I have no idea what races to use in my fantasy setting

I have no idea what races to use in my fantasy setting.

>that elf with the giraffe neck and horridly elongated limbs

Dear god, why?

No humans, make all beast races.
Actually just make them woodland critters.

Who the fuck keeps making this thread today?!?!

Well those are pretty good, as well all know.

Tell your players all races are allowed. After they make their characters, get rid of everything that someone isn't playing.

Those are now your core races.


Gotta be different somehow.

Any good systems where players can create their own races like that?

What if everyone just picks a human?

nomad merchant Maori elf's, god killing mechadwarfs, descendants of the first god (humans and orcs), giant friendly skeleton mice, and the race that fucks everything up (gods)

would fuck the two on the right

The you keep some dirty scrobolds or some shit as servant races.

The Noodlemins are a proud and storied race....

Make some up.

I made a race generator for a scifi I'm building.

20-50 results for things such as appearance, theme, size, body configuration, locomotion, language, environment adaptation, sensory capability, breeding cycles and others.

It comes up with some really interesting combos sometimes.

One of my favourites so far is essential 2.5 meter tall eel people. They're VERY slender, basically flexible bean poles. They have super neck so they can point their snouted heads down when on solid ground and point them in alignment with their bodies when swimming. Very narrow at the shoulders and hips so they're very streamlined.

Weak in some ways, strong in others but something different from standards fatasy tropes and I flavoured them in a way that doesn't just make them anthropomorphic earth animals which people seem to be incapable of avoiding when doing alien species.

So you, OP, make your own and go nuts. Well not too nuts you want plausible/sensible races that are also interesting.

super flexible neck*

Please pardon my shit typing at the moment I'm shitting and pissing blood and delirious from pain. Hope you get the gist of what I'm saying.

>Not the orc race in Woodland critter fantasies

Those little hyper active shit heads rape and murderer everything that's smaller then them

I studied linguistics in college. I like to pick language families from the Old World that I like, then pick a race to associate with them.

> Indo-European: Humans and newly created Undead, because it's extremely varied and is the "core" group that Western roleplayers are going to consider their center
> Finno-Ugric: Elves, since the Saami are basically elves
> Afro-Semitic: Dwarves, golems and giants
> Mongolic: Orcs and ogres
> Turkic: Goblinoids
> Dead languages: Outsiders, ancient creatures, gods and demons
> Language isolates and conlangs: Rare races like tengu, genasi, gnomes and dragonborn

The advantage is I get to use Google Translate on the fly if the party doesn't speak the language, and keeping a fictional geography that makes sense. I then construct lexically meaningful (if grammatically questionable) sentences.

When the 2000 year old wight wakes up and starts threatening the party in Old English, the party may not know what "forsliehe" means, but they definitely appreciate the extra effort.



>Arabic speaking Dwarves

Yeah I can see that

And badgers can beat the shit out of things three times their size

So they're Super dwarves

Draenei ;)

no animals....
meat eats are totally eating sentient things canablisitically now...

when do we play ?

all of them

I've always been the fan of the Yuke.


Giants are qts that want to adventure with you! They want to be your best buds! They want to carry you in their pocket so you don't tire yourself after a day of walking!

>*requires alternative gravitational forces and metaphysics in order to bypass the square-cube law

shut up

my meltrandi waifu will come down from the sky one day.

Fuck yeah Redwall

Do they not have a face or something?

nobody fucking knows.

>golems who were given the directive "go find your purpose in this world"
>sapient flora that looks fuck-all like a biped
>carbo-silicate lifeforms that eat ceramics and salts for a nuclear-fusion based stomach. It's quite spectacular when they're conceived.
>nomadic, intelligent pockets of gasses that live in balloon bodies to interact with fleshies.

just kender

accept no substitutes


This is concept art for FFXI. The final design that made it into the game is less noodley, and more (]Dhalmel[)-esque.

The black mage race was turned into child-people, while the two beastly fellows slid back a couple notches to humanity. They were all pretty solid designs at that point, though it may be nostalgia talking.

IIRC, they're more like souls bound to armor. The wings are just for decoration. So, they're pretty good at magic.

Their "defense" move in Crystal Chronicles was to become temporarily intangible, which was kinda neat.

Then it's a humans only campaign, nothing wrong with that. I kinda start liking that user's idea more and more when I think about it. That way you get variety without having needless races.

Don't bring that bullshit in here.

Every setting needs the following three races

Black people
White people
six legged Chakat furries





>concept art for FFXI

Damn, I knew that looked like an Elvaan. Kinda disappointing, because they are some pretty decent designs they originally had. Maybe we would have had more Galka players had they been lion-like.

>needing to have multiple races

Just do an orcs only setting.

more like Puke

Hey at least he didn't mention sergals

Spiral Knights has a bit of pillageable and comfy lore, like gremlins. I plan to use them as gnomes/kobolds/goblins rolled into one when I run my own setting.
Starbound is a goldmine, even though you have to turn the clock back once again and convert to fantasy from scifi. Well, kinda, since the aesthetics of most of the races are variations on "old" fantasy.

