For inspiration, backdrop art and general purposes I require art of spaceships, specifically their insides.
The bridge, CIC, engineering spaces, everything you guys have!
In return I have some Mcquarrie concept art.
Spaceship scenes ( bridges especially!)
I'm sure I had some around somewhere, have something modern in the meantime.
Cockpits okay?
Not a spaceship, but still a bridge.
This is a drawing one of my online friends made. Inspiration was vessels from a game we both playtested.
Cockpits are great, too!
Thanks everyone, keep 'em coming!
God these things are so fucking comfy.
I'm out.
I hope that with Ghost in the Shell and Blade Runner 2 it'll make cyberpunk a thing in Hollywood again and maybe, maybe, we get a good Neuromancer adaptation
>just dumping your beret on the control panel next to you
>military vessel
Cyberpunk + Hollywood = PEW PEW PEW with lasers instead of guns.
Good cyberpunk is about the technology and how it affects people's lives.
Tineye found two better version of this image, in case anyone wants it:
Right? That's what her epaulets are for.
>not optimal for cooking breakfast
>oh look he has a vent that pipes his farts out to where he sleeps.
>type: lower class
>has more space per person than any of the others.
Also has a cute af spiderbot. I wanna be lower class.
What you guys think about Orion's arm?
Why does the Empire simply NOT beleive in railings of any kind?
Has it ever been addressed? Like ever? Other than as a joke.
I mean the crew pit is one thing, but you could at least put something up to stop the captain from pitching onto the gunnery officer when that Corvette suicide rams them amidships.
Are you sure that isn't the cute spiderbots room and he doesn't just have a pet human?
It's cool if you want to read up about theoretically possible technologies, but the stories are kind of meh. They should get more stuff written about the kinds of planetary-system scale buildings built up by the archailects.
No one is cooking food there. At all. They are buying it from the Spee-D-Hut on the way home from their triple shift.
retoasting cool stuff
goddamn, no wonder they never had anything larger than a cruiser.
Four stripes on a sleeve, she can leave a coffee cup, a dildo and a box full of hats on the console if she wanted to.
Any spaceships with wood flooring/marble sculptors? I'm really into that kind of stuff.
what the fuck are those ships? they are not penis shaped........
I think that's the cover for Basilisk Station, the first book, so it's possible that how they were supposed to look hadn't filtered to the artist yet.
Fuck I wish I lived in the Culture.
Maybe the soles of their boots are magnetised so they can't fall over?
So they just snap their ankles?
It probably keeps the officers on thier toes knowing that, at any moment, they could be sent pinwheeling arse over tit into the crew pit.
The empire selects officers based on balance, not competence?
That explains a lot.
Not on board a ship or anything, but I think this Ops room with the directing gallery above it is pretty rad
I might steal an idea like this for my Rogue Trader bridge. I've been trying to find good art for a fuck-huge Gothic bridge.
Have you ever worked out the cost of putting railings in?
Cheaper to suck up a few court battles than install safety railings everywhere. Plus anyone important is a fucking Jedi, Jedi don't give no shit about gravity or friction
nopeit's the cover of the one where she captains a bunch of cargo ships retrofitted to missile pods for pirate hunting.
the warships are double-dildo shaped, that one is supposed to look like a cargo ship
What is that map even of? The more I look at it, the more confused I am.
Looks like Normandy flipped upside down, the top of the image is Southwards.
Every time these get posted I notice more and more stupid shit in them. Whoever made these has no fucking concept of architecture or living space design.
They're fucking awful and I wish idiots would stop getting so enamored with how technically competent the artist is to see the designs for how completely fucking stupid they are.
It's not that we don't notice, it's that we don't *care*.
Fantasy and science fiction art is filled with gratuitous violations of practicality, architecture, and basic safety. Nobody gives a shit, because what we actually care about are those sweet A E S T H E T I C S.
I bet you never lived in an apartment that you paid for.
>muh fantasy
>muh aesthetics
Kill yourself.
And your taste in aesthetics are shit.
Oh I do, faggot. And not only that but I live in a one person, one room rabbit hutch of an apartment that I pay way too much for and is far better designed and makes better use of space than that artist could ever dream of comprehending.
Fantastic stuff. Just the A E S T H E T I C I want for a Stars Without Number game I'm thinking of running.
>Everyone get a load of this angry guy trying to trash this cozy thread.
Who hurt you user?
>call out bad design for being bad design
Shitty art and people with shitty taste hurt me user. They hurt me deeply. I should have never expected better from anyone.
Anyone have the images of the bridges from infinite Space?
What about the designs are bad?
Terrible use of space, awful ergonomics, zero thought put into the actual use and layout, one of them even has a fucking computer terminal in a passageway and a bedroom that's only accessible by passing THROUGH a bathroom.
For fucks sake user, use your eyes and your common sense.
I feel like these are from larger worldbuilding project or samat. can anybody help me out here?
Enlighten us user, what designs appeal to your patrician tastes?
This is an interesting point. I love me some aesthetics but at the same time once I've noticed something like that bathroom thing you pointed out its kind of ruined for me.
Having said that I feel like (as someone who tries to design the layouts for castles and spaceships and the like.) Frequently that common sense type stuff can be the hardest to actually notice. (though maybe its just me being an amateur)
The mundane day to day stuff is the hardest to research/figure out.
>pic somewhat related
Man I love the way Sidonea feels. such an enjoyable Sci-fi Setting.
I giggle like a goddamn schoolgirl every time I read this one.
I'm not sure. The only one I think looks particularly derpy is the one, due to the tight corridors, the terminal, and the bathroom-bedroom issue.
The other ones don't look too far off from a standard dorm/hotel room. Maybe not perfectly ergonomic, but then I've seen some far more questionable architecture in the real world.