Tell me why Malcador the Sigilite was so powerful and why he is seemingly unknown or largely ignored by the Imperium...

Tell me why Malcador the Sigilite was so powerful and why he is seemingly unknown or largely ignored by the Imperium. Seems to me like he gets very little credit for anything. =/

Because he was just a man in an age of gene-forged demigods and the Emperor. He preformed few, if any heroic feats and his most noteworthy achievement was accomplished at a time when nobody would of been remembered.

He was a vital man, but still just a man

>when nobody would of been remembered.

That alone makes him all the more worthy of adoration. His death wasn't slow and in fact brutal and painful and he died willingly without being asked or told. The last few moments he was alive was spent in pure insanity.

He's a fucking hero m8.

Extremely powerful psyker, apparantly second only to the emperor.
>Implying malcador isn't still on the throne, obeying his emperor's final command, whilst the emperor walked into the warp rift before he died from the chaos corruption/wound.

True. However you asked why he is seemingly unknown and unremembered by the impereium. You think dorn cared about the old man turning to dust on the golden throne? Fuck no, he cared only for his father's last words- and I doubt bit E was in a state to remember his second

Actually, the version I read said that before Malcador's body crumbled, he gave his last scrap of psychic power to the Emperor, allowing him to speak one last time. I vaguely recall an account of the Emperor mentioning what had just happened, too, but I'm not sure of the source on that. To say nothing of the fact that the Primarchs *knew* Malcador-- I don't know about Dorn, but some of them were on friendly terms with him.

Of course, GW does love it's retcons... but I'm something of a Malcador fan myself. He really is underappreciated.

He is extremely underappreciated.

Malcador was actually just a psychic puppet controlled the Emperor to give the illusion that he cared about average humans and listened to them


Other way around.

>>Implying malcador isn't still on the throne, obeying his emperor's final command, whilst the emperor walked into the warp rift before he died from the chaos corruption/wound.
>Implying Malcador wasn't the real emperor who created the emperor as a psychic construct to lead the Imperium as a figurehead while he does the real work like forming the officio assassinorum, inquisition, and administratum, and after using so much psychic energy trying to sit on the golden throne while battling Horus with a psychic construct he realized he couldn't continue any longer so he dumped the last of his power into the emperor as his body faded to dust so even if he couldn't lead the Imperium, the Imperium would still have the idea of a perfect emperor who could save them one day.

Malcador was bros with Russ and Dorn.

Now why is Constatin Valdor so easily forgotten by the"modern" Imperium?

Probably because the various chapters celebrate their own while the Legio Custodes don't really belong to anyone but themselves. They have no real affiliation with anyone which is unfortunate.

I don't get why Transexual Sons fags hate Russ so much, Russ thought he was communicating through a hidden one and gave Magnus a chance to peacefully surrender. Valdor on the other hand wanted Russ to attack outright from the beginning

because thanks to MoM, all custodes are now giant, flaming assholes and dumb brutes

Don't people call him "Malcador the Hero"?

>Malcador the Sigilite

One of the Emperors last commands was that he be forever known as Malcador the hero.

Why are you ignoring the Emperors command OP? Are you some sort of double heretic?

assholes sure but i dont see how MoM made the out to be dumb brutes

Even Magnus calls them good philosophical men when he sees them shooting his daemon form after he allowed an infinity of warp monsters a direct passage to earth and ruined everything forever

Yanno, I was wondering why even a lot of fans who write pre-Heresy fic overlook Malcador, and held-jokingly asked myself "Is it just because he doesn't wear as much bling as most officials?"

... then it occurred to me that that might actually be the case.

In-universe, though, no explanation, but maybe canon writers overlook him as much as fanficcers.

>Russ thought he was communicating through a hidden one
And this isnt retarded?

>and gave Magnus a chance to peacefully surrender.
And no he didnt.

>And no he didnt.

We have the text from the novel. Don't make us copypaste it.

Go for it. I've read Prospero Burns. Yelling at a Chaos operative is still about the dumbest thing that happen in the HH and there has been a lot of dumb things in those books.

In Angels of Caliban it's mentioned the Emperor used the Dark Angels to kill the Sigilites, a powerful group of psykers opposed to the Emperor.
Malcador is probably just a left over from that who was made to swear allegiance to the Emperor.

... Malcador seems awfully loyal for that...

And I thought "Sigillite" referred to his position working for the Emperor. Did GW retcon again?

I too, am something of a Malcador fan. He might not be the best, but there's something I just really like about him.

Didn't Malcador knock out Angron?

Not OP, but yes, easily.

You ever wonder if emps and malcador cracked open a bottle of amasec and just shot the shit for a while whenever they had spare time

Ordo Redactus?

Redacting the memory of Malcador would almost be the same as trying to redact the memory of the Emperor. He was to intimately involved with everything that went on and I can't imagine the lot of it needing to be hidden outside of his work with the High Lords of Terra and the Grey Knights.

In short, he gets to little credit.. actually he gets none, for anything.

Malcador was the Emperor

The Emperor was a pyschic manifestation, a tulpa grown in the soup of Malcador subconscious and given form because he knew humanity would need a proud and bombastic leader to unite them, not the humble and booking Malcador.

This is why the Emperor was able to challenge the Chaos Gods as well as bargain with them and come away alive, because he was pure human id, essentially a warp spirit in his own right.

