Pls no bully Orc!

Pls no bully Orc!

Other urls found in this thread:

>laughing elves
Fuckin xenos


Well, I won't bully, but can I offer some advice? White doesn't really match your skin tone. Brown, red, or orange would be a better choice.

I want to sweep that orc up in my arms, twirl her around and tell her she's beautiful.

What are you talking about, banter is a common orc pastime.

Bully the orc but be prepared to be bullied back.

Orcs in dresses thread?

Some can pull off-white off.

You and me both, user.



>When your dress is three sizes too small

Don't complain. It looks nice.

Of course not - do you take me for a barbarian?

now an elf on the other hand...

>not bullying orcs
>not bullying orcs sexually

She would look stunning in aquamarine, nephritis or teal, though. I mean, yeah, sure, white is the color of innocence and purity and all that, but it looks shit with such a deep and muddy green color.

>implying you aren't the orcs loving husband after defeating her in honorable combat
>implying you aren't raising your 15 warrior children with care and patience so one day they might serve the clan as warchief.

user confirmed for shit taste.

>orcish courtship is careful bullying
>no bully orc unless you mean it

how about this?

oo's a bully!?

Yes, very good, although not quite there yet. Plain aquamarine is not enough.
How about adding golden embroidery? Butterfly motif would look good, I presume.

I want to do lewd things to this orc, with the dress on.

>Half orcs are actually the result of human men bullying female orcs into submission
>Male orcs are too dumb to react to it and continue to hit each other over the head with a club like ''cavemen''

You's a git 'n yer theefs tiny.

>on a goddamned upright walking sapiant
the fuck was your god thinking, "I want a race that can never close it's fucking mouth, or run the risk of punching a hole through it's ;lips.
Tusks ,not even fangs what the hell is the point of that? did your god say well they don't look enough like boars already so let's slap some useless fucking teeth that will never stop growing and be generally uncomfortable.
Seriously what the fuck is up with tusks, why would any predatory species have tusks instead of fangs, or just ordinary canines? That shit must be awkward as fuck and from what i know is generally only used for competitions and self defense and god knows orks are not going to be using those tusks as effectively as fangs.

Hurr hurr... Das a guddun'

Well it's better than nothing but for fairness of comparison we should study her wearing nothing.

In my experience as a brown person, white can work fucking phenomenally, it really does simply depend on your bearing.
I have a white, 3 piece zoot suit, white fedora (with an ace of diamonds) and white Stacy Adams croc skins, that I occasionally mix up with dark shirts and vests with no jacket in summer, and I rock that shit.

She's gorgeous no matter what she's wearing.

I want to treat her like the lovely green queen she is.

The same reason we have wisdom teeth.
Used to have use for them, then they grew smaller when they evolved for more upright walking and kissing on the lips

Yous got no dakka, an' yous choppy iz weak like a 'umie GROT!

>>kissing on the lips

Same here, user. Same here.


Did it myself in the end.
Now all she needs is a proper crest on her midsection.





Today Veeky Forums helped an orc get dressed for a party.
Maybe not a crest, a belt maybe?

He's got a wedding ring so it isn't weird, that's just what spouses do.

Yeah, well I want to court her into my bed, pump her full of some bastards, and leave town the next month.


Joke's on you nerd, that just means I can take care of her and her children while making some of our own. Forming a large, rich family of mercenaries and finding true happiness.

Found the bard.

I think it's just more like this but with a bit of an underbite.

big teef betta den small teef

But are you a green person?

She chose the wrong battlefield for her talents. Just like those elven socialites would get destroyed in an instant if they dared to enter physical combat against experts, she should not have expected mercy when she showed up inexperienced and underequipped in someone else's area of expertise.

I just want her to stop being sad.


Hot damn, that's a pretty dress!

Suddenly Veeky Forums is designing orc fashion, I like this.

Might have a ~~~new~~~ fetish for muscle girls in dresses

Wow, fucked up the strike through.

More! More orcs (and maybe barbarian girls) in pretty dresses!


>not posting the good ending

>Today Veeky Forums helped an orc get dressed for a party.

stuff like this is why I still occasionally come back here; fun little moments in amongst a seas of autistic screaming and saltiness.

Wish it could happen more often. I was never around for great moments when Veeky Forums got shit done because of how late I got in to tabletops.
Always hoping to catch or spark off something cool, especially a setting people made here.

The facepaint looks skyrimish, and in tes the orcs were originally elves until boethia ate their god trinimac and shat him out as the god of freaks and losers, cursing them in the process.

>That fucking image

fellow latecomer here user, sometimes you have to take the matter into your own hands.

chin up, maybe one time you'll be part of a thread that does something fun and unique

And some final minor additions.
I'm done.

[spoilers]I love it because I'm the kind of tool who would play a character like that[/spoilers]

beautiful user, just beautiful

[spoilers]gonna add a happy little sidequest now to any future campaign involving helping a orc lady woo the man she likes[/spoilers]

One day it shall happen.
Maybe soon, actually been looking for a new setting with my old group. Wonder how well a world building thread would do.

That is a well dressed orc

At a fancy party?

well tits

OK, sauce?

of course. I've had half a mind for a while now to include some of my knowledge of mughal india in a campaign setting; maybe something there. could be a lot of fun

This picture is now about a bashful orc girl who's not used to her newfound popularity.



bit extreme perhaps. he did the OP pic and the comic ending in a drawthread here.

Anyone have a link to the comic?

I'd say go for it, nothing to really lose

I just fucking gave it to you. That's it, that's the whole thing.

>bullying orc
>not being bullied by orc

You will never be bullied by your orcfu.

Spoon fed:

Only if she lets me bully her in the bedroom.

My bad, I though there were more than 2 pages to the comic.


Both pics were requests in the drawthread, that's why that's all that exists of it.




What a worthwhile thread

>TFW you never get to have a relationship with an Orc girl centered around out-dominating each other both in an out of the bedroom.

This is my ideal relationship. Basically two adults acting like kids over a petty competition that we know is petty, but we both have so much fun we don't care.

"ur a faget"

Would you a magical orc girl Veeky Forums?


it has been a long long time since Ive seen this DeviantArt pic



Hey now, having a rousing game of "Who's wearing the ball-gag" is hardly childish. I think it's a fun game for the bedroom.


BONER NO. We've already made enough spaghetti as it is over the new Vanille. We don't need a new fetish until at least later today.

would marry/10




Orc girls a cute