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>Shoot straight >Conserve ammo >And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon
Animal edition We all know the Jaguar shifters, and Bear-Who-Walks-Through-Walls, but what are some rarer animal shifters you got in your games? Other animal themed concepts welcome
I've joked around about the idea of a parrot shifter who used to roll with a crew of pirates, but sadly haven't gotten to play it.
Adam Murphy
Damn season 4 of Bojack looking dark.
Samuel Wilson
So I'm reading Shadowrun Anarchy.
I'm sort of a little disappointed by the Shadow Amps.
It seems like anyone can buy Adept powers without the buy in that Mages and Technomancers require (there's nothing that would point to Adepts needing to be Awakened, other than my knowledge of Shadowrun), which is good. But the Adept Powers are kind of useless, which is bad. But there's also Cyberware that isn't that good but costs the same as Adept Powers, except with the additional benefit of costing Essence. I mean, Cyberpurs and Killing Hands do the same thing, with Cyberspur costing -1 Essence. Retractable Razors on the other hand is reasonable at 2 Amp Points and -1 Essence, but kind of makes those Cyberspurs pointless.
I'm used to not every trait within a rating being equivalently meaningful to a story, but that just seems like they didn't think about what they were doing. These are *the same* traits where one has a steeper cost. There's also a lot of traits that only allow rerolls or additional dice, which isn't very interesting.
I'm not actually sure what the rules of the game are, but the powers are kind of uninteresting.
Also the Amps feel expensive.
Mason Perez
I'm starting a SR5 game tonight by rolling up some characters and introducing my table to the shadowrun universe. We played some DnD together before this, but everyone is relatively new to pen and paper.
Any tips to help thing go smoothly ?
Jack Powell
First: Rolling up some characters in SR usually takes some time. If you don't already have it I advise you to use chummer5 in the OP Second: in the mediafire there are the hayek sheets. Download them, print them out(if you play in RL) or send them to your players. third: In the mediafire, in the Beginner Box content folder is a pdf called "CAT27100X_Quick-Start Rules".pdf. Aside from containing some very basic rules and explanations it contains Food Fight (the good Stuffer Shack Version) RUN IT aside from that, pic related
Thanks, I was debating between doing the stuffershack mission or not, but it seems like a good starting point.
That image is the exact reason that we're switching over to shadowrun in the first place. Everyone wants more depth
Ryan Allen
- Being awakened has an inital cost at chargen -> mundanes can fit better / more amps into their slots
- Awakened have to give up Amp-Slots for shit like Fireballs, which mundanes don't have to. Those slots are limited, so thats another drawback.
Not saying its totally balanced, but its not as bad as you make it sound.
Henry Bell
Soooo hellhounds as guard critters.
I know that they are dual natured, but i cant make out an ability of them that makes them actually able to harm astral beings. Proably i'm just overlooking things.
Can your average hellhound actually harm, say, astral spirits ? Or do they have to be trained in astral combat to do anything harmful besides barking at them ?
Isaiah Richardson
Adept doesn't require you to be Awakened, only Magic Amps do; unless that's stated elsewhere. As is, I wouldn't even consider that if I weren't already familiar with Shadowrun. Maybe that's why Adept Amps are so bland, since they require no buy-in. But that's why stuff like Cyberspur seems like it should be "worth" more.
It seems like Cyberware and Bioware Amps should all be one less, since they also cost Essence.
I'm also not really sure what purpose it serves to restrict characters to being either Awakened OR Emerged. Frankly if you're giving up four Amp points just to buy other Amps, you should be able to do what you want. Then again, I wonder how well the up-front surcharge of 2 Amps for Awakened/Emerged compares to the cost of Essence loss, or increased Amp cost for Bioware. Essence loss also seems more/less meaningful, since a full set of limbs would only be 2 Essence instead of turning you into a Cyberzombie, but even simple things like a Data Jack cost 1 Essence minimum.
I'm just all in all a little disappointed with how bland the powers are. If Adept is sort of the "default", I guess it's okay that they're bland, but since Cyberware requires resource management and Bioware requires both Amp points *and* (slightly lessened) resource management, they should be more interesting than dice bonuses or rerolls.
I mean, "Control Thoughts" is just giving a +1/2/3 on Intimidation and Negotiation.
>Unrelated to the powers: I haven't gone through most of the rest of the book (I try to always start with chargen) but I get the impression that this is a completely different system that they jury rigged to be as Shadowrun as possible, right down to forcing it to use a d6 dicepool system instead of whatever it originally used.
