Okay, something happened last D&D session, and either me or the other guy was That Guy, or maybe we both were, but I want to know Veeky Forums's opinion on it.
Pic unrelated, excepting that my expression matched Ahhnuld's by the end of the session.
THE SUSPECTS - A CG drow elf rogue (thief) (this is me) - A TN wood elf warlock (the undying)/monk (way of shadow), emphasis on the monk half
To sum up: we had visited a magical tower in the game, the former home of a now long-lost wizard no one's seen or heard from in centuries. The tower is surrounded by a labyrinth that probably partially exists on its own demiplane or something that requires puzzle solving and/or blind luck to get through, but we had.
During the course of exploring the tower itself, my character came across a locked chest, and contained within it was a Magical Deed to the tower.
The Deed passes to a new owner if: 1) The current owner gifts it to a new owner; or 2) The current owner wills it to a new owner upon his/her/its/whatever death; or 3) If the current owner has neither gifted nor willed it to anyone and died, the first person to find the Deed claims it.
I was pretty jazzed about finding the Deed to the Tower because the Tower has a lot of cool stuff in it. I was planning on having it become our party's base of operations and had opening discussed such with the party, saying things like "this could be your library, Warlock" (different warlock from the one above) or "clear out these rooms and we've got some neat bedrooms", and the like. Failing that, I was open to selling the tower for X many gold pieces to someone (say, 50,000 gp for the sake of argument), and splitting the profit with the party, with me getting a plurality of the gold due to a "finder's fee" but otherwise it being a fair split (there's 4 of us total, so say 14K for me, 12K for the other three.).
Nolan Long
No matter what your second post looks like, making a thread on Veeky Forums to vent about your game means you're the one in the wrong.
Camden Smith
And then the Warlock started punching and kicking me and proceeded to rape my dog and changed my wallpaper to porn of the worst pony.
Angel Turner
Jayden Hernandez
Part II
So cut to a few sessions later, and my character dies as an inevitable result of trying to fight a blue dragon whilst having only 20-something hit points to start the fight with. Through various shenanigans the party gets my body back.
They have every intention of getting my corpse back to the nearest temple and paying someone to raise it from the dead.
The monk/warlock, on seeing my dead body, immediately loots the corpse for the Deed, and seeing as my character had died without willing it or gifting it to anyone, the Deed and thereby the Tower was now the monk/warlock's.
Said monk/warlock immediately starts talking about how she is planning on gifting the Tower to her Undying master, the lich Larloch, without any intent of letting the rest of the party use it or maybe getting some cool favors from Larloch for the party.
By the by I have a whole separate series of issues about the idea of a True Neutral, still living, 20-something-years-old elf character somehow having Larloch as a patron and mentor, both in- and out-of-character.
Anyway. Various additional shenanigans happen and the whole party dies, BUT is magically teleported in the process of dying to our home city of operations (Waterdeep). The monk is resurrected before me and thereby gets to re-claim the Deed.
My character, on being resurrected and seeing the monk/warlock with the deed, and knowing full well that the monk/warlock will just give it to Larloch (a very evil lich), punches out the monk/warlock (nonlethal) and takes the Deed back.
Note, however, that this does nothing to make the Deed mine again.
The monk/warlock is acting prissy, about the theft, despite having stolen the Deed in the first place from my character despite the party having every intention of raising my character from the dead. And by that I mean "I'm reasonably certain we're going to come to blows over the matter in-character in our next session this Sunday."
Grayson Collins
That is not my experience with Veeky Forums.
Benjamin Hughes
He was in the wrong as it will be a direct detriment to the party and was clearly given out as a chance to establish a base of operations. This is akin to melting down a silver blade in a werewolf scenario and turning it into jewelry for an NPC.
Adrian Perez
The warlock was playing his character correctly, and you were playing in favor of the group. It boils down to what's more important: in-character roleplay or mechanical application. Neither of you are in the wrong and youre both right for different reasons. Kind of a dick move on the warlocks part but he played it correctly.
