Horus Heresy General /hhg/

1st Legion Pride Edition
Volvo Pattern Land Raider Sub-Edition
Morning, boys, how's your models coming?
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)

What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more

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First for Dark Angels are overpowered pls nerf

>Morning, boys, how's your models coming?

Lying in piles of bits, waiting for legion rules.

>Why are Spartan's so OP
Sorry about this, but i want to make sure my list isn't totally awful before i dump pic related on it
--- Raven Guard - 2500pts ---
- Decapitation Strike -
Chaplain: Artificer, Jump pack, Melta Bombs - 120

10x Legion Tactical Squad, Artificer - 135
[Rhino: MM - 50]
10x Legion Tactical Squad, Artificer - 135
[Rhino: MM - 50]

10x Mor Deythan: 10x Combi-, Artificer - 305
[Darkwing - 275]
10x Vet Tactical Squad: 2x ML, Artificer - 220
10x Vet Tactical Squad: 2x ML, Artificer - 220

>Fast Attack
9x Dark Fury: Melta Bombs - 300

>Heavy Support
Deredeo: Aiolos ML, Ceramite - 240

>Lord of War
Corax - 450

No. Unless you're a treelover make a like a tree and leave. Molecular acid bolt round to the head, or death through the face melting powers of the Pyrix Extasis? Which do you prefer?

There are a fair amount of ships that are post heresy, mainly almost all the imperial cruisers and anything with an armored prow.

It would mostly be currently chaos ships, some of the older imperial battleship designs, grand cruisers and escorts.

Someone help this dude if he's about to dump £600+ into resin crack

Combat shields worth it on assault marines?

How do people model them? Would small buckler style things be enough?

How do we make 30k/40k more appealing for lgbtqi people? Their representation in the fan community is abysmally low, especially when you consider that they make up 20-30% of the general public.

GW is missing out on a HUGE demographic.

>Why are Spartan's so OP
S10AP1 Twin-Linked, Sidebane


OK, stop.

If you're fine with spending that much money, go for it. Otherwise, start small. Purchase Calth, sell the characters/termies/contemptor to make back your expenditure. You're not going to see Legion chest plates, and while some of the heads are cool, they're not worth spending money on if you could instead spend it on actual complete models. Shoulderpads are good if you lack confidence in your freehand or dislike using transfers. Start small, see if you enjoy your paint scheme, before spending 650 pounds.

I actaully was just seeing how much it will/could end up costing me
But even over a 6months - a year that a fair bit of dosh to waste on a list that could have been fixed if i got some feedback on

You should have ignored it.

Both of you get a trip so i can filter you, please. Biting such bait is an insult to my intelligence

Tranny here, I quit MTG because of their LGBT pandering bullshit, I stopped playing Crypt of the Necrodancer for their "this guy is genderfluid speshul snowflake" bullshit, I refunded Pillars of Eternity because a freak got upset over a poem and demanded change, and I refuse to touch Pathfinder.

I know you're joking, but understand that this pandering shit drives people like me away in droves.

Sons, this is what we call bait. Ignore it ya dingbats.

>Play Warhammer

Well, it's not exactly a hobby in which you'll meet many girls.

Hot Pockets, it's early but I summon you. Mind getting rid of the bait and the posts involving this one?

Depends on what you want your assault dudes to do. If you expect them to run into a decent amount of AP2/3 in close combat go for it, but if all you face is Ironfire and full autobots mechanicum then maybe not.

2 Land Raiders full of Death Shroud and Grave Wardens too much for 2000 points?

I have a book token that needs using up before it expires. Which should I get, Path Of Heaven, or the Night Lords trilogy? POH is apparently considered really good, but people rave about the NL books too, and that's a trilogy.

Or is there something else that's really good? (Have read most of the highly rated/essential reading HH books that I know of: first four, vengeful spirit, thousand sons, first heretic, betrayer, angel exterminatus, scars, prince of crows, and a couple of others.)

And yes, I know the NL trilogy is 40k, but I figure I'll get a better answer here than the 40k general.

Do you have enough support for them? Both need support and their areas of expertise kinda overlap. Deathshroud are really, really good at mincing infantry but are much less effective against 2w termies and are wasted on armour. Grave Wardens are closer to standard legion termies who are once again decent at anti-infantry but can do some work against AV, but their lack of staying power can be a problem. Basically, are you able to deal with enemy armour with the other 1100~ points of your list?

