Ah need a monster to clobber that there kirby!
How can Veeky Forums help you today king dedede?
Have you thought about another Kirby?
truly the battle of kings. Whichever can open their mouth wider and swallow the other shall become the true king of dreamland.
A blank, and psyker. When he swallows them both, he will be divided by zero.
How about a minion that has the power of being completely loyal to King Dedede so that when Kirby absorbs it he becomes completely loyal to you?
>Try majin buu.
Nothing can stop this monster! No man alive has been able to resist it's siren call, Kirby will surely fall to it.
I hate how hard I laughed at this.
An owlbear wearing a bag of holding
Don't ask me how this is supposed to stop Kirby, it just does.
I fear they would just fuse into a super Kirby.
How many many minutes would it take for Kirby to kill a Tarrasque?
I'm guessing at most 3, maybe 4.
And more importantly what could beat Kirby after they swallow the Tarrasque and gains the powers?
Kirby is already a miniature Tarrasque,
>Fixed Shape (Ex): Sharns cannot polymorph themselves, shapechange themselves, or be changed in shape by others.
>Archetypal Shape (Ex): No other creatures can polymorph or shapechange them- selves (or anyone else) into a sharn’s shape, or anything approximating it.
Nasty buggers, too. Multiple spells per round (both arcane and divine), nine natural weapons, Perfect Multiweapon Fighting, regeneration from anything except lawful weapons, and "hex portals" that they can attack through.
It's funny because you think Kirby wouldn't just something else to get powers from or use one of the many legendary super weapons they've acquired to defeat it.
Not all things give Kirby powers, though, even in his own games.
But he can just spit the Blank at the Pysker.
Explain please.
>another Kirby?
Didn't they try this?
Kirby's never had to deal with owls or bears before. An owlbear would clobber him good.
Wat? He's karate chopped the earth in half to get cake.
>"Just don't look into it directly. It hates direct eye contact."
>"No, I don't know what it is, just that it will erase anything that makes direct eye contact with it from existence."
>"Just tell us where you want it to go and it will deal with your little pink problem."
>"Also you would have to sign this waiver saying that we are not to be held responsible for any deaths and/or missing persons that result from this contract."