Bentley Barnes
Aren't they Dual-Natured? If so they can just attack astral forms
Brandon Campbell
>We all know the Jaguar shifters, and Bear-Who-Walks-Through-Walls, but what are some rarer animal shifters you got in your games? My current character is a Dog Shifter. His name is Runt. He's the runt of his litter, from when a paracritter breeder tried to create a Barghest/Hellhound mutt. The result was a mixed litter of either barghests or hellhounds - rather than any dogs with the powers of both - and a single normal german shepherd/english mastiff puppy, apparently unawakened.
I say 'apparently' because at 2 years of age, Runt's owner came home to find a naked elf stealing a bunch of dog biscuits from the tall cupboard - the one with a latch. The elf goes running off to the back room, and by the time his owner gets there, all he finds is his dog, doing a bad job of pretending to sleep.
It doesn't take long for things to get sorted out - Runt wasn't even keeping the shapeshifting an intentional secret, he just didn't see it as worth mentioning before. He only used it for things that required thumbs anyway, like using the trideo remote or accessing food secretly when home alone - he'd booked it because he thought he'd be in trouble for sneaking food.
I play him as a Mystic Adept, with a particular fondness for fire spells, because of his heritage. He makes great use of an armored jacket with special elastic, smart materials, and loose give in certain areas to let him shift without taking it off, along with tactical webbing to keep his gear on him when he has no hands. He mostly uses his dogform for mobility, but honestly he finds it a lot more comfortable during downtime than his humanoid form.
He's a very good boy.
Kevin Adams
>I know that they are dual natured, but i cant make out an ability of them that makes them actually able to harm astral beings. Just being dual-natured itself automatically means you can touch/harm astral beings. I'm pretty sure their elemental attack can too.
Joseph Cook
But don't they need the Astral combat skill to ghost-bite spirits ? Isn't that the whole reason for the skill to exist, to punch spirits on the astral plane ?
Levi Williams
You can just use your normal skills if you're hitting them with a dual-natured limb or weapon. Astral Combat is only optional unless you're actually astral projecting, at which point it becomes mandatory.
Asher Lopez
I just beat Dragonfall the other day. I was disappointed that I couldn't talk Vauclair out of the plan, but damn, that twist.
I'm going to start Hong Kong soon, and I want some advice on what Etiquettes to take, and what to stat my character like. I tried to be a combat Rigger in both Dead Man's Switch and Dragonfall, but the reduced actions made it really hard to be a robo-Rogue like I wanted. I ended up giving up on Rigging, but I didn't quite get to Close Combat 8 by the end, so I wasn't able to use the Ares Monosword.
I'm thinking about trying an Adept, but I worry that trying to be an Adept *and* do melee sword shit *and* have enough to keep up my Intelligence and Biotech and Decking and other useful non-combat traits will spread me thin again.
This is what I ended up looking like at the end of the game.
Brandon Gonzalez
That's not what Hellhounds look like. This is.
Mason Adams
So they can just bite a piece of a spirit or burn them with non-fire-but-close astral fire breath ?
Luis Gray
> mouth dick got it !
Bentley Murphy
They can dual-natured bite, but I just checked, and the Elemental Attack is Physical, so it can't be used to affect Astral things unless they Materialize.
Biting and barking to alert someone else to an astral presence.
Joseph Bell
Okay, got it ! But do they use their strength and dexterity for damage and attack or charisma and willpower ?
Robert Thompson
>Astrally perceiving and dual-natured characters use their physical attributes and skills to fight opponents with a physical body, and their Astral Combat + Willpower to fight wholly astral entities. A hellhound would need to roll using Astral Combat + Willpower (with Charisma as Strength) in order to fight wholly-astral beings. If it doesn't have any points in Astral Combat, it would need to default on the roll, meaning Willpower-1.
But dogs can be trained.
If you want your hellhound to be a really good Astral guard dog, get him trained by an appropriately-skilled shaman to be a very good boy at Assensing and Astral Combat.
Logan Edwards
In the director cut you can, it just requires some very high charisma checks, the right etiquettes, and in the end it doesn't even matter
Ayden Rogers
Thank you all for those quick and insightful responses. I think i am now ready for my first round as Shadowrun Gm and will now go to sleep.
Christopher Parker
>If you want your hellhound to be a really good Astral guard dog, get him trained by an appropriately-skilled shaman to be a very good boy at Assensing and Astral Combat. And maybe get his teeth replaced with some high-end Weapon Focus implanted dental replacements. Or his muzzle tattooed to turn his mouth into a Weapon Focus. Chomp chomp.