I enjoyed Night Lords a lot more, but PoH is still good. Frankly, download the one you dont get from the OP and if you like it buy it

If you haven't read the NL trilogy, go do it
ADB gave the NLs a really nice way about them, even if he does tend to insert waifus into everything he writes

Uzas did nothing wrong

Even 1 is too much, especially if it is Spartan landraider.

Deathshroud can take out armour with melta bombs thought.

Both are good choices.
I'd go for the NL trilogy, I guess the bunch have become notable and the books are to blame for a lot of NL players.
And don't forget to get other stuff not included in the trilogy, Shadow Knight, Throne of Lies, the Core.

Right, night lords it is! Cheers folks.

You made the right choice, ave dominus nox.

Cheers. Enjoy it.
Oh and the short story Massacre is about the squad during the Heresy.

I've got Shatter shell Quad Mortars, a Sicaran Venator (or standard depending on the game), a Kheres Mortis, 2 squads of Tacticals and a unit of Veterans all in Rhinos. Some Melta in the squads, GWs have Chainfists, obviously Land Raiders have Las.

I forgot that I had changed out the LR for the Grave Wardens to a pod to shave off points. I bought both models for fun anyway, and for expanding up to 2500 and 3000 points, but I'm really just finding out whether they work or not.

Most chaos ships came about from developments in M34 when a new pattern of warp engine was discovered and put into use. But it turned out to have a fundamental flaw that would eventually lead to millions of ships with it falling to chaos. That's where the vast majority of chaos ships come from.

>But it turned out to have a fundamental flaw that would eventually lead to millions of ships with it falling to chaos
Weren't they from Portis Cthulhus or something? I swear that was the Forge World's name if it was one.

Do give some sources on all these claims.

No, that was one prototype ships that was lost and later returned in the service of Chaos.

My proxies for Lernaeans Terminator Conversion Beamers, since the only CBS by Forge World are for Contemptor dreads and Mechanicum Myrmidons.

I think they'll do fine.

>No, that was one prototype ships that was lost and later returned in the service of Chaos.
Thanks, user. With a name like that how weren't they surprised it'd happen?

Yeah, but you give up the things that make deathshroud good-termie armour, 2w, big number of attacks-in order to charge a walker and make a single attack, which ignores your armour, instant-deaths you and generally leaves you worse off than if you had charged them into basically any infantry. They've got a stop-gap solution, but its not as good as any other terminator's chainfists.
All should be pretty good. Run Pride and have an armoured spearhead to show footsloggers what for

I also managed to snag Mortarion off of eBay the other day for £36, so I'll be using him in higher points too, though I recognise just adding Mortarion to the previous list won't suddenly make it a great 2500 pointer.

I do feel like I'm a bit light on units by going nuts with the Terminators at 2000 points, and at increased values, I have a feeling Land Raiders will be a bit puny, but I enjoy the unique DG units and think they should be integral to the list.

>not going all footslog with blobs

Do you even Death Guard?

The thing is, they're both scoring, which is great in 30k, and Grave Wardens are about as unappetising to charge as possible, what with forcing disordered charges and all dem templates. Once you remove Vindicators and Medusas, plonk them on a central objective and they'll be hard to shift.

Funnily enough, Mortarion is also one of the simplest Primarchs to use, what with being tough enough to shrug off everything short of plasma and his whole stinky ninja teleportation thing making him able to catch a new unsuspecting unit every turn. Barring large numbers of terminators with fists, or those ultramarines suzerains with the autowounding axes, he's unstoppable against infantry.

>Chainfist Wardens without a transport clain (You) can run, but you can't hide
>So you run and run and run. And it's ok, because Wardens can't neither run nor hide themselves.

There's the Astral Claws' Master of the Techmarines with a CB.

Yeah, I'm sick of being told I'm only 'allowed' to play Death Guard one way and one way only by the community that's supposedly supportive of "all Legions had access to everything" as a concept

I bet it's you in every thread saying "DO U EVUN DEFF GARD" when I'm not fielding 100 tacs

Of course, when you do want to go super one dimensional fluff as a theme, the WAAC fags come out....

And against Mechanicum automata too, since his scythe has Instant Death. About insta-wounding Mortarion, what about those attacks that don't even roll to wound? His Preternatural resilience protects him from stuff that wounds on a fixed number without rolling against his Toughness, would this work on things that wound on the to-hit roll, like Rending/Entropic Strike/UM axe?