This was what allowed Malcador to act as the ego and superego to the Emperor. And also why the Emperor tended to fuck things up despite Malcadors advice and his own great intelligence. It was clumsy but the only way Malcador could shield himself from Chaos

I feel Malcador was typically a behind the scenes guy and someone who very specifically did not want to draw grandiose attention to himself. He would probably take pride in knowing that his name gets very little fanfare as long as the Imperium continued to churn.

Also, living in the shadow of the Emperor of all people makes everyone tend to forget you.

It seems popular (here at least) to speculate on what Malcador could have been as opposed to what he probably was - which is what the lore actually tells us. I don't think he was quite as quiet as he would like to have us believe. His hand was in every important event that occurred on Terra. He had interactions with practically anyone important and some people were important only because they had connections to himself. If anything Malcador should have had MORE fame for being involved with the Emperor rather than less.

I also have a side question, not to derail the threads focus but as long as we are on the topic of Malcador..

Did he ever have any meaningful communications between Magnus around the time Tzeentch started to fuck with him? Seems like he could have prevented a lot of the bad shit from happening being as powerful as he was and the only other living being capable of sitting on the throne; albiet for such a short amount of time.

they are unable to process the fact that the emperor might no longer guide them, they are prompt to see the fails of space marines and thunders warriors, yet unable to see their own which are :
-0 subtelty, they insult everybody with whom they talk : primarch, space marines, mechanicum and the list goes on. they've never realised that diplomacy might further their goals
-overconfident in everything, the offensive at the beginning of the book and that one custodes on a jetbike who think he can solo a daemon who already killed 9 castellax
-totaly unsuited for conflict, much less one that lasted 5 years. which raise the question of how the fuck were they supposed to kill the astartes

>tl;dr they're fools manipulated by the emperor

Isn't there a Chinese proverb that basically says (or means) you can accomplish anything if you do most of the work and take virtually none of the credit?

Illuminati member.

Well...not so sure why he's barely talked about. But I'd also like to know why he's so powerful. He's just a random human Psyker but he's leagues more powerful than any Eldar Psyker has ever been so what's his deal?

It's suggested in the he belonged to a secret order that has tried to guide humanity over the millennia.

So why's he more powerful than any Eldar ever? I'm still not getting it.

Because he's THAT good. And humans were kinda supposed to be that good, because the Old Ones created them that way.

I imagine Malcador is what the Emperor imagined for the future of humanity. A human with total psychic control and abilities. It's what the Emperor would have wanted the human race to have evolved into.

So why the big stink about Eldar being psychic if humans arre all just better? Why does every Eldar codex go on and on about them being the most naturally psychic race if humans are just more psychically powerful naturally?

Seems like humans just stole the eldar's main hat.

All hats belong to the Imperium m8.

Eldar aren't as psychically gifted or as good at foresight as humans. Its been that way since HH, get with the times. Even Eldar tech's pretty pathetic compared to DAoT stuff.

Because the eldars are way more stable in their abilities and weren't killed en masse for being able to do space magic.
Also never doubt the humankind

because every eldar can take the path of the seer, while all human alpha+ psykers are so rare some sector never saw ones in their entire history, and they usually all go mad. Malcador is one of the powerfulest psyker ever and the mere fact that he's still sane and in full control of his abilities is a testament to his might

Yeah but are humans just sues who are better at everything? That's lame. Psychic is like the main Eldar schtick but now it seems their just worse than humans at it.

So why are no Eldar Psykers ever close to as powerful as human Pskers?

And why does Tigurius have a better track record with predictions than all Farseers?

Seriously in fluff Farseers always fuck up their predictions. Eldar are the worst t predicing the future of all races really.

Isn't it that they can accurately predict the future, but are too damn arrogant to actually go along with it?

He didn`t, stop making up things.

But that would be the Eldar

How are Eldar sues? They literally suck at everything.

Nah they're meant to be good at predicting the future, its just that every single time in fluff they do it Marines just punch them to death anyway and it doesn't matter.

I'm sure the Inquisition and Officio Assassinorum remember and venerate him.


>le live for thousand of years
>most powerful and consistent pyskers
>le warrior cults that are uber stronk
>murderclown roflstomping custodes
>so good and beautiful they fucked a Chaos God into reality
>kinda dying but not really
>super tech
>can travek through webway avoiding most threats

Humanity is THE underdog faction
>le mary sue memery
At this point it's a fucking buzzword used to call a character/concept you don't like

>Biggest Empire in the galaxy
>Stongest Psykers in Galaxy
>Roflstomping multiple Craftworlds and Avatars of a War God
>Random Deathwatch Captain defeating their greatest Psyker ever
>Not all almost dead
>Don't have their souls eaten the moment they die
>One dude scared all four Chaos Gods combined
>Responsible for pretty much alone feeding all Chaos Gods
>Live not even a tenth as long but better warriors and psykers

Imperium is literally the most dominant faction in the game.

The answer is simple but disgusting. (pic related)

>replying to the post in the same manner means that it gives you credibility
It doesn't.
>again with the Sue memery

eldar farseers are hand down the greatest psyker of their age, only the very best of what mankind has to offer would be able to counter them (read: named psyker characters), and keep in mind Tigurius is the dude who managed to read the fucking Hive mind and keep his sanity, he's easily one of the best chief librarian the Ultramarines ever had in their history, yet he would be unable to ever match Eldrad in term of predictions

Did you read the book or are you just shitposting?

The Old Ones didn't fuck with the Humans though

Wasn't that the lore that the Old Ones created humanity or at least changed it to be psy-compatible?

it's old lore, in Xenology, the magos see that human and eldar bodies share some similarities, suggesting somebody created both of them
