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Games #502
What's the best way that you've died in a campaign?
Filename Thread
You have ten seconds! Create a new class! GO!
Does Veeky Forums like Overlord?
That Girl
Advice on running a snake oil salesman NPC
Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
Stat me
/5eg/ Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition General
Will the Unification Wars ever become a game?
Warhammer Fantasy: Fix Chaos edition
/srg/ Shadowrun General - Short, Squat, and Full of 'Ware
Write something that you hate of a game that you love
Warhammer 40,000 general
Forgotten Realms General
/40krpg/ 40k RPG General
/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General
So I'm going to be playing DnD for the first time and I made my first Character, how'd I do?
Best Familiar
Notable Mercenaries Edition
Guardian statue bars the only way onward
Pathfinder General /pfg/
What's the straight-up worst thing someone in your party has ever done?
I'm bored, Veeky Forums. Let's design a god/church. First post ending in 4 decides the god's name...
Could you make a wargame using Gundam models...
So me and the wife have been thinking about getting into warhammer. Should we go the 40k route or age of sigmar...
Favourite Primarch FW model
Who was out of line here, Veeky Forums?
Regiment Creation Thread
MTG Collaborative Commander #2
Dragon Art Thread
/swg/ Big ol trouble
Why are stunlocking attacks still a thing in D&D?
Warhammer 40k General
ITT instant red flags
Jumpchain CYOA Thread 1183: The Morning After Edition
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
Space Marine Chapter Creation
3d6 in order is the best way to generate a character guys
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls Lore General
EDH/Commander general
Has pandering to transtrenders driven off an entire generation of new gamers?
Meanwhile at the Legion of Doom
Would a wolf-person kingdom work well if the wolf-people treated the nation as a "superpack" with many component packs?
Deathwing thread with official gameplay this time
DM Screen Thread
Veeky Forums Storytime General
How can i run pic related?
What system does gun magic well? Can you do it well?
My PCs have come into a small village, harassed by a group of bandits. At night...
MTG Pet Cards
How do i run a force of nature game?
Infinity General: Overdressed Pilots Edition
Lifespan in Holy Terrans
Hey, Veeky Forums. I came to ask a question about the board's infamous vaporware
What drives humanity in your setting tg? As in why do they settle new worlds...
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Snek People Edition
Do your players ever befriend the monsters instead of fighting them?
Tell me more about these guys
Song of Swords: Foolish Fops and their Finery!
Chaos Warband Creation
Greetings from /m/! Can we have a crossover between us and Veeky Forums? 40K is obvious...
ITT bad DMs
The group's face can't string a sentence together
/cyoag/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread 1182: Spiritual Buffet Edition
Western/Colonial America Setting
Monster Art Thread
WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General
How do you present your BBEG as an irredeemable piece of shit but also with a human side, maybe even a fun side?
Name something you wish your GM (or players) had done in the very first TTRPG session you had in your life
Character Art Thread
Is there any better way to paladin than this, Veeky Forums?
Warmachine/Hordes General
Warhammer 40k General
It's now time to play the game called Mornington Crescent
How could non-mechanically powered airships actually be navigable?
Are only virgins allowed to ride unicorns in your setting, Veeky Forums?
What's the worst Veeky Forums-related freakout you've ever witnessed?
Veeky Forums's Winter Ball Discussion Thread
It's a hard sci-fi setting dressed up like a fantasy setting
Due to warp storm fuckery, a Borg Cube encounters an Ork vessel and assimilates everyone aboard...
It's that time again faggots
/wodg/+/cofd/ Chronicles of The World of Darkness of the General Thread
Is your character pure?
Drawthread: Dadventurer Edition
Does your character have children, Veeky Forums?
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Arms & Armor
Are Wizards in fantasy a primarily Western European concept in terms of aesthetic and such?
We've got your test results back from the lab, user. It looks like all those potions have given you _____
EDH/Commander General
The GM, whether unintentionally or on purpose, directs a scene that caters to your magical realm
How would someone play a campaign similar to something like Bloodborne...
Accidental Magical Girl CYOA: Too Hot for Fall Edition
Does your setting have any gay people?
MTG Collaborative Deck-Building
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Food in Dungeons
No one actually likes Vancian magic right?
