Hiro-approved discussion thread: Friday Edition

Hiro has asked the users of Veeky Forums to discuss the current state of moderation across the boards. What do you feel are the biggest problems with moderation on Veeky Forums? What would you like to see changed?

I wish the mods would delete these cancer-threads faster

Give it a rest you mouthbreathing little bitchboy. Your thread is going to be deleted, you are probably going to get banned (not that it seems to stop you, I fucking wish it would) and some time later you are going to repeat this whole stupid dance over again out of some bizarre sense of self righteousness. Go fuck yourself.

Biggest problem, no good pokemon rpgs.

This, honestly. Just look at the last few metathreads. Hiroshimoot has been making one bad call after another.

As long as this thread's up, what's a good backup Veeky Forums for when the Nip crashes this site?

>what's a good backup Veeky Forums
The dumpster.

Or joining a ttrpg-related Discord.



How do you handle rape in your campaigns?

>Unironically recommending PTU
Absolute disgust.

Biggest problem with modern metathreads is that certain demographic uses them to bitch about certain other board.

Agreed, PTU is pretty bad. Trying to recreate a deceptively deep game like Pokemon in such a faithful way... it just doesn't work out. A lot of things in that system can and should be abstracted, in my opinion.

I do like some of the stuff PTU does like the idea behind the classes, and mechanics like befriending or straight up poaching Pokemon, but it's all in service of needlessly absurd mechanics.

I just wish it wasn't a guy obsessed with trying to get quests back here making these threads. I honestly think a single meta thread every once in awhile could be healthy, especially for helping new people learn about this board.

The problem with a site like 1d4chan is that there's a lot of misinformation there created by people with weird agendas, and it doesn't really reflect this board accurately.

Since Veeky Forums has lost its ability to derail obvious bait threads I think mods should be more aggressive in deleting them, but it's a slippery slope that can lead to another Nazi-mod era.

Make /tgg/ for all generals

>but it's a slippery slope that can lead to another Nazi-mod era
I think once in a while there needs to be a purge.


Personally I think that chink moot should remove captcha and all other spam prevention methods for a week or two, that experience should give some of the newer users a nice perspective to what this place used to be like.

It's the problem with wikis in general. 'Anyone can edit it' is a nice idea, but with something small like 1d4chan there aren't enough mods to stop individuals or small groups twisting things a certain way, and the larger part of the board just doesn't give enough of a fuck.

I think generals are bad because they encourage focused discussion of game systems, which does not belong here

On topic chat lowers the quality of the board

Is this thread for real? Single meta thread allowance?

Well, to be honest, overzealous modding has always been worse than allowing trolls. Trolls are responsible for most of Veeky Forums's creativity and dubious 'popularity'.

In my opinion, as long as it isn't spam, threads should allow natural discussion. I've seen a lot of threads killed by people getting scared of moderation after some post deletion.

first thing that needs to happen is our mod needs to stop going against hiros instructions and deleting the meta thread

He hasn't been deleting 'the meta thread'. He's been deleting threads made by a single annoying pissant who is, as mentioned above, poisoning the well for the rest of the board and claiming his personal crusade is about anything other than his own pathetic little agenda.

did she get sexually harassed?

Men can see her, can they not?

these wand looks like it crushed dozens pairs of balls. So, i dunno.

>literally never used Discord before
>look it up
Well, looks like it's the trash can for me.

Oh boy it's time for the retard who makes these threads to constantly shitpost while pointing out how shitty Veeky Forums has become while the irony goes directly over his head, or not I dunno anymore, the idea that someone could get this assblasted over a Korean finger puppet theater drives me to drink.

>gookmoot approved meta cancer thread

>a Korean finger puppet theater
Love these, keep them coming.

I said it before.
We don't need seventy-five generals for 4 games, condense them into fewer and the autists who don't like slightly different formats of the same game can just learn to only respond to posts about their specific way of playing.

people talk about quests in the meta thread because thats the main moderation issue right now

I don't really see the problem with generals. If people are interested enough to post about a game, they're going to make threads and post about it. That's not a problem, it's just how this sort of discussion works.

Except it isn't. It was resolved, it's over and it's just a few pathetic morons continuing to fruitlessly whine about it rather than making the best of the new situation.

I just hate having to filter 50 threads before the board becomes usable.

What I mean we are in a oriental sock kitting circle, in the rice fields so to speak, a Taiwanese pottery painting class.

This desu.

32nd the gaddamn pol infestation

i am gonna need some examples of this happening

and no 3e/pathfinder does not count they are totaly difrent fucking games you might have a point if there were seperate 3e/3.5 threads but that is not the case

if you are arguing about the magic formats i suppose i can see where you are coming from but it would absolutely not work

But change is bad!

Supply and demand. If it's not hogging the board space to the exclusion of other things, I'm not sure what the problem is.

Laissez faire modding helps keep the diversity up.

you mean like how the anti questfags whined for 9 fucking years

Veeky Forums is a dead board that has less traffic than /po/ now that quests have been removed!1!

Given that quests are much more recent than that I don't think that's true. And, given the current resolution, apparently they were right to complain.

Better get to /qa/ and complain constantly for 8 years to get a new board made for people who don't need it or want it, but will be forced to use it then!

Do you really need to filter generals with the catalog? Sort them by creation date and they will for most of the time be way down there.

Cyoas aren't traditional gaming or tangetially related to traditional gaming.

Solution to all of our problems is to merge all boards with /b/.

Checking it, RubyQuest was 2008, and the actual height of Quest bullshit came a lot later than that I can safely say that yeah, you're full of shit.

>it would absolutely not work
The autists will have to adapt, that's it.
That's all they have to do, not throw a shit fit at people playing other formats.

your right i was mistaken it was only 8 years
8 fucking years

It's true. Quests are not 'recent', you can run the suptg archive back. And the entire time, the anti-quest mobsters were turning the screws.

Quests having their own board is fine through. The Anti-Q wanted to dump them on /a/, /soc/, and Veeky Forums as I recall.

Quests didn't do that either. You have to be a vocal minority on /qa/ to get new threads made to kick out people you don't like, user.

They were present in Ruby Quest. They have literally - not figuratively - been complaining for 8+ years about quests ruining Veeky Forums.

CYOA's should go on /qst/, yeah.

what will happen is nobody will be able to get any conversation done because people will get constantly confused about what format people are talking about.

Risk and hunger games should be there too.

And, given the happy resolution, the complaints have been proven correct.

well to be fair when they finaly won it had not quite been 8 years

7 years 10 months

Wow, someones mad that people don't like generals.


I'd actually say it was more a boon to the Quests to have their own gaming room, rather than them being a detriment.

The complaints were asinine and bandwagoned. They just wanted quests destroyed, rather than for them to have a new board.

Reminder that we won.
Reminder that generic anime self-insert quests are never coming back.
Reminder that questfags have been pushed off our board.

Oh boy the actual shitposting has begun, time for the same old tired arguments and nothing to be resolved and the reason why quests are never coming back becomes more and more apparent with every post.

Veeky Forums has a general for every single fighting game, one thread. They manage fine.

What you could do, for instance, is start your post with the format? Replies from there wouldn't need to because they would be assumed to be relevant replies, and thus the same format, if not there'd presumably be something to clarify.


Legacy Question: Something about Kamigawa.

Oh look! People know what format I'm talking about, and I've put a trigger warning at the beginning for the people who get PTSD about other formats!

Funniest thing in this is that so far when it comes to explaining why /qst/ is a bad thing all that we've got is "waah, quests being on /qst/ means that the other guys won!".

Oh hey, it's the slippery slope fallacy from someone not even able to execute it particularly well.

And to think, we could be discussing whether Ribbon or Cestree is cuter.

the problem with Veeky Forums is that it's full of fa/tg/uys

I've been here a few thousand years. It doesn't matter what the topic is:

After quests have gone, it's now "general threads".
Before quests, it was "40k lore threads".

No user, the source of the problem is 'angsty and depressive users', not what they complain about.

Except that's bullshit. Now quests are gone I think the board is just fine.

Considering no one here has given a good argument for one side or the other, considering you, me, and everyone else here are just shitposting, I think that's ok.

Ribbon is cuter, prove me wrong.

Pro-tip: you can't.

You'd think that they'd be happy to have more formatting options for their self-insert fanfiction.

Sure they have, but no one cares excet the people who have to cope with it.

Don't worry, /qst/ will be dead inside a year.

Veeky Forums is already dead.

"But what about Ryukuza?! No everyone can be a lesbian user!"

Cestree. Ribbon is meant to be cute, but her personality actually undermines it. Meanwhile, you wouldn't expect Cestree to be so consistently fuckin' adorable in almost everything she does.

Nah they bitch and act like every other board is somehow treated better than they are.

No fanbase to appreciate it with them, user.

>After quests have gone, it's now "general threads".
Stop it with your fucking kneejerk reaction every single time you actual autist.

I'm saying that the generals need to be merged together for games where there's a general for each and every format that people decide to play, not moved from the board, or deleted entirely.

Nothing has changed on that front then. This place has been a rotting corpse for well over half a decade.

The issue with that is the player bases for separate editions hate each other venomously.

Cestree is chestree so that makes her the bestree.

Ditto. I like having the quests in a single place instead of having to search them in the Veeky Forums catalog, plus the crowd there is quest-oriented instead of random passerby.

Too much plot and injury.

No man, I know you two.

There always HAS to be something to complain about. It's like the mainstream media. Something must be going wrong somewhere and YOU should feel guilty about it.

"Hey user. Hey. Everytime you exhale that CO2 you're destroying EVERYTHING with GLOBAL WARMING. Filthy general-threadfuck."

depends on the game. some versions of the "same game" might as well be entirely different games given how much the system has changed between versions

Here's a good argument for quests being gone: many were rooted in /a/ content and only tertiarily related to Veeky Forums content thanks to a thin veneer of "rules" stretched over what amounted to self-insert FFRP written at a middle-school level.

Flavor-of-the-month anime FFRP has no place on Veeky Forums, and takes up thread space better used by content primarily related to Veeky Forums.

Certainly some quests were actually well-structured, well-written games, and those will do just fine on /qst/.

...Except I just said I think things are fine? What the fuck are you even talking about?

"Crowd." what an interesting word for "dead board".

Man, an inordinate amount of them really were just generic moeblob anime shit.

Always got a kick out of guys primarily from /a/ talking about Veeky Forums culture and what constitutes traditional gaming when their only exposure to it was when their 'waifu' spent an episode playing chess in their highschool club

He's talking about retards who make threads like these that always need the next issue to whine over.

Or like /v/ always looking for a new Tortanic

It's just a fucking cover so you can imply your critics are wrong and complain later. I've been here FOREVER. I know all your dirty, filthy, slutty tactics, user.

Well, I think it's a comfy board and wouldn't want it to be merged with Veeky Forums again.

If you cannot gather enough people interested in your material then maybe, just maybe what you're writing just fucking sucks?

WoD manages just fine. Everybody else clearly can too.

Hahahahaha. You are incredible. That amount of paranoia seriously made my day.

I post on /a/ more than anywhere else, and I'll be the first person to say that those quests have no place on Veeky Forums. It's just obvious.

Then they're autists that'll have to learn how to deal with it.
They need to suck it up, they're playing a game where you have to deal with other people.

But of course people having fun playing a game differently using a supported official format is ruining their own supported official format, am I right?

Ah yes, the good old "it's your writing, not the fact that no one goes to a largely unknown board to look at material they might or might not like" argument.

"But user... why aren't people allowed to play a traditional game on Veeky Forums?"

Explain that one to your children. If they even love you enough to listen...

The argument that /qst/ is dead amuses me to no end. If quests, by nature very active threads with dedicated followings, wither and die without a larger board to bottomfeed off of, that just goes to show how parasitic the relationship with Veeky Forums was.