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Games #504
Welp, this was bleak...
Good roleplaying MUDs?
Drawthread: Picnic Basket Edition
MTG Pauper thread
Evil Bard
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1204: Asspocalypse Edition
Warhammer 40k General:
Filename Thread?
Tell me why Malcador the Sigilite was so powerful and why he is seemingly unknown or largely ignored by the Imperium...
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls General
Gentlemen, how do we fix the sisters of battle?
MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge -「 F R I D A Y I ' M I N L O V E 」
How often should PCs die?
Space thread tbh
Hiro-approved discussion thread: Friday Edition
Best Skill Systems?
Latest News
Alpharius dead?
I would like a traditional Veeky Forums-style portrait thread
Does anybody actually like AoS...
Story Time, now with more exclamation marks!
Post Knights
So I am running a Half-ork Monk in my friends campaign. I also have a few levels in Cleric...
NwN is free on GoG right now
/awg/ Alternative Wargames General
The Great Witch Hunt of the 1980s
I know postapocalyptic gaming is not super popular here but I am running a game tomorrow just me (DM) n 2 of my m8's...
How do you deal with sex in your games, Veeky Forums?
What is this shit and why is it showing up in my store
Is your BBEG a real villain?
Dragon thread
Fantasy Art Dump
Every time I even bother to try to read this shlock, my eyes roll into the back of my head
Warhammer 40k general
Pathfinder General /pfg/
What system do I want for this?
Best System to RP Prostitutes?
Whats DnD and other roleplaying games like in other countries outside of the states and merry ol'england...
40K is for Autists
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Why don't you liberal pussies have the guts to play the most redpilled, anti-PC RPG in the world...
ITT we say the turning point where everything went wrong in one greentext
What's the best system to start normies off on?
EDH/Commander General
/kdm/ - Kingdom Death General
What if Bethesda designed New Vegas?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1203: And Your Little Dragon, Too! Edition
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Most people would choose a favorite faction in Warhammer 40k that more 'speaks' to them...
Anyone else love stronk wymn?
Warhammer Fantasy General
Have you ever ran a Dwarf only party?
Donald Trump is stimulating the gaming industry in a way that doesn't involve grabbing its genitals...
Warhammer 40k general
Veeky Forums makes base class. First 14 decide what it does, dubs overturns one feature, trips rewrites whole class...
/btg/ Battletech General
Why is it such a magnet for weirdos, especially weird girls?
I don't understand the GURPS system
Beeple-beep beep! Do guardsman retire?
Has Fourth Edition ever received a more thorough drubbing?
The hero market tanked recently
Warhammer 40k
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Why is 2E art so superior to other editions' art?
Excuse me Commissar...
Hektor Heresy
Wait...which one of you picked up the sword in the treasure hoard again?
Random generation tables
What do you view as the necessities in a cyberpunk setting? What places and people, conflicts and friendships...
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Fast Edition
Which historical periods could serve as a good base of roleplaying games beside the classics like medieval fantasy...
Adversary MTG
/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Death Zone Edition
First Tabletop Experience
Warhammer 40,000 general
Eclipse Phase General
Could humanity survive in a world full of monsters, demons and witches? Seen realistically and without plot armor
Modern earth in 40k
Gimme all your useless magic items!
Imperium Asunder
I-is it worth it to keep going?
Is this worth picking up?
/wmhg/ - Warmachine/Hordes General
Pathfinder General - /pfg/
WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General
It is a common view among many that the Emperor would see the 40k Imperium of Man as an abomination an a perversion of...
$$$ /mtg/ $$$ Magic: the Gathering $$$ Modern $$$ Competitive $$$ General $$$
Is there a reason for this square?
Traveller General
So in 40k, the souls of the dead all go to the Warp, right? And warp storms...
/KDG/ Kingdom Death General
Thinking back to the origins of D&D, how come dwarfs have come to be considered as opposed to magic as they have? Like...
If I wanted to run a game based on this, theoretically, what would be the best system currently around?
What does millennial culture look like in your setting?
