The plan to go with both /vp/ and Veeky Forums is pretty much a go. Both sides agree it will be a fun dynamic and now we're just waiting for a formal invitation from /vp/ now that the board has slowed down a bit in night hours.
Veeky Forums Winter Ball Discussion Thread
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Did we formally accept Veeky Forums? Did we give them a gift?
We have accepted them but not formally with a thread, though they know what the plan is 100%. We have not given them a gift yet. Things are just getting finalized and we're really waiting on /vp/, who insisted they ask us this year to show how much they love us, to formally ask us to the dance.
I suppose writing something about Teej talking to Herodotus / whatever their -tan is going to be and Vanille wouldn't be out of the question?
I like Veeky Forums a lot more than /vp/ but at least it's better than last year (or two years ago?) where we went with /x/. Freaking bitches be crazy
I believe they have /her/odotus, a living marble statue of an old ass roman dude and Veeky Forumstoria, a loli who spouts bullshit history facts and is constantly corrected by /her/odutus.
We went with /vp/ and /x/ last year, or the year before that. /x/ was our first date a long while back, but some things happened. There was a big fallout.
/vp/ and Veeky Forums made great stuff, last year.
From what I've seen on their thread, it's supposedly up in the air between Ghost girl, some female -tan, and Herodotus / Historia. It's up in the air.
I've never been to /vp/ but do they think Grass types are useless as shit?
I need to know if other people share my opinion.
Grass type IS useless as shit.
Depends on the specific Pokemon user. As a whole, grass is a shit typing yeah but there are a few exceptions. Serperior is a fucking monster and Ferrothorn is one of the best tanks in the game.
also venusaur is just king bulk of bulkyland.
Can someone explain this to a newfag?
Oh good, I'm not alone.
What the general consensus on Steel and Water Pokemon?
>What is the Winter Ball?
The Winter Ball is a crossboarding event where boards partner up, celebrate their board’s autism by creating OC through their board tans, and find common interests. At the end we all come together to a plugdj room to share meme music and funpost in the chat.
Our board (with /vp/ and /x/) ultimately led the event as it spiraled into chaos last year so I expect with our energy this time around we’ll have great success!
Sounds fun. When's it happening?
Steel is one of the best defensive typings for sure
Water has shitloads of mons and is super versatile (and scald is broken as fuck)
You don't actually browse /vp/, do you
A date hasn't been set yet but its looking to be somewhere between mid December to early January.
I agree with this user completely, though with the burn nerf Scald isn't as broken as it was. Still really good though.
Does Veeky Forums have a female tan? I think I remember an user making one a few threads back.
Not at the moment no.
user please you have no idea what you're starting. The shitposter will come back and ruin another thread.
*glances around nervously*
look up the last thread in the archive and scroll around the bottom. You'll understand.
In my Veeky Forums?
Surely not!
Ah, I see what you mean. If the general consensus is that things should stay the same, then I'm none to argue.
>*glances around nervously*
Please do not do this.
>old ass roman dude
Jesus fuck, end yourself.
I'm sorry user. I don't know jack shit about history. Fuck I barely remember what I had for breakfast yesterday.
H-hey Veeky Forums y-you're looking good today.
Oh me? I'm just here to give you this.
Y-you don't have to read it or anything if you don't want to. Faggot.
Aww. /vp/. You never cease to amaze me with how motherfucking cute your tans are. I don't speak for the entirety of the board but I for one would love to go with you again, so long as our buddy Veeky Forums here can tag along. I think he has a granddaughter around Viol's age so he isn't left out.
I'm not sure if we've talked about Veeky Forums really yet. People have been waiting for Veeky Forums to make a move, and now most people are dead once they gave us the invite picture. I don't think anyone objected though, but I don't want to speak for anyone if they're unsure about the arrangements of who gets who. I know we were wondering if Veeky Forums figured out their tan situation and what their plans are yet.
pls let us know your official answer soon, we'll be waiting. Faggot.
Almost the entire population of people who give a fuck about the winter ball have agreed to take /vp/ as our main date. Final dance, kiss at the end of the night, all that jazz. Veeky Forums is tagging along mostly as a bro with us with a chance of massive Roman orgy.
You have to do right by /vp/, you can't just say "yes". Use those roleplay skills and those charisma points.
Oh I know. We won't let you down /vp/. Just thought I'd let you know the current 's and clarify some things/set aside some worries.
thanks for lookin out bby
Dear /vp/,
In the interest of not starting any drama, I request that you either get your facts straight on what happened or don't include us in this story at all. An otherwise good piece of writefaggotry was detracted because of the author's hate boner for a certain board that he had to insert and make said board seem as bad as possible. So to reiterate, to avoid the drama, please either get the real events or don't include it at all.
With best regards,
P.S. Good luck with Veeky Forums
absolutely yes
You heard him Veeky Forums. Let's get those creativity caps on start making a response. Should we respond in story form as a direct continuation of their story from Teej's perspective? Perhaps we take a different route and write them a bardic ballad? Maybe we get lucky and a drawfag is generous enough to make a comic, oraybe we just continue our work on the grappling compendium from last year.
