What happens to your setting if all bees in it die, Veeky Forums?

What happens to your setting if all bees in it die, Veeky Forums?

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They already died

all mundane bees or ALL bees? Because those are problems on a totally different scope.

i guess it will be up to the necromancers to produce honey then.

>What happens to your setting if all bees in it die, Veeky Forums?
That will never happen, shut up

The few worlds that depend on them will decline?

Now every world has grown and developed like ours. Many have forms of life and ecosystems of their own.

you call it china

beekeeping isn't worth the investment anyway since you can just make everything out of mushrooms, including alcohol, which is somehow worth more than mead to add insult to injury.


you have been warned.

There's already a bee general up. I swear you /bee/ fags need to learn to condense your threads.

The plane of bees goes awfully quiet.

The Order of Keepers lose all direction, perhaps falling to the chaotic and individualistic ways of the wasps.

Honey Elementals fucking quintuple in value for those Keepers who still have them, since no new ones are being produced in the deadened plane of Bees.

Hmm. Planar power-vacuum? What shall fill their role? And what happened to the benevolent Hivemother? Is she dead? Can she die?

...What kinda special bees do you have in your setting?

So here is the thing: Bees are technically an invasive species here (because a joke a player made is canon.)

It would cause a reduction, but not a huge loss, for pollination of plants .

Maybe he has celestial bees that maintain the honeycomb that is the underlying structure of the universe or something.

The player who plays a beemancer will be very upset, I think.

Seeing as the world is already dead and everything that survives on it is only surviving on ecological inertia?

Nothing would change.


People will be surprised at all the dead bees, and there will be a startlingly poor harvest that year. Next spring, bees will start showing up again, people will chalk it up to coincidence or the will of the gods, and go on about their lives.

No Honey, no mead.

The northern tribes will go insane.

Everything is bees. Once you strip away the thin veil known as "reality" what you find is just bees. What was known previously as the "celestial" is now known to be bees.

There is a deity that can bleed for a few days to get them back and then not make another appearance for 5-10 years.

Seeing as he protects humans from getting butchered, it might not end well

An ancient Beevil awakens

Well I guees it's back to the dark ages that they had just begun to climb themselves out of

How can I be afraid of bees if I AM BEES?

My PC gets fucking pissed, because he was going to inherit the meaderies.

The war ends... at long last, the war ends.

Time to clone more bees.

We just need to wait a decade or two to find out.



Regular bees or the ones from the Weslan Roil?

I refuse to let bees die out in my setting.

They are among my favorite animals and fuck you I will not even fictitously harm my fuzzlebutts.

God of Benign Nature is royally pissed and declares vendetta against whatever killed them

Mead value skyrockets, as does honeycomb value.

Wizards attempt to resurrect bees using mad genetic technoscience.

Good taste in flying insects.

>What happens to your setting if all bees in it die, Veeky Forums?

The heavy, dense, vegetation in the north and south that holds and keep a lot of the moisture coming in from the polar seas would eventually die out due to lack of pollinators and the world would face a "soft" environmental collapse as the entire world effectively "re-brands" itself.

The world wouldn't end, but the savannahs and prairies would begin expanding and encroaching dramatically towards the poles bringing with them the various plains dwelling fantasy races, monsters, and animals: Bulettes, Bison, Wyverns, and Humans & Centaurs- all species that are incredibly aggressive and some (in the case of the bulette) make it impossible for other environments/biomes to regain ground.

With the Humans & Centaurs gaining more land they would quickly make the lives of the other fantasy races incredibly stressful. Humans & Centaurs suffer no penalties under direct sunlight unlike most if not all other sapient races: they can see farther, run all day, don't succumb easily to heatstroke, etc.. With more flat pastoral land they'd easily out compete Orcs, Dwarves, Animal Peoples, with their only real possible resistance from Changelings or Minotaurs.

I don't think however that Bees would stay extinct long enough for that to happen though.
Naturally occurring portals to the elemental planes (air, water, fire, earth, food, machine) often act as amazing animal sanctuaries due to back and forth contamination. Interestingly; an animal or organism that might be extinct in the physical world can potentially re-seed the physical world if it still flourishes in the pocket dimension of one or more elemental plane.
Bees are amazingly widespread and flourish in every elemental plane with the exception of earth & fire; I don't think it'd be long before they reintroduced themselves if they went extinct.

There are probably some sort of native life form that does something similar if the native plants are analogous to terran plants.

Otherwise, depending on the era, the Star League breeds some sort of mega bee, or the world suffers catastrophically and becomes a barren desert world the succession wars are so well known for.

Business as usual in the Inner Sphere.

