Drawthread: Family pictorial edition

Previous Thread:

>Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
>Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention.
>Bump your request only after 24 hours has passed, you may bump once every 24 hours after the first.
>If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait a 2-3 threads or so to re-request it.
>Reminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads.
>Ignore the bait, you're better than this

Artists and Artists-to-Be:
>Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but:
>If you're dropping your commission info, consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising

Books and Tutorials:

Figure Drawing:

Beginners Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

Other urls found in this thread:


Could someone draw a sci-fi trucker?

A tough-looking Hispanic woman in jeans, a t-shirt and trucker cap with "Lola" printed on it, drinking beer from the bottle.

She also has futuristic goggles and a wrist computer.

In a realm where a troll pretending to be an autist posting a /v/ waifu request gets multiple hits, I continue in waning hope.

Re-requesting a chaos rogue trader.

He wears a (black) coat such as the related pic, but with a chaos star in place of an Aquila and 'skull epaulettes'.

He is a middle aged man with long, tousled grey hair.

His mouth constantly bleeds mercury and a foot-long, silver, pointed tongue probes the air.

He is standing beside a mirror, but his reflection looks at the viewer OR in the alternative, if he casts multiple shadows, each one in a different position.

Thanks for reading

Requesting a young white girl with straight bangs like the reference pic, wearing a Korean War era jacket and racking the slide of a M1911 pistol.

Requesting the Husky-Dog-Monster Girl in the right pregnant with her human husband at the left snuggling with her and rubbing her pregnant belly as they're sitting on a couch in their living room.

Requesting a cleric of knowledge dude, blonde half elf. White robes, cog/gear emblems on them, with a blindfold over his eyes.

Timidly holding a dagger with a small yellow lizard-like eye on the hilt would be a bonus!

Requesting art of a beast for my game, which is a twisted and constantly twisting abomination of life, as if evolution was incarnated into physical form as the ultimate form of life, more survivable and adaptable than anything else, but utterly horrifying in nature. Basically all four of these pics are not so much specific reference as just what the thing is like. It's everything. A hulk of flesh with multiple sets of heavily muscled, dominant arms and legs tipped with claws, hooves, spikes, nails, etc. Multiple heads that are fused together like an absorbed twin, but several sets. Mouths where they shouldn't be, teeth sprouting everywhere. Tiny hands covering the body and groping in random directions.

Pure chaos of flesh.

Requesting some help

I am in the process of drawing a character and I can't for the life of me figure out how to draw hair
If anyone would like to draw on some anime protagonist hair on this image I would greatly appreciate it

doubt this is what you are looking for. feel free to re request user. I might redo again in with more monstrous feeling in it

Requesting an ex guard with eyepatch on his left eye with healed scars on that side,

Anchoring for the drawfriend working on her.

> fucking Tracy "delivery" as OP instead of quality deliveries from last thread

Hoo Boy.

Yeah it seems as though Tracey Gray has a pretty dedicated stalker-type fan from the past few threads.

I'm pretty sure it's just Cat herself, trying to make herself feel loved and important.

I've responded to none of it because literally no one besides Cat cares. She's a hack. End of story.

>that OP pic
Literally disgusted

I think you're probably right, which makes it all even sadder and more pathetic.

Requesting a Shadowrun ork lady whose four cyberlimbs have been fashioned in the approximate style of knightly plate armor.

>this free art doesn't meet my arbitrary standards

fuck off

Speaking as a more or less experienced drawfag, while I understand your frustration, it might be just the OR showing appreciation. You should also keep in mind that some requests go unnoticed at all, and the person spent some time fulfilling that request.

I don't think it's a problem of the art not meeting their standards. It's a problem of the artist tracing other pictures and taking credit for the linework. Even if they said "hey, here's your delivery, I traced the pose from another picture because I suck at posing" that would at least be a little more palatable than merely passing it all off as their own work.


We bully Catzilla not for tracing, but for lying.

Cat, please stop.

aren't you the user that drew Charlotte?


Again, you are not paying for this, you did not make the request, you have no right to complain.

Tracing is common practice. You need to educate yourself

Or is that too difficult for you? It probably is, I mean, if you could actually contribute or learn you wouldn't be sad little retards seal clapping and screeching TRACED, LIAR, like a comforting mantra.

Either contribute, or leave. Simple enough choice even subliterate types like you can understand.

You're not listening.

This is someone stealing credit for another person's hard work. This is about what was/wasn't paud for, it's about artistic integrity and theft.

>calling people illiterate retards
>missing the actual point

damn user you almost had it

Cat pls this is just embarrassing

Okay. Listen to me. read the words that I type. Catzilla can trace all she fucking wants. Hell, I trace poses sometimes! What I don't do is trace a pose and then claim "look at my art I did this all myself aren't I good at art?"