I've only ever see it played dealing with the stated, fluffy examples, such as poison and fleshbane. I mean, you could try to argue it, but drinking poison for breakfast shouldnt protect you from a sniper round to the skull or being disintegrated. If you went full WAAC at a tournament, i suppose you could attempt to convince the organisers

Reposting my homebrew Firewing RoW, based on attacking fleshy, weak xenos and humans during the aftermath of a firestorm. Yes, it apes a single benefit from a DG one, but lacks all the other bonuses of Creeping Death while being different in fluff. And yes, both Hatred:Trees and Flaming Pride is about as Dark Angel as you can get.

Flush them Out-All tree and vegetation-based cover has -2 to their Cover Save. This can remove any cover save offered by the vegetation despite being models being obscured. If a unit lacks Move through Cover and moves through cover affected by this rule, it takes one s3 ap5 hit per model in contact with the trees. Finally,
Terran Arsenal-All infantry squads can replace their bolters with Volkite Chargers at +5 PPM and Veterans, Destroyers and Assault Marines can replace bolt pistols with Hand Flamers at +5 PPM. Characters can replace bolt pistols with Inferno Pistols for 10 PPM
Wrathful Descent-All Veterans and any support squads wielding Meltaguns, Volkite Chargers and Calivers or Flamers can take a Dreadclaw dedicated transport
Cowards Burn-Rather than sweeping advance, any fleeing enemy is instead overwatched at BS2, and Wall of Death is in effect.

Scorch the Ground-At least two Tactical or Heavy Support squads wielding Volkite, Meltas or Flamers of any description must be taken as an additional compulsory troop, and can be taken as additional troops
Receding Firestorm-All infantry must be in a transport at the start of the game
Flaming Pride-Challenges must be made or accepted. If an independent character is present in a unit, they must issue or accept the challenge before any other Character.
Purging Wave-This rite cannot be taken missions where this side is the defender

>Listening to people who share with you their opinions instead of crunch advise.
>Not knowing that all information is useful yet biased
>Taking all of this to heart, instead of asking for yet more info so you can escape the bias.
Acquire more info, user. Mortarion was schooled in science as much as Guilliman was in statecraft. Before Typhon, Mortarion was THE Traveler. That's how (You) Death Guard
> drinking poison for breakfast shouldnt protect you from a sniper round to the skull or being disintegrated
D O . U . E V U N . D E F F . G A R D

Is Stormhammer good tank, or it's shitty?


Its main guns are insanely good at killing infantry (especially MEQs, which is good in the heresy) and is probaby one of the better baneblade chassis tanks, simply because you don't need to spend extra points taking sponsons to have your rolling pile of guns. However, its still a Superheavy Tank, and while it can be a monster compared to most Baneblades, a kitted out one (lascannons everywhere, AC, tank commander) costs about the same as a Warhound (four D large blasts a turn, void shields) or an Ordinatus (fuck-you-i'm-AV17 and have a warlord-tier cannon). If you want to kill lots of infantry and/or medium vehicles, its damn good. If you expect to see anything tougher than AV13, it rapidly loses its effectiveness

Why the hell does Mortarion lacks FnP? His armour is merely artificer armour, no special stuff like his brothers. Alpharius is immune to Poison and Fleshbane, rather than resistant to them, simply because of his armour.

Even neglecting/forgetting to mention him, I'm not buying full models at Forge World price just to cannibalize their wargear. These will do just fine.

There's also this


That'd certainly work, but I think the ones I got are scaled better to a Terminator.

So, I realize there are alternatives I didn't mention, but rather than showing me them, why don't you guys tell me what you think of the bitz I actually got?

What are you heresy fags working on?
Pic related on my part. Don't tell the tech adepts.

30k newb, but rather longtime lurker and 40k player here, I have a few questions:

I Like the style of IW and IF, but I'm not really decided yet, but it's gonna be one or the other. I'm gonna get me 2 Prospero boxes around my next payday as a pre-christmas treat and get rid of everything but the Marines. And I've got 3 Armageddon pattern Medusas lying around, that I bought years ago and never painted, so those would be added, too.

Is IW with Ironfire cheesy faggotry or is it just a meme?

If I was to play IW with Ironfire, is it good to get Phosphex Canisters for my potential Quad Mortars?

Do 20 man tac blobs with apothecaries make a valid troops choice for either IW or IF, because I like that these blobs style wise?

Is Erasmus Golg a good way to get my Terminators into the troops slot and get a RoW in addition?

Is PotL good for IF even without Veteran tac squads going with Terminators and said above 20 man Tac blobs?

I don't have a local meta, since around here there is no LGS and no community but I'm gonna get back into the hobby because I really like the HH stuff and always enjoyed painting, but I also don't want to be a free win when I visit my buddies living 90 miles away every 2 or 3 months for gaming events that last 1-2 days on weekends in their local LGS. So a stylish nicely painted well balanced all commers list is what I'm aiming for.

