Historical people that can make great BBEGs

I'll start:
>Black beard
>Is a pirate
>His beard is so cool that it's on fire
>Raids ships and everyone is afraid of him
>Was rumored to be a gentle lover

Other urls found in this thread:


>.......also a rapist
>No I don't know how one can be both

Hillary Clinton. Can work her in World of Darkness, Shadowrun, Paranoia, and anything else really.

Clearly romance novel material.

He'll Teach you a thing or two about love.

Gilles de rais

He was a boss in Castlevania 64, if I recall correctly.

Ivan IV, both crazy, cruel and 2deep4u. Oprichniks make good mooks

>Banned dancing
>Tried to ban Christmas
>Tried to ban cake.

>Is a former soldier turned political extremist
>His mustache is so square that it caused France to surrender
>Instigated the largest conflict in history.
>Married his teenage sweetheart (for 48 hours)

Oh, it's simple. After you rip her clothes off and smack her into submission you use lots of foreplay and lube.

Also note the term "smack" and not "bludgeon". Always use an open fist, never closed.

>The killings came to an end in 1440, when a violent dispute with a clergyman led to an ecclesiastical investigation which brought the crimes to light, and attributed them to Gilles.

How much you wanna bet it was the local priest raping and murdering the children, and he started the witch hunt against Gilles to use him as a scapegoat?

>>Banned dancing
>>Tried to ban Christmas
>>Tried to ban cake.
Pic related. He would indeed make a funny villain.
Do those laws also mean he forced 24 year old woment o marry if they weren't married already?

Fritz Haber
>invents the haber process for making ammonia, enabling the production of modern fertilizers, basically what allowed the world population to explode from 1 billion to 7 billion over the course of the 20th century
>could give a shit about feeding people, was actually trying to create new nitrogen based explosives to kill the enemies of greater germany
>also invents the use of chlorine gas as a weapon of war
>on his way to the front lines to oversee the first deployment of chlorine gas, stops at home to see wife
>wife is heartbroken that he has apparently become an evil scientist, comes out to greet him, and shoots herself in the chest
>nonplussed, he continues to the front lines, dons a gas mask, and the gas is deployed
>watches as hundreds of unsuspecting soldiers die in agony, as the very air itself becomes their enemy
> they don't have gas masks, because no one ever fathomed that toxic, corrosive gases would be used in warfare
>also invented mustard gas
>also invented phosgene
>won nobel prize and also named as a war criminal for stuff he was doing at essentially the same time
>later invents the pesticide the nazis used to gas concentration camp victims
>subsequently he is asked politely to leave nazi germany when it is discovered that he himself was of jewish descent
"During peace time a scientist belongs to the World, but during war time he belongs to his country."

So he's Alan Rickman from robin hood?

Yes if the the sheriff of nottingham invaded Scotland.

easy. Many Germans and Russians in WW2 raped women in conquered lands then went back to their sweethearts

Hey he may have raped other men for psychological effect
>find yummy juicy cabin boy
>hardcore rapeytime
>let him live so he can tell the navy what they're dealing with

>Lead the people against the king
>fight bloody civil war
>succeed and become the peoples champion
>too hardline
>people hate you
>get killed
>people reinstate your enemies son as ruler of the land
>get exhumed and some sod steals your severed head


Many parts of this person's life are blurry but if you take the worst assumptions, this guy is fucking nuts:

stalin as a vampire lord

and hitler is a werewolf
adolf name means "noble wolf"

>...Lurid stories of his killings and flayings were given in various accounts. According to Shu Bi, an 18th-century account of the massacre, after every slaughter, the heads were collected and placed in several big piles, while the hands were placed in other big piles, and the ears and noses in more piles, so that Zhang Xianzhong could keep count of his killings. In one incident, he is said to have organized an imperial examination ostensibly to recruit scholars for his administration, only to have all the candidates, which numbered many thousands, killed. In another, to give thanks for his recovery after an illness, he was said to have cut off the feet of many women. The severed feet were heaped in two piles with those of his favorite concubine, whose feet were unusually small, placed on top. These two piles of feet were then doused in oil and set alight to become what he called "heavenly candles".
Seemed like a nice guy.

>Official Ming Dynasty history Ming Shi recorded a figure of 600 million deaths due to Zhang's activities, an obvious exaggeration, since the total population of China at that time was less than 150 million, perhaps much lower.
That sounds strangely familiar.

Go home /pol/. You are still drunk from the post election parties.

Sounds like the players didnt like the DMPC and made him the big bad out of spite.

>Marries a 16 year-old
>Let's his crew run train on her.


>Carl Panzram
>Self-described Rage Personified
>In my lifetime I have murdered 21 human beings, I have committed thousands of burglaries, robberies, larcenies, arsons and, last but not least, I have committed sodomy on more than 1,000 male human beings. For all these things I am not in the least bit sorry.

Thats fucking chilling mate. Good fucking post

>goes delusional after losing his waifu
>his second means literally "of Reee"
One of us, one of us!