I have fairies in my setting BUT THEY ARE NOT THE USUAL FAIRIES, THEY-
Filename thread
What does the warhammer 40k crowd crowd think of the kroot...
How do you include an entity like pic related in your setting without blatantly ripping off the source material?
Stat him Veeky Forums
Eclipse Phase General /epg/
Games like Fate, Apocalypse World...
Where did this ''there are only whites in 40k!'' meme come from?
Anima beyond fantasy
How should you portray the CIA in games?
MtG Flavor Fails
ITT: Shit players say
Can someone redpill me about Lamentations of the Flame Princess...
Spell Names
Warhammer 40k General
AdMech Thread
Is the "Geek is Chic" wave over in the RPG community or is it here to stay permanently?
I have no image and I must post
Last Book
Old Ones in your setting
Do you have a signature item?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Jumpchain CYOA Thread 1181: Samsara Edition
Alright Veeky Forums this is a thread to whine in, specifically for GMs to whine about players
What does Veeky Forums think of Dark Eldar?
National/Regional folklore
Not posting to this thread is Treason
Would mindflayers be able to find work as prostitutes in oriental settings?
What is a warrior without a weapon?
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/cyoa/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General
Cardboard Crack
The spyder-crone commands you to please her sexually. What do you do?
Help me create a dnd character
Favorite Rifts Power Armor and Why?
My LGS just gave me a starter set of these. how fucked am I?
What does Veeky Forums actually think of the Winter ball?
Can we all just relax and have a CUTE Veeky Forums thread?
Degenerates welcome
ITT Ideas that seemed good but turned out to be more trouble than they're worth in practice
I have to create a group quiz foe new years eve. Can you suggest some good questions? Any subject whatsoever!
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Warhammer 40k General:
WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General
ITT champions of Khorne. No sorcerers need apply
I have made the first move. Now it is your move
Quick question from new MTG faggot
Veeky Forums Winter Ball Discussion Thread
Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General thread
Mutants and Masterminds General /m&m/
Quickest Character Deaths
Pretty simple question but:
Age of Sigmar General
EDH/Commander General
Which race makes the best waifu? Real talk
D&D 4e General /4eg/
What happens to your setting if all bees in it die, Veeky Forums?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
I need an illness which is harmless to adults, but deadly to children
Fantasy setting has a nation populated entirely by human women (don't ask how they reproduce)
Can good characters serve evil masters and remain good?
The apple shatters when you bite into it. Wat do?
This is how I chaotic evil
Jumpchain CYOA Thread 1180: There Will Be a Kekening Edition
RPG Food Porn Image Thread
Infinity General - WEN FAT YUAN YUAN? edition
That DM thread?
/5eg/ D&D 5th Edition General
Is revenge lawful or chaotic?
Require assistance
Things that PC and console RPGs took too far. I'll start
/dlg/ - Destiny Lore General
Pls no bully Orc!
Good Game Design Sites/Theory?
Nobledark 40k Part VII: oh god so many words edition
Exalted General
New Warhammer community website
Why is Abbadon perceived as a joke?
What's so great about having a soul?
Warhammer 40k General
How do you put a fresh spin on the whole "evil little girl" thing?
Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
Veeky Forums dwarves
/awg/ - Alternative Wargames General
Lighthearted Quests, Heartwarming Campaigns
Why have you betrayed me my sons? why have you betrayed me Veeky Forums
40k just ends with Necrons vs Tyranids doesn't it? All sentient and mortal races succumb to Chaos, Orks, entropy...
Attention citizens of Terra...
I can't believe this isn't discussed much
So I've heard that barbarians used to be more than berserkers in older D&D. What role did they fill...
/btg/ - BattleTech Genera
Alternity General
Awful Homebrew Idea
World War 2 Campaign
/cyoa/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General
I have elves in my setting BUT THEY ARE NOT THE USUAL ELVES, THEY-
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Power Armor Thread
Character Art
On a scale of 1 to 10, how special snowflake is your campaign setting?
What is the best way to start a campaign? In a generic fantasy setting?
/5eg/ D&D 5th Edition General
Fate of the norns, Denizen of the north
Things you assume about player based on their race/class?
I want a tabletop game that lets you have personalized and customization of weapons and firearms
Warhammer 40k General
We can all name a dozen high INT/low WIS characters, but what are some examples of low INT/high WIS characters?
