Fantasy Egypt

I have an area in my setting that could use a nice Egypt analog to round out the nations. Aside from a big as river, impressively tall temples, pyramids, and funny weapons (khopeshes, etc) what aught I include?

>yes I'm literally naming it Kemet

Other urls found in this thread:

Linen trade

This entire website is good, it has even a bestiary:

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Past threads with some relevant info:


OP, your image bait reminded me that ancient egyptian nobles wore some clothing more revealing than that. Toples, and see-through dresses.


Reminder that real pyramids were white and golden-capped.

something something something jews
Something something something KANGZ

technically they were just the hebrews at that point, and they didn't have much of a king, but okay.

stay cool anonymous

I had mine not!egyptians use slings. Their ammo included scarabs like pic, only carnivore. It offered a non-magical hit bonus (+1 to +3) because the insect partially corrected the trajetory, and the initial damage was bad (1d6) but the burrowing turn (+1d4) after turn (+1d4) was worse. And that's only one hungry bullet.


A VERY socially conservative population. Egypt has always been like that (not really something with which to grow capital in small amounts of time) and actualy is as of now.

Pretty religious population, to the point of what we'd call single-minded. Interestingly, that's true even now: if Egypt isn't particulari fanatical in the ISIS sense, check out the copts, they make your worse evangelical look lazy.


who is this semen demon?

Also any art style they have has been the same for LITERAL millenia. And they'll actively resist any attempts to change it.
Seriously, if you look at pieces of egyptian art that has 1-2000 year time gaps in between their creation it's astonishing how similar they look.
And this ain't the kinda thing more contemporary artists do where they go back and mimic an old style, this is one straight line with a short interruption for ONE pharoah somewhere in the middle that they fucking BURIED his existence. Shame that that guy's son and successor is king tut

>The only 3D brownies that are actually delicious have a spraytan

They didn't wear it because they were sluts but because it made breastfeeding easier.

like an user once gave the link to me, now I shall pass it on to you

That's not the full set.

I would argue there are many varieties of deliciousness in the world, user.

really makes you think

Temple intrigue, crazy old priests invoking the power of their gods in the constant game of politics to become the favored temple of the pharaoh.
The priests always had the pharaoh's ear, with Egypt being a semi-theocracy and everything. The important thing was who he listened to the most and who could influence him. Think Game of Thrones, but all the royal flunkies at court are priests. Possibly with divine magic.

Hardened copper weapons and tools
Extremely basic technology
Palace economy all the way around
HEAVY importance of religion and religious organisation
Lack of natural resources of any kind
Heavy reliance on trading, as in - exchange of goods
Decentralisation - while you have "all-powerful" pharaoh, the real power is divided all over the country into his gobernors AND clergy, each controlling a small region. This DOES NOT mean feudalism. Think rather about vast and not-exactly-loyal bureaucracy
Understanding that you are working with overglorified Chalcolithic era civilisation and aside characteristic looks there is barely anything there

>Fantasy Egypt thread
>Base entire argument on modern, Arab state
>Hating based Copts
Kill yourself.

Just google Non Summer Jack

>Lack of natural resources of any kind
>Understanding that you are working with overglorified Chalcolithic era civilisation and aside characteristic looks there is barely anything there

Fucking this.
With all the aesthetics are eye-pleasing, and quite complex culture behind the civ, there is barely anything of any real substance behind it. And it's the reason why it declined so badly after the New Kingdom period, not to mention being constantly conquered by different countries.

Fun fact - best "Egyptian fiction" was written by Finn and Pole respectively

>Forgetting cats
That's like one of the biggest things about Egypt

>Palace economy
? ? ?

TL;DR most money and work was directly given out by the monarchy. This was one of the reasons they built so much shit, building projects were a way to keep thr commoners busy and productive when crops weren't in season. It's also the source of the biggest meme lie - Egyptians did not use slaves to build their monuments (the Jews weren't even fucking slaves). Building projects were contracted government work projects

Rather, they weren't slaves in the contemporary chattel sense. They were basically serfs tied to the land and the palace, or re-settled captives who became Egyptian "citizens", aka the property of the Pharoah like everyone else.