Turn on your cybernetic implants and chant your spell's because we've got a bitchin response to make.
> /her/odotus, a living marble statue of an old ass roman dude
Veeky Forums, it's like you want us to renounce our invitation.
As a Kekist, I must witness these repeating numbers and give my Lord Kek thanks for this blessing. Please do not be alarmed, this is merely my culture and Kekism is a religion of peace. Now, back to your regular discussion.
From what I've gathered, both Veeky Forums and /vp/ have agreed to go with us. This is officially a group date between Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and /vp/, with Veeky Forums having asked both of the ither boards out. /vp/ sent us a short story which I am in the process of reading, but I'm assuming they're also asking out both the other boards.
Do i have everything correct so far? It seems like we're going to say yes to ths menage a trois.
Almost. /vp/ is asking us and us alone. Veeky Forums is asking them if they can join, a fact that is all but confirmed. The way it is looking right now is that Teej is taking Vanille and Veeky Forumstoria wishes to go with Viol. Herodotus is gonna bro it up with Teej as we try to help him get better integrated in the house and possibly have a huge Roman orgy with everyone involved.
Ah don't fret lad.
All's forgiven.
I... had an idea a while back. It wasn't all that great, but it might work.
This is an online Pokémon battle simulator that's pretty much the greatest bootlegged Pokémon battle stadium ever, letting you have competitive battles with your friends, so long as both of you have internet, a computer, and an account.
My original idea was to create a tabletop rpg that used this to resolve all battles, but it seemed too Vidya for Veeky Forums. It might work now though as a gift to /vp/
Alternatively, why don't we ask them to build a team, we do the same, and we ask them through a Pokémon battle.
user you are a god damn genius! While the Pokemon tabletop idea will be a great present for right before the dance, the Pokemon battle will work perfectly well! As it just so happens I play quite a bit of Pokemon myself. I'd be happy and honored to take the mantle of challenger.
i think thats a fine idea.
We already have half the team canonically made. The other three would have to be voted and decided upon.
So far we have
>Dyce the Sableye
>Screech the Crobat
>Sir Bearing on the Ursaring.
I'd expect nothing less from the guy who made the Calvin and Hobbes RPG. When's the next iteration gonna come out anyway? The thread you published it in didn't get nearly the attention it deserved.
I cast my vote for a Golurk named Golem 6b and a Leopard named Commissar Mittens.
We. Need. Aegislash.
I think our final three should be
>Mega Gallade
>Implying we're not going to name it Cat-o Sicarius instead.
I agree with this user on the final 3. We'd be stupid not to have Aegislash and Gallade. Golem 6b is also a well known story and Golurk could also represent our love of stealing from ancient cultures.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves guys. We need to discuss this with /vp/. A Pokemon battle requires 2 people and we'll need to be synched up both time-wise and tier wise. I think we should ask them to make a team they feel represents their board as a whole instead of just facing a cookie cutter OU team and getting our shit pushed in.
Granted cookie cutter OU could very well be their decision as to what team they build. At least they'll have discussed smashing us into the ground.
Probably within the next week. I've got some friends working on some peer review for it right now.
We should offer /vp/ the chance to choose the format of the battle. There's as many ways to have a Pokémon battle as there is to play M:tG.
Also, I request the game be live-streamed and recorded. A small part of me hopes /vp/ goes crazy with Showdown and creates the Veeky Forums Poke-cup. This would be fun.
Do you think this idea has garnered enough traction to be posted in their thread? I don't wish to make the request until we are sure this is the course of action we want to take.
Unfortunately I'll have to pass my mantle on to someone else as my computer is way too shitty to stream and record.
Pls no.
Why not? He's the ultimate knight. he's perfect for us! He even a bad ass cape.
I'm all for it, but I think we should wait until the Veeky Forums-/vp/ arrangements are made.
It is possible to have a 1v1v1 pokemon match right? At least in the cardgame it it.
Let's have a few hours to discuss, then when we have the consensus let's make the request. Then the discussion becomes one of
A) Polling to find the right person to play for our board.
B) waiting for /vp/ to decide on gameplay so we can theory craft the game
C) homebrewing the RPG. Should be simple enough if I think about it... just take the existing Pokémon RPG, gut anything to do with battles, and work on an analogue system to allow EXP in the RPG to let you level your Pokémon in Showdown. The rest is guides for the GM to create "Balanced" Pokémon battles and award EXP and items, while making it enjoyable for multiple players.
Nope, not in the vidya, or in Showdown. It's strictly 1v1.
What about Garchomp?
If we're having a Dragon on our team, it had better be a female Hydreigon named Tiamat.
Alright that sounds like a plan.
I do think we should save the RPG system for a later gift. Perhaps right before the dance instead of rushing it out as a gift for the response. This gives us time to put a good amount of effort into it and make something awesome.
