Chapter Master General

Last time on /cmg/ we talked about pretty much nothing and watched as Perturabo led the Iron Warriors legion to their doom.

So Veeky Forums, should OP roll up World Eaters or Luna Wolves? Will bump with warhammer related art while we wait on a decision.

Or perhaps for a wildcard third option, some Blackshields?



Iron Warriors vs Imperial Fists, greatest legion vs legion grudge?

That's one for World Eaters! All votes closing in ten minutes.


Here we have the World Eaters legion stats so far.


Do the World Eaters even have a pre-heresy battlecry?

Oh well, this looks about right. Moving on

incoherent screaming?

Big angry papa himself.

Rolls off the tongue doesn't it?

The current sector, this one has something for everyone. Tyranids, Orks, and Tau! The world eaters will crush them all. Time to outfit the legion.

Lets say, melee weapons on everyone, shields and pistols. Ranged weapons only on destroyers?

Sounds good.

So begins the tedious process of equipping. One of the few downfalls of Chapter Master.

Are you playing a round of chapter master as well user?

actually it's 4am and I'm about to drop dead

Emperor bless you

Just warning you, melee weapons kind of suck in CM for mass combat.

You should start carving out a private empire immediately. Go gunning for one of those Forge Worlds near the north end of the map.

Watch these fuckers TRY and stop you.

Private hidden base for gene-vault, too.

Is it possible to maintain a recruiting world while Renegade?

Oh I'm well aware, melee builds are almost always gimped. It's slightly made up for, that I've given everyone stormshields and halo's. But I mean would world eaters have it any other way?

This sounds like a solid plan, I'll wait for the ships to finish building. If you look to the east, you'll see the space marine fleet. I'll take those five or six systems, make bases on the two dead worlds and take the forgeworld. After that we will simply raid. Do we take out the orks and tyranids? or let the system deteriorate so that our empire will flourish?

I'm not sure of the recruiting world thing. But we will find out!

It looks as if carving out an empire will be fairly easy, the nids already are rampaging throughout the system. Left unchecked, the orks and the tau will flood the system.

Then... we go hunting for artifacts across the system. Maybe we send a nice demonic artifact to the imperial governor...

Fuck the sector government. Your private empire will expand. A slow, steady push outward from your seat of power ought to do the job. Cleanse aliens, seize the system government, move on. If there's Imperial defense forces, engage and destroy from a position of strength.

You'll want to get as many Space Marines as you can.

Set all your Marines to boarders for space combat - you'll be dealing with local defense fleets and the Imperial Navy (not to mention everyone else) soon enough. Setting all your companies to board en masse and then shifting all of your marines onto your more durable frigates and Battle Barge will make you far less likely to suffer any otherwise-unavoidable casualties in space combat.


Very well, let's see if we can take the whole system.
The fleet is five battle barges strong, with fifteen strike cruisers as well. I believe we can handle anything short of a black crusade fleet without catastrophic loss of ships. Although I do have everyone set to board. Boarding is simply too good not to use.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you need to bombard a planet before you take it over, to clear out population and planetary defense forces?

Lets start churning out some marines.

Are you able to convert wholly to Chaos in Chapter Master?

Now does anyone know if there is a cap on marine recruitment? We are also now recruiting from five planets within the area of the sector that composes our empire.

In the Emperor's name! How the hell did you get Five Battle Barges, and that much Requisition!?!

One of the very last updates that Duke worked on allows you to basically get there. You meet a renegade chaos lord and through certain circumstances he will offer to let you join, then provide you an artifact that you must us at a chapter gathering which will convert you to chaos. Sadly scheduling chapter events doesn't really work, so you can get up to the point I believe. But you cannot accomplish it.

Chaos engine magic brother.

This prioress.... something... somethings off.

Now we may begin doubling our gene-seed!

Now Veeky Forums I ask you, what sweet additions does our secret lair need?

Eventually, you start getting bugs where some marines disappear to make room for more. It seems to be based by company, not overall count.

You hacked the raws? I'm confused and wish to acquire your knowledge.

It would be interesting if, after your chapter converted to Chaos, one of the major Space Marine Chapters/Huge Imperial Fleet entered the Quadrant to purge you.


Maybe I can avoid this by keeping the promotion cycle going? Moving marines from company to company and then finally to honor guard?

You simply do some digging in cheat engine, I'll post a image and a description in a moment. For Knowledge is power.

Step one, get cheat engine, after you open cheat engine click the glowing icon. It will show you a list of processes. Find interstellar army simulator or your chapter master exe. Look at this image

Make sure that you are running Chapter master. Now, set the values in the boxes that you see in this second image. You want to search for whatever your current requisition value is. So if it's 500, search for 500. Now after the search you should see a group of numbers on the left most of them 500. Now go into chapter master and spend some requisition. Now tab back to cheat engine. One of the values should now be red, noting that it has changed. That should be your requisition value. Right click it, and select change value at this address. Boom, any amount you like.

Well Veeky Forums the fleet is assembled, the crew equipped and loaded. So, do we shoot down every imperial fleet in this arm of the system, or do we take the worlds first and then declare out hostile intent?


Well, I discovered it because when I put too many marines in my honor guard, I suddenly started losing Librarians and a few Chaplains.

So eventually you will hit a bottleneck as all companies swell to bursting as well as your HQ, but you can put it off for a long while

We now own seven planets, a forge world included. We are recruiting from these worlds as well. Defenses on each planet are also at maximum. Now, as our empire spreads so does the Tau.

The greenskin and tyranid threats are evident, but dormant. I'm not sure whether to jump to the neighboring system and start colonizing, or wiping out the imperial fleet and defense forces nearby.


Do you remember what number it was that your company's could achieve maximum?

Next home base addition? Perhaps some exotic xenos narcotics. Or a kick-ass swimming pool?

Swimming Pool! Straight under the Throne, cuz we're pimpin'!

I don't remember the exact numbers (since I usually promote in batches and don't pick out individual limits) but I know I can get to about 285 or so per company or the HQ in total before I start running into problems. I don't know how vehicles affect the equation, as I ditch mine fairly early when I Start swelling my companies. I can experiment a little see when problems develop. A few minutes please.

You are doing the emperors work user. Thank you! I ditch mine as well.
Ask and ye shall be swimmin'

Based on some VERY quick and sloppy experiments, I run into problems on pure marine numbers at 300 for a company, and 200 for the combined numbers of the HQ.

Vehicles seem to be counted seperately. I can toe the line with my ultrabig 4th company and crank out Rhinos for it without apparent difficulty.

I'll keep that in mind, make sure that I don't go over and start to lose marines. Does Honor guard count as HQ?

Take the worlds first. The fleet will brush aside enemy resistance as you take worlds.

It shall be done, The World Eaters fleet moves to take the nearby self contained system of Knowhere

Meanwhile in a dark corner of the sector....

It looks like Knowhere is infested with tyranids. Time to test out mass melee vs NIDS. TAKING ALL BETS

Let me ask you this: do these 'Nids have a throne with a pool? They don't. WE'VE GOT THIS!

Luckily just a slight genestealer infestation

Welp boys, we've hit full on renegade levels. One planet too many taken. Let's see what happens.

The good news is I was able to maintain all my recruiting worlds

Oh well, if Angron is going to be a chaos lord, he needs a daemon blade...

Yes, honor guard is definitely HQ.

Well everytime I engage an imperial fleet with boarders activated the game crashes. I think I'm going to call a wash on this play through. Is anyone else running a game?

If you go into 'Chapter Settings' you can change the equipment of all your tacs/assaults/whatever at the same time.