Cats are just a meme. The real important animals was hawk and snake, since they both represented the pharaoh rule over Upper and Lower Egypt.

Palace economy can be best described as proto-feudalism. Minoan civ, the one from Crete, is probably the best example. You have a central unit of government, the palace (sometimes literally, sometimes not), for which all the peasants provide, while the palace itself is the centre of craftsmanship, as all craftsmen work next to it and provide for it. In turn, the palace redistributes all the goods as the ruler sees fitting. It neglects proper trade, and if trade exists, then it's about barter rather than coinage or metal-based
In short
Goods > Palace > Population

Average palace economy is an absolute monarchy or outright despotism, usually backed by making the ruler some high religious figure. In early days of such organisations, it was combined with outright theocracy, like in Sumer cities.

Really, if you plan to run anything pre... let's say 1000-800 BC, then palace economy is the dominant economy model for pretty much everyone around the globe. And that's if we already skip the so-called "Late Bronze collapse", which is discredited theory at this point anyway.

Of course that's if you take the meaning of slave as "anyone who does not receive a wage in currency they are free to spend as they wish wherever they wish in exchange for labor". A limited market economy did begin to develop near the end if the bronze age but egypt was on the way out as a civilization then, and it never truly developed into a free market.

Isn't this kind of like communism?

Late Bronze Collapse might be discredited, but it makes a great backdrop for RPG campaigns, since you have a barbarian horde(s) looming at the borders and threatening to destroy everything. Call me lazy, but this shit works, as it affected everyone around the Mediterranean

Fucking sea People

Not at all.

It's really how any despotism worked ever. You see, the commoners have absolutely no saying in what is going around. The aristocracy, if exists, is entirely bound with the ruler, as it's family. In fact, most administration is family.

Shang and early Zhou dynasty in China are probably the best case studies, since they lasted for centuries of extremely stable governship (Zhou is the longest-rulling dynasty in China, for way over a millenium).
You have a palace, which rules nearby area. If you want to expand, you send your brother to start a new palace and control another area. EVERYTHING is controlled by the palace. The palace commands. If it's farming season, things are simple. If it's not, just like this user said, you start building something for the palace. Be it roads, granary (palace has monopoly on food storage), barracks or some monument. Because you have a MASSIVE manpower that has nothing else to do anyway. If it's important for your region, you usually use said manpower to run irrigation projects. All goods produced are literally made for (and usually IN) the palace, so when there is surplus, the ruler can grant it back to the subjects. Tools were the best example - crafrsmen made tools for the palace for food and shelter, the palace then gave the tools to the peasants, while the peasants gave food in turn. In the end, palace controlled both food and crafts, while both craftsmen and peasants were fully dependent.

Is it clear or should I elaborate further?

Oh, and about military. Palace controls military, as it is the only centre of rule that can have both food, shelter and weapons for people, thus it gains the "monopoly of violence", as nobody else can afford this shit anyway.

You fukkin wot?

Sorry, by taxonomy of my language, that's a hawk. If it's not the case in English, then put that on language barrier.

These sorts of post is why I come to Veeky Forums


Nekhbet, the Vulture Goddess, along side Wadjet, the Cobra goddess, represented the Upper and Lower Kingdoms.



More like Anubass.

>Fantasy Egypt

>Add Goa'ulds to make it 110% better

Damn right

Ba'al my man!

Make sure it isn't literally just egypt dropped into place with no thought for what's around it, like some people in this thread seem to be suggesting. Give them some interactions with their neighbors, some influence from them onto said neighbors, some trade and such, et cetera.

Egypt had its thing with the romans, remember, and even in the ages before that it had to deal with various tribes, foreigners causing problems, wars, et cetera.

