as a marine and is more durable.
Anyho...the Necron warriors are slaved to the immortals and Lords commanding them. The Immortals and lords direct their tactics and battle awareness as they were extensions of themselves. The description of Necron warriors is ordered phalanxes of killing machines that shoot with deadly accuracy.
As if they are*
>Black Templar say that bolters are ineffective again Necrons. Cain noted the hotshot lasgun were like a cool rain on the Necrons as they marched.
I will concede that both of these events are true, but at the same time we've also seen Necrons being brought down by Boltguns and that level of weaponry. It really depends on the individual due to the inconsistency of 40k lore but seriously, if Necron Warriors were tough enough to be immune to Hotshot Lasguns then they'd never lose, ever, march up a squad of Warriors and laugh at how nothing but anti-vehicle weapons kill them sort of deal.
As a reminder of how inconsistent GW can be, a Riptide once survived the combined fire of dozens of Leman Russ Battle Tanks and a Baneblade simultaneously without suffering a scratch, yet we've also seen Battle Cannons rip through Riptides before.
>Also a Necron warrior has the same strength level as a marine and is more durable.
While perfectly fine, especially in terms of durability, strength isn't much of a factor when you're as slow or generally immobile as Necron Warriors are, but that's not the point.
Consider this: Eldar are a race of super-elites that send out their best warriors to deal with shit in small numbers. They've been noted to be an actual threat to Astartes a few times. Necrons spam Warriors by the millions, if each individual Necron Warrior is more effective/dangerous than an Aspect Warrior (who are close to Space Marine levels in effectiveness) then a single active Tomb World has more raw infantry power than all of the Great Crusade Space Marine Legions combined, multiple times over.
>Trained from birth
So are Korpsmen. So are Catachans. So are Vostroyans
The list is pretty huge.
The single defining feature of Cadia is that it's somehow a fully-functioning hiveworld with a gigantic population who are still in enough "danger" to necessitate lifetime military conscription.
Every 12 year-old can field-strip a lasgun, sure, and they have the most veterans, but that's only really important because there's billions of them.
dark eldar have the best equipment, thats a fact. although id say that tau follow closely.
In terms of technological levels the Necrons are at the top, followed by Dark Eldar, followed by Craftworld Eldar and high-end Adeptus Mechanicus, then it's Tau.
Yeah. I agree with this. Tau don't treat technology with suspicion so the tau military has a higher average level of tech than humanity.
Humanity's highest tech, while less elegant and of different method to elder tech almost approaches elder tech. It's also reserved for the upper echelons of human society and soldiery, admech or otherwise.
>They've been noted to be an actual threat to Astartes a few times
That's putting it lightly. Codex states that for Banshees 'a ceramite clad Chaos Space Marine is slain as easily as a hulking Ork'. Reapers and Dragons are also noted for specialising at marine killing. Even Scorpions who are anti-horde specialists are shown defeating marines in multiple skirmishes in their book. Pic related also gives you an idea of how one sided some of these match ups can be.
Distortion weapons are by far the best armaments from any faction. How anyone can read the Admech and Tau codices and place Admech over Tau in terms of tech is beyond me. Did we read the same books?
>literally teleports behind you tier
Considering the Tau don't have extradimentional technology, time or space altering technology, Warp technology, weapons that manipulate fundamental forces of gravity or stuff like that?
As I said though, high-end AdMech, anyone who thinks even for a moment that the Adeptus Mechanicus has a uniform technology level don't know much about AdMech fluff.
necron warriors arent immune to hot-shots, they just have T4 and reanimation protocols, so they even penetrating hits have a hard time putting them down
boltguns can put them down, but usually only in masses volleys
given that a necron warrior is only slightly weaker than a space marine, but with a lot more fire power, but spammable to heck and back, it makes sense that even a single tomb world is dangerous, and they are generally depicted as such
>weapons that manipulate fundamental forces of gravity or stuff like that?
Imperium can't even figure out grav tanks. Even at their height of power they couldn't manage AI, something which Tau have mastered in their infancy.