What was his fucking problem?
Evil Game
If Tiber Septim wasn't a god, then the Septim line has no divine right to rule and therefor Skyrim should be fee...
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1179: Baby and the Bathwater Edition
EDH/Commander General
Kobold purists BTFO
What's your favorite one-handed melee weapon for hacking/shashing lightly armored targets?
Special Eyes
Veeky Forums tell me about the tankers if the Imperial Guard. Their experiences and their stories...
What are your thoughts on D&D alignment and objective morality in games?
Filename thread
Are there any more stories with Chris Orksen in it? If so please post them, but until then... Dis iz an ork thread boyz
Lawful good?
Let's say the whole "Emperor destroys Monarchia" shitshow, and as such the Horus Heresy, never happened...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
How the fuck does a handfull of Astartes conquer an entire planet?
Arms and Armour Thread
One of my players asked me to give his character a cool death so he can play a "cowboy"
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Kobolds edition
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
Warhammer 40k General
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Japanese Tabletop RPG Thread
/swg/ Star Wars General: Pulp edition
Where do monsters come from in your setting?
Fate of the norns
Help with making quiz
Delicious In Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi
When did GW turn into a company that actually cared about its customer?
Useless magic items for a pathfinder tabletop setting?
A-abaddon, g-give us Chaos bux plz!
You gain the ability to pause time
If you can't roleplay a human male fighter youre intrinsically bad at roleplaying
/STG/ Star Trek General
Be at D&D
Drawthread: Sir Knight Editiom
Humanity Fuck You
Can you kill a chaos god?
HP in Lore
CYOA General
Veeky Forums Winter Ball Discussion Thread
Lost Worlds Thread
Subjective Reality Game
Plot seed
All pips on a die have the same dimensions meaning that on the 6 side six times more material than on the 1 side has...
PDF Share Thread
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1178: Blow up the Moon (Again) Edition
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Giant Squid edition
How to Do Time Travel Good?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Flames of War General: "If they want war, then Soviet" edition
Hektor Heresy
Spaceship scenes ( bridges especially!)
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Why did D&D's gold dragons stop being East Asian?
Travel along a road with your (non)murderhobo group
What economic systems do you suppose would best fit an Ambush predator?
Imperium Asunder
Forum-based RPs: Not Even Once
/40kg/ Warhammer 40k General
Can we an anime style art of western fantasy tropes? Knights, rogues, angels, and sorcerers?
Trump: The Game
EDH/Commander General
ME as GM: You open fire with your twin las-pistols on fully automatic...
Things NPCs say behind the party's back
Space hulk deathwing gameplay
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
Could there be a less relevant primarch?
Anyone else hate seeing dragons in literally everything?
The king requests the party deal with a strange new cult. Its followers are all healthy, beautiful, extremely polite...
Hoot! Hoot!
"In MY setting, elves are 12-foot-tall, subterranean-dwelling mutated mushrooms with obsidian armblades!"
WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General
Depressed Sororitas Fan
Character Art / Character's Doing Things
I love the Ad Mech but I'm at a loss at which to collect, do I collect a 30k cybernetica force...
Open for business
Character art thread- Big Barbarian Woman Edition
Beastmen bait
Name me 10 monk character concepts that aren't Jackie Chan
I have no idea what races to use in my fantasy setting
"That adventure was all just a dream!"
The Dark Eye
Fantasy Guns
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Warhammer 40k General
Forgotten Realms General?
Let me see your war face!
Mages Guild: Common has been Stolen Edition
What are some good races besides the same old orc/elf/dwarf combo...
Hey Veeky Forums i'm a britbong and i was thinking of moving to the US...
Infiinity General: Maintenance Battalion Edition
I want to get into traditional games
Veeky Forums Winter Ball Discussion Thread
Veeky Forums rolls for color
What's the most fun cursed item you've ever encountered, Veeky Forums?
Pokemon: The Very Best
Shit the GM has to put up with
Monster combined arms
/cyoa/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General
/40krpg/ 40k RPG General
Space Western RPGs?
Dwarven puppy dog edition
Charm Person on PCs, need GMing help
Pathfinder General /pfg/
How do you make a gold piece based economy actually make sense in a pesuo-medieval fantasy setting?