Thanks in advance.

>What are you heresy fags working on?

Strength not to cry due to lack of legion rules. Before I know what direction to take my force, I'm stuck with not doing anything.

2 troops, 1 hq, 1 elites, 1 heavy support. There you go.

152 marines
24 terminators
15 SoS
15 Custodes
2 Contemptors


There I go what?

>IW with ironfire
Its good, not cheesy. Deepstriking, flyer-heavy lists and similar lists ignore the greatest threats you can field, but footslogging lists will get chewed through without difficulty.
>Phosphex with ironfire
Frankly, you don't really need to. A triple quad mortar ought to remove an entire blob/almost an entire blob using regular shells. If you're only running a single mortar per unit for whatever reason, or were going to bring a siege breaker anyway, then go for it, otherwise its not that terrifying.
>20-man tacs
They're decent as always, IW ignore shooting losses while IF get bs5 Fury of the Legion. Enemy Artillery, robots and dedicated marine removalists (dark furies, WE Inductii, power weapon vets, etc) will tear you a new one though
Not amazing barring his terminators as troops thing, but you'll need a MotL so may as well, i prefer to make my own dudes rather than taking characters, but feel free.
Your termies are slightly better than most with assault cannons and shields, but Deepstriking is the main thing you gain. You could run a hammer and anvil type thing with defenders castled up inna fort and termies deepstriking into your opponents backfield, i suppose, but you would need a great deal of support.

A BoP mkiii support squad with chargers for my SoH now that I finished my cataphractii. They're pretty nice so far

Whatcha makin? volkite culverin?

Shit, what do you plan on doing first then?

damn nigga
As you can see, the wiry bits can be brittle chinaman provides so I had to improvise.Thank GW too, for making the new BoP power packs ever so slightly different, so that the FW legion special weapon stuff doesn't fit on them so extra cutting and filing is needed.

Barely started, but I'm loving them

>those mold lines

Lupercal would not approve

178 marines
30 terminators
11 bikes
6 artillery pieces
18 vehicles

Alright I'm solidifying a base line vanilla legion army so all I have to do is get unique units, do minor tweaking, and shit once inferno drops.

How is this for a base line? What else should I get?

60 legion tactical marines with bolters
20 veteran tactical marines (4 heavy bolters, the rest bolters)
10 tactical support squad with volkite chargers
10 heavy support marines with missile launchers or volkite culverins
10 achean pattern mk.iv marines for sergeants (6 tacticals, 2 vet tacticals, 1 support with charger, 1 heavy with volkite/missile)
2 contemptor dreads (2 twin volkite, assault cannon, power fist, and chainfist arms for options)
2 predators
1 indicator
3 rhinos

What else do I need? I've got praetors, librarians, champions, and chaplains.

What else do I need? I'm thinking apothecaries or some shit.

Looks like a good start. Consider getting some of the Heavy support dreads, the Deredeo is a mortis dread on steroids and the Leviathan can take on non-lancer Knights and some of the weaker primarchs. Still, thats gonna take fucking forever, and your sergeants will mean you have leftover dudes. Also, heavy bolters on vet tacs is a trap option unless you're taking them for fluff

>Still, thats gonna take fucking forever
to paint

Depends how you set up the contemptors, but some form of anti-air could be useful. Also, something specifically to crack AV14/15 may be handy - a couple of grav rapiers or (like the other user says) a leviathan dred perhaps?

I have a squad of 10 marines about 80% done. I just need to paint their weapons (which I do separately from the marines since that stupid bolter across the body blocks so much detail) and move them off the blank 32mm bases onto the ones I've prepared for them.

I also have 4 more terminators primed and ready for painting. I just finished the first one to test out the paint scheme (which I'm happy with).

I have a Contemptor maybe halfway done. Just need to paint the outer shell and arms.

My main problem is that I'm a slow ass painter, but thankfully I have a Tyranid Warrior sitting within synapse range so I don't get demoralized by all the work I have to do.

Thanks for the Feedback

It is simply a matter of paint scheme that differentiates a Tactical Squad from a Veteran Tactical Squad?

What colors do the Death Guard use to differentiate them? Is there art or examples in the books? (I do not yet own the books to check on this)

Got half of my tacticals painted, my sicaran painted, my Phobos painted, 10 vets, 10 terminators and my praetor done.

It's been a very productive week. I got the paint scheme down to a production line so I can slam out a whole squad in an evening.