For instance, pic related is traced. When people ask, I admit that it's traced, and drop them a link to the original picture that I traced (vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/rustyhearts/images/1/1d/Select_frantz01_avatar01_roselle.png/revision/latest?cb=20120114234256)

See that? That's how you fucking trace responsibly and morally.

Yea, I'm the one that took a long time.

How did Catzilla get caught? Did someone just find a photo she traced or did she admit it?

>it's about artistic integrity and theft.
or, as you might say, ethics in game journalism?

>What I don't do is trace a pose and then claim "look at my art I did this all myself aren't I good at art?"

it isn't my fault you're a fucking retard :^)

you say "responsibly and morally", i say "nice guys finish last"

Someone asked to see her pose reference after noticing something in the linework, idk exactly what. Then the overlay was made that was super incriminating.

Cat for real, nobody cares that you blow donkey dong and can't draw.

why the fuck dose any one care if the drawing is traced its not anyone is getting paid

why did you do that to us? dont you know what you started?

See and don't post again until you understand why it's an issue.

it triggers moralfags who pretend they're artists and screech about MORALS and PRINCIPLES like they matter

look, shut up and stop embarrassing yourself

nobody fucking likes nasty little tell tales like you

>This is someone stealing credit for another person's hard work.


fuck off back to deviantart you literal fucking child

>shut up and stop embarrassing yourself

Says Catzilla lol, the irony

I don't think you realize just how common tracing is in drawing even at a professional level let a lone armature stuff

>if you could actually contribute or learn
>she's implying I'm not a drawfag

>Only 4 new posters since this shitstorm started
Guess how many of the posts defending Cat are Cat.


I don't think you realize how many of those professional artists get lawsuits thrown at them for tracing or having their work too closely resemble another work.

Tracing or close copying is not acceptable in official works by pro artists. Period. Copyright exists for a reason.

Either that, or the same guy that has been shitposting for months about various shit.

If the Jessica, Cat, Charlotte, and Tracer shitposting has all been one user, he/she deserves a fucking metal.

yet it happen all too often whit no consequence

Allow me to reword your argument slightly.

"People murder other people all the time with no consequence, so clearly murder should be made legal."

Now, while I'm not saying that murder and tracing are equivalent, do you see how utterly stupid your argument is?

May well be.
I wonder if he's still fuelled by Chalotte induced bitterness, or merely doing it for fun.
Either way every time you would think the bait quickly become too obvious.

Just curious. Why do people give Cat shit but not Tracer? Not that I'm saying Cat isn't shit (she's utter shit), but I am curious.


Because Tracer instantly owned up to it and can draw shit like pic related without tracing.

Not to mention his traced drawings were a lot better.

no my argument is that tracing is so inconsequential as to not be worth the time or energy to even bother trying to sham some on over it .also your argument is what the pot heads use to legalize pot

>not wanting legal pot
Wow, you ARE a fag, aren't you?

>not wanting legal murder
Am I surrounded by normies today?

Requesting the male elf archer on the right patronizingly patting the head or cheeks if the female archer on the left, as the female archer's blushing and puffing her face angrily.

>Another thread ruined

welp, good job attracting drawfriends

>implying I give two shits about your drama/bumps/whining

I'm here to draw, not read through the thread opinions unless I see something that makes me want to draw more Charlotte out of spite, I can never resist that.

now draw charlotte(male)

I only draw waifus. Sorry, sport.


I guess if honesty is so important.

Got any examples of his traced pics?

fine draw charlotte in a maid's outfit.

Not a bad one.

Taking other Charlotte requests if you guys want.

Draw her being impaled by a spike or horn or claw.

Big standard simple request
Van we get Luna here shipped to be reading a gurps manual? Any of them works, the cover for the basic set would be great

No I'm here to draw sexy ladies in action, sorry.

Only the one another user called him out on. Not sure if any of the others were traced, but I only saved these two. I don't know how many of his pics were or weren't traced.

Basic set cover, for reference
(Sorry for the two-post)

Huh. I don't know what I think about this.

Requesting Gotrek and Felix drawn in Adventure Time style.

Requesting a scene from a CofD game. Can I get both these characters walking through an abandoned subway, combat ready? The one on the left should have slightly darker skin, some stubble and holds his glock confidently, whereas the one on the right should be just a little shorter, blonde, and look like he's never used his m9 before in his life.

It's not his fault this thread is full of autists.

An invisible robot? Neat.

Requesting a robot/android that looks like in pic related holding an energy handgun and approaching and pointing firmly at a scared AdMech Techpriest or Skiitarii. The Techpriest or Skiitarii is pointing a plasma pistol that failed to fire or just broke.

The android is saying to the techpriest or skiitarii, "Your belligerent, murderous and violent behavior is a criminal and federal offense."