Warhammer 40,000 general
Well played GW, cannot unlearn
MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge - 「 T H U R S D A Y ' S C H I L D 」
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
I have to create a pub-style quiz for a party. Gief dank quiz-questions plz!
Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition General /5eg/
Veeky Forums board discussion
Every 50 years, or after the death of the King, a new King is selected from the population
D&D initiative system
/d3c/ - Do Double Dubs Count Thread
/osrg/ OSR General - Clever Mechanics Edition
Story time Veeky Forums!
BOARD GAMES GENERAL: Santa Is Coming Edition
/cofd/&/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Character Art-story game
D&D 3.5e General /3.5G/
Beastfolk thread: How do you use them properly Edition
Character Art Thread: The Cyber Police Are Coming
Fallout Florida
Warhammer 40,000 general
Once the bad guy is dead and the day is saved...
An ancient good has awoken
40k Books
You've just fired a Neutron Laser at a planet, does it destroy the planet, the mountain or a small area of dirt?
Why would you loot armor off a fallen foe? It obviously didn't do shit for them
/5eg/ - D&D 5th Edition General
Pathfinder General - /pfg/
This bitch has suddenly burst into your party's throneroom...
NaNoWriMo 2016
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1202: Dial Up Edition
MTG Legacy General
GM Morals and Roleplay
Forgotten Realms General
RIP Joe Dever
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
Character Art Thread: What the fucking hell guys
If I wanted to run these scion guys in an army, who would be the bread to their butter...
Mfw a player tries to use a third party class in my game
Heroism in 40k
Will there ever be another Veeky Forums video game half as good as Baldur's Gate II?
Okay so what are some of your character's weaknesses
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Name two things you hate fighting
Art Thread: Weird Science Edition
Let's make a system, Veeky Forums
What are some non existent system you wish were real? What's something you dream of playing?
Member when
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
As a long time hater of 4e, I think I've just come up with a game concept that it fits fantastically well
Dark Souls as a ttRPG
Lore is inconsistent at best
Alright, Veeky Forums, here's the deal...
EDH/Commander General
/pfg/ pathfinder general
Drawthread: It's High Noon Edition
Is picrelated just one guy, some omnipresent being, or a race or group of fey or whatever? Any settings...
I wanna kill that party member
/kdg/ Kingdom Death General
Warhammer 40,000 general
Why does fantasy tend to overshadow sci fi as far as rpgs and genre stuff goes...
/STG/ Star Trek General
What's the best system for this?
Is a self-aware talking animal still an "animal"? What defines an animal in any setting?
We find out what happens after the death
Shit in RPGs that make you roll your eyes into the back of your skull
Why are you not watching the chess world championship Veeky Forums?
Latest News
How anti-climatic would it be if it was made cannon that, the two missing Primarchs really did exist...
WTF I hate Russ now
Would your character be able to win a drinking contest against the local tavern's regulars?
3.5 Problems
Character Art Thread
/pfg/ - Pathfinder General
How does the average peasant manage to survive in fantasy worlds?
Friendly Virtual Gaming Thread - /fvgt/
Aether Revolt Spoilers!
"I fear not the man who played 10,000 sessions in different tabletop games, but the man who played 10...
Do you prefer rules light/narrative RPGs or crunchy/simulationist? Why?
MtG fluff/story wednesday!
MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge -「 W E D N E S D A Y W E E K 」
Age of Sigmar General
Warhammer 40k General:
Name five traditional games
40k Reading List
Board discussion thread
Why do martials even try?
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Why were quest threads banned?
Stat them tg
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
Make up some World Lore
Story time Veeky Forums!
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1201: Spend Your CP on Ale and Whores
WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General
Infinity General: This is the Police Edition
What are some things adventurers could find sealed away for 10,000 years that are NOT world destroying villains?
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
I've been thinking, why aren't superhero ttrpgs more popular...
Skub: The Setting
We know about Fire, Earth, Water and Air Elementals, Veeky Forums, but lets build some other ones...