Still have 20 more tacticals, my auto cannon squad, three rhinos, a venator, Spartan, storm eagle, plasma support squad, two contemptors, 10 tartaros and 10 Lernaens to go.

But I'm feeling very motivated and everything is primed. Some of the armies at our 30k night look phenomenal and are really inspiring me to try my best

Download the books from the OP. Usually its a similar overall colour with a different pauldron design. I keep all my squads with the same overall scheme, with legion pauldrons on one side and different squad marking transfers on the opposite pauldrons

Make them more dirty and weathered than the normal tac dudes, to show they are veterans. Also give them more gear, like extra grenades or none standard combat weapons/knives.

You can use different armour marks to show veterancy, dudes in mk II fit well for veterans, as does mk III. Give the new tac squad lads mk IV.

Advice on how to fuck up a Leviathan?

Cortus dreads charging it, shooting it till it dies, melta if the dumbshit didnt Ceramite it, tarpitting it

Shoot at it?

Kraken Lightnings / A Spartan to the side
The Leviathan itself has troube damaging AV14 from beyond 24" away, and it can survive repeated lascannons.

Age of Sigmar it up.

Warlord Battle Titan. 2X Belicosa Volcano Cannons and 2X Laser Blasters.
Leviathan will surely not survive 8 str D shots per turn.

Boooo! It's a cold day and a cold thread
Have a song

Say, all legions did everything and had all the equipment, we have SoHs doing some NL Terror assault in...HH4 or HH6. But what about those goody two shoes legions.

Do you think the UM or Fists would ever kill innocent untainted Non-compliant civilians? I mean, the Salamanders flamed a world that was friends with those elfs, didn't they?
The kings of civilian casualties were the AL, NL and WE, right?

>how do I kill a lobster in a quick way?
>Use nukes
I love Veeky Forums

>Their representation in the fan community is abysmally low
30k is 30k. If you like it it's fine, and if you don't then it's fine too. I mean look at us, we're mostly AL & IW. Whoever wants to play the other legions is welcomed to do so, but arguing something needs diversity for the sake of diversity is pointless at best, and if you need to change the essense of it in order to pander to a specific population then you're doing it wrong.
Advertise the stuff, and whoever likes it is welcomed to join.

>wasting a Warlord
>not bringing two Reavers instead for doubly dead leviathans

He was talking about one leviathans, for 2 leviathans of course 2 warlords.

So there was a dispute with a guy running about how D-weapons work. If you get a Solid Hit with a D-weapon, do you roll on vehicle damage for each hull point lost, or take a penetrating hit and also lose d3 extra hullpoints on top of the penetrating hit?

>I mean look at us, we're mostly AL & IW
Is that true? Because we have no AL players besides me among 15 or so players.

1 pen roll and loss D3 HP.

Building a SoH army, want to make a footslog/tank army as I dislike the look of drop pods.

Is it worth getting a Spartan already or should I wait until bigger games and just get a Phobos for now?

So far I have:

2x 20 tactical
10 Volkite Culverin tactical support Marines
10 Cataphractii termies
10 Justaerin termies
10 jump-packs Readers
2 Contemptor dreads
1 Master of Signal
1 Terminator Praetors

Different user - you can read the ship profiles from BFG and its expansion (Armada) here:

There's very little inconsistency, even among ship classes that look identical except for weapon swaps (or the other way around - how the hell can they say the Overlord was based on the Acheron??). But yes, a lot of the Chaos-looking designs are post-Heresy. I think that was sloppy of GW; Chaos ships are faster and have longer-ranged guns, both of which are associated with older technology. I wouldn't take the BFG rulebook fluff seriously.

The Desolator-class battleship (fast, lance-heavy) is older, and the Despoiler class is M36 but based on ancient blueprints for the Terminus Est - Calas Typhon's ship (Typhus in 40k). The cruisers might indeed all be post-Heresy.

At least one friend the Chaos escort classes is a post-Heresy design from Xana II.

For 20 pounds more, those 40 tacticals/vets could be Mk VI. You wouldn't get upgrade parts, but it's not like Mk VI marines need help looking like Raven Guard.

I know BFG fluff very well, which is why I'm very interested on this "Most chaos ships came about from developments in M34 when a new pattern of warp engine was discovered and put into use. But it turned out to have a fundamental flaw that would eventually lead to millions of ships with it falling to chaos."

Because I've never heard this and sounds like bullshit.

>how the hell can they say the Overlord was based on the Acheron

SIG SG 550 is based on the AK, yet it doesn't look like an AK.

Besides, there's still plenty of ships that Chaos and Imperium shares.

Nice scheme, how did you do the green?