40k just ends with Necrons vs Tyranids doesn't it? All sentient and mortal races succumb to Chaos, Orks, entropy...

40k just ends with Necrons vs Tyranids doesn't it? All sentient and mortal races succumb to Chaos, Orks, entropy, but Chaos can't do shit to Tyranids and Necrons.

Robin Cruddace nerfs Tyranids once again. A single gaunt is now 1500 points, BS1, WS1, W1, I1, S1, A1, Sv-. Tyranid warriors 4000 point superheavies, BS2, WS2, W2, I2, A2, Sv6+, Hive Tyrants are 100,000 points, BS3, WS3, W3, I3, A3.

Everything can kill tyranids now, even a guardsman in CC.

Necrons win.

But can (or would) Tyranids and Necrons do shit to each other?

40k ends when people stop buying GW's bullshit not a second before, and don't you dare think they wont pull a rabbit out of their ass to add to the clusterfuck and compete with the Necrons and Tyranids if they think someone will buy it .

It's heavily skewed against the Nids there.

>cant evolve proof against gauss weaponry
>tomb worlds are lifeless already
>necron self-repair BS and metal bodies are resistant to biological weapons

I doubt a full necron force could drive a hive fleet from a planet. But pound for pound necrons would inflict hideous damage while robbing the nids of dead to reclaim. A running battle would drain the hive of resources

I think more importantly, the Nids wouldn't have any reason to attack the Necrons, would the Necrons have any reason to fight the Nids though?

Necrons can convert Tyranids into new Necrons

Tyranids cannot convert Necrons into new Tyranids

Tyranids lose. Next.

>would the Necrons have any reason to fight the Nids though?

If you haven't read the necron codex lore, then you have no business being here.

Silent king returning and uniting all necrons WHEN?

>but Chaos can't do shit to Tyranids and Necrons.
Why the hell not?

No presence in the warp is my guess?

>Nids will eat even a bloodthirster
>necron pylons. Make the matereum great again

Tyranids can be spotted by the loud buzz they make in the warp, what Imperial psycher call "a shadow across the warp."

Necrons though don't have that.

If humanity is dead then most of the galaxy is now like the Eye of Terror. Neither Crons nor Nids could survive in that for long if Chaos wished it.

Chaos wrecks the Tyranids and Necrons regardless.

Also is going to destroy all of reality. Necrons and Tyranids inside the galaxy will dissolve into nothing when the walls of reality finally break.

>a bloodthirster
Demons have no biomass.

>necron pylons
Necrons anti-warp tech have wildly different levels of success in the fluff. It could just be that the tech that made the cadian pylons for example is lost to time.

>>Nids will eat even a bloodthirster

Tyranids who eat daemon flesh, die.
Also Tyranids avoid eating tainted flesh.

>Necron Pylons

The Newcron have no plan to seal the warp or combat the Warp. This was solely Oldcron lore.

Newcron anti-warp tech has been overcome before because they are fragile devices and require a ton of energy to use.

The Cadian Pylons present a glaring plothole in the fluff. If they are anti-warp, then how come daemons can manifest on Cadia and sorcery both Imperial and chaotic can be used with no issue?

Going by what we know about Necron null tech :

1-They make it really difficult for daemons to manifest and for psykers to use their abilities, if not shutting them down completely
2-They obscure the Golden Light of Terra
3-They cripple warp engines, making it impossible to warp travel
Among other things.

The Cadian pylons don't show any of this.

>If they are anti-warp
They're not anti-warp they're pro-reality. It was the Oldcron C'tans way of fighting back. Blanks were a secondary thing for the pariahs.

make Tyranids build a wall around the Galaxy

There are similar necron structures to the pylons in the Ghoul Stars. They are said to be anathema to daemons. They suck warp energy out of anything nearby.

The greater daemon who went there couldn't manifest on the planet that had them so he possessed a cultists to circumvent this.

>Chaos can't do shit to Tyranids and Necrons.

But it can.
It can dissolve reality, destroying time and space and therefore Necrons and Tyranids.

If humanity is dead chaos is also dead. More or less.

Chaos gains power from the thoughts of sentient beings. Thanks to the xenocide thing, humanity is the bulk of sentient beings in the galaxy. The next biggest race are the Tau and they're barely present in the warp.

Chaos as a whole is lot like Tzeentch, yknow, how he has to keep scheming constantly because thats his nature but if he ever actually won he'd be fucked because he wouldnt need to scheme anymore.

Chaos has to continually attempt to corrupt and destroy humanity. But if they ever won - really won - the galaxy would be the eye of terror for like a week before it all collapsed in on itself.

Chaos would survive as it is beyond time.

>Chaos would survive as it is beyond time.


That's a weird way of putting it. Can i assume you're also this guy: ? With some really weird fixation on the ultimate powers of 'space und time'?