Requesting a BBEG who wields a big ass belt fed gun.

Most everything is in ref pic but I couldn't find a good ref for her face plate. She took a grenade to the face, walked it off like a champ, but now she has a cybernetic plate holding the right side of her face together, from brow to lower jaw.

Otherwise she is almost 8 feet tall and while not overly muscled she had a number of bio enhancements to augment her strength and durability. She is Russian born with blond hair.

Requesting a Drow Street Samurai,

He has rather androgynous physique/looks often being mistaken for a girl, which usually pisses him off. Otherwise his personality is rather droll, often times coming off as bored or uninterested in events going on around him.

He wields a silenced sidearm (strapped on his right thigh), a chainsaw sword (strapped on his back, you can just draw this strapped on he doesn't need to currently be wielding it), and an assault rifle on a three point sling (sling is an optional item does not need to be drawn if it's too complex to add).

He is wearing a shoulder-less combat suit like in ref. Like all Drow he suffers from photophobia thus needs a pair of goggles to defuse the bright neon lights of the city (if these could be pulled up on his forehead like a bandana for pic that would be great).

I know there is allot here, but I'm rather flexible so let me know if you would like to draw him but want to omit certain parts. Otherwise thank you in advance.

Requesting an acrobatic gunslinger.

She looks like (A), wears spring heeled boots like (B) to help her bounce high into the air. Top is a pink leotard like (D). Has striped arm warmers like (C). Her pants are urban camo looking like (F) but cut low like (E). Wields a pair of guns like (G).

The characters personality is goofy and bubbly. She is very acrobatic jumping around and tumbling about the combat zone with glee.

I would like to request a young sheep abhuman clinging to the head/back of a Space Wolf chapter marine, who is going about his daily life unhindered by his passenger. Whether or not the sheep is awake or not is up to artist preference.

posting wip

That's a pretty good request. Hope you get it.

What were the "quality" deliveries last thread though? Not dissing or anything. Just curious as to what would've made OP pic material? Though atleast the current pic's good looking.

Requesting this black dude angrily chasing a skinny Catachan, an eldar striking scorpion, and a farsight tau who are running away scared from said black guy.

And above the the chasing black guy should be: "Immune to melee attacks." with an arrow pointing down on said black dude.

Literally any of these

Ah I see you had to add that last part just to make it clear you're shitposting

Requesting an Asian Lara Croft-ish character dressed as if from 1800s British colonial Hong Kong - for a 5e gunslinger home-brewed monk subclass page.

00. Short hair, Circle-lens glasses, soot and gunpowder smudges face. 1. Shabby trench coat, scarf and boots over 2. pants and slightly cropped Chinese Dudou. 3. Various waist beltings or bandoleers and a harness around her hips/thighs. One holster on her right hip, second fastened around her left shoulder. 4. Guns are top-break revolvers based on a Mateba with dragon motifs.

Ideally drawn lighting a cigarette with afterburn from a gun barrel. Also if you want to read the home-brew just ask. It's still a bit OP in my opinion.

Honestly, just because Catzilla is a little cunt looking for backpats about her mediocre tracings. Everything she posted reeked of "tee hee I'm a delicate girl no bully plz". She was just full of shit.

Traceranon was at least up front about it, and his finished deliveries weren't DeviantArt base drawing tier garbage.

Thissssssss she would ask for criticism in Discord and then ignore anything that wasn't fingerblasting her ego.

Draw the woman in pic related on the left, with the same outfit, or an outfit in the same style, with weathered, dirty and torn clothes. minus the baby.

sitting on the back of the Creature (a "karkadann") on the bottom. If you like, you can redesign the creature somewhat, making it a little less bulky, but thats upon you. its supposed to look like a hybrid between a unicorn and a rhino.

place some provisions, some armory and other travel utensils on the creatures saddle,

the mask on the right should be worn visible on her belt. its supposed to be a trophy. not on her face, please.

The woman is missing one Arm thats hidden beneath an armsleeve, if you can't see it on the picture.

It's strange to me that so much ire is inspired on these threads. I just come here to see what people's character concepts are.

Trips speak truth.
Drawthread salt please go and stay go.


It's a place where artists gather. Those places tend to get a quality drop in braincells.

Trust me, my best friends all became artists, rip in paintbrush
I actually like our drawfags more than the requesters

At least drawthread salt inspires *some* art

I wonder if so many people would whiteknight for her if they knew what she actually looked like.

Do you know what she actually looked like?

how is it user?

I wonder if people would whiteknight Traceranon if they knew she was a woman.

Hahaha, I remember that. I was the one who did the original shitty Paint scribble of the salt-shaker. Fun times.

Yeah used to be in Discord with her.

It's bad.

How would you even know? Or are you just doing a social experiment?