>thinly veiled brown girl thread


Any NSFW versions of these?

There are plenty.



dumb smutposter

The artist's name is Houtengeki, google it.

Sorry, won't happen again.

He may not be the poster we need, but he is the poster we deserve.

The Egyptian faith was very focused on the idea of fertility. For example there was a regular ceremony where the Pharaoh would have to masturbate to completion into the Nile in front of a large crowd of people, this was believed both to ensure a healthy harvest and also to prove that the Pharaoh himself was fertile and the royal line could continue. Then there was Cleopatra who was the high priestess of one of the fertility deities, becoming high priestess required you to have slept with 1000 different men, it's possible the entry requirements were relaxed for the Pharaoh but given Egyptian conservatism, unlikely.

>Thinly veiled

But no one was doing it before you started...

>becoming high priestess required you to have slept with 1000 different men
How long did their high priestesses live afterwards? Because that shit must give you a shitton of diseases. And probably cause you to spread them quite a bit.

Search for Houtengenki on Sankaku Channel

Or hell, just IQDB any of these images through the drop box right there on the upper left corner of the post


Not as.many VDs back then because no gays user :3

>becoming high priestess required you to have slept with 1000 different men

That is some legend of queen opala level shit right there.

there's also the story of her fallating 100 roman nobles over the course of 10 days.

That one wasn't even because of a ritual, that was just because

>Their ammo included scarabs like pic, only carnivore

Holy shit

Back in the old days you had to suck 100 dicks once to get a promotion.
These days you have to suck one dick 100 times.
Sure is progress.

Bullshit. Your magical realm is not history.

Firstly Cleopatra was the 7th queen of her name. The Cleopatra that ruled as the last independent queen of Egypt and the last of the Ptolemy dynasty was not a priestess, and she
most certainly did not sleep with a thousand men. Even if she could and wanted to that would have been amazingly stupid, given how many potential successors that would produce and how every birth was basically a death risk for women.

The only two men we know Cleopatra slept with were Cesar and Marc Antony, whom she had kids with. She was also married to her brothers, as was custom, but we don't know if she ever slept with them, these brother-sister marriages were most often symbolic. She certainly did not bear any children from them, which would be the most obvious way of determining if she had sex with her brother/husbands or not.

1) plenty of STDs without gays. Don't know how you can even think there wouldn't be.
2) plenty of gay men and women back in the day.

She was on the losing side of the Roman civil war. Makes sense the victors would have accused her of everything from being a slut to witchcraft.

She's a qt, ugly feet tho

Why would you want litter your setting with real-world analogues from wildly different time periods?

That's World of Warcraft-tier.

Look for the Old Empires supplement from AD&D. The Mulhorand section might help you.

You can also look up the "Human, Mulan" section of Races of Faerun, but it would only give you flavor text to describe the people.

>Egypt had its thing with the Romans
user, by the time Romans showed around, Egypt was THE most Hellenistic country of all Successor States, ruled for past few centuries by Greek dynasty. And before that it was ruled by Persians, Assyrians and fuckload of different people.
Egypt as you think about it cease to exist around the end of the New Kingdom period, which corresponds with the whole "Late Bronze collapse". Unlike other regions, Egypt NEVER recovered after the so-called collapse to be player, instead being a plaything

Who said anything about different time periods?What? You never had bronze/early iron period settings?

But true, the whole "let's put civs from completely different periods and let's make them neighbours too!" is literally cancer.

this was a joke user, come'on

Not him but it's a dumb joke

Have you ever heard about Poe's Law? Plus, the joke was mediocre

Go apeshit and fucking mix up all the time periods. Hell add some mamuluks with your Thuts if you feel like it.

Throw some magical cats, goa'ulds and mummies in there and fxcking mix it up with some alien superweapon pyramids.