>Sharon, get up stop making a scene
>She's dead, Fritz.
>So what, I saw like 30 dudes die today, they didn't make a scene.

>implying Blackbeard wasn't the protagonist


Seriously Hitler would make a great BBEG

Vlad the Impaler would make a good BBEG
>Invades his own lands with foreign support to oust his cousin
>Purges the local nobility to strengthen his position
>Took captives back home to impale them to inspire fear in the hearts of the enemy
>Ottoman sultan sends envoys to demand that Vlad pays homage to the Ottomans for their help in Vlad's campaigns
>Vlad impales the envoys, cause you know, fuck Turks
>during the war he keeps impaling POW's
>he even impaled children and women
>The Sultan and his troops were shocked and decided to end the Wallachian campaign not long after
Say what you want, but Vlad knew terror

>Great demagogue but a poor politician and a shit tier general
>Giant hypocrite
Yeah, he would.

The Nazi's really went above and beyond to be the actual BBEG in history
When you take a look at their leaders, the whole SS, people like Mengele and his experiments and of course their sense of fashion it's almost stereotypical villainry
Reminds of the perfect sketch of Mitchell and Webb
>Hans, are we the baddies?

Unit 731 is pretty BBEG too. Shirō Ishii was a real piece of work.

>Half of these never happened

Yeah, the Japs tried to be pretty evil as well
Always found it rather funny that you can really differentiate between German and Japanese culture when it came to genocide
The Japanese would make it into a weird form of art with their katana beheading competitions and what not
While the Germans prove the world yet again that they are productive, industrious and brutally efficient with them making genocide as much of a factory process as possible

You mean like alternative history setting where he's the bad guy?

here's the (You) you wanted

Don't forget that one time when he burned down a hall full of starving peasants after he invited them to a feast.

You can actually say that about every genocide.
Russian Gulag:
>Work them to death! Kill state enemies and get shit built, so efficient, so industrious
>Give them shovels? Fuck that hands are good enough, what do you mean no work got done, MORE PRISONERS!

>These aren't concentration camps.look there's tea and sandwiches.
>OK, I lied, there's no tea, but we're far kinder than the Dutch, look that fellow got a cup of water last week.


Since nobody else's mentioned it...
Book radically different from movie, of course. In the book, Blackbeard's portrayed as a powerful practitioner of voodoun, one of the first followers of Baron Samedi, and the months leading up to his death were Just As Planned.

What an absolute alpha

I think Charles James Napier pretty well summarizes the English's stance on genocide.

>The best way to quiet a country is a good thrashing, followed by great kindness afterwards. Even the wildest chaps are thus tamed.
>Come here instantly. Come here at once and make your submission, or I will in a week tear you from the midst of your village and hang you.

Also, this quote would make an interesting background for a BBEG

>so perverse is mankind that every nationality prefers to be misgoverned by its own people than to be well ruled by another.

Though, he's white and he said that so he's kinda become a /pol/ hero.

He was so hardcore that he killed the entire population of China four times

I don't see what's not to get

That's pretty baller.

I nominate Otto von Bismarck.

{{{user}}} delivers

I nominate a Fidel Castro if not as BBEG, but a recurring villian. This fucker is perfect example of min-maxing and abusing a luck builds. Or that one who crits almost every rolls, no matter failed them or succeed - no mediocrity, only crits everywhere.

I nominate Roman von Ungern - Sternberg. He was a (ethnically German) cavalry officer in the Russian imperial army, who seemed to be filed with burning anger at everything and everyone from birth, and a desire at inflicting completely over the top horrific violence at anything that even mildly annoyed him. He served several years in the East of the empire in a unit of cossacks, until World War 1 broke out and they were sent to fight on both the Austrian and Turkish fronts. There he made himself famous for leading charges into the heat of battle, showing superb bravery/contemmpt of death, and getting pretty much every soldier under his command killed or crippled.
After the revolution and the German surrender, he headed back east to aid the white Russians in fighting the communists, before splitting off and deciding to conquer Mongolia (which was chinese at the time). He then had himself proclaimed the heir of Ghengis Khan and a literal god of war, and spent most of his time finding new and disgusting ways to execute communists, jews, political opponents and anyone who looked at him funny, Untill he lauched a mad assault on the new Red government and his men eventaully mutinied and turned him in to the Russians.

TL;DR he's an insane and ultraviolent cavalry officer that rode with the Cossacks, before taking over Mogolia and declaring himself Khan.
If you ever need an army of evil cavalry guys, he makes a great commander with delusions of grandeur.

John Hawkins had been a slave trader from his first voyage in 1555. In 1568 on his third voyage, in company with a young Francis Drake, his fleet was damaged in a storm and took refuge in a Spanish controlled harbour in Mexico where he was attacked by Spanish ships. He lost all but two ships in which he and Drake escaped, and both men were bent on revenge.

Citation, please.

if the nazis are the BBEG then is rommel the redeemable character?

>Turns out his message was just and good, but the delivery was harsh and without finesse