Treating tech like witch craft and mysticism is a core defining aspect of the Imperium. Tau are defined by innovation and progress. Admech a shit when it comes to actually inventing something. A few DAoT relics doesn't make you a tech wiz anymore than Abaddon is the Tesla of Chaos for finding a Blackstone Fortress.
>given that a necron warrior is only slightly weaker than a space marine
This is where we disagree. A Space Marine is a lot faster with a far higher level of individual tactical prowess and should have little problem dealing with a few Warriors alone. Further, we're not just talking about a single Tomb World being dangerous, we're talking about a single Tomb World being able to murder millions of Space Marines in infantry-combat if Necron Warriors are higher level than Aspect Warriors.
Aspect warriors
the only crunch difference between a SM and warrior is a point of armor, and lower initiative
>Couldn't manage AI
Imperial Knights and Titans are run on an AI that uses all the combat strategies of its previous pilots
And they are still produced (almost) en masse
Also every admech battle cruiser is filled to the brim with DAoT tech (that no one knows how to access) that make tau and eldar look undeveloped
>Imperium can't even figure out grav tanks.
They can and have, the major problem lies in the comparatively small number of Forge Worlds that possess the resources to make Grav-plates. Land Speeders are still being made en-masse, for example, meanwhile the AdMech rarely actually make tanks for themselves. One should also know that what the AdMech make for the Imperium (which includes pretty much all the tanks) are cheap, primitive designs compared to what's possible in their foundries.
>Even at their height of power they couldn't manage AI, something which Tau have mastered in their infancy.
I can only presume you don't know about the AdMech's specific intent to never create AI, it's one of their core tenets. It's also one they handily broke during the Horus Heresy because they felt like it. I'm starting to think you've only really read the AdMech Codex and are thus missing the entire point of their technological disparity.
>Treating tech like witch craft and mysticism is a core defining aspect of the Imperium.
Once again, actually reading AdMech lore shows that the higher end of the Adeptus Mechanicus do understand their technology, and rituals are often laced with advanced techno-jargon or are otherwise complex processes under a more mystical name. High ranking Magi know how to jack into, break down and assimilate advanced software routines, a lot of the Mechanicus uses cranial implants and computers with a higher processing power than the Human brain, and they invented some time-altering devices, as well as a weapon that literally destroys the Warp with the power of science, all relatively recently.
Crunch is not exactly a good deciding factor in terms of how effective different units would be against each other, especially when you consider how complex combat becomes and how quickly tactical acumen gives you the advantage against something like Necron Warriors. You wouldn't run forward and shoot them, you'd peek around a corner, or, if you're a Space Marine, move your Boltgun around the corner to shoot the Warrior, while he can't see any of your body. Or a thousand and one other things.
so fluff is too inconsistent, and crunch is no good?
It's a decent factor to determine raw power, I guess, but it's not something to be relied on in terms of 'who would win in a fight'.
It really is the biggest problem with arguing 40k vs. matches, BL has seen to it that there's evidence that either side would destroy the other no issue in most matchups, while the crunch can only give us a basis for raw capability, tactical ability not counted.
Basically this
Humanity had ai. Is still capable of making it. Ai, being a form of sentience, got corrupted by the warp and turned homicidal. Every machine and piece of software humanity or ai had created was hell bent on destroying humanity and other living things. Much like the daleks from dr who or the mechanoids from rifts or the thinking machines in dune. Humanity barely survived the technological meltdown. Hence why the admech skirt around ai like the plague.
Admech rituals aren't mystic cargo cult methods. They're literally tech manuals in prayer form. Anointing the machine with holy oils before is literally performing a lubricant change while reciting the manual's oil change process in binary song. It's actually a rather smart way to instill the basics for those who wouldn't otherwise be able to comprehend. Those who do understand the prayers and the method rise through the admech ranks quickly and for obvious reason.
Don't,lie I'd be ignorant. This is high level fluff discussion. We don't need that here.
The Tau have access to stasis bombs and the paradox bomb is the prime example of it. The paradox bomb can send their targets millions of years into the past or future. Or it can she them dust.
>Paradox bomb
I've actually never heard of this one before, could I get a source?