>Egypt NEVER recovered after the so-called collapse to be player, instead being a plaything

Technology marched on, culture marched on, but Egypt remained bronze-tier civ, constantly conquered and mismanaged by different cultures and quickly turing into rump state that had nothing else than lush farmland to offer. The lack of resources on their own made any attempt to rebound impossible. Combined with their culture, which promoted heavy decentralisation on local tier and absurdly overgrown priesthood-run bureaucracy a lot of the wealth the country had was out of reach for rulers.
Add to all of that Third Idtermediate Period, where Egypt was divided into ELEVEN different states, some of them literally in size of the local temple complex and area supporting said temple, running for five centuries, when everyone around was heavy on centralisation or at least reforming the way how countries were run and Egypt ended up as easy prey for local barbarians, Persians, dynasties consisting of single ruler, civil wars, rebellions, constant problems...
... by times when Alexander rolled in and "conquered" Egypt, there was barely anything left of the country. We are talking about a state that was Mediterranean version of how Aztecs ended up upon Cortez arrival - on the brink of total collapse. In fact, if Ptolemy wouldn't took over and stabilised the region with (relatively) firm grip and setting up the country with his offspring, Egypt would end up how Sumer cities ended up - conquered centuries ago and then abandoned, to be forgotten. So ironically being conquered yet again by outsiders allowed Egypt as a state to continously exists for next few centuries and even slightly rebound from the brink. When it ended up as Roman province, it was at least an integrated state and treated as such by Romans and then all the new rulers of the region.

Without that, Egypt would be literally removed from the history around 900-800 BC and never return in any form.

why go through all the trouble?
yugioh should have an RPG system by now.

>How to make shitty setting: The Post

>People talking about Egypt and it's ancient culture.
>Virtually nobody mentions the cults of death and cults of health, which were BY FAR THE MOST IMPORTANT AND OBVIOUS DRIVING MECHANICS OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING CIVILIZATION.
Jesus fucking Christ folks, get it together.

>How to not allow fun: The Poster

>Cults of death
>Cults of health
... wait, what?
... oh, you mean fertility cult, which is mentioned constantly in this thread.
Seriously user, are you dense or something? Because lo and behold, it takes to be brain-dead to non understand how ancient fertility cults were run and instead create some artificial division and rewrite shit established as a term roughtly 2500 years ago.

Want actual death cults? Try fucking Assyrians or Nahuatl religion.
Want health cults? Try Scythians
Combine death with health and you have your average fertility cult, you moron.

>Shit setting
Pick one

user, unless you run extremely pulpy setting AND your players are aware of it AND they want to play such setting, there is literally no way for a badly designed, overblown and cliche-driven setting to be fun. Like the old saying goes - "Excess is worse than fascism"

There's a battle between two mages in Egyptian mythology I always though was pretty cool

>The Ethiopian laughed grimly. 'White dog of the north!' he cried. 'I defy you! I have such magic at my command that presently Seth will take you as his own, and Apep the Devourer of Souls will soon be feasting up the Ba of that which was once a Pharaoh of Egypt. Behold!' The Ethiopian waved the sealed roll as if it had been a wand, and pointed to the floor in front of Pharaoh, muttering a great word of power. At once there reared up a mighty serpent hissing loudly, its forked tongue flickering evilly and its poisoned fangs bared to kill. Pharaoh cowered back with a cry. But Se-Osiris laughed merrily, and as he raised his hand the giant cobra dwindled into a little white worm which he picked up between his thumb and first finger and cast out of the window. The Ethiopian uttered a howl of rage and waved his arms, spitting curses mingled with incantations as he did. At once a cloud of darkness descended upon the great hall, as black as midnight in a tomb and as dense as the smoke of burning bodies.