>Not taking the most traditional looking dragon Salamence
I'd say escavalier, but that's one for Veeky Forums
Exactly, which is why I think we should start working on it ASAP, knowing Veeky Forums's current track record for projects of this sort.
We don't get shit done as much anymore.
You mean this?
Oh fuck yeah Salamence is good.
So how about
>Sableye (maybe mega)
>Gallade (maybe mega)
>Salamence (maybe mega)
All in all I feel it's a pretty good team and covers most of our bases both flavor and mechanics-wise.
Oh, and Aggron.
Call him siege rhino.
I know of one system we can gut and that's Pokemon Tabletop United, an updated and much more balanced version of Pokemon Tabletop Adventures.
It shouldnt be too hard to scoop out the catching mechanics and cut out the combat. Plus it gives us room for classes for the trainers to be.
I meant Rhyperior.
This will probably change according to the methods /vp/ wants to play by. Perhaps when we ask we should ask for an advisor from /vp/ to come assist us when we make the request?
Eh. Maybe as one stored in the box but I don't see it on his main team.
I think has the right idea.
If we're going with His, I think it's a good time to bring back Tiji. It might even make more sense to focus on her this year, and leave male Veeky Forums for next year.
That's probably be a good idea. We have a few trainers in here but he help of a master is sure to guide us down the right path. Let's just hope Showdown doesn't shut down to add in the new mona from the new game like it did last generation.
no one respond to the thing you know you shouldn't respond to.
We already had a large discussion about this in the last thread and even had a poll. The results were that Teej is going to be used this year and 83% of people don't want two tans.
Of course even if we did it would be poor form and unfair to the dates we already have to introduce Tiji just before a large event like the ball.
Oh, you're terrible.
Don't start playing the whole "anyone who wants to change anything is a shitposter" game again. You did that last year, and the year before that, and the year before that.
Let people have their fun and try out new things.
That's stupid. The poll had only eighteen people say anything, so there's no real point in trying to pretend it was any major consensus.
You really need to stop using all these "tricks" to try and get your way, when all you're doing is hiding the way this thing works.
It's not a democracy. No one needs to listen to idea guys. There's no such thing as a general consensus. It's just people making stuff and having fun, and all you seem to want to do is stop people from making stuff and having fun.
There's nothing "unfair" about switching to Tiji this year, and it makes a lot mores sense if we're going with a board who's main board-tan is male.
Why all this open hostility all the time? You guys are awful.
Speaking of getting back to /vp/, we still haven't formally responded to Veeky Forums at all either. Any ideas for cool shit we can do for them?
>no one needs to listen to idea guys
>says the person trying to spitball a change in tans
You heard it from the source, lads. No need to listen to shitpost-kun anymore.
I didn't think /vp/ would participate this year, with Sun/Moon coming out like next week. I know I'll be playing for a disgusting amount of hours. I'm glad they do, though.
What is wrong with you?
No one needs to listen to your post either.
If people want a female Veeky Forums, you should stop going to such lengths to stop them like arguing that anyone who wants to try is a shitposter.
You're practically evil. Could you imagine if the other boards had to deal with people like you? Always trying to anyone from doing anything aside from sticking to your personal head canon?
Maybe ask historical wargames general?
I was thinking we could make a campaign setting where a bunch of famous historical figures are ressurected and brought to a medieval/feudal setting to defeat a great and evil Sorcerer. You play as a historical figure of your choosing and venture across this strange yet familiar land solving problems and occasionally killing shit.
No, fuck you. Stop trying to treat Tiji like it's a problem issue. You did that last year and scared away all the drawfags, and now it sounds like you want to do the same thing this year.
>Could you imagine if the other boards had to deal with people like you?
I'm just visiting your board, but there are heaps of those people in every board
cunts will be cunts
loving Veeky Forums so far
Its got to be rasputin
he always pops up in the weirdest places.
We try our best.
>If people want a female Veeky Forums
But they don't, the popular vote is against you.
>Neckbearded dragon
Why not?
The big isssue is that Tiji hasn't even really been settled down yet, because last year a few people got really upset about the whole idea for some reason.
It's probably going to take some time to actually get the character built up, which also means we need a lot of drawfags hyped up and interested again.
Please, don't try to ruin this again this year. I really liked what was starting last year, and it's really unfair to just try and steer people away from it when it hasn't even started yet and we haven't seen just how good an idea it might be. In fact, just judging from last year's work, it's a really great idea, and I'd love to see more of it explored.
Isn't there a Pathfinder Adventure where you have to go to Earth during WW1 and kill Rasputin?
I vote that the evil sorcerer is Rasputin's brain in a jar and that he's actually an incredibly powerful psionic. The final boss is the brain controlling a massive magic-powered mech suit.
Sigh, I know you people enjoy your little ball because it makes up for nobody taking you to prom, but do we need to have this crap taking up space on the board every single year?
This isn't relevant to Veeky Forums. Can't the ball have its own place to set these things up instead of infecting all the boards?