The one thing protecting us from the Dire-wasps vanishes

Report to your local Ministry for a peaceful assisted passing. Alternatively, see the below diagram for self-help using a knife or woodcutting axe, and a pamphlet for a list of concoctions one can easily make using common and uncommon plants.

Don't forget to remind your friends and family members. Provide them with transportation in rural areas if they do not have access to a cart or horse.

The Lady of Blossoms will have to designate a new primary pollination species and take some time to talk with the Lord of the Flies. (He's nicer than he sounds.)

The Essence wizard creates more than enough new bees a 60km radius circle full of bees, specifically.
Or the Necromancy Wizard reanimates all the dead bees in the world.

And so it was for those who fed on the conifers when flowers first arrived in this world. So it was for the great synapsids when the dinosaurs made their debut.

All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again. The living cannot conquer death. Not that of others, and not their own.

I quiet like this idea.

What if my setting doesn't have any flowering plants?

Tentacle Monsters from behind time and space eat everything.

GG 4th Age, no re.

>Bees are amazingly widespread and flourish in every elemental plane with the exception of earth & fire
>water bees
>no ground bees
That really makes me do an angry dance

The fleeps take over.

Fleeps are basically bees.

It was cool. Too bad it had to be a MMO.

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. - Hear about Frankie? - Yeah. - You going to the funeral? - No, I'm not going. Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day. That's why we don't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances. - Well, Adam, today we are men. - We are! - Bee-men. - Amen! Hallelujah! Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of... ...9:15. That concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex I

This. Bees are the best animal and should never be harmed and I refuse to even consider the possibility of them dying out in any world or setting I am a part of.

I want to fuck that bee.

Their extinction is one of the main reason why everyone is a robot now.

The majority of plants in setting are bird pollinated, agriculture is in its infancy, there is literally one man on the whole continent who keeps bees and so far noone has realised that he uses it as anything more than an ingenious defense mechanism against bandits and raiders yet. So not a whole lot.

Hey now, TSW is pretty cool for an MMO.

I understand that they're neccessary for our survival, but how can you love bees? They fly, make a creepy buzzing sound, will sting the fuck out of you if angered (and angering them isn't difficult) and in terms of worst case scenario's, having one (or God forbid multiple) bees in my house scores only just below my house being on fire.

You're thinking of wasps. Most bees aren't that aggressive, unless you're thinking of killer bees.

There's an upset in the balance of power. The kingdoms of bee-people suddenly empty.

How CAN'T you love bees? They are fuzzy, helpful, and generally peaceful. They make honey, a literal miracle food.

However, anything that resembles a bee but is not a bee can FUCKING DIE. Wasps, hornets, yellowjackets - fuck all of that. I'd love a bee in my house, a beebro roommate, but I'd rather fucking slit my own throat than have to spend a single second trapped in a room with a hornet.

Look, I love bees and all, fluffy and adorable as they are, but they are not "non-aggressive". I realise it would MAKE SENSE for them to fucking chill out since unlike wasps they die when they sting mammals, but they are not chill.

I have never been stung by a wasp. I am not a beekeeper.

I have been stung by bees 25 times in my life, always when I was just going around doing my business, unaware I was even near a hive.

I wasn't bee allergic until the sheer apitoxin exposure from those last 3 stings sent me over the edge and gave me a bee allergy that I've gotten regular injections of bee venom for the last 3 years to finally resolve.

Bees are adorable critters and vital to the ecosystem, but their chill is proportionate to their tiny bodies. Even now a few bees land on me every week or so, as if to remind me that I'm only getting out of my punishment because I made myself largely immune to their venom.

T. Anti-bee lobby

Some plants and animals die as a consequence of the sudden void in the ecology.
This further disturb the ecology until all the overly specialized species are gone.
The less specialized that used to partially depend on bees take a toll but eventually recover as they find other ways to fufill what the bees were doing for them or as other species fill the void left by the bees.

So basically, partial extinction event follow by a reshaping of the ecosystem.

Bees aren't aggressive, unless you are directly threatening their hive, their queen is a bitch with a massive temper and you were stupid enough to neither use protection not cold weather and/or smoke, while doing this shit early in the morning/late in the day.
In short - it takes a shitload of specific cirumstances to piss off bees.

And if you regularly have bees in your house - assuming those are bees and not wasps or other shit - you should get a guy from nearby apiary to check it for nests and remove them.

Well, it would be an impressive feat, considering my setting uses a multiversal system.
This considered, probably someone might either go to substituite them magically (with rather interesting side effects), or see if some nature gods could revive them, or if they are desperate enough and willing to do something absolutely mad, find and break the seal left on the Avatar of Desire, to wish them all back to life. In this last case, nobody can truly predict what would happen, not even I as DM, until it happens.