>But Se-Osiris laughed again. Then he took the darkness in his hands, crushed it together until it was no bigger than a ball such as children make of the dark clay beside the Nile, and tossed it out of the window. A third time the Ethiopian waved his arms, and this time he yelled as if the jaws of Apep had already closed upon him. At once a great sheet of fierce flame leapt up from the floor and moved forward as if to consume Pharaoh and all who stood beside him on the royal dais. But Se-Osiris laughed for the third time. Then he blew upon the sheet of flame, and it drew back and wrapped itself about the Ethiopian. There was one great cry, and then the flame dwindled and went out like a candle when all the wax is burnt away. On the floor in front of Pharaoh lay only a little pile of ash; and Se-Osiris said quietly, 'Farewell to the Son of Tnahsit! May his Ba dwell elsewhere for ever, and come not again to trouble Egypt or insult the good god Pharaoh - life, health, strength be to him!'


High temples of the gods would have animal representatives of each diety. Possibly giant versions imbued with magic powers.

The temple of Bast had many sacred cats that people were not allowed to touch.

The temple of Sobek had an enormous crocodile covered in jewels and gold.

The temple of Osiris had sacred fish that had, according to legend, eaten his penis and was the only part Isis failed to reattach to him after his jealous brother Set killed him and chopped him into pieces scattering them across the world.

>only I know what's fun
>everyone should only like the things the way I like them
t. fun-expert

No, you fucking idiots. It may surprise you, but death cult and health cults are something very, very different from a fertility cult.

One was OBSESSED with after-life and in particular with the physical state of your body after your death, the other with waking off into the river.

Neither of the cultures you mentioned had NEARLY as pronounced death cults, or medical knowledge as Egyptians. Assyrians in particular had particularly poorly developed after-life compared to Egyptians, and Scythians were steppe culture barely above Mongols that were in NO WAY exceptional or interesting due to their culture of health, body or medicine.

You fucking retard.

Keywords being "if you feel like it". No one ever said he SHOULD add all those things, just that he should pick whatever works for him, his players and their preferences.

Just that one splerglord that took the post too literal to begin with

>Cats are just a meme.

They fucking well were not, or at least they weren't by the time of the Middle and New Kingdoms.

>Being retarded
>Pretending it's the rest of the world
Nice tin hat you have

I thought all the Assyrians believed in some sort of frozen hellhole "the afterlife is then DMV" type shit where status in life determined the status in death in the clerical court, and the dead were faggots who would fuck your shit up if you didn't give them offerings.

Or am I thinking of that other Mesopotamian religion?

just dont include any muslim shitskins or WE WUZ KINGZ niggers in your fantasy egypt, real ancient egyptians before they mixed with the current muslims were tanned whites that gave out their royal family members for marriage to as far as ireland

>Or am I thinking of that other Mesopotamian religion?
Mesopotamia is a region that gave birth to multiple different cultures and civilizations, including Assyria and Babylon.
That said, from that description I can't really pinpoint where does that come from.

The main thing about Egyptian view of after-life, especially compared to say, Assyrian view of it, is that in Egyptian world-view: the AFTER LIFE IS WHAT MATTERS, and your entire real life is just kind of a build-up to it. Their culture was OBSESSED with death. Everything you did really mattered only from the prism of how it will influence your after-life. It's also why their medical knowledge was so insanely good - it was directly related to their obsession and anticipation of the after-life, as one of the beliefs included was that the state of the human soul in the after-life will be directly reflecting the physical state of the body in the real world. Hence the obsession with conservation of dead bodies, which has driven the interest in physicality of human body in the first place.
But it has been also the main MORAL motivator in Egyptian life too. Because not only your real "success" depended on your ability to secure your body and wealth for your burial, but your soul would also undergo an actual TRIAL in the afterlife, which is where really your righteous or evil actions will impact your existence.
So both interest in health, much of the wealth accumulation, AND most of moral reasoning in Egyptian culture were driven obsessively by events that are only going to take place after your death.

Fantastic fucking argument, kid.

Ah, now I see what you mean.

not as good as the one about the thief who was so good at thieving that the Pharaoh let him marry his daughter

I'm doing it by essentially ripping off this cover. Githyanki trapped on the world, they've taken over a region and made it essentially into fantasy egypt with their kind as the higher class/anointed people of the gods.