Xavier Harris
A few additional notes
1) I have no intention of killing the monk/warlock for the Deed.
2) Nor do I have any intention of letting Larloch the lich gain control of the magical tower.
3) My current plan involves either a) creating a forgery of the Deed with my character's name to try and bluff that I'd taken control of it again through unspecified means, trick the monk/warlock into saying that the tower is mine, and seeing if that activates the Deed's third clause; or b) seeing if destroying the Deed prevents anyone from gaining control of the tower.
David Hughes
You're both that guy IMO although i see you more in the wrong. You may or may not have meta gamed as we don't have enough information to know that he would gift it to Larloch, however that is not where the problem lies. He still owns the tower whether or not you have the deed. It's his. He found it after you died and he never gave it to you.
It's his tower unless he gives it to you or dies.
Alexander Clark
>melting down a silver blade in werewolf
I am playing a get of fenris of ahroun with shoet fuse in my current game, if that ever happened I'd probably kill someone.
Wyatt Myers
Bitch, please. Flash Sentry is worst pony.
Asher Walker
Talk to Steve or whatever this guy's name is, and like, talk to him about how what happened bothered you.
Discuss it. Like people.
We are not Steve.
Christopher Fisher
In-character, your guy would definitely knock the shit out of the warlock. It was your property, the party had every intention of bringing you back, and That Guy, with the full knowledge that this was happening in- and out-of-character, stole the Deed to gift it for his own ends. So yeah, you're justified. That's theft and dickbaggery so wtf did he think was gonna happen?
Chase Jones
He may 'won' it, technically, but that dosen't mean he was right. He purposely looted the body, and frankly, if it's a world, where you can get raised from the dead, and they were obviously going to, I'd expect the player to get their shit back. It's a really scummy thing to do, even in general.
Jace Taylor
That guy is definitely the monk/warlock who wants to gift the wizard tower deed to the lich, having robbed it from the body of his party member who wanted to use it in a far better way than he did.
The monk/warlock is clearly the bigger asshole and in the wrong here.
Nathan Garcia
>Drow rogue dies against a dragon Kek, I've seen 6th level rogues beat 14 CR dragons easily, you just have to climb through its back and stay behind his head, that way no attack can hit you and you can land all of them
Connor Lee
>You may or may not have meta gamed as we don't have enough information to know that he would gift it to Larloch
Obviously you have no way to falsify this, but suffice to say that my character has some huge issues with the wood elf monk already and, were the two of them not working towards the greater goal of saving the entire Sword Coast, would never be working with the monk.
Out of character...it takes a lot of effort to make a character who screams "special snowflake" more than "human-raised CG drow elf thief," which is my character.
"TN wood elf street urchin abandoned by parents in Baldur's Gate who left the Gate and ended up in Warlock's Crypt, somehow encountered Larloch instead of dying on the way to the lich from the dozens and dozens of high-level encounters on the way down, managed to get Larloch to train her in magic (but as a warlock, which Larlochs canonically hate), also picked up levels in monk, and basically serves as Larloch's gopher and servant, while somehow maintaining a True Neutral alignment and a still-breathing status; oh and by the way has an Imp familiar and doesn't have a shadow", qualifies.
More to the point the player's first character was a racist War Domain cleric who hated drow. Fair enough. But the player retired the character and then built the monk/warlock and *basically* started stepping on my rogue character's toes from a mechanical perspective - I had built my character around stealth and speed (gotta love that bonus action Dash); the monk/warlock is, however, much faster, nearly as stealthy, and has much better AC, essentially shoving my character out of her niche and leaving her in limbo, except as the party trapfinder and thief. Which I was doing already.
Basically imagine a 3.5 game where the party consisted of a Fighter, Wizard, Cleric, and Rogue...and the Wizard decided to retire his character and roll up a Warblade. Y'know, the thing that exists in the same niche as Fighter but is strictly better at it.