If Chaos is so totally beyond time how are chaos gods born in a very clear timeline? We know when Slaanesh was born. What is born, can die. If it has a beginning, it has an end.

And i did specify chaos is dead 'more or less'. Yes, chaos itself IS going to 'survive'. As long as there is even a fraction of thought in the galaxy, there's going to be something left of chaos. And no matter how bad it gets, something will probably be left. But there's not going to be a swarming eye of terror when 99.9999% of the creature giving them their power are dead.

If the universe gets to the point where Necrons and the Hivefleets are the only real players anymore, Chaos is essentially out of the game too. At best it gets to wait a couple of billion years for some corruptible new species to rise up. And then probably some new chaos gods spawn, since the old ones have probably starved to death.

I just want the Old Ones to return.

space lizards when?

>That's a weird way of putting it.

Not really. The rulebook out and out says that Chaos will destroy all space and time and that in the end the only thing remaining will be Chaos.

>If Chaos is so totally beyond time how are chaos gods born in a very clear timeline?

They're not.
In the example of Slaanesh the effect of the birth ruptured into physical space at that time, but Slaanesh had always existed.

>Yes, chaos itself IS going to 'survive'. As long as there is even a fraction of thought in the galaxy

They'll be around whether the galaxy is or is not. There are other galaxies and other universes. Chaos is a multiversal threat.

>Necrons notice Tyranids winning
>decide to hit the snooze button on reawakening
>Tyranids ignore tomb worlds because robots
>old man robots awake to a dead galaxy to convert into robot retirement homes
>also the warp finally fucking settles down

I seriously doubt that, user. If chaos hasn't been able to do that with an entire galaxy's worth of humans feeding it with psychic energy, then it's not going to happen after humanity has been decimated by tyranid/necron/ork invasions. It's okay to have headcanon but you shouldn't pass it as canon truth.

>All sentient and mortal races succumb to Chaos, Orks, entropy
look at fuckin' OP the Chaos Marine here.

'nid accid eats Necrons just fine.
With the bonus of not keeping anything behind for regeneration.

>I seriously doubt that, user.

To be frank I do not care about your opinion.
The canon is what I care about and Chaos is said to be capable of destroying the galaxy and everyone in it and surviving that destruction.

'Nids ate several galaxies already. The hive mind does not seem to care much about chaos.

Did Chaos tell you that? You know they lie, right?


Chaosfags, ladies and gentleman.

>The hive mind does not seem to care much about chaos.

The Tyranids avoid Warpstorms like the plague. It does care.

>'Nids ate several galaxies already.

That's your headcanon and I guess you'll stick to it, but GW certainly haven't been giving us that much detail.

GW says so.

Not even a Chaosfag. I'm just telling you what canon says.
Denying this is like denying Ultramarines are blue.

Not him.

The lore says that. In the main rulebooks since 3th ED.

A butthurt faggot everyone. Gets triggered at being told the fluff.

>but GW certainly haven't been giving us that much detail.

It did, you moron. The 5th ED main rulebook says that the Tyranids left behind 12 dead galaxies.

Fucking chaosfags. You make necronfags look reasonable.

I'm just saying you shouldn't spread your headcanon as the official canon, especially when it fails even basic logic, is all.

It's not "headcanon" it's canon.

In your head.

Again, not him. I can confirm what he said is in every main rulebook since 3th ED. One of these days I make a completion of them all. So where do you get off saying it's headcanon?

No, in fluff rulebooks.

Quotes? Who's the narrator when they say Chaos will win and is immortal?

Omniscient Narrator. Picture related. This quote is in EVERY main rulebook since 3th ED. Now apologize.

Yeah. For about fifteen minutes. After which point, given that all humans will be dead, Chaos will lapse back into dormancy and be effectively dead until some other species comes along.

Not him but you are a fucking moron

Interesting. This seems to imply that Chaos needs living humans as gateway or fuel to expand the Warp. In the scenario we're discussing, there are no more humans left only Tyranids and Necrons. So what then? Isn't Chaos barred from physical space?

Nice headcanon there but that isn't what the fluff says.

Nice "headcanon" friend.

That's obviously a fluff piece not a factual statement about the setting. I think you'd find this thread more to your liking >

Not him but you need fuel to run a car

Because I read?

>Now apologize.
Sure. Want me to give head to your cannon too?

No, that's not the scenario we are discussing. Look at OP. He implies that only Necrons and Tyranids will survive to duck it out. This won't happen as Chaos is the closet faction to its victory and the Necrons and Tyranids are aiding Chaos by weakening the Imperium.

In fact, the Leviathan is going straight to Terra. If somehow the Hive Fleet takes out Terra, then Chaos will flood the galaxy.

Chaos is not a car.
It is a timeless force.

Entropy means nothing is timeless.

A timeless force that needs sentient beings as fuel and as an in into the galaxy.