Brandon Taylor
I know. I meant that I, personally, couldn't talk him down. I apparently missed a conversation with the Talismonger's assistant. I also didn't have the skills to learn any extra details about Panacea to use to point out its flaws.
Nathan Jackson
Okay so if i understand the greentext right. Your everyday hellhound could bite a projecting mage, but would need astral combat for a spirit, since the spirit doesn't have a physical body per se ?
Ethan Garcia
or does it mean with "wholly astral" that there is no body in the physical plane moving along with it ? But then, why the need for astral perception to attack ? a mundane dog could bite or a corpsec wit a gun could just shoot it in the face...
Gavin James
It means that in physical combat you use physical stats, but in astral combat (where you're attacking immaterial spirits or projecting mages) you use the astral/mental stats.
The hellhound would use Astral Combat + Willpower. If it's not trained in Astral Combat, that's Willpower -1, or a dice pool of 3.
Dogs - even magic dogs - aren't as good at biting spirits as they are at biting real, physical things, unless you train them to be good boys.
Andrew Reyes
>I'm also not really sure what purpose it serves to restrict characters to being either Awakened OR Emerged
Stoping turbocheese and the fucking background of the game.
You sound like exactly the wrong target audience. The game is supposed to be rules light. Making Amps basically always slight die bonuses, accieves this. Fullfilling your wish of tons of different shit, however, isn't. Stick to the normal Shadowrun if you want a complex system.
Matthew Peterson
Money is way more scarce in Hong Kong than it was in both DF and S:R, keep that in mind.
You can go the route you lined out, but throw out decking, its way to ressource intensive to tag-on and there is a fuckton of excellent melee weapons you can spend your Nuyen on. Besides, there is a competent Decker and a frightening good Rigger available, use them both.
Robert Richardson
I fail to see the purpose in stopping "turbocheese".
>The game is supposed to be rules light. >Making Amps basically always slight die bonuses, accieves this. >Fullfilling your wish of tons of different shit, however, isn't. >Stick to the normal Shadowrun if you want a complex system. I feel the gulf between "powers are simply bonus dice or rerolls" and "powers that feel flavourful and have meaningful effects that actually do something worthwhile" is so massive that you could park the moon in there.
I don't want a complex system. But the powers in Powered by the Apocalypse games are more interesting.
Ah, good, if there's an NPC decker I won't feel as bad. I was told that the Rigger isn't good, but that her personality is great, though. If money is scarce, it's probably best to go Adept instead of Street Samurai.
Joshua Smith
The Decker is a she, the Rigger is a he. People seem to like the Rigger and dislike the Decker generally, but not always.
Luis Martinez
Hey Chummers I need some advice. One of my players will be leaving the group for a while because of life stuff. The in game excuse will be that his character need to go back to the UCAS for some time. Any suggestions on hooks for what came up that requires him to drop everything and head home?
Gavin Reed
Love it and stealing it
Dominic Gray
Somebody moved in on his turf. His grandmother needs his help moving apartments. He was randomly chosen to try out new and exciting drugs for the low price of free. The Exchange had him do something in the UCAS as part of his instructions.
I'm sure you've thought of loads of reasons for any of the characters to take a hike, just put a more temporary spin on one of those.
Kevin Martinez
>tfw I realize my session this week is on my birthday >exactly 36 hours before the session starts
Adam Cruz
Honestly? Send him away on some super crazy job that only he can go on for reasons. That way, you can give him the exact same amount of money and karma for when he comes back so he isn't a gimped loser.
Thomas Clark
Happy future birthday user. I suggest showing up with a party hat and a birthday boy badge.
Elijah Collins
Just make sure that they actually have to do the run, and make sure there's consequences.
Thomas Martin
Spend at least 5 hours making sure everyone knows the rules for shotgun chokes and grenade blast radius and damage. Be sure to create a PowerPoint to explain the "Chunky Salsa" rule.
Easton Evans
Skip over optional rules like Noise, Environmental Modifiers, and Background Count to start with, but make sure everyone knows they exist.
Jason Thomas
if I haven't found a way to slip this npc into the game within the next month I will consider myself as having personally failed my players
Gabriel Diaz
>Dude with a L115 wearing a horse mask
Allows you to line up your shots on people while they're busy going "WHAT THE FUCK" I guess?
Adam Hernandez
The NPC decker and rigger are fantastic at their roles, and the rigger has a favorite drone that you can get a gimmick modification for that makes it into an unstoppable killing machine. Adept is good, but I honestly had the most fun during my street razor cyberspurs only playthrough. With a little money management there's still enough to become an Adam Jensen-esque monster who can sprint a mile in one IP, catch grenades out of midair, and turn half a KE squad into a pile of gore with your sweet wrist blades.