Apoc Warzone Damocles
Huh, that's pretty metal. Still though, the Adeptus Mechanicus does throw about a huge number of completely ridiculous superweapons and the Codex more-or-less only covers their average, while one of the AdMech's entire shticks is their technological levels are all over the place, with the lowest-end Magi not knowing much other than memorising a thousand and one manuals back-to-front while the high-end AdMech make/design/use a bunch of horrific stuff that tears at the fabric of reality, calls upon extradimensional forces and the like. The Tau have a more stable and much higher technological floor, while the AdMech have more variance and a higher technological ceiling.
Tau FTL drives are literally extradimensional dives; because the warp basically rejects them due to no navigators and not being tasty psyker souls, they found a way to simply force their way into it and use the distance covered and momentum granted from being spat the hell out. Tau FTL is the safest short of Necrons, but is also the slowest for very long distances due to needing multiple sequential jumps.
Gravity is manipulated; Tau ships have gravitic deflectors in addition to regular shields and armor, while even ground drones can be used to create gravitic fields.
They have not applied them as direct weaponry at the moment, but neither has the imperium applied motherfucking networking to make a proper tacnet either, nor have they been able to keep anywhere near the level of AI the Tau now use ubiquitously without it going all demonic and trying to kill them. Meanwhile the gundrones are all like "beep greater good boop yeah"
High-end admech does not even touch the golden age of mankind, and certainly the Tau are not there yet, but give them time; 6000 years ago they were grasshut primitives, and Humans had a 35000 year headstart whose gap is rapidly closing.
In fact, that's the entire fluff threat OF the Tau: They're not the great evil eating your soul, they're not the dying assholes who will sacrifice trillions of your people if it prevents one of theirs from tripping on a flower, they're not the battlecrazed bioweapons whose greatest pleasure is all-out war, they're not even big black skeletons. They're the rival that's rapidly catching up
Just a point, the Men of Iron didn't go full Chaos, and infact decided to destroy Humanity because it recognised that they were a primary factor of Chaos. As of Myriad, anyhow.
I've also got nothing against the idea that the Tau are catching up. The point I'm making is, for now, they're behind the higher-end Adeptus Mechanicus in general technological capabilities. It's not a matter of saying who's more intelligent or better with tech or anything, just an observation with their current levels.
It is critical to note that the Admech is using religion as a cover to force people to learn fucking basic maintenance, because you can't trust them to do fuck-all correctly unless they think their immortal soul will never see jesus.
>Press now the rune of ignition
is just a fancy "I'm fucking mysterious, remember that when the collection plate arrives" way of saying "push the fucking button to turn on". That big "magic" rune is PROBABLY a 0 with a 1 in it.
>Read the litanies upon the holy light, that ye may know how to respond
"Consult the manual to fix these basic error codes"
He screamed out, while aiming that small targeting beam on the target while waiting for the cruiser to pass overhead and apply that firing solution to a lance.
There's probably little to none of the bullshit when they're speaking binary to each-other.
Quite the opposite, the fact that they can speak binary lets them say all the bullshit, as Techna-Lingua is described as a very 'mystical' language. You can perform the prayer, communicate the firing solution, sing a song and count to 10,000, all in the same time it'd take physical speech to finish the first half of the prayer.
Most likely all you're sending is the firing solution. The rest you're doing with your real voice, not your wifi modem, to the people in front of you, so that they'll "PRAISE DA LAWWDY"
"Mystical" can also mean nebulous and difficult to grasp by others; it's pretty fucking magic to those who don't have head modems.
Wait, so is that why the Tau robots haven't turned against them yet? I always wondered why that was, cause it seems like the AI would be fairly similar.
Now, my question is how does the average fire warrior compare to the above average guardsman if we take tactics into account. Obviously the fire warrior will do better than a normal guardsman on account of being trained from birth and using superior weapons and tactics, but how do they stand against Cadians, who have been fighting since birth and are probably the most tactically flexible of the guardsman? For that matter, do the guevesa who are in the PDF's of the Tau use Tau tactics with Imperium weaponry, or do they fight like the Imperium does until the Tau commanders get there and take command.
