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Anyone have links for Fiasco? It seems the link given in the Da Archive is broken - it just said there were no files uploaded in that folder.
I'm specifically looking for the expansions (American Disasters and Run, Fools, Run).
Anyone got any links for that Witcher RPG translation some anons were trying to do some months back?
does someone have "tales of blade and heroes"?
Im looking for the last pathfinder releases
"Fightin' Fungi" anyone ?
I've been binging Three Kingdoms 2010 recently.
Are there any good RPG's set in the Three Kingdoms period?
Pinging for Arrow of Indra
Anybody got the Walker in the Wastes CoC campaign?
Just wanted to say that OP and da Guru of Mages rock!! Keep it up, gents!
Also, my holy grail is Mysteries of the Unknown by Usborne publishing, 1977. Not an rpg - just an old kid's book about history's mysteries.
The Zero Xaoc Collection is apparently empty?
Does anyone have any Fantasy Age pdfs? Like the bestiary or Encounters, I already have the basic rulebook.
Requesting Mutants & Masterminds. Will trade for Quill.
check the archive before requesting bro ...
Can i have most if not all of the Knight of the dinner table comics? there's like 132 collection of comics.
I cant for the life of me remember what this game is called... its about a prison ship or something- with demons and such. Anyone got a clue?
Or better yet, the pdf?
Well, I finally found the name: Abandon All Hope- Anyone happen to have it?
Thanks boss
Here's the critonomicon
And this is Double Cross, some people wanted that a while ago.
Does anyone have that rune magic system someone made a long time ago?
Does anyone have
Shadows of the Demon Lord;
Hunger in the Void
Borderlands of Tear
Tales of the Desolation
The Man Who Fell to Urth (Master)
If anyone has
FASA Crimson Skies: Aircraft Manual
FASA Crimson Skies: Pride of the Republic
FASA Crimson Skies: Wings over Manhattan
i would be grateful
Welp I don't have the expansions but I do have the rulebook for anybody who was interested
I also attached one of the sillier playsets I've found.
Doe anyone have a copy of Misty Island of the Eld by Hydra Publishings?
Fairly certain there was a link somewhere with the collected Cypher System games; Numenera and The Strange.
Check da archive, fampai
It's in Last Ringo's RPG Trove
At The Lord Admiral's Table
"A game of Edwardian social niceties & conversation gambits."
Topics of conversation include "anarchy at the bridge club," "that clever Herbert George Wells fellow," "The Irish Question," and "What we really think about the King."
Great if you're looking for a weird, goofy beer-and-pretzels game
Wondering if I'd be able to get the supplements for Fantasy Craft (the extra characters particularly)
Thanks either way for your contribution, fellas.
classes and spellbooks and other things of that sort on DriveThru. Tragically I'm not made of money or I'd buy them myself as I thoroughly enjoy the system.
anyone got the cypher rules system?
Anyone got a copy of the Bundle of Holding files which includes the Old School Revival Bundle
Jesus I saw that and at first I was wondering "What the fuck is Veeky Forums doing with a DA PAM pdf?..."
Then I read past DA and it made more sense.
Does anyone have the Primeval Thule 5e book?
Its in 5eg's troves under third party
What happened to all the "Zen and the Art of Mayhem" stuff?
Anyone have the Infinity artbook?
Humbly requesting a pdf of the Zodiac Empires player's guide that is compatible with 5e and Pathfinder?
Does anyone have the hi res Castle Ravenloft maps from DM's Guild?
/r/ more homebrews for CoC 7e. Something like "Things we left behind" or some shit.
bump for those
Anyone have the actual Against the Dark Yogi game, and not just the cards/GM screen?
Still looking for this, it's apparently called 'magic circles' and I found it on suptg, but it doesn't have the actual PDF.
Does suptg have a separate PDF directory? Because it's linking me to /archive//images
Any generous backer would like to share the latest preview package of 13th Age in Glorantha and the Glorantha sourcebook ?
I would like to get a complete set of CoC Britannica. Could anyone please share a complete set?
Looking for the CoC 7th ed play aids
Does anyone got the following pdfs and wouldn't mind sharing 'em?
Deadlands Classic - 20th Anniversary Edition Core Rulebook
Deadlands Reloaded - Good Intentions
Deadlands Reloaded - Stone and a Hard Place: The Tombstone Seven
Anyone have the Mistborn RPG supplements?
on the same line, what about the new Delta Green material? other then agent's handbook, is there anything else out?
I've got the ones from the recent humble bundle if you want any of those.
I missed that humble bundle, any chance you can share it?
You didn't miss it, it's still up, it's under book bundles.
It's still up.
If Someone could share the Skaa supplement as well that would be awesome. But I's take what i can get for now.
Sadly, I won't have disposable income until after it's ended.
Still on the hunt for a few of Mongoose's Judge Dredd Books:
Mega-City One Archives: Lawbreakers
Mega-City One Archives: Lawbringers
Mega-City One Archives: The Justice Department
The Rookie's Guide to Brit Cit
Blood on the Streets
Death on the Streets
Gang's of Mega-City One
Anyone have Savage Rifts? Been looking for it to see if its worth a buy
Nevermind found it in the archive
I'm looking for a "printable friendly" version of the ruleset for Tenra Bansho Zero. There is an official one, since I read for it being sold on a page I'm unsure it even works right now. However, I found a copy of the pdf I was looking for, but translated entirely into Spanish, so I'm sure it's somewhere out there.
The rar on the archive is missing only that pdf, and has every other little thing about the game.