Story Time, now with more exclamation marks!

Story time Veeky Forums!

Tonight's episode: The Legend of Koizumi, Chapters 16-20!

In last night's episode, Mengele met his match as the Ukrainian Gas Waifu unleashed the trickery of plutonium mahjong tiles against him, winning the United Earth's Second victory against the Fourth Reich! Read on for the next climatic battle!






Sure, lets hear a deal with a demon doctor. I mean, what could possibly can go WRONG?




I never knew that mahjong can be this intense.



Jar shattering shot in 3...2...1...

One wonders why he didn't just make a robot body for himself since he kinda already did that.


Nazi science, duh. And brain jars are classic.


You can still have a robot body and a brain jar.




I wonder if the world leaders in this manga know about it?


Man, this freaking out man is one helluva parody on every freaking out peoples in sports\fighting\whatever manga.


Obligatory skirt blowing!



...and there is Chapter 16! Chapter 17 to commence momentarily. After sammich.

That Nazi Brofist. Im jelly as fuck

But then he will not became a girl.

Well then why not do that on your own time instead of being an emergency procedure?

Chapter 17!

And who will then learn that he is grill now?


Everybody if he announces it to new people.

Ah, but he Does live on! Via his clone, who is already a little girl.




















...and that's Chapter 17! Now for chapter 18

Thanks man, only thing that is wierd that japan does not talk about their ww2 era atrocies.

But I guess its best for them to behabe as if it never happened.

Its like german's nazi guilt - pretend it was never happened and move on

Anyway, i bet Bush Jr. will help his daddy.

Chapter 18!


























Chapter 18! Next up, Chapter 19