The Tau AI aren't as smart as the Men of Iron nor as free of will, nor have they come up with a reason to attack the Tau yet. There's no secret order to AI randomly going insane or anything, it's just that simply nothing has happened to kick off the separation yet.
As for Fire Warriors vs. Cadians, typically the Fire Warrior will outclass the Cadian in effectiveness due to the superior Commanders and technology, though they don't have the the biological advantage over the Humans. Tempestus Scions, for example, will slightly outclass Fire Warriors, but Cadians in turn will be slightly outclassed.
tl;dr Humans are better soldiers biologically than the Fire Caste, but typically Fire Warriors are dragging around better tech and usually have more competent commanders, without these latter two advantages the Fire Warriors will begin to lose out.
Eh, Aspect Warriors aren't close to Marine effectiveness. They're better.
Banshees are better at cutting people apart in CQC and are noted to be particularly troublesome for Marines as they negate their greatest asset - their armour. Dire Avengers are better at close fire ops. Scorpions are better at CQC stealth kills. Dark Reapers are better at shooting dudes into nothing.
Fluff and tabletop for Marines vs Eldar are pretty similar in that Aspect Warriors will destroy Marines in their area of speciality, but aren't as all around durable and flexible.
We had Cadians vs Tau in the recent Mont'ka book. Despite the Cadians deploying BILLIONS of ground troops and outnumbering the Tau many times over, they were handily defeated by the Tau Empire and Enclave allies.
>Which IG regiment has the best guardsmen aside from Cadians?
The Lucky 13s. Check those sweet ass hats.
Pls GW give us the Warp Spider Phoenix Lord.
I want to destroy my enemies with Peleor Pryakka.
Here is the page.
This makes the Tau the only faction other than the Necrons that can regularly use time itself as a weapon.
Hopefully the Tau read up on some human history and avoid giving their AI free will.
Also, I know that the Tau PDF are given the tools to make the standard lasgun, but could they also make, say, a standard Chimera or Leman Russ Tank?
Also, do the PDF use Tau tactics while waiting for reinforcements, or do they fight like the Imperium does until a Tau commander comes and takes over.
Posting sources and quote for the source god.
>My old nightmare of orks pouring through these narrow passageways bent on plunder and destruction seemed positively comforting now. I fought down memories of those blank metallic faces, fashioned in the semblance of skulls, advancing through a hail of hellgun fire as though it were a refreshing spring rain, and shuddered in horror.
-Commissar Cain (Caves of Ice)
Here Cain points that Hellgun lasfire did not phase or slow the advancing Necrons one bit.
Necron warriors are controlled by the Immortals who are as capable and as tactical as they were in life. They can tell their warrior comrades to duck and cover.
Mind you, the Tau version is very clearly only touching the edges of it since it requires absolutely perfect situations and event then sometimes unfucks the enemy.
>Hyrsek felt only disdain for his foes as he dragged his mangled body toward them. One of his legs had been shorn away, the sparking stump scraping across the dusty ground behind him. In life, such a wound would have been a death sentence for the Necrontyr soldier, but now it was merely a momentary inconvenience and would not keep him from killing.
>Crawling up over the edge of the enemy gun pit, Hyrsek reached out with cold metallic claws. A fleshy face contorted with fear greeted him. The creature fired its puny weapon point blank into Hyrsek, the las-blast leaving a glowing slash of superheated metal across the Immortal’s forehead. Such feeble attacks were as nothing to the Immortal. Closing his claws around the mortal’s neck Hyrsek squeezed until blood and meat flowed out between his fingers.
>Flinging down the corpse, Hyrsek rose up to his feet – his leg had finally reformed beneath him, the living metal limb smooth and powerful once more. At that same moment three more enemies spilled into the gun pit, firing their weapons in panicked bursts as they charged. Rising up to his full, terrifying height, Hyrsek swung around his pulsing tesla carbine, the storm of lightning it unleashed illuminating his skull-like death mask as his foes were turned to ash.
-Necron codex (Immortal entry)
We see that even in point blank range and close quarters, lasgun fire does little to no damage to the living metal of the Necrons. Lasgun is useless against the Necrons.