Daniel Sanchez
I dunno user, if the first thing I saw after being ressurected was an evil dickbag holding the deed do my tower that he must have looted off of me, it wouldn't really be surprising that I get pissed.
Bentley Powell
Properly speaking I was 8th level and the dragon was a CR 13 when I fought the white dragon. But try and remember that I didn't WANT that fight, it just sort of happened and then I lucked into victory.
You'll be happy to hear that the one against the blue dragon was decidedly more one-sided. I never even hit the dragon, let alone damaged it.
Christian Edwards
That's funny, that sounds exactly like what Steve would say!
Nicholas Gutierrez
"Steve" will just use the excuse that his actions are in-character. Which does not change that they're still a dick move.
Further, second opinions are valuable.
Michael Lee
It is a matter of rightfull ownership, but the important part is the state of the testator. If we assume that upon death you lose ownership of your belongings since you are not a person anymore, it should also mean that in the case of ressurection, you should be able to fully reclaim all of your belongings. In fact, since your party members were fully intent of ressurecting you, you should have no trouble claiming all your past belongings, as you lost ownership due to circumstance (death is a circumstancial condition, welcome to RPG land.) Therefore, the moment you are alive again, all items that were claimed by the party members, the will in this case, should be returned as the previous owner has the necessary vital functions to count as alive and thus able to own property, thus previous owned items and land revert any claims.
tl;dr you aint dead means your old stuff is yours, fuck the warlock in the ass
Kevin Martinez
That's wrong though, the deed is magical and transfers to whoever picks it up after it's owner dies, it's not like this is regular old fantasy property law we are talking about, this is advanced fantasy property law.
Jackson Anderson
Still, what would happen if whoever owned it last came back to life? Would it be nullified or revert to him? Because if it nullifies, I can accept that. If it doesn't, then it's his.
Only proper test I can see is to find the remains of the old Mage, ress him and see if he ends up owning it back.
Luis Reed
>dragon just snaps its jaws ineffectually at the rogue instead of casting one of its many spells or polymorphing into something that could bite you Your DM was not bringing his A-game that session.
Brayden White
Hahahaha land rights hahahaha, you mean who has more troops?
Jackson Foster
"The back of my head! My one weakness!"
Aiden Wilson
You lost, sucks but it happens
Landon Nguyen
After which you immediately murder him again, take the Deed for yourself if control had reverted to him, and destroy his remains, flip the Warlock the bird and immediately will it to someone you trust in the party.
Benjamin Wright
>I was just playing my character is a good defense No, making a character that fucks over the party means you made a shit character.
Elijah Richardson
Steve gets to learn that in game dickbaggery isn't excusable with flimsy excuses. If its not fun, he's earning a 'dick punch
Aiden Edwards
Honestly, it sound like you're being a big boatload of "that guy" since you're obviously super bothered by the other guy's character and bringing that metagame into your character's RP. You admittedly created a snowflake based solely on alignment race and class, but his character is even more of a snowflake because *ENTIRE BACKSTORY*. Sure this other guy is also in the wrong by acting against the good of the party (and even bringing that kind of character into a cooperative game), but I reckon you put out a seriously shitty vibe that would prompt him to build a character just to trigger you. Honestly, neither of you sound very pleasant to play with.
But I'm going to have to side with the other guy because coming to Veeky Forums to whine about your game is an instant lose on any in-game argument.
Aaron Jones
What has your DM said about this alignment fuckery?
You can complain on here until the cats come home, but if your DM is allowing it, maybe this group isn't for you.
Wyatt Clark
>hey guys, I got shot yesterday
>if you're posting here, you deserved it
Matthew Gonzalez
Nothing is lost if he kills the monk and rezzes him
Jose Sanchez
>coming to Veeky Forums with an in game dispute makes you an asshole >what if he got shot? Yup, quality strawman.