Simple OP edition
So we get a lot of troll threads of "her dur you ever play with women?" and I get that's a big thing...
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
I've only played a game of 5e once, just the once. The group was bad and the GM too, but I thought "Well...
Does someone ever tried to make a magic system based on programming?
Volo's Guide to Monsters in the trove. Be sure to buy it and support the hobby even if you download it!
Dungeon Meshi - Ch 29
A scorpion, being a very poor swimmer, asked a turtle to carry him on his back across a river. "Are you Scorpion mad...
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1177: Gold Chains For Old Men Magazine Edition
Napolean invades our settings
Remove Disease is a druid spell
Chapter Master General
21 Blackjack Street Edition
Inquisitorial Penal Regiment Veeky Forums: We're not a fucking Quest edition
Mutants and Masterminds General thread /mmm/ 1970's edition
Art request thread
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
In terms of relative or equivalent size between WHFB and 40k units, is this correct?
Game Finder
Make Magic Great Again
I'm trying to get a mental image of the look I want my elves to have as far as their physical appearance is concerned...
Soo.. Loyalist marines from traitor legions, the list so far of confirmed are:
Why is Heroquest so great?
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General
When was the last time something your players did caused you to be very angry, disappointed, or -- dare I say...
Character Art Thread
Could you build a post-apocalyptic setting around Wales?
Citadel Painting Guides:
Dishonored has a pretty interesting setting but I'm not sure it would translate well to tabletop...
What is your character's proffession?
Unique Elves
Martials deal too much damage in Pathfinder
"After many trials and tribulations you have finally made it to the inner sanctum of Septius, the Harbinger...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Malifaux General
Warhammer 40k General
I'm making an rpg about the hood
What is the official game of Veeky Forums?
What are your thoughts on adventurers changing physically as they level...
So what are some small creatures which would attack a person who's around thumb sized? I need miniature monsters...
Drawthread: All Your OC's Are Belong To Us Edition
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1176: Folklore and Superstition Edition
/dlg/ - Destiny Lore General
Veeky Forums related music
I want to play a Gungan soldier character because the physical design is pretty cool...
WH40k: A whole world full of blanks/pariahs
What is the best way to bring a rebellious planet to heel...
EDH/Commander General
/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Weeping Daggers Edition
Why are primarch threads so comfy, lads?
Stat a racial modifier for each real race of humans by only including factual information and omitting racist or...
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Would humanity be stupid enough to lead a war against technologically superior aliens?
Caster, Rogue, or Fighter
Age of Sigmar General
My elves are pointy-eared folks who live in the woods and shoot bows and are in harmony with nature...
What are monks even trying to do?
Why do magic players
Both of my last two GMs proved incredibly self-conscious about not falling into the cliches of "generic" fantasy...
Spelljammer 5e ideas maybe?
I hate the Grey Knights. I hate the Grey Knights so much...
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Could human civilization survive at its current level of sophistication (I.e, easy worldwide communications...
Warhammer 40k General
Roll to seduce
How do you destroy a meme, Veeky Forums?
I normally main Tophat, but I want to into Thimble. What's the optimal stat distribution...
Stat me
What kind of character would Sheldon Cooper play, Veeky Forums?
/cyoa/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General
You must choose a traditional game franchise to turn into a movie. What franchise is it? Who do you choose to direct...
Fantasy Scenery Art Thread
What are the best cards to put in a Sliver deck...
Awful fantasy
Is having a cyberpunk-esque society within a fantasy campaign inherently stupid or could it be interesting?
Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
Setting has non-human races
PDF Share Thread
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1175: Goblin Infestation Edition
40keks thread
BBEG is trying to unleash a chtonic god
How to light up a cave?
Macabre Art Thread
Veeky Forums, how what would you do if you were turned into a mouse, but still had your human intelligence?
Jared Sorensen's Three Questions
Kings of War/Star Shattered City General
Copy pasting the archived thread from my phone edition
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Lets have a thread about combat philosophy
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Does the political version of "magical realm" have a name of its own ?
Historical people that can make great BBEGs
How should a paladin in D&D of a depraved love god like Slaanesh act?
Would a centaur make a good steed, do you think?
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls Lore General
Lots of things in this game are broken. Let me write up a few examples
My DM just told me a werewolf knotted me in the mouth and I suffocated...
WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General
Made, saw and played thread? These are always fun
Steampunk that isnt Bad
Veeky Forums Winter Ball Discussion Thread
Bulding big
Stargate 1888 Recruitment!
Combine your two most favorite settings into one and see if it makes sense
What if 1% off humans randomly developed stable pyker abilities irl? How would the world be different
ITT: Times Players Became Gods
What makes snails a credible threat?
January MTG Banned List predictions thread, go:
How do I get away from my map being a two continent bore?
Oldhammer Thread
Dwarf thread
Is the fantasy and science fiction genre dead?
Roll20 Battle Maps & Assets
Why are there so few fantasy settings that aren't fantasy Europe or Japan...
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
Do your players like you?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1174: Mistress of the Dark Edition
How can Veeky Forums help you today king dedede?
True Aliens
/cyoa/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General
The continued adventures of Ribbon, the young elf who knows all about traditional games...
Would you consider snail people in your campaign?
Your Party
That Guy/Girl becomes the DM
Why does the forgotten realms setting feel like such a cheap caricature
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
Warhammer 40k General
Show up to game with male human fighter with a spear
Are any of you going to pay the subscription fee for Tabletop? Do you even watch it anymore?
"I wanna be a wizard! I wanna be a mage!"
Old School Magic Edits Thread
Between MtG ang YGO, which one would you say has the biggest meme potential?
Filename Thread
You have mortally wounded the villain. As they lie on the ground, about to expire...
Warhammer Fantasy
Pathfinder General /pfg/
How does your character/party treat cute young noblewomen at first glance?
In the last chamber of the dungeon, your party discovers a strange mask lying on a black stone altar
DnD Orc Evolution Thread
GM Help: Cursed Mask For Player
These guys invade the last setting you played in
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Character Art Thread: Fish/Reptile People
Hey Veeky Forums whats your favorite Battlemallet Imagination Fight faction and why is it French Catholics?
EDH/Commander General
ITT: Wez orkz now
MTG Standard Thread
Dark eldar Kabal creation thread
Gurps general
Sorta curious: don't think I've ever come across a female lich in a Veeky Forums-related thing. Not interested in WHY...
The Horus Heresy General /HHG/
World Building General. /WBG/
Necromancy sucks
Warhammer 40,000 general
Planescape General and Q&A
Tfw you want to draw art
Has anyone really considered the power disparity between Space Marines and the Tau Cadre forces?
Almost every deity in RPGs is an awesome...
Blood Bowl
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Never played dungeons and dragons how do i get into it and understand it
ChapterMaster General
Floors General
/ysg/- Yog-Sothothery General
/btg/ - BattleTech General
How are the communication systems in your setting tg?
How do you reconcile an unrelenting adherence to the law while still maintaining a functional party dynamic with those...
/cyoa/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General
What are the essential components of a space opera military uniform...
Best Traps Thread
Accidental Magical Girl CYOA: Thanksgiving Edition
Let's create a soft sci-fi setting Veeky Forums!
How would you do a modern or near modern military rpg? What system (other than GURPS) would you suggest?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1173: Triggered Edition
How did this guy lose to Russ when he's the second greatest psyker humanity has produced?
Strike Witches Homebrew Thread
Drawthread: Lets be friends edition
Friends don't let friends mix magic and drugs
Fan of tolkien
Can my highly knowledgeable character make a roll to recall something about this?
41st Millennium
Kingdom Death general
Hektor Heresy
How to make angels interesting beyond just some winged guys from the sky that do good things and rarely fall and get...
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: No more of Sheila's knickers edition
Winter Ball Discussion Thread
What are the important works of cyberpunk besides Neuromancer, Snow Crash, Blade Runner, and the Matrix?
Can Healing Magic Keep Fetuses Alive and Nourish Them to Full Term?
Who would you have do a 40k movie?
Be me, want to get into RPG and stuff
WIP - Work in Progress Thread
>>>Veeky Forums1946180
Eclipse Phase General /epg/
Pathfinder General /pfg/
How do I get my boyfriend into tabletop?
Warhammer 40,000 general
How did we go from this
Need help with.some lore stuff: What do you think the "ethics" of military robots will be? How will they be programmed...
3.5 supplemental books
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games