It's a statement about the setting. I like how you trying to weasel pathetically out being wrong.

And this guys denial is delicious.

But are the Chaos Gods? The Warp will always exist, I think that is pretty clear, but Chaos as a faction, with the Ruinous Powers and Daemons may not.

Not true. Time passes in the warp too, albeit differently.

Chaos is because it is beyond the physical universe.

>A timeless force that needs sentient beings as fuel

Wrong analogy. It needs them as gateways.

>But are the Chaos Gods?

Yes. As the warp is without time and Chaos is native to the warp they are also without time.

Everything born in the Warp is timeless and immortal. Source is the 2nd/3ED Eldar codex. Even if real space is destroyed, Chaos will persist.

Warp doesn't answer to time or space.

It's a movie trailer narrator drumming up interest, not a factual statement. Theres simply nothing indicating that this is GW's take on the canon. It's just hype.

Chaos derives its powers from the minds of mortals. That is at the very core of that faction.

If Chaos wins - truly wins - all mortals are dead.

They get the eye of terror shit. They get the monstrous nightmare reality. All the worst stuff the Empire fears happens, will happen. But eventually, everything is still dead.

So if Chaos wins, Chaos loses.

And this even matches up with Chaos' own damn theme of being its own worst enemy.

Find me the logical problem with this, and describe it to me in a way that can't be described as 'Chaos-Fag Says Nuh-Uh!'

>It's a movie trailer narrator drumming up interest, not a factual statement.

Prove it.

>Theres simply nothing indicating that this is GW's take on the canon.

Besides the fact that they wrote it and included it across several editions, as well as outright stating that Chaos is the greatest threat.

Nope, it's from the main rulebook in the section explaining the Emperor and his ties to humanity's psychic evolution which will be taken over by Chaos if he fails or dies.

This a fluff statement about the setting, like it or not.

Again, with the headcanon and opinion vs fluff.

By the way, with time destroyed, Chaos will spend an eternity in a limbo with trillion upon trillions of souls of the galaxy for them to torment ceaselessly. Everything being dead won't matter a single bit when time is frozen at the peak of Chaos's power.

>Chaos derives its powers from the minds of mortals.

And a common theme through cultures across the world is that the mind transcends the physical. Chaos transcends the physical too, being beings of pure psychic energy.

>So if Chaos wins, Chaos loses.

Nope. Chaos can exist without mortals. Mortals minds facilitated their creation but once they existed they will always exist.

So... If the Chaos Gods are immortal and timeless (which is weird, since wasn't it noted their powers sometimes waxed and waned in accordance to how mortal races are doing?) and can't die, they still have an issue with getting into realspace. Sure, the Eye of Terror can expand but could it expand beyond the galaxy into the void between galaxies with no sentient life there? Hive Fleets would survive there.
Necron Tomb Worlds could survive, but only if they bring ALL of the bullshit tech Necrons are said to have and play it fast and loose with the C'tan shards. That could set up the situation OP portrays as without any emotions left, the mega Eye of Terror stops expanding and maybe even shrinks enough for Nid v Necron stuff.

Putting a dramatic quote at the very beginning of a work is basic literary device, what's there left to prove.
That's your interpretation of a fluff piece, I don't agree, and I'm not going to hold it relevant to the discussion at hand.

Anyway, I think necrons are going to be the winners in the long run. They can go dormant while tyranid/ork hordes decimate humanity, which starves the chaos of psychic energy and eventually stills the warp. Then they can come out and mop up whatever remains if they feel like it or not.

OK, but how do beings like Khorne and the other Chaos Gods still exist? Things never change, which sucks for Mr. Just as Planned, Nurgle has no more Plaguebearer supplies and no great source of despair, Slaanesh loses their favorite topping of Eldar souls and eventually excess becomes too commonplace while Daemons, being psychic beings, have no blood and skulls for Khorne.

Necrons retreat to their basement universes and become cosmic-timescale NEETS, nids go towards those galaxies where orks can be found.

Chaos starts to die of sheer boredom and reset the universe to 41.900. Again.

>That's your interpretation of a fluff piece, I don't agree, and I'm not going to hold it relevant to the discussion at hand.

No, it's not. I provided actual fluff from the rulebooks, You spouted opinions and provided nothing. Clearly your part is lacking in the discussion.

Which is just common sense really. Hive Fleets, between invasions, can easily starve due to lack of biomass and move really slowly. A Hive Fleet could spend years trapped in a Warp Storm and lose so much Biomass they aren't a problem.
Really, I feel like compared to most other faction leaders/gods, the Hive Mind maybe the most sensible.

To be frank I do not care.

>Hive Fleets would survive there.

Sure, but what we're discussing is the galaxy.