I liked that the rigger was so... alien, I guess, and he brings a pretty interesting viewpoint and set of circumstances to the team. People probably didn't like the decker because she's a huge bitch, and her entire backstory and side run is super uninteresting and felt like it only existed as an unnecessarily long way to learn that the kings have to honor their deals.
Oliver Davis
Anime edition?!
Brayden Morris
The thing about them honouring their deals is that they'll fuck you in the end, though.
Charles Gonzalez
A question for Veeky Forums. In Shadowrun 5e, would a traditionally bladed weapon without an actual blade make use of the Blades skill, or the Clubs skill?
Like, if you had a wooden sword, or a Rurouni Kenshion style reverse-blade sword, would wielding that count as a blade despite the fact that it doesn't do cutting damage, or would it count as a club because it's effectively a bludgeon?
Luis Flores
Depends if you're using it like a blunted bladed weapon, or as a really awful bludgeoning weapon.
Nicholas Johnson
>traditionally bladed weapon without an actual blade >wooden sword >made of wood >no blade Literally a stick.
Cameron Price
>an Adam Jensen-esque monster who can sprint a mile in one IP In Dragonfall I used enough combat drugs to get myself like 8 AP.
Tyler Lewis
I'm thinking in terms of like a Samurai trying a "Less Lethal" alternative for subduing without necessarily murdering. Possibly with some added concealment because a wooden sword is well... wood.
William Gonzalez
I think by raw if it doesn't cut it's not a blade, so you'd be using Clubs.
If I were your GM I'd probably make a special exemption for your weeaboo fightan magic stick because you're using it AS a blade, even though it's not one. You'd be using techniques and muscle memory from the Blades skill to use it, even if it can't follow through with a cut. Think about it, if you had to use a training sword or one of those bamboo practice sticks (I don't know what they're called) with the Clubs skill, how would you ever learn Blades? You'd just walk out of the dojo having practiced Clubs your whole life, and suddenly forget everything you've learned when you pick up a sword.
ur a faget btw
Brody Evans
I looked through Core pretty thoroughly and there's nothing in there about this specific sort of situation, where a bladed weapon is lacking an actual blade. The closest I found was the rule for changing damage types on page 186.
>CHANGING DAMAGE TYPES >Sometimes all you have is a sword and you want to knock out your opponent and not kill them. In these circumstances your options are limited, as most lethal melee weapons are not designed for non-lethal attacks. >When desired, the characters can use the Called Shot (p. 195) option to transfer damage types if the opponent is armored. >If the opponent is unarmored, the attacking character can use the weapon in question as a club (with the Clubs skill) with an Accuracy of 3. >Blades used as a club lose all Reach due to the need to hit with the pommel to be a club.
Jace Hill
Okay, now i got it (kinda, rules seem blurry) but now the facility will have an elf dog-handler-adept to raise the best boys around. Thank you good user.
Elijah Morgan
>there's nothing in there about this specific sort of situation, where a bladed weapon is lacking an actual blade That's probably because if it's lacking an actual blade, then it's by definition not a bladed weapon.
Just ask your GM if you can use it as a blade and be done with it.
Easton Turner
>dog-handler-adept Someone who can project, rather than just perceive, would be better at training astral combat, but sounds rad.
Michael Morales
>If money is scarce, it's probably best to go Adept instead of Street Samurai. Adepts have to buy their powers with money in SR:HK. You'll gain no benefit there.
Justin Sanders
He's not talking about hitting with the pommel, though, he's talking about a sword that has a blunted edge.
I wanted to do something similar in a game I dropped out of. I wanted a Metal Gear style High Frequency Blade so that I could be Raiden. It was basically a stun stick that used the Blades skill and was a Shock Katana.
Well darn.
Chase Long
Sure, but all statted clubs except for like, chairs, do P damage in 5th. Honestly something like a bokken would probably just be STR+2P, +2AP.
Hudson Sullivan
Think I'm on the latest nightly. Seems like short-barrel mod is now subtracting 2 damage instead of 1.
Jace Phillips
Leo Gomez
It's perfectn isn't it?
Jacob Long
By Howling Shadows RAW you either need the skill you want to teach on that level (and animal handling on a lower one) or animal handling on the level. Which makes sense to me, since i don't believe that every guard dog trainer is a professional martial artist.
Aiden Thomas
I guess
Joseph Cox
Actually, Adept powers require being Awakened.
