Filename thread

Last one's on page 10, and will drop off... now.












Not sure if she's drinking horse cum and proud of it or just happens to work out and someone got real creative with putting her facebook photos together.


Milk isn't that viscous, look how it sticks to the bottle. And if horse €$£¥ holds any simularities to human €$£¥ that girl just drank some hefty protien.

>Improved Uncanny Dodge.webm

Well considering the horse is at full mast in the bottom-left there...

Well that horse is popping a boner, supporting the theory.

why did you censor yourself?
why are you wtfing?

Could be either, plenty of milk-based protein drinks are that viscous.
Don't know about you, but that's like 1/3rd of every horse I've ever seen doing things like pulling a trolley.

I never noticed that. And I posted the pic.






It could be a protein shake, with pics arraigned as a joke.
I need source... just to check





I have to confess, I haven't tracked ammo in like 5-6 years with the same the group across multiple games.


GIS gives nothing





give source so we can investigate then






bottom panel girl is getting tired of this shit

I love picturing the dialogue here.
>"Finally, I'm saf- OHFUCK"

Anyone have the one with the bear taking of the mask and getting ready to kill that one girl?


The one that usually has a filename pertaining to the GM remembering your joke backstory.

>Crit-Failed perception check






>why I don't like recreating historical events



I love the japanese trope of having stereotypical as fuck students group, punks are a personal favorite

Isn't this a scene in Mean Girls?


fukkin wut




retroactive demonettes





>Billy. Billy! The other day, I was going down on my girlfriend, I said to her, "Jeez you got a big pussy. Jeez you got a big pussy." She said, "Why did you say that twice?" I said, "I didn't."

What gets me about this is the fucking guy in the editing room, adding those crosshairs into the scene. He TOTALLY COULD have put them somewhere that Cage was actually dodging out of the way of, but he decided to make the shot a clean miss anyway.


Why did that man's boss allow this.

Because the bullet hitting the tree.

This is easily my favorite part of DMing my current group.


> The BBEG is kinda willing to fight you, but his heart just isn't in it today, you know? He just got to the Red Wedding part of Game of Thrones and... fuck, man. Fucking Freys, man.

My current campaign is built around that, and oh my god is it satsifying.





That looks cool, what's the sauce on that?

Chinatown Wars: Dong Sweep











But what if the girl was not kill?

Requesting sauce


Horse cum looks like dark urine. There was an episode of Dirty Jobs where they took samples from a stud horse.

I'm pretty sure I've played a Shadowrun game that started like that.

>In a Scooby-Doo movie?

not Veeky Forums but


Looks edgy but fun.