>That could set up the situation OP portrays as without any emotions left, the mega Eye of Terror stops expanding and maybe even shrinks

Emotions are irrelevant at that stage. Space and time and matter has already been destroyed in the galaxy.

>Putting a dramatic quote at the very beginning of a work is basic literary device

It's not at the beginning.

>starves the chaos of psychic energy and eventually stills the warp.

That's not how it works.

>OK, but how do beings like Khorne and the other Chaos Gods still exist?

Because they exist beyond the physical universe. Space and time are destroyed but they're beyond all that.

When all physical universes are destroyed the Chaos Gods will continue to fight each other.

>trapped in a Warp Storm

Where it can be attacked by daemons or mutated by Chaos energy. Daemons given the chance will attack Tyranids. They have done so with glee in real space even, manifesting inside hive ships.

The problem here is that when Abaddon breaks down Cadia, the Eye of Terror will grow and grow until it covers all the galaxy.

You mean you conceded your defeat. Now let the informed talk about the fluff in peace without false accusations and tantrums.

Why do faggots always get triggered by Chaos fluff?
I can't count how many times I've seen Carnac wheel out the no space no time only Chaos fluff, yet every time some Tyranid/Necron/Ork faggot ends up spitting blood.

They cannot reconcile the fact that their factions are just side-show distractions for the main event.

Not that guy, but I think the whole attacked/have to be killed off so as to not affect the Hive Fleet thing is what he menat when he mentioned losing biomass.
What do daemons attack without glee? Like, seriously, daemons plunge in battle dick first, bar some Greater Daemons.
If the Eye of Terror covers the galaxy, then the Fleets outside the galaxy just head somewhere else, though will have to cannibalise each other to survive.

now this is autism
t. /int/

>tfw every chaosfag forgets that necrons don't follow the rules of neither space nor time
>tfw Orikan can just solo chaos in every timeline

Chaos can't even hurt Necrons.

Actually, Chaos has hurt the Necrons many and times.

The Warp screws Orikan predictions. Orikan meddling with time to fix it tends to cause greater disasters.

>apparently, he was able to predict the Fall of the Eldar, Horus Heresy, and the coming of the Tyranids sixty million years in advance
This guy must be Tzeentch favorite being in the entire galaxy right?
t. new to warhammer 40k lore

yeah he's some b.s.

source on that? I don't think that's true

Source on what?

Orikan predictions being screwed by the Warp? His codex entries in 5th Ed and 7th Ed.

Chaos screwing over Necrons? Daemon codex 6th ED and Necron codex 7th ED.

>source on that?

Codex Necrons.

>It's heavily skewed against the Nids there.
Through the power of fanboyism, anything is possible.


Proceeding with some speculative fanboyisms we can expect Black Library shitfags to pull out their asses:

>cant evolve proof against gauss weaponry
Of course they can, don't be stupid.
It's evolution, we don't have to explain shit.

>tomb worlds are lifeless already
Tyranids have been eating metal for at least two codices.

>necron self-repair BS and metal bodies are resistant to biological weapons
Metal-eating acid, bio-plasma, whatever else you want.

According to the Necron codex, there are millions of tomb worlds. Yes, many times as many tomb worlds as there are Imperial worlds. That makes a lot of necrons.

>The next biggest race are the Tau
Eldar and Orks would like a word with you.

>implying Tyranids are not the Old Ones desperate plan to Make Life Great Again
>they absorb and thus save every lifeform
>it's possible that they have a mechanism to re-create life
>Chaos is about emotions and thought
>if life returns, Chaos will return, too

And the Q'Orl would like a word with both of you.

you seem butthurt

>Tyranids have been eating metal for at least two codices.

Tyranids avoid dead worlds. They do not invade worlds for rocks. They want biomass.

Also according to "Words of the Silent King", Tyranids aren't interested in the Necrons and will only attack them if attacked or provoked. Also states that the Necrons are not fodder for the Hive fleets.

>It's evolution, we don't have to explain shit.

Proof it.

Necrons were the first foes encountered by the Tyranids. Despite of this, no evolutions came up to counter their weapons.

>Through the power of fanboyism, anything is possible.

It ain't fanboyism. Necrons hard counter the Tyranids.

Necrons control space and can blow up starts at will using their many superweapons.

Gauss and energy weapons of the Necrons leave no biomass behind. Necrons are not edible for the Tyranids, even worser still that eating living metal proved to be lethal in one case when the kroot who ate it got infected by a nanoscarab plague.

Also the most important part, attrition. The Tyranids suck at attrition vs enemies that can recycle their dead. The Necron don't just recycle their dead, they can convert dead Tyranids to new Necrons and warmachines while the Tyranids won't be able to do the same with their dead and destroyed Necrons.

If everything succumbs to orks why arent orks included in your ending? They are the most numerous race with dominance over the warp whenever gork and mork care enough to exert it.

Orks vs Nids is the end game.

Head cannon.