Page 33 "Adept Powers: Instead of casting spells, adepts use mana to perform physical magic"
Page 63 "If you’re not Awakened, you can’t access mana to do amazing things like cast spells, summon spirits, or enhance your physical abilities."
page 134 "Critter Powers work similar to Spells, Adept Powers, and Technomancer Amps in that they can only be used by characters specifically designated as critters, in the same way that spellcasters and adepts are Awakened and technomancers are Emerged.
Hudson Richardson
Has anybody the link for parabotany book for 5e lying around ?
Jack Green
Have you checked the OP pastebin mediafire?
Joshua King
I did and couldn't find it there. Sort of need it for a run at a botany lab.
Jayden Jackson
>Other animal themed concepts welcome
As soon as shifters are implemented in Chummer5 I'm making someone that was spoken about a long while ago in /srg/.
A Horse shifter unarmed adept, with Adept Spell: Shape [Fire]. A revolutionary from Amazonia, he fought in the Az-Am War as a guerrilla with a knack for destroying supply depots. Now, pursued by Jaguar Warriors, he runs the shadows to earn the money to stay hidden.
I really like the idea of this guy sneaking into places with nothing but his blue jeans and a disposable lighter, and 10 minutes later everything is burning and a horse comes racing out the front entrance, blood on his hooves.
Austin Flores
>I get the impression that this is a completely different system that they jury rigged to be as Shadowrun as possible
Correct. The Cue System, to be precise. CGL can't innovate, but they can try to hammer it into shape.
Leo Stewart
Okay i have to ask, what's the lighter for ?
Ian Diaz
To have fire to shape. The Shape spells don't let you create matter, only shape it.
Parker Collins
Was playing with the idea of a fog shapeshifter face. Just an all around good boy, maybe even a black german shepard, so people think he might be a hellhound when assensing. Just your usual stuff with kreatin control and commanding voice.
Your charamant elf face when in Metahuman form and an irresistible adorable dog when in animal form you just HAVE to take with you.
Aiden Perez
>fog shapeshifter
Dammit, Steve, I told you vampires don't work like that in the Sixth World. And you're not even HMHVV-positive, you bought those fangs at Party City.
Carter Allen
Oh. Well that's shit, then. Although it means that anyone who's a Mage is automatically an Adept as well. I'm disappointed in this system. I wanted to like it and hoped that it would be a more accessible version of Shadowrun for me. But when the powers feel more like a board game it just feels bland. I don't know. Has anyone even run it yet? This thing came out a little after Gencon didn't it?
I mean, I know it's a different system, I just suspect that it's a very different system that they're trying too hard to make "familiar" to Shadowrun kiddies.
Ayden Davis
Honestly, I'm just annoyed at the idiots who say it's rules-light, when it's a huge book with a mess of rules. It only looks simpler compared to SR5.
John Barnes
It seems rules light. Or at least from what I can tell it's roughly Fate level.
Matthew Moore
Trust me, it's average in terms of complexity. Try running a combat and you'll see, it's about D&D 5e level. If it was Fate, it's the shitty first version of Dresden Files Fate, with a lighter shell stuffed to the brim with so many modifiers and options it slows right down.
Zachary Thomas
Hey /srg/-bros. Anyone got an imgur/dl link to the artwork gallery? My HDD got fucked two weeks ago and I need some crazy gang mofos.
Sebastian Brooks
Pastebin, faggot.
Andrew Diaz
The link doesn't work, dunce. Since forever.
Jeremiah Phillips
>open Mega >open Token folder >suck my dick
Dominic Green
fuck. I think I owe you that BJ. Thanks, tho.
Colton Hill
Welcome. The dropbox link is being saved as a noob trap, I assume.
>Those fucking eyes. Is his head too wide or something?
Easton Rivera
It turns out, sometimes things that look cool in anime look pretty fuckin' stupid in live action.
Jayden White
Fate is not, nor has it ever been rules-lite.
Luis Barnes
It *looks* good, but Johansen's quiet disaffectedness isn't the same as the Major's, and Batou's eyes look even weirder than in the comics.
It all *looks* like I'd expect Ghost in the Shell to, but the plot sounds dumb and useless and ~backstory~ filled instead of something more interesting like the Laughing Man incident. I wonder if they're just going to redo the original movie? Some of it looks like they might.
Also >Afraid to lose people by with an Asian lead >Show lesbianism in the trailer Progress?
Jaxson Ortiz
Fate is what people talk about when they talk about Rules Lite games that still have enough depth to last beyond a single silly session, the way that RISUS can't.
Nathaniel Russell
Do you guys have some comfy shadowrun/cyberpunk pictures?