I also love this user's idea

Use Mexicans

if you dont want to use the "classical" fantasy races of elves,dwarves,men and orks. i suggest you steer clear of these overdone themes

1."beast races". dont make an animal into a human hybrid, rather think of animal characteristics your new race can have (scales, puches etc)
2. elemental races, living fire, water,rock,and crystal has been done already
3. giants. ogres, nephilim, if its just a human that is bigger or smaller with some grey skin its pretty terrible.

give a new race some cool theme, like reincarnation, hive mind, hive queen , theocracy, symbiosis with the land etc...

my worlds have always included human sized bipedal bees. Bees already have a caste system so I just write it off as an actual relative species to honeybees. They tend to their actual honeybee cousins and direct the little guys to increase productivity, harvest honeycomb and defend them. Basically Big bee insectoids that are bee farmers for the regular honeybees. Bees.

>I have no idea what races to use in my fantasy setting.

1-Gurps alien generator.
2-Each time you will generate a number, generate an random number 2 times and pick the best choice in your opinion, or a random between the two if you cant decide.
3-Generate more races if you feel it need more races

>Any good systems where players can create their own races like that?
Gurps Alien
Specie lives lives primarily on Water
Specie is Water-Based Life
Specie has Unusual Biochemistry Disadvantage (only if human centered campaigns)
Oceans cover 100.0% of the planet the specie lives
Place specie lives, has 0.0315512383275 G
Specie lives on open ocean
Specie is chasing carnivore
Primary method of locomotion: swimming
Height of this specie is: 0.5 yards
Weight of this specie on his own atmosphere is: 0.0985976197735 pounds
Specie Strenght: 0.923957806752
Body simmetry of the specie: Bilateral
Number of limbs: 5 segments (each segments has one limb per side)
Manipulators: 2 set of manipulators, boths with bad grip
Skeleton: Combination
Feathers: Feathers (+1 level of temperature tolerance)
Breathing: Doesnt Breathe (Gills)
Temperature: Cold-blooded (no disadvantage)
Growth Method: Continuous Growth
Sexual Arrangement: Hermaphrodite
Gestation Method: Pollinating
Reproductive Strategy: Median Strategy: 6 offspring per litter, moderate care af
ter birth
Primary Sense: Vision
Vision: Bad Sight and Colorblindness
Hearing: Normal Hearing
Touching Ability: Human-level touch
Taste/Smell: No Sense of Smell/Taste
Special Sense: Peripheral Vision
Special Sense: Nightvision
Lifespan: Short Lifespan 3
Mating Behavior: Mating only, no pair bond
Specie Social Organization: Pair-bonded
Chauvinism Level: Xenophilia (15)
Concentration Level: Single-Minded and either High Pain Threshold
Curiosity Level: Incurious (12)
Curiosity Level: Incurious (12)
Egoism Level: Normal
Empathy Level: Responsive (quirk)
Gregariousness Level: Chummy
Imagination Level: Hidebound
Suspicion Level: Fearfulness 2 and Paranoia
Playfulness Level: Normal

Specie lives on Gas Giant
Specie is Hydrogen-Based Life
Specie has Unusual Biochemistry Disadvantage (only if human centered campaigns)
Oceans cover 0.0% of the planet the specie lives
Place specie lives, has 1.4797272446 G
Specie lives on Salt Water Sea
Specie is chasing carnivore
Height of this specie is: 110.0 yards
Weight of this specie on his own atmosphere is: 4923792.4064 pounds
Specie Strenght: 340.248777704
Body simmetry of the specie: Radial (3 sides)
Number of limbs: Two segment (two limbs per side)
Manipulators: 1 set of manipulators with normal DX
Skeleton: Combination
Exoskeleton: Tough exoskeleton (DR 1)
Breathing: Lungs
Temperature: Warm-blooded (with Metabolism Control 2)
Growth Method: Molting
Sexual Arrangement: Two Sexes
Gestation Method: Egg-Laying
Reproductive Strategy: Median Strategy: 6 offspring per litter, moderate care af
ter birth
Primary Sense: Vision
Vision: Bad Sight or Colorblindness
Hearing: Normal Hearing
Touching Ability: Human-level touch
Taste/Smell: Normal taste/smell
Special Sense: 360 Vision
Special Sense: Scanning Sense (Radar)
Primary mode of communication 1: Hearing: Normal Hearing
Secondary mode of communication 1: Scanning Sense (Radar)
Lifespan: Extended Lifespan 3
Mating Behavior: Temporary pair bond
Specie Social Organization: Solitary
Chauvinism Level: Xenophilia (15)
Concentration Level: Short Attention Span (12)
Curiosity Level: Curious (9) (if Concentration or Suspicion is 0 or less, reduce
selfcontrol number to 6)
Egoism Level: Selfish (9)
Empathy Level: Responsive (quirk)
Gregariousness Level: Uncongenial (quirk)
Imagination Level: Normal
Suspicion Level: Fearlessness 2 and overconfidence
Playfulness Level: Serious (quirk)

How are the Saami basically elves? They don't seem particularly elven to me.