Imagine a man. He was born in a virtuous and happy family...

Imagine a man. He was born in a virtuous and happy family. He was taught what is right and what is wrong when he was raised. He can distinguish good from evil, he knows everything that is required to be a good person.

And yet, this man is evil. Deep inside, he can feel only joy if he were to do evil deeds, he would suffer no guilt or shame if he started sinning.

But this man is well aware of this. He knows that this is wrong. And so he puts on a facade, faking good nature. He helps grandmas to cross the roads, he saves cats stuck on the trees, despite feeling nothing but hate when he does this, as he only can feel happiness through suffering of others. This man even becomes a paladin and smites evil, saving thousands of lives, never knowing satisfaction. He would fight evil both in the world and inside himself, since his true desire to do evil never goes away and only becomes stronger with time.

If he were to die before he ever breaks and reveals his true self to the world, would this man go to Hell or Heaven?


Alignment is what you do, not what you say or feel.

Just as courage is to fight your fear, not being fearless, to be good is to resist this urges for the greater good.
Nothing good comes from being pure in tought when you don't do shit to improve. This is why sloth is a deadly sin.

He is not an evil man, but a man with evil drives and desires. And for all his life he has fought against them and accomplished good. His goodness is deeper than that of people who do good spontaneously and find solace in it.

Ultimately, it's wildly dependent on the rules of whatever god(s) that dictate how Heaven/Hell work. I mean, even going by just the IRL abrahamic religions, this question becomes extremely debatable; you'd have different answers between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in the most broad terms before even touching the variants that each have, and this is without even taking into account the philosophical debates within each of THOSE...

> tl;dr - depends on the setting

These are excellent points. I'm going to have to go third on them.

Heaven, and he will sit as close to god as possible. He was born with the temptation of satan deep within, and yet he managed to overcome it.

Would such a man even want to go to heaven?

Evil's what you do, not what you are.

He'd certainly be a better man than I. As for the rest, it's not mine to say.

Hell. Evil is inherent - a man is not evil because of his evil actions, but his actions are evil because they serve him, and therefore evil.

I'm not sure how he could be genetically evil if his family isn't, but it's probably because his dad got cucked by a nigger.

I'm going to take a guess on the spoiler image being Captain America.

first of all: The spoiler is not NSFW unless your Workplace has a strict "no anime" policy
Second: >Comparing Best Priest to Captain America

Spotted the Catholic.

Calvinism is the only legit path.

I'm confused. Why is this man performing goodness? He knows he would feel no guilt or shame for doing evil things, but never commits them because... what? He doesn't want to disappoint his folks? It's easier to manipulate people?

He still consciously wants to be a good person and feel good by doing good even if it's impossible for him to do so.

>Does good, all the time and absolutely
>Wants to be good
>Does good genuinely BECAUSE it's good and not because it makes him, personally, feel pleasure
>Somehow still evil
No, your question is still asinine.

A man who longs to be evil and yet fights against his dark desires for no reward, simply because he knows it is the right thing to do? He's a Goddamn hero and a fine example of what a good person should aspire to be. He's going to Heaven

Desire for sin is a sin, user.

This is fucking stupid, and so are you.

But why does he want that? What's it to him that others perceive him as good? Why does he care?

Hey op, thats actually pretty similar to me. I work in disabled person care.

I long ago stopped trying to follow my dreams, as they all would require huge loss of life, and i know very well that would be a dick move.

Sorry papist, still a dumb argument. The man always does good. If doing good means confessing or repenting for your evil desires, it's assumed he does that and is therefore saved. If evil thoughts alone are enough to damn a person with no way to undo them, then it's effectively impossible for anyone to be "good" and the question is meaningless

A man who fights his evil nature every moment of his waking life in order to to not simply be good, but actually do good, for no other reason than he knows it to be right?

Heaven, unless his actions are through some form of compulsion such as a geas or mind control, in which case he may still manage to achieve a place in a more ethically-neutral afterlife depending on how strongly he rails against his cage. A man evil in heart who never accomplished a single evil deed cannot truly have been a malignant force on the world.

Should there come a time when he is going to break but has not yet lost control, then the choice is his to end his life when he realizes there is soon to be no more good that he can do.

A paladin who derives no joy or satisfaction from his righteous work, yet continues to strive along that path, is far more self-sacrificing than one who does.

More interesting would be what has caused this man to do good when every instinct should compel him to evil. The lessons of a former guardian are unlikely, for he should at least derive some sense of fulfillment from contemplating on their theoretical approval of his actions. Guilt and shame, or at least the prospect of such, are often the motivations against evil deeds, yet this man feels them not.

I can then think only that this man's actions were the result of rebellion: a rejection of everything he feels compelled towards by nature, or possibly a deeply-ingrained hatred of whatever personifies Evil in this theoretical setting, stronger still than his hatred of doing good.

I would imagine that it is the most evil of men who can be potentially be the greatest paragons of good, simply through having a precise and accurate understanding of what not to do.

>Being this edgy about religion

"Good" is not a standard you can hold another person by as it is impossible to achieve for most people. Only God is good and to strive for good is to come closer to God.

To be human is by nature to be evil. To refuse that nature and strive to become good is the impossible quest that brings man closer to God. To desire sin is to embrace your own nature as evil and is itself evil. That's the basis of all true faiths.

>TL;DR: God is Good, Angels are neutral, Humans are evil.

Protestantism: not even once.

But he's espousing (a badly mangled version of) Catholic doctrine. How is it edgy to tell him I think his arguments suck?
>Humans are evil.
Then what's the point of this question? If there's no possibility of anyone not being fundamentally evil, what is there to discuss?

>Original sin

I never knew a Christfag could be this fedora.

>bitching about "Papists"
>not Protestant

Christfags are the original fedoras

My question is WHY is he doing good? Is it because he loves God with all his might, mind and strength, or is it because he's afraid of what people will think of him and wants to keep up an image?

It may be that he simply does not want to disappoint himself. It is not the standards of others or the desire to not be driven from the community that is the driving force, it is the standards he chose for himself. Such a man would go to heaven.

Kirei was an awesome villain.

It's the eternal battle between Instinct and conscious thought. A man may feel compelled to have sex with a woman, and yet restrains himself because she does not consent, this is the triumph of will over instinct.

Instinctively this hypothetical man is evil, he desires these evil things and yet through the force of his will and thought he overcomes the desire to do evil.

He does it for the same reason that most normal people do not go around consuming whatever they please and fucking whomever they find attractive.

>He does it for the same reason that most normal people do not go around consuming whatever they please and fucking whomever they find attractive.
Lack of money and lack of appeal?

>hating black people
>thinks genetic evil exists

What kind of catholics have you been meeting, user?

The Hell it is. Your actions reflect who you are.
If you encourage evil thoughts, it means that at least on some level, you desire to do evil.
But when you actively identify that what your anger or hatred tells you you should do is wrong and defy it, that's not evil. Doing the right thing because you know it's the right thing rather than 'feeling' you do is still good.
Love isn't a feeling, it's an action. That's why slacktivism is only token activism.
Original Sin DNE 'genetically evil'. It means that humans are born dis-attuned to the correct understanding of the world, and are thus prone to sin because we're easily tempted by lizard brain instincts.

It's Calvinism.

They don't know who goes to heaven. They're pretty honest about it. We're all sinners and God will personally drop us into the fire of damnation.

Saving the FEW and I mean FEW who are truly worthy of that. The few are supposed to be known by their good deeds and virtues. But by that same token, evil, sinful people will still burn despite the x amount of grandma's and kittens helped.

It's American history 101.