Deldar do it too. Quantum collapse warheads and the like.
Eldar have some sort of temporal collapse bomb and some time effects attached to melee weapons of all things. They seem to not like messing with time though (it's almost like that may have consequences or some shit). I know Asurmen's sword has a temporal effect and they consider that something that shouldn't be replicated.
that book was written in the brief moment of time when hellguns were complete and utter garbage
Not the most efficient casualty-wise, but very effective and their soldiers are so cheap to produce that the former does not matter
My digital copy of Dead Men Walking seems to be broken but I can paraphrase what happened.
The Krieg guys abandoned the use of lasgun on Necroms since it was doing jack and shit. Instead they charge the Necrons in melee, distracting them long enough until the Melta guy can shoot the Necrons.
As you can imagine, it was a costly tactic and the Kriegs ultimately lost the war.
Since this thread is discussing aspect warriors
>–she was a Howling Banshee and parried blows from a necron’s blade, the energised sword gripped in her hand flashing faster than the eye could follow to deflect precise strikes that would have removed her arm or head. The shuriken pistol in her other hand whined and the immortal warrior, towering above her, raised its great coffin-shaped shield to deflect them. She ducked beneath the shield and screamed in rage, channelling all her emotions over her impending death into the shout. Her Banshee mask turned her fury into a monstrous howl that momentarily rocked her foe. She drove her power sword deep into her opponent’s body before spinning. The blade came free, bisecting the necron’s torso.
>Maireth barely felt the pain of the necron’s last blow as its hyperphase sword split her from groin to sternum and–
Here we see a Lychguard defeating an aspect warrior.
Getting cut in hald is a minor inconvenience for the Necrons. Reassemble would follow and the Necron would one his feet in moments. The banshee bet it all on one strike and lost everything.
A big difference rather is the *kind* of personality and environment that comes with that free will.
Human-built AI was surrounded by humans, programmed by humans who had human desires and human ideals, and more or less made 'human' in a way.
... Which means they were built from the ground up as/by violent xenophobic heresymongers. It was just a matter of time before either they try to wipe out humanity as the new forces of chaos, or try to wipe out humanity because humanity IS the galaxy's current biggest source of reality-rending chaos.
Pretty good for their age though!
Tau fluff has gone full retard, its pointless to quote that tripe.
They are a tiny empire and morons buy lots of Riptide kits so GW cannot have them actually lose in any serious way.
Lychguard are the most elite of the elite. Your average Necrons Warrior or even Immortal doesn't have the reflexes for something like that.
Also, Necrons do not get up from being cut in half in moments. That's the kind of injury the reanimation protocols have to really work to fix, and sometimes fail to correct in time.
>Kassen and Noble Flame
>The Noble Flame is an exceptional combat craft, blessed with one of the most advanced AI suites in the Tau Empire. Always inclined to trust his own instincts rather than the programming of his AI, however, Kassen has somewhat of a strained relationship with the craft's artificial sentience. Even though he regularly overrides the targeting protocols or frostily ignoring its strategic advice, Noble Flame's AI still works tirelessly to keep its master alive, something that paid dividends during the terrifying war on Blackfathom. When they do work in harmony, Karrsen and Noble Flame are an unstoppable pairing that the Scythes of Hamanekh have been unable to defeat in aerial combat. Of course, Kassen hasn't face all three at once.
Tau AI already has evolved to the point that it can outperform Necron AI. However, some Tau do not fully trust the AI and prefer to go with their own skills.
Pariahs were so much cooler than these goofy shits.
In Damnos, Necron warriors and Flayed Ones were cut in half only to reassemble themselves moments later. The living metal liquefying and seeking the severed parts and reteaching it. Lets see if I can hunt down the quote.
.... I like the tau, but their latest codices are just... no.
Stuff like that makes no sense.
Hell, in the old fluff, Tau seeing THAT coming at them would pull the fuck out. They'd probably then spend a few days chucking hypervelocity slugs at the planet from halfway across the star system until the imperial navy got a bit too close for comfort.
They'd have gotten out before fighting a losing battle, sent a little fuck-you-too, but ultimately given up on the place until it wasn't billions of fully armed people backed by ships.
Of course, if the navy just ups and leaves, the "occupation" force may have to deal with 'rods from the greater good' pounding their positions form orbit until they're too dead to get the point, but that literally means the Imperium was the one that decided to abandon the place after they'd won.
Meanwhile, in most fluff, Necrons get dropped by nasty chest wounds.
I'm going to go with the least wanky canon when two choices present themselves.
Are you even reading that quote?
The pilot is just better than most scythe pilots. He even ignores his AI often in order to be this effective.
>Death Korps
>the Kriegs ultimately lost the war.
As I recall they just decided to bugger off after the point where they figured it was just a waste of manpower to keep fighting. Then the guy we'd been following from the start grabbed a nuke or two and took a one-way hike into the Necron's tomb
>The flayed one he’d maimed was getting up. He swung the bolt pistol around to finish it but the trigger chanked empty. Powerless to intervene, still half buried under the ice where his spare clips were pinned against his belt, he watched.
>Metal flowed like oil, running on the surface of the tundra. Wires and cables reattached themselves, weaving viperously across the ground, re-establishing function to vital systems. The spinal column severed by Scipio’s blow caterpillared towards the half-wrecked torso, dragging abdomen and legs with it. Metallic fusion occurred quickly and vigorously – only the necron’s cape of skin showed any lasting damage.
Here it is. It happens more than once in the Damnos book.
Also the World Engine was a Necron being cut in half and fixing himself in a quick order.
Being cut in half isn't something Necrons find really crippling.
"When they do work in harmony, Karrsen and Noble Flame are an unstoppable pairing that the Scythes of Hamanekh have been unable to defeat in aerial combat. Of course, Kassen hasn't face all three at once".
In most cases, the Tau pilot works alone. When both AI and pilot work together, the Necron pilots stand no chance against them.
>Which IG regiment has the best guardsmen
Any answer except from Praetorians s objectively wrong.
Mordians are acceptable too.
But still wrong.
I may be biased though, since I rolled one for Dark Heresy and he's been utterly unkillable
And I got more.
>More screeches sounded from far above as the lychguard bulled forward. The creature leapt over the necrons’ heads, twisting in midair. Spiked appendages slammed into one of Valnyr’s guardians and wrenched him apart. He continued to attack, even as he was torn in half. The fallen lychguard used his warscythe and shield to crawl forward, still moving stubbornly towards the source of the attack.
-Shield of Baal : Devourer
A Lychguard got torn in half by a lictor. Despite of this, he continued to move and fight. He repaired himself and walked it off.
Comparatively, the Lictor once getting a tastw of his own medicine, couldn't walk it off.
>Shaudukar grasped the creature by the spine. It stalled and mewled in pain, still reaching for the cryptek. The tendrils around its head fluttered as it breathed out. Shaudukar ripped out the beast’s spine with a wet meat thunk. The creature collapsed and flopped against the floor, obscene, pallid flesh glistening against the obsidian.
>Blood spilled out in a pool. The necrons gathered around it, curious. It was the first glimpse of organic life they had seen since beginning the Great Sleep. It screamed as it died, still writhing.
Necron regeneration is context dependent, like everything in 40K. When the author wants them to be unstoppable Terminators, they regen like the T2000. When they want them to be mindless hordes, they get dropped permanently by well placed bolter fire.
This. More often than not they seem to be wanked to marine levels though.
Not really.
They were more consistently placed on Marine level or higher back in Oldcron days. Back then their numbers were often kept low, and they were tough as nails. Now Warriors and the like are more often portrayed as immense hordes of shambling skellies that are tenacious but pretty easy to dispatch with dedicated fire.
I don't recall any piece of recent fluff that shows Necrons being permanently felled with bolter fire.
The Emperor's Champion in "Gods of Mars" said that no matter how many times he put bolter shells into the Necrons, they kept getting back up.
The basic infantry of the Eldar are guardians, not aspect Warriors.
Got any more necron fluff? I love that shit. Necron and nids. They make great monsters for the setting, less so for a playable faction due to over wanking.