Warhammer 40k general
/kdg/ Kingdom Death General
Stat her if you dare, Veeky Forums
/cyoag/ CYOA General
EDH/Commander general
It's a you gotta kill this guy in his castle quest
Pathfinder General /pfg/
How do you depict your mages? Do you depict them as a typical white European male with long robes?
Things your players do that piss you off
What sort of effect would be had on the world if there was a mountain tall enought to peak all they way through the...
Games that would make for interesting RPG settings
Filename Thread
Why is it impossible to make magic systems that feel good?
Warhammer 40k general
Mutants and Masterminds General: The Place Where People With Swords Can Have Fun Edition
How do you make a truly tragic and sympathetic BBEG?
The guy who learns ten different systems to try to make up for the fact that he's a shitty GM regardless of what he runs
Stat him Veeky Forums
/swg/: Star Wars General: Authentic Huttese Dining Experience
In the future of space, the space empires keep using soldiers and sailors...
/btg/ Battletech General
Liking medievel stasis fantasy settings
Character Art Thread
Post-Apoc Systems
/40krpg/ 40k RPG General
What's the difference between High Fantasy and Low/other Fantasy?
WH40k without the Chaos Gods
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Give me good female characters inspiration Veeky Forums
How to create a submissive sky deity"(Is not the chief of the Pantheon)?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Do they need a lore nerf?
Warhammer 40,000 general
/kdg/ Kingdom Death General
How do you like your post-apocalyptic games Veeky Forums?
Mtg Standard General
"Sorry, but there's no Orcs in this world"
Who remembers?
What went oh so very wrong?
Can we get a That Girl thread going? Share your horror stories
Kobold Thread: Scaly Servitors Edition
Campaign ideas thread? Campaign ideas thread
What kind of helmets do horned characters use?
Do elves have public hair?
Caster supremacy
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
How do you imagine battles between Necrons and demons?
/cyoag/ CYOA General
How would he fare as an Imperial Guardsmen Veeky Forums?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Hit Points vs Wound levels, which is the best in what?
MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge - 「 R U B Y T U E S D A Y 」
EDH/Commander general
Doomguy vs the Legions of Chaos, who wins?
Per rest magic system
Story time Veeky Forums!
/mtg/ Modern General
Warhammer 40k general
Bug people
Shortfolk in DND: your picks?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1200: But I Don't Have A Cat Edition
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Cartography Edition
Stat us up Veeky Forums
Quick question for Veeky Forums:
What are good movies to get players in the mindset of a certain class or role?
A thread for King Excelent
Draconic, the dragon tongue, thu'um
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General
Class builder chapter
Things a hunter of the supernatural should keep in his inventory
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Things you won't hear from an archmage
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Original: the Greentext
Post your RPG Resume
/kdg/ Kingdom Death General
What games would you recommend for a Newbie GM ?
Steampunk Character Art
Through chaos fuckery you've been transported into 40k...
What's the appeal of martial classes?
Warhammer 40k General
/cyoag/ CYOA General
I played Magic A LOT from 2002-2014 (Onslaught to Khans) During Theros and Khans I still played but much less seriously
Was hoping you could help me flesh out this idea for a space marine chapter
/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Sponors Edition
Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
Whar do Generic RP systems excell at. How do you use them comapred to thematic/setting/narrative based systems...
Lawful Evil
Why don't you have a race of sheep people in your setting, Veeky Forums?
Which mtg colors would hitler be?
Harry Potter Tabletop General #4 /hptg/
Let's Say I Want To Be Really Fucking Rich
Not Your Daddy's Screencap Thread
After lurking here for a few months now, i've decided that i love this board
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Protectors of Nature Edition
/L5RG/ Legend of the Five Rings General
Aside from combat, what's fun to do in D&D 4E?
Warhammer 40,000 general
EDH/Commander general
Pathfinder General /pfg/
MtG Legacy General
How do you deal with cancerous game group member?
Are you a sore loser?
Imperial Guard Thread
The Emperor WAS dead all the time
Native / Meso American Thread
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Why do devils and demons desire souls?
You are allowed to go back in time and leave one core rulebook among the ancient people's of the world and all games...
Would you willingly suffer for eternity for the benefit of the rest of Mankind?
New Abbadon
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1199: DO THAT AT HOME Edition
What gene-seed mutations have yet to be explored to base a chapter around?
Imperial Guard VS Stormtrooper
Unlucky players
/ffg/: Final Fantasy TCG General
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
Age of Sigmar General
Wild West Systems
Unusual Setting Ideas
Warhammer 40k General
The players are injected with truth-serum before the onset of the gaming session
Inquisitorial Penal Regiment Veeky Forums: How the hell did an outpost simply disappear edition
Players' only ever response to enemies and threats of any sort is witty one liners and quips
An objective morality system designed specifically to avoid dilemmas and arguments about whether it's okay or not to...
Robot Civilization
Reminder that a system is only as shit as you are as a roleplayer
So, why do certain part of Veeky Forums think that Pathfinder is shit? I didn't played it (or 3.5 in general)...
Why aren't Tyranids and Necrons friends?
Hey Veeky Forums
What went wrong?
Filename Thread
Your party ends up in the year 2060, now you will
A player brings you a character sheet: his character looks like this
"Shit players say" thread
Making unarmed fighting relevant
Mornington Crescent
Character art/setting thread
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Druid Edition
Drawthread: Family pictorial edition
If a True Neutral character allows the death of innocents in the course of remaining Neutral...
Character Art- Hunky Heroes and Hot Heroines
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Has anyone here tried to run a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game?
/btg/ Battletech General
What do you picture a mage that specializes in teleportation looking like?
CYOA General — /cyoag/
/kdg/: Male Pinup Edition
Your guilty pleasures:
Character art thread
Veeky Forums builds a world
Pick a character
Story time Veeky Forums!
Running Roll20
Warhammer 40k General
Let's write a 40k rap, one post at a time
Technology stagnancy in the 41st millenium
How do you wake up the Beast in your setting TG?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1198: Stop Being Gross Edition
Why are you not playing a kitsune?
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
/gdg/ - Game Design General
D6 / Mini Six
Humanity, fuck yeah
Flames of War General: "Tiger" Spotted Edition
I saw this thread a few minutes ago but doing the math to long enough that the tread 404'dand I was sad because I just...
Tell me Veeky Forums...
Virtual Veeky Forums
Stat them, Veeky Forums
What makes a good character, Veeky Forums?
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
What are your favorite airships Veeky Forums?
Shitty Hooks
Nobledark 40k Part VIII: Patching Things Up edition
Yugioh cardfus > Mtg cardfus
Pathfinder General /pfg/
How will he fuck up the 13th Black Crusade?
/osrg/ OSR General
Space wolves BTFO
WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General
What are you doing to make your different classes of weapons (sword vs. axe vs. mace vs. spear vs...
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
Dark Elder Kabal creation thread
Exalted General
Warhammer 40,000 general
How smart is your character? Can she outsmart a bullet?
PACYOA General #124
Carl is the God Emperor, what happens?
The only good faction in Infinity
What can be done to make succubus interesting? I think they are worn out jokes or fantasies...
/swg/: Old Man Of The Empire Edition
Fallout PnP story help
Duncan advent calendar soon edition
Veeky Forums what can you tell me about the techno barbarians during the age of strife/the unification wars on Terra
Quickly Veeky Forums, I need a derogatory name for someone who wants to fuck gnomes halflings and dwarves!!
RPG idea
Inspired by Lovedagger...
/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General
In the context of a fantasy setting, what race&class combo would a fedora-tipping cringelord be?
Would it be even remotely possible to have an EVE Online based game...
Why is super strength the most commonly ignored/overlooked/countered/avoided superpower?
Warhammer Gen
/kdm/ - Kingdom Death General
Why would anyone EVER play a martial over a caster?
Is it possible to have a Jainist paladin...
Warhammer 40k General
DnD 5e. To DM's or knowledgeable players...
So why is there people that keep insisting that 40k is a deep, well constructed and serious setting?
Knights of the Dinner Table
Alternate spells
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1197: A Tea Party In Azathoth's Court Edition
Modern General MTG M:TG Magic: The Gathering
Which setting is the best setting?
The king genuinely sees it as his duty to protect his people
We talk about Veeky Forums's demographic
/anrg/ - Android Netrunner General
L5r general
Japanese Tabletop RPG General
Can paladins lie?
5e General
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls General
Deriving separate "modifiers" for each ability score
D&D 3.5e ideas
Moral Alignment of Rape
Building a Sisters army, Because I hate my bank balance
Do you HEMA? Is longsword fencing fun?
Rate My D&D Pantheon, Veeky Forums
Non-degenarate pf general
Talk about all Warhammer Fantasy...
Hello Veeky Forums
Mecha RPGs
Feel like posting some character portraits from CRPGs. Post 'em if you got 'em...
I wanna make an art dump
I went out and got a tarot deck for my campaign. How do I use it?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
What makes a good rite of passage into adulthood?
Your Army
Character Art Thread
Hey Veeky Forums
Rokugan edition
CYOA general
Warhammer 40k General
Welcome to the Slaaneshi Spittoon, how heretical are you?
Terrain General
/40krpg/ 40k RPG General
Fate Points and other Meta currencies
Cyberpunk art thread
Accidental Magical Girl CYOA
A gundam roleplaying game. "i just stayed to laugh at you"
Pathfinder General /pfg/
The Horus Heresy: A song
Character Background PART 2:
State me, Veeky Forums
Guild Ball: Steamcon Edition
The etchings indicate it is psionic sir!
Are there any single player wargames or strategy games?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1196: Gold Edition Requiem
Hey Veeky Forums, I need a fantasy game that isn't d&d. I don't mind crunch tho the harder it is to min/max the better...
Where do the Space Marines carry their ammo?
How do you handle character death?
How Autistic is your local game store Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums approved podcasts
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now...
Romans + Norse mythology = ?
Have you done right by your players, your GM, and your fellow board members...
No One Else Would Make It Edition
Your favorite regiment Veeky Forums? Why? I go to Kriegers for style, Cadians for skills
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Infinity General: Game of Drones Edition
Warhammer 40,000 general
Peter Svidler basically just confirmed that he browses Veeky Forums
Pdf Share Thread
What do?
So tell me
Would a lava forge even be useful for anything?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
How do you sell the idea of a magical girl setting to a group that's only ever tried fantasy settings?
To defeat a monster, must a man become a monster himself or reject the very notion of such and fight as the human he is?
Stop complaining about D&D editions
Game Finder Thread
/ccg/ Custom Card Thread /cct/
So you're saying ... that using geneseed of traitor primarchs would cause space marines to betray, go crazy...
/kdg/ Kingdom Death General
EDH/Commander General
Why are modern heroes so different from ancient heroes?
Lel 80s
What kind of D&D character are you?
Heroes and Halfwits
First-time d&d DM advice
Chosen vs Grail Knight vs Blood Knight
Do Orks have any means, tactics or qualities that'd allow them to cleanse the daemons off of a daemon infested world?
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Tau and their playerbase embody everything wrong with 40k today
Warhammer 40k General
The hole
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1195: Caturday Morning Edition
Eclipse Phase General
Filename thread
Pathfinder General /pfg/
CYOA general
Character Art Thread: Yet Another One Edition
/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Da Rules Edition
Age of Sigmar General
Surely I'm not the only person on this entire goddamn board who plays this right? Can we get a Delta Green thread going?
Casters are commonplace but are just as strong as fighters
Name one reason this shouldn't have been more popular than the garbage that GW put out
Does anyone ever actually finish their campaigns? I don't think I've ever actually finished a long-term game
Fantasy Egypt
Warhammer 40,000 general
How often does your hero get to retire and die peacefully of old age?
Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
D&D 4e General /4eg/
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games