Have you ever ran a Dwarf only party?
How'd it go?
Have you ever ran a Dwarf only party?
How'd it go?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Have you ever [STUPID IDEA]?
>How'd it go?
Why do we keep having these threads?
It was shit. We went on this epic journey to defeat the dragon that dispossessed our homes only for some jackass DMPC we met 4/5 of the way through the game to kill him and start demanding a stash of our loot.
I tried to find players for an all Dwarf campaign once, it ended in failure.
its a small market I guess.
We got drunk, dug a hole in the ground and then got eaten by a dragon.
>its a small market I guess.
A short market, you mean
We tried it once, with like a dozen people. I think maybe one guy was actually Halfling, but that's close enough. DM wasn't too pleased and immediately inserted his powerful wizard DMPC to railroad us through the story.
Tried it once a few years ago. We had a That Guy in the group who secretly rolled halfling to minmax his rogue further.
Is that game any good?
I fucking love dwarfs.
All dwarf? No.
All halfling pirate crew in 5e? Yes.
Pretty easy to do with the amount of weapons with finesse for solid damage. We were all fearless (which mechanically allowed for advantage on fear checks and shit, but we played it as our characters having no concept of fear) and everyone was basically immune to crit fails.
It was for Out of the Abyss and we had a fucking blast.
It was a short campaign.
what game is this
That Hobbit movie stream Veeky Forums held when the live action movies was announced was one of the greatest things I have ever witnessed.
Any particular reason?
And do you mean the animated one?
t. elf tranny
In pretty much ANY fantasy setting it makes more sense for all party members to be the same race unless they some how meet up at some multiracial tavern in a mega city.
What makes more sense?
> Party full of people from same nation/tribe/area
>Party full of dwarfs, elves, orcs, humans from other parts of the world who happen to meet up for some unknown reason
german game just called dwarves it just came out.
I kind of want to run a Dragon Age game now where the party are all Legion of the Dead members who are almost too old to fight and want to head off a recently awakened Archdemon before the next Blight can start.
One last quest...
>It was shit. We went on this epic journey to defeat the dragon that dispossessed our homes only for some jackass DMPC we met 4/5 of the way through the game to kill him and start demanding a stash of our loot.
Half the replies in this thread are Hobbit jokes. And those are the good ones.
That does sound pretty fun.
Why did Bioware go so wrong?
The animated one. The entire chat acted like it was a D&D game and they were commenting throughout the movie as if the were the players.
It was late at night so it was only about 20-40 anons.
Basically these kind of comments throughout the entire movie
Last time I did this I was running it. It was a game of Manifest Dwarfstiny. All the dwarves were members of a single family that were gifted lands and titles in exchange with being charged with the task of securing a pass through those DAMN MOUNTAINS.
We did it in Kingdom Building rules transitioning form expeditions out to explore, politics, and nation building. It was pathfinder rules but we used some 3rd party supplements that made kingdom building less horribly unbalanced. Same with mass combat.
They fired all the talent when EA took over.
I'd basically play it as a death-run megadungeon Deep Roads are no fucking joke with the occasional Grey Warden or Mining Caste operation to break up the action.
Was thinking 5e, but I heard there's an official ttrpg. Don't know if it's any good though.
The "ragtag bunch of misfits" cliche is fun to work with on it's own though.
They didnt fire all the talent but they may as well have. They placed so many restrictions on them that it just wasnt enjoyable for them anymore.
>all 8's
They also tried to pander to literally everyone in the universe and wound up making what was a pretty unique setting bland as shit by Inquisition. Origins was the last good Bioware game.
It's actually pretty well-done. Cutscenes, voice over, and the weird way you move around on the overworld map and make all these decisions that come back on you and have to respond to timed invasions of orcs is pretty cool.
The meat of the game, where you're in combat, is pretty simplistic, but it's nice to line up a neat physics combo and have three dwarves successively knock an ogre and 30 orcs off a cliff or into a flaming building.
All the characters are total bros, naturally, because they're fucking DWARVES
None of my friends are cool enough to play dwarves.
The Dwarves
Read the book, overall meh, but much better than The Orks.
The book was...alright. Stereotypical as FUCK, but alright in the prose.